Yoga With Nerissa

Yoga With Nerissa

Nerissa is a highly experienced and fully qualified yoga teacher - specialising in prenatal, postnat

Timeline photos 19/10/2019

8 weeks of Koa Rain. 2 weeks of feeling the new me; settled. She’s here. She is stronger. I have noticed her directness - not hiding behind appropriateness or politeness. She is expansive - nothing is too hard, too much, too far, too out of reach. Her eyes are as clear as crystals - She sees with pure clarity, where she is going; where she is walking, running to - so in tune to the force that is fueling her on her journey of truth. There is nothing too big for her to overcome - she has clear directions in front of her. She is a woman honouring the voice speaking to her. She is a woman of action. She is a wild woman - A woman that won’t be tamed for any being. — I am a woman living for —— myself.


Part of my life’s purpose here is to help de-sexualise women’s bodies; but more specifically here, women’s breasts. After giving birth for the first time 3 years ago; I was introduced to the truest sense of empowerment.
I want this for EVERY womb-an. It’s why I run my birthing workshops- to help normalise birth for women, to help awaken the wisdom of TRUST in there body, trust in there babies abilities, and trust in there intuition- So that every woman can stare true empowerment in the face, and feel what deep rooted STRENGTH feels like. TO RECONNECT US.
Women’s body’s are indeed everything that magic is; but this magic is beautiful- NOT p**nographic. I want every woman to feel comfortable and able to breast feed in public, WITHOUT a cover-up. We are life creators, life growers and life givers. Society needs to level up - It’s fu***ng insulting - and in my opinion; just as damaging as was calling a woman a witch and burning her for it. ——Our bodies are NOT p**n, they are ours. And without them; THERE IS NO you, or me- no us, no we. SO, FREE THE FU***NG NIPS! And while I’ve got your attention; ponder this for thought.... Ans be honest- What makes YOU feel uncomfortable. Are you, like so many, comfortable with seeing a photo of someone with a blood nose, or a bleeding lip- BUT would you feel comfortable seeing a photograph of dripping menstrual blood? Ponder that... and then tell me that society doesn’t discriminate and dilute women’s power... our LIFE GIVING power.

Timeline photos 08/10/2019

Amongst the chaos, is where you’ll always find me.... 🙈💛💛💛

Photos from Yoga With Nerissa's post 06/10/2019

Are you interested in planning a:

•Mother’s Blessing ceremony
- ceremonial gathering to celebrate the transition from woman to mother

•Baby’s Blessing ceremony
- A ceremonial gathering to celebrate the coming arrival of a new soul

•Welcome To Womanhood ceremony
- a ceremonial gathering to celebrate the transition from girl to woman, with the welcoming of bleeding. A Welcome To Womanhood gathering is an intimate one- gathering the most dearest older, wiser women- within the new woman’s circle. (Grandmothers, Mother, aunts, older female sibling/s) to welcome the blood- the womb phase- and to celebrate & welcome the new journey to be, that is womanhood.

•Letting go ceremony
- a ceremonial gathering to mourn and release emotion after the physical loss of a loved one.
•Womens Appriciation ceremony
- a ceremonial gathering to recognise and celebrate the womb of women in your life.
•Transition & Transform ceremony
- A ceremonial gathering to recognise, mourn & celebrate the transitional process involved in self transformation.

I am a yoga teacher, Pranayama (yogic breathing) and meditation coach- who specialises in women’s classes and hosting women’s ceremonies.

Each ceremonial gathering I host, includes a yoga practice. Depending on the gathering, I will teach either a:

Vinyasa Flow Yoga class
-an active, dance-like, flowing style of yoga

Yin Yoga class
-a yoga class which consists of fewer yoga asanas (poses)
with longer holds (usually between 3-10 minute holds per pose)
- Yin is great for releasing built up energy and emotion

Gentle Flow class
-a gentle flow to promote a gentle cleanse of energy- inviting positivity and vitality into the body

I have hosted various gatherings for women; from celebrating the process of birthing the mother, (Mothers Blessing ceremony) to Letting Go Ceremonies (releasing & transitioning through a divorce or the loss of a loved one).

Guiding women back to there inner knowings, there inner guidance; there inner connection to themselves, one another & the roots of there feminine ancestors.

My role is to simply facilitate the space- The space in which you will hold. Accepting, celebrating, mourning, transitioning, recognising, TRANSFORMING. Letting in the things you deserve, the things you need - and letting go of what no longer serves you.

These ceremonies consist of activities to awaken connection within yourself- and connection within your personal womb of women. Your womb of women are the women who fill, support, nurture and nourish your life.
The goal is reconnection, reflection and renewal.

We as women have disconnected along our journey together... And yet connection is what binds our wisdom and forms the magic that is Womanhood - An ancient web of stories and wisdom.

Contact me via my page, with any questions or queries - No question is too small; all questions are welcomed.

~ Nerissa

Timeline photos 21/09/2019

I wanted to share this raw photo from the birth of my second son, Koa- as I feel there is a lot of fear surrounding an unborn baby with a cord wrapped around it’s neck and more so, birthing a baby with its cord wrapped around its neck.
My life IS birth. I was put in this earthly form to enrich women with empowerment and to reconnect them, through teaching- to BIRTH there babies, and the mother within them, WITHOUT FEAR.
Koa entered this earth with his long cord, wrapped around his neck.
My midwife was so calm, and held the space so professionally and so beautifully.
She never once touched my son on his journey earth side; she gently guided with her clear & confident words.
My whole pregnancy, she nurtured and encouraged my intuition. She trusted my enteral knowing & my energetic connection to my son- and so I never, ever felt worried, as I trusted her, her wisdom & my own-wholeheartedly.
The connection & trust between a pregnant woman & her midwife is VITAL. Women need to be encouraged to listen and to ACT on there natural, innate intuition.
If it doesn’t feel right, in any way- it isn’t. And my midwife, in both of my home births, has encouraged and trusted in my inner wisdom; my intuition - because she knows & deeply respects (as all birthing guides should) that a woman carrying life, is a woman so deeply connected to herself; her body, her deep rooted wisdom- her womanly magic.
I birthed our son, safely and calmly, at our home. His cord, wrapped around his neck. He was okay. And he was always okay. His cord, connected to his placenta- his vital life force, was still breathing for him.. And it would continue to breath for him until it was cut, or was unable to pass life from me to him.
TRUST in your intuition. The deep, rooted knowings that talk to you through every cell in your magical mind & body.
TRUST in the process of birth- The process that has been enriching women since the beginning of humanity.
TRUST in your midwife- the midwife that you have chosen, based on your wisdom, you intuitive knowings.
It communicates to you so clearly. It will show you when something is not right; even if you have neglected intuition. ✨


There is this fear that clouds us today. The fear that birth itself is dangerous, hazardous. The fear that there are too many things that could go wrong; the fear that child birth itself, has been the death of so many women before us. —— I ponder the other reasons; the reasons to blame for this thick fear that now stirs so deeply in women through the blood and the ancestral rope that has connected the magic of us for centuries. ——
Women are beings of pure magic. We weave a deep web of wisdom within us- that stirs, intercepts & intwines a connection between each of us; from our mothers and there mothers and all of the mothers before us. We pass this web onto our daughters. Through the crocheting of our own inherent, taught and self learnt wisdom.
Through this magical web; we too carry the pain, fear, hurt & disempowerment from all of these mothers who have weaved before us. We inherit a web of both lightness & darkness- yet today; our web is clouded mostly by the dark- The fear, the disconnection, the miscommunication, the non communication- exposing our web to bare and gaping wounds. Allowing holes to form. —— Today; we live in a world were that circle that once stood unbendable; is now left mangled, misunderstood, and broken. The womb connection that held us; held our bodies, our intuition, our magic- is hollow and shattered. The loops of wisdom that once nourished and nurtured the youth; have been lost, left and abandoned — In a day, where we live SO MUCH — were we live so “well”; so blessed by choice, freedom and knowledge. A time so far from what it once was; one of poverty, un-knowings and social discrimination. We are today blessed with medical wisdom and power. We are in an age were women have rights; were women aren’t made to birth as men once forced them too. ——— Yet, I ponder; are we instead, in a time where medical wisdom is so far forward, that our open minds have created boxed minds- that restrict birth into a survey of numbers, percentiles and graphs. Like our bodies were all identically manufactured in the same factory, using the same machines- like we are a model; built from the same grain, length and section of wood. —— I ask you to ponder; with our learnt wisdom as humans; what would occur if we crocheted it all together-intersecting and intwining it all. If we guided and fuelled the deep intuitive knowings and magic that stems to roots inside every women. If we relied less on the robotically designed “right way” to create, birth and BE human, & trusted more in the ancient, unbendable circle of womanhood. Were we support & feed the strength and the growth of the web.... Were we together; acknowledge the holes, and mend them with bright thread so to never let them be forgotten, opened or repeated again. —— Were we begin once again, to trust in the magic and the true wisdom that is WOMBan. And were we begin again- to trust in the greatness that is nature;
The true greatness THAT IS


——————————————————🌸Over looked, supported & circled in love by my man; the thread that helped make this physical being. The mystical & magical birth that was of our second sun, Koa Rain 10.8.19 ✨

Timeline photos 03/06/2019

Our sacred alter 💗 This sits lit up by candles at every Workshop session I run, for my fellow pregnant mamas. —— A sacred space to acknowledge and pay respect to our incredible, transformative, wise bodies, and the wisdom and courage of the little creations we carry. —— Welcoming this next transformation with grace and with reflection 💖


Hanging out upside down at 32 weeks 🤸🏽‍♀️👌🏼 & this little monkey Maya... always interrupting/starring in my practice! 🙈

Timeline photos 29/05/2019

32 weeks, babe still loving breech 🙈💗 Happy being upright! This little guy rarely moves from feet down... guess he’s not a head stander like his mama! 🤸🏽‍♀️

Timeline photos 28/05/2019

I hosted a lovely “letting go” ceremony recently 💗 It included a yin yoga class, Pranayama and meditation as well as some beautiful rituals.
—— I love my job, and I love the direction the universe is guiding me on this journey. —— Thank you all for your trust in me, and your support ✨

Timeline photos 03/05/2019

Today I dedicated a lot of time to me. —— A very big part of me is my art. I am an artist of all forms; I express my life & my happiness through creation. —— Its always been my way to true contentness. My husband always laughs when he notices my heart beaming... Because he knows I am my truest when I am constantly creating. —— Today I painted my birth vision. Giving birth to my second son in Malasana. 💗 —— I also made sacred time to make this yoni jewellery for myself. Blending clay and including rose quartz. —— I highly recommend such rituals for fellow mamas preparing for birth, to explore and confront fears, as well as create a strong manifestation for your birth journey to be. 💗


Share share share!

This will be my second Prenatal Yoga & Birth Preparation Workshop- and I’m so excited to share this journey again, with another beautiful group of mamas to be! 💗
The transformations I’ve seen in the women who have just completed my first workshop, have been mind blowing!
Seeing them grow true trust and power in themselves and there birth to be, has been so so very rewarding, and I’ve truely felt privileged to guide them and to witness there new wings!

I’ve made this one 6 weeks, so that I don’t give birth to my own bub before the end! 🙈

Here are some reviews from my last students: (more to be found on my business page)

5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Nerissa is amazing and I highly recommend her yoga classes!!! I have been attending her Prenatal classes and each week I am so excited to attend the next one. Nerissa is so kind, caring and has the warmest energy. Her exercises are so helpful and have made a big difference to my health and well-being, especially early days of pregnancy. I’m feeling so much more prepared for my second baby and birth (thanks to Nerissa) and her helpful advice. Thankyou for helping me end each week with an amazing calming class. I am so thankful to have found you!”
-Madeline Radin

“I have been taking part in Nerissa’s prenatal workshop and birth preparation classes and to say they have been amazing is an understatement!
Nerissa is so nurturing with a wealth of knowledge and gentle advice. She doesn’t push you to do things her way, but offers suggestions, alternatives and ways to make your pregnancy and labour as pleasant as possible by helping to prepare your body.
Best thing I have done this pregnancy, without a doubt! Meeting beautiful likeminded mummas to be able to share this journey with has also been amazing!” -Michelle Kate

“Yoga with Nerissa has been an amazing journey, from meeting other mummies to be, sharing in Nerissa’s knowledge of the female body and learning to be more confident & trusting of my own body on my pregnancy journey.
Nerissa is a fantastic advocate for woman and has shared tools to make informed decisions during labour along with alternative coping strategies.
Nerissa is so wonderful at sharing her yoga skills, while ensuring she caters and takes care of each individual member of our group.
She sets a warm welcoming environment which makes you want to continue coming back for more... and she also makes delicious treats 🙌🏻
Highly recommend any class with Nerissa but especially her prenatal yoga!” -Emma Cassidy Kotsiakos

Timeline photos 17/04/2019

OWNING my body, my sexuality- MY POWER 💪🏼—— Pregnancy is transformative, the beginning of a road to new self. —— Embrace her; your swollen breasts, your tight round belly, the wonderful hair on your legs that gets harder and harder to shave the bigger you grow. You are the sexiest right now, than you’ll ever be. You are strong, empowered and blossoming. Bloom my dear! Open and transcend! 💗💗💗

Photos from Yoga With Nerissa's post 10/04/2019

I have just launched my second Prenatal Yoga & Birth Preparation Workshop! Running for 6 weeks, every sunday, beginning the 26th of May!
Im offering an Early-Bird sale price with a $30 discount for 1 week only.
Please check out and feel free to pass on/share my event- listed below!
Discount offer can be selected via my business page under "Offers"

Timeline photos 07/04/2019

🌼DANDELION LEAF🌼 —— my secret to high iron stores. I am 5 months pregnant and my iron levels are perfect. They are usually even higher, actually at my 13 week blood test, my midwife told me there were the highest she’s ever seen in a pregnant mama! But my dandelion plant died and I’ve been a bit slack in replacing it, so haven’t had it for a few months. — Make sure your plant is picked from a safe place- your home garden is the best spot! You don’t want pet wee or pesticides on your medicine! ——— The flower of leaves at the bottom of the dandelion flower are the source. You only need to eat 2-3 leaves a day. I take my leaves with 2 cherry tomatoes, as we all know- iron won’t be absorbed without vitamin C. Give it a try fellow mamas to be, and humans in general! 🙌🏼 Best kept secret!

Timeline photos 07/04/2019

6 of my 8 beautiful mamas to be! All taking such initiative and responsibility for there health and for the birth that they want, deserve and are planning for. 🙏🏼 —— They are just over half way through my 10 week Prenatal Yoga & Birth Preparation workshop- and I am so proud to have been there teacher, in gently being able to guide them into a true sense in themselves- of trust, acceptance and true empowerment. 💗 —— Feeling blessed to say the least, to have been guided on this journey, to a role and a place where I feel I was destined to be. 🙏🏼 Thankyou for sharing this journey with me mamas! 💗

Timeline photos 31/03/2019

Beautiful new reads to enjoy on this rainy, slow Sunday evening ♥️

Videos (show all)

Part of my life’s purpose here is to help de-sexualise women’s bodies; but more specifically here, women’s breasts. Afte...
Hanging out upside down at 32 weeks 🤸🏽‍♀️👌🏼 & this little monkey Maya... always interrupting/starring in my practice! 🙈
SLOW FLOW 6.15-7.15pm THURSDAYS at @happypantsyoga ——— Slow Flow is a Vinyasa based yoga class; structured around good t...
Almost half way though this pregnancy- and really focusing on opening and creating flexibility in my hips ♥️ Lovely simp...
Flowing with my little yogi. ♥️ #yogamum #yoga

