Divine Order of the Sacred Rose

Divine Order of the Sacred Rose

DOSR is a religious organization with the core purpose of creating an enlightened community of leaders and members who inspire & empower people.

Rev Talk - YouTube 28/06/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly dedicated our discussion to my dog, Captain, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning. Angel Amy sent us a lovely email this morning which inspired our talk this evening about What is in Your Cup? It's a beautifully simple analogy reminding us to ask ourselves what are we filling our cup with? Is it Joy, Love, Happiness, Gratitude? Or is it with Anger, Fear, Bitterness? It's up to us to decide what we fill our cup with and what we allow to spill over into life.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 06/06/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly is back with us and we embark on a very juicy topic (a word Reverend Vanessa loves to use). The thought-provoking topic of Who Is The Universe? It's none other than you...us...all of us. Reverend Beverly and I discuss this mind expanding subject and urge you to Pause and consider what it means to BE the Universe.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 31/05/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly is still in California with her family and attending her granddaughter's high school graduation tonight. This morning my angels gave me a nudge and told me to give Reverend Vanessa a call, so I did. I asked for her help with tonight's Rev Talk and she graciously agreed! Thank you Reverend Vanessa! Tonight's topic comes from the Louise Hay book You Can Heal Your Life. One of the first things she writes is "We are each responsible for all of our experiences." This is a thought provoking topic and a beautiful discussion with Reverend Vanessa flows with grace and ease. Truly a delight to spend time with Reverend Vanessa.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 23/05/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I talk about the book You Can Heal Your Life written by Louise Hay. There are so many wonderful gems in this book and this week we talk about the old patterns from our past and how to break free from them! After all, we have the power and the ability to change our lives for the better! Acknowledging that our power lies in the present moment and what we choose to think in that moment is important to moving forward on our journey!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 10/05/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I start our discussion with Archangel Chamuel whose name means "He Who Sees God." From there an interesting conversation ensues which then leads us to talk about our Ego and how important our Ego actually is to our lives here. We get to Embrace our Ego, Acknowledge it, and thank it for being a part of our life and keeping us safe. And then Work Together to Align for our best possible lives!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 03/05/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! Let It Be Known: That you have a choice as to how to handle the upcoming and incoming energies...You can decide how quickly or slowly you want to proceed...you can ASK...let me repeat that...YOU CAN ASK for the information to be received in a way that you best understand! YOU are in charge! Sometimes we forget to ask the Divine, Universe, Creator for help in assimilating all the energies. Just ask...the Creator loves you!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 26/04/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I decided to do another card draw. The energies have been rather intense for both of us lately giving our cards the opportunity to guide us to a topic of discussion. Ya gotta love our Angel team for the inspiration! I pulled the HOPE card from the Creatures deck and Beverly drew the Parents card from the Angel Therapy deck. A lovely and uplifting message about Hope and Parenting to our best abilities unfolds.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 19/04/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! Reverend Beverly and I have a lively discussion about Honoring Your Choices. What it boils down to, for the most part, is that WE ARE POWERFUL! We get to choose how our day is going to unfold...we get to choose how we respond to events around us! We get to choose whether we're going to be happy or sad!!! Personally, I find that very freeing...realizing just how powerful we are that we own our day! Honor Your Choices because You are that Powerful! We hope you like our discussion.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 13/04/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! Reverend Beverly and I recognize that we are a "day late and a dollar short" in getting this out to you...life took some unexpected turns. Which brings us to our card draw for today. It's all about Resilience and how resilient we actually are. Reverend Beverly drew the Soothsayer card from the Forest Fae deck which ties in as us being the Soothsayer, walking out walk, talking our talk, and being resilient enough to do so! We hope you like our discussion.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 05/04/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I talk about all the times we may have bought a ticket on the Guilt Train. Have you done this? Where you guilt yourself into thinking you're not enough...that you've not done enough...been good enough, etc.? Well, we're here to tell you that you can get off the Guilt Train whenever you'd like...and the sooner the better! You are enough!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 29/03/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! Once again (I think) Reverend Beverly and I discuss taking time to just check in with our bodies! With all the energies ramping up, all the technology that keeps us distracted, we felt it was important to remind everyone, including ourselves, to take some time...even if it's just 5 minutes in the day, to check in with ourselves to see how we're feeling, how our body is responding to all that's going on in the world. After all, our bodies are our vessels, our sacred vessels to help us navigate through this beautiful life! Take a Time Out and check in! You'll thank yourself!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 21/03/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week I felt an urgency to discuss Optimism. Yes, it was a card that I pulled from my Creatures deck this morning and the more I looked at the card throughout the day the more I felt the need to discuss its importance. Of course, Reverend Beverly is wonderfully optimistic about helping out! The energies may feel heavy right now and it's up to us to keep our stories moving in the light as much as we can!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 15/03/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week is pretty much in Reverend Beverly's wheelhouse! She came up with the topic and then gave a beautiful talk about Speaking Up and Speaking Out! While I felt at a loss to add anything, it would seem that I, too, had something to contribute after all and was able to Speak Up and Speak Out as well! lol
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 08/03/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I get into a discussion about words! One of the biggest words we discuss is the word "but" and how it is a negating word. Have you ever heard someone say, "I don't want to be mean, but..." and then they say something mean. They had every intention of saying something mean in the first place. An lively discussion ensues regarding our words and the need to be more mindful of what we say.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 01/03/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I talk about a subject that some people are uncomfortable discussing...death. There are several reasons why this is brought up at this time, some very personal reasons for Reverend Beverly, and we both decided that it was time to go a little deeper into what death means for us. We hope you enjoy our discussion and perhaps you will take away a different way of looking at death. Not as an ending but a continuation of the Divine.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 23/02/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I delve into the most recent energies that are bombarding us of late. Our conversation leads us into patterns that we have created throughout our life and how trying to release them can be "stick" sometimes. Do not be discouraged...you're doing great! We hope that you will be able to take some comfort in knowing that we all get discouraged sometimes and the energies that we are experiencing right now will not last forever!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 16/02/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I decided that with the energies being somewhat chaotic we would do a card draw! We each drew 3 cards from our respective decks. Reverend Beverly likes to think of this 3-card draw as Past, Present, and Future. I'm a little on the fence because there are aspects of past, present, and future in all the cards for me...in my opinion. Plus, there was a "bonus" card that flew out of my deck for us. :-) There are some wonderful insights from the cards and a lovely story unfolds!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Love Your Human Design 09/02/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I delve into Human Design. If you've never heard of it I suggest Googling it and checking it out. Fascinating and interesting stuff! I would like to mention that in the recording I mentioned Peter Roe's website but gave the wrong information (sorry, Peter). Here is his website https://loveyourhumandesign.com/ and I urge you to check it out! You can get your own Human Design reading. We are by no means experts at this! So, the discussion is rather interesting!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!


Love Your Human Design Your Pathway to Self Discovery

Rev Talk - YouTube 02/02/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I talk about Imbolc, the changing of the seasons, Groundhog Day, and at the end I read a wonderful prayer by Molly Remer from the WeMoon website. We hope you like the message!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 26/01/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week I read something from Maya White, who is an astrologer and astrocartographer. Fascinating stuff! If you get the chance, check out her website www.mayawhite.com. The interesting thing about this email was the fact that while the moon is the brightest celestial planet in the night sky, it's not producing it's own light. It's actually reflecting the light from the sun! With this in mind Reverend Beverly and I have an interesting discussion about Reflections. We hope you like the message!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!


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Rev Talk - YouTube 19/01/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week I was gifted with a message from the beautiful book The Cat Who Taught Zen. On this page there was a message from Tiny Dragon and with that message Reverend Beverly and I bring about a lovely discussion on what the message means to us. We hope you like the message!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 12/01/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I change things up a little bit. I was gifted a beautiful book from someone very dear to me. The Cat Who Taught Zen. Reverend Beverly picked a page number and I read the passage. From there a lovely discussion unfolds all about flowers blooming in the most unlikely places. We hope you like the message!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 05/01/2024

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! It's a New Year and may 2024 be an amazing year for us all! Reverend Beverly and I will start out this new year with Forgiveness. It's always best to forgive ourselves and then move on to forgiving others. A wonderful talk happens and we think you'll enjoy it.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 29/12/2023

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This is the last Rev Talk for 2023! It's amazing to think that another year has come and gone and we are looking at ringing in another New Year! I love the idea of a New Year. Reverend Beverly brought up a very interesting topic, all about Our Spiritual Journey and what it means to each one of us. A beautiful discussion ensues, and we hope you find it interesting. Reverend Beverly and I want to wish each and everyone of you a Bright, Beautiful, Blessed, and Happy New Year!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 22/12/2023

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! Happy Winter Solstice! Today is shortest day for the Northern Hemisphere where the light begins to return! Reverend Beverly and I want to wish each and everyone of you a Blessed and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! We talk a little bit about the mindset of growing rather than getting older and of what we can do to bring joy into our lives in every moment.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 15/12/2023

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! As we get closer to closing out this year Reverend Beverly and I are also winding down. So, we pulled more cards this week and a beautiful, peace-filled story ensues! It's all about the Divine Garden, spending time Alone to allow yourself time for Dreaming and to be in the Space of the Divine!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to our channel. We hope you enjoy our discussion!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 08/12/2023

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I are on a roll! We're pulling more cards and this week Reverend Beverly has a New Deck Alert! It's all about Nurturing Your Dreams! From there the story continues with some beautiful insights. What a fun way to bring this year to a close!
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

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Rev Talk - YouTube 01/12/2023

Hello again Everyone! Welcome to another Rev Talk! Thank you for joining us! This week Reverend Beverly and I decided to do something more on the playful side of things. We pulled 3 cards from the Creatures deck to give a Past Present and Future reading. What came forth was so beautiful, especially with Reverend Beverly tying in the chakra colors with the reading. It's all about Confidence, Listening, and Quiet.
As always, we want to thank you so very much for your continued support. Enjoy!

Rev Talk - YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world


Save the date!

The DOSR Board of Directors is hosting a Holiday Gathering on Sunday, December 3 at 1 PM Eastern

Warm some yummy cocoa, pop some popcorn, bring whatever it is that tastes and feels like holiday party to you. 🌲

Revs. Peter Roe, Marianne Page Chandler, Jamila Jamie and Elvia Roe look forward to welcoming and sharing space as we enter this beautiful season of light!

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Card pick + 3 days left with our fundraiser. 🥰As you are guided, donation link in comments below 💕
Sunday Morning Grace - Rev Carolyn McGee & Rev Dawn Simpson
Weekly Grace
SMG Love in Action
SMG Rev. Carolyn & Rev. Dawn
Sunday Morning Grace - March 27, 2022
SMG Rev. Carolyn & Rev. Dawn
Sunday Morning Grace - December 12, 2021
SMG - Marianne & Jamie
SMG Rev. Carolyn & Rev. Dawn