About The Fat Decimator System

About The Fat Decimator System

The Fat Decimator system is an all-new fat loss system. You can loss up to 21 lbs in 21 days with this revolutionary system.


Revealed: The Clinically Proven Condition
That Keeps Most People From losing Weight
Saint Louis, Missouri
In an age where fitness and weight loss has become both a craze as well as a more than $70 billion
industry in the U.S. alone, we also find ourselves with a growing epidemic of obesity. More and more
people are overweight and suffering from critical health issues as a result.
Part of the problem is that much of what’s considered “common knowledge” when it comes to weight
loss is rooted not in science but in myth. Countless studies have shown that excessive cardio, the lack of
salt, eating certain vegetables thought to be healthy and even cutting out carbs is actually
counterproductive to the body’s natural fat burning processes.
“I was firmly entrenched in the widely held concepts camp,” Former marine and fitness expert Kyle
Cooper says, “I did it the established way for over 10 years until my eyes were opened by a combination
of ancient Asian wisdom and the science to back it up.”
In his wildly popular and successful weight loss program, The Fat Decimator, Kyle tells a story of how a
Korean medical student worked with him after he nearly died in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin
Laden. This medical student now doctor, Samuel Pak, told Kyle that much of the western notions of
fitness and weight loss were actually ineffective and even dangerous.
“Sam really opened my eyes at a time when I needed it most,” Kyle continues, “Yet one big point really
sticks out.”
There is a condition known as metabolic acidosis. This is a condition in which the human body cannot
rid itself of food acids and fights back by creating and storing fat as a defense against these acids.
During metabolic acidosis, there is nothing a person can do to lose weight no matter how hard they try,
because the body is literally fighting for its very survival.
Hundreds of clinical studies have shown that metabolic acidosis is responsible for why more than 93.6%
of people are unable to significantly reduce their weight. Fortunately, however, the science also
indicates how to stop this process and to reverse it.
“How to prevent metabolic acidosis is the very core of what Sam and I created,” Kyle notes, “Fat
Decimator is a simple program that works with the body’s natural processes rather than against them.
I’ve made it my life’s mission to share this strategy and I’m humbled to know that more than 50,000
people have used it to totally transform their bodies and their lives.”
In The Fat Decimator program, Kyle explains exactly what metabolic acidosis is and how to combat it.
He also pulls back the veil on all of today’s fitness and weight loss myths and shows people who have
been searching for so long for something truly effective the truth and how to harness it for themselves.
To tap into the secrets about weight loss that have been hidden for so long, visit Kyle’s website and
watch his free presentation:



Check out this informative video about The Fat Decimator System. Then go to aboutfatdecimator.com to learn how to get your copy of this Revolutionary Fat Loss System.


Former Marine Announces Amazing Weight
Loss Breakthrough
St. Louis, Missouri
At a time when more and more people in the western world are suffering from health issues and where
obesity is on the rise, many find it difficult to locate accurate information that brings true results. The
fitness and weight loss industry in the U.S. alone generates more than $70 billion in annual revenue –
yet more and more Americans suffer from chronic weight gain, poor health, and poor diet.
“There’s so much out there that’s a myth,” Says Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, “We’re constantly being
bombarded with tons of information… and most of it is at best ineffective and at worst downright
counterproductive and even dangerous.”
Kyle Cooper, former Marine Gunnery Sergeant, and certified trainer is pleased to announce the global
release of his innovative weight loss program known as the Fat Decimator. This program is based on a
chance meeting with a Korean medical student while serving in Afghanistan. This man introduced
Gunny Cooper to a whole new way of looking at weight loss and health and it’s revolutionized the way
that he trains his clients and how he’s been able to help tens of thousands of people regain the bodies
they’ve desperately missed.
“For over a decade I trained marines in the traditional way,” Kyle notes, “It wasn’t until I was faced with
a group of semi-out of shape National Guard soldiers that I began to see how our prescribed western
techniques simply fell way short… and it got one of my men killed.”
Kyle was tasked with training a group of middle-aged men who were called up to fight in the war. He
quickly found that his routines – heavy cardio, limited diet and so on were having little or no effect.
When a booby-trapped cave cost him the life of one National Guard soldier who’s physical conditioning
wasn’t good enough to get him free of danger, he took it hard and began to question everything Kyle
thought he knew.
“Doctor Sam Pak introduced me to some amazing research based on ancient eastern traditions that
have made the Asian world one of the healthiest and longest-lived parts of the globe,” Kyle continues,
“much of what Sam showed me flew in the face of western convention… but it was backed by
independent clinical research so… I tried it out. And it worked better than I could have thought
After working with his soldiers and then coming home and meeting a woman who was on the brink of
losing her life due to her weight and being able to help her turn her life around, Kyle has dedicated his life to sharing his remarkably simple and effective weight loss program with anyone who wants it. The
information contained in the Fat Decimator program is truly unique, simple and tremendously effective.
What’s even more amazing is that Kyle isn’t charging huge amounts of money for his program. In fact,
his video presentation which tells his story and exposes the truth that’s been hidden about the weight
loss industry contains a host of useful information that any viewer can have for nothing.
To learn more about Kyle’s journey and how he’s helped more than 50,000 people, click the link below:

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The Fat Decimator