Divine Connection

Divine Connection

Divine Connection Ascension Guide/Wayshower. Galactic Ambassador of Light. Quantum Healer/Frequency Shifter. Divine Blueprint Activator.

All services are currently online only. Offers one to one Ascension Guidance and Soul Activation sessions. Meditation/Planetary Lightworker Group Thurs mornings. Also incorporates Divine Connection Art - Watercolour and Digital art available as Prints or Greeting cards.

Photos from Divine Connection's post 16/05/2023

I'm currently holding space and supporting my 97 year old Dad as he nears his end of life to ascend from Earth and transform into his new form to continue his soul's journey. He has been what we call "Old school" in his ways and mindset throughout this lifetime. We can also call this Draconian ways and that has been a deeply embedded foundation in our mind, our society, our structures and systems. This is now changing and allowing the new to be born, rise up and be seen. Dragons are very much assisting clearing the denser energies on Earth in people, places and the land. This meeting of the world's of Death and Rebirth can be felt within us, not always comfortable but very much part of our evolution to step up consciously into New Earth. The images I'm sharing today is of my white dragon ' Starflash' with the rainbow bridge to New Earth, some Dragon humour to keep things light, and a healing code that helps you go over your rainbow bridge to your higher timelines.
Much Love to all 💗💙🙏


There are many paths that lead us back to Love to see and experience all as one from our unified heart. All Earth Angels carry an Angelic Template to be activated within their energy field and Lightbody. Once activated it brings you opportunities to choose to step up onto your Celestial path creating that as your new foundation of inner truth and higher perspective. You have been building this new way for some time now making it easier to step up and align with the Celestial mind. Once you fully step onto a new path the previous path falls away. Your Celestial path is lined with Angels cheering you on and supporting this choice of BEing. Lighten up, spread your wings and allow the Angelic gifts awaiting you and your dreams come true 💫 😇💫


There is an ongoing re-birthing and rising of Passion and Creativity going on within our masculine and feminine. The more we keep choosing to lead a heart led life and detach from the minds story the closer we get to re-birth who we came here to BE. We step out of survival mode so all those mind programs can fall away. We allow ourself to be free.


The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Rose is ancient wisdom from Lemuria and Atlantis held within your Soul. Many of you will have a lineage connection to this knowledge and Soul remembrance of lives lived within this order where you dedicated your life to serving humanity, seeding the consciousness of Light and creating beauty. Maybe it's just that the Rose in this lifetime speaks to your heart because of its colour, beauty or fragrance. Awakening/Ascending opens up this connection on a deeper level now to share out the Love of the Rose frequency that softens, opens and transforms all resistance to allowing Love in to support you once more. The Rose has always been known as a representative of Love and Beauty as well as a sign of Love between two people when given as a gift. Reclaim your ancient masculine and feminine wisdom of the Rose returning Love and Beauty to Earth.


Each choice you make to step up and align with Love creates and builds the new foundations and structure of New Earth within you, while simultaniously the old structural foundations collapse within you. This can be felt energetically in your physical, mental and emotional bodies too. It is happening all over the World and building in momentum now, which changes the outer reality for all. The influx of higher frequency to Earth is also speeding up this process of building the new. Anything not built on a foundation of Love will be exposed and cannot continue into New Earth reality. See beyond any drama or chaos that may try to pull you back in or distract you. No longer choose to play that game or give it your attention or energy.


Celestial mind brings you into alignment with the qualities of Unconditional Love, balanced Masculine/Feminine, Peace of mind/inner Peace, Transcendence, feeling safe, feelings of Bliss.
You in your physical body are the bridge between Heaven and Earth. To transcend human experience on Earth become more aware of the energy of the celestial column of light that comes down through and around you. This holds you in Divine balance and aligned with the Celestial mind of highest timelines and purest vibrations. This connection and awareness raises you up from all the lower realities playing out now on Earth so it no longer affects you. Walking with the Angels in this way opens your mind and heart to your highest potential and New Earth reality ✨😇✨

Focus on this image to start the connection and then imagine your Angelic column of light coming down through you, continuing deep into Mother Earth, and down all around you. Breathe in this frequency to further ground and embody this feeling.

Photos from Divine Connection's post 20/01/2023

Powerful downloads to Crown Chakra are opening up new neural pathways in the mind to clear and dissolve old thought forms of fear and looping patterns of thoughts. This opens up clearer connection to the Celestial mind of the Angelic realms and dimensions of consciousness. Recalibration, lightening up and balancing the mind to Divine Will of service to all for the highest good. Each dimension is a higher level of consciousness. As we become aware of these dimensions our consciousness expands and evolves. We also call this raising our vibration and ascension.
Focus on the first image and breathe it in and feel yourself expand and ascend into Angelic Light then see yourself as a child walking over your rainbow bridge of Light above all current Earthly concerns


Divine Masculine templates are activating for all. This can now clear any past or present misuse of power and suppression of the Divine Feminine on a personal, generational and collective level. As the Masculine and Feminine rebalance to work together and mutually support one another, harmony can be restored. The balanced Masculine will bring inspired action and feeling safe, while the balanced Feminine brings, nurture, truth and wisdom. This will transform and deepen relationships to a new cosmic level that many have been unable to experience before. Trust the journey to Unify as One even if it feels uncomfortable or challenging at times. Everything is happening for you.


There are times on your journey when you need to pull back, withdraw from the energy of others and this world, rest and hold space to be present with self. This can be through choice, by listening to inner guidance, or being stopped in your tracks in some way. During those times you may feel off balance, shut down, as a complete re-set of all you are takes place. This takes as long as it takes then slowly you re-emerge and integrate your new expression. You now emit a higher frequency, your next level of consciousness and New Earth template in your light body. Cosmic consciousness becomes a more natural state and you draw towards you other Starseeds and Earth Angels as well as clearer communication with your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light.

Photos from Divine Connection's post 06/12/2022

Focus on and imagine the opposite reality of what the media are telling you. This will change that outer reality for all. The old structure of fear of lack is now dissolving within and anything not built on a foundation of Love can no longer remain or come through to the New World we are creating. There is a new Wealth consciousness rising to set us free from a lack, poverty or limitation mindset. First the old feelings and beliefs will come up which is your sign they are leaving for good. Enter the Trinitised field of Mother/Father/Child of Light and reclaim your Divine inheritance. Allow all the good things to flow, those things that make you feel happy, content and fulfilled and open your heart to Joy ✨💛✨



No longer fear " Being your Power" stand strong as your Light casts all shadow aside. It's behind you now, an old story in the mind that no longer resonates unless you keep choosing it to do so. There is a new story unfolding that brings a feeling of empowerment whilst also holding compassion for those still giving away their Power. Focus on being present with self, right here, right now. Slow down and breathe in with intention to Unify your old story with the new story and then breathe them out through your heart into the zero Quantum field. Return yourself to Empowered Peaceful Presence.
All is well ✨🌞✨


Setting the inner child free. It's been a huge part of our journey and had many layers to clear. Children are not born with judgement and prejudice they are born with innocence, curiosity and unconditional love for all. They live in the Now moment naturally. They have looked up to those who care for them for support, nurture and guidance as they grow up. Some have received that, many have not. We are changing that now for the future generations born to Earth. Ending the Separation, Fear and Survival programs passed down through families so the inner child can feel safe to have fun and follow their heart to make dreams come true. The Sacral and Base Chakras are now being cleared of family and false parent patterns. We return to the trinitised field of Mother, Father, Child of Light aligned to God's Will.
Let your inner child play.


Arcturian Lightships have healing chambers you can ask to visit for healing overnight while sleeping or in a meditation. They offer you the opportunity to re-balance and heal the mental and emotional bodies that are often in extreme flux during phases of inner change, upgrades or integration of new coding received in your physical. Once back in balance you will find it easier to stay grounded and focused in the Now. Arcturians bring deep electric purple frequency that calms and stills the mind so you can feel a deep inner peace and re- connect with your Soul. There are many Arcturian Starseeds now awakening to know of their Galactic heritage. Each awake at the most perfect time to start their inner journey and remember their Soul mission to serve the Ascension of Humanity and Mother Gaia ✨💜✨


In this current Eclipse corridor from Oct 25th leading up to the next Eclipse on Nov 8th deep healing is still occuring and transforming the dark to the light, the unconsciousness to consciousness. Stag assisting clearing Masculine patterns and programs that no longer serve so the Divine Masculine templates can activate. This can bring up old structural stubborn energy that's been holding on to how things were for fear of letting it go. Scorpio Moon and the water element of emotions will feel and find its way through this so the new can flow and the Masculine and Feminine can dance together Unified as One. The Golden River, Elixir of Life and Living Light of New Earth flow ✨💛✨ Keep moving towards the Light and no more looking back, it's gone, it's ended, there is nothing to hold onto.


Let your inner child play. Being child like again helps you loosen up out of self judgement. Not caring what others think is incredibly freeing. Let your inner child draw from imagination so she/he can express to you in this way rather than trying to name feelings or beliefs coming up to be released. Keep it simple so your inner child can feel safe to communicate with you, through colour, shapes, allowing a picture to be drawn. Happy inner child means a happy grown up version of who you were in innocence as a child. It's a precious relationship that requires your inner attention to self love and nurture. This drawing is from my inner child and led later to a meditation to go across the river into that pine forest with the bear who brought protection.
This is a simple, effective, self healing technique/tool to reconnect and love your inner child if she/he feels unhappy or stressed by the current eclipse energies.


More fish coming in for me, this time Goldfish. Brought back memories of childhood visiting fairgrounds and seeing the Goldfish in bags of water waiting to be won on the stalls. I always wanted to rescue them all from being trapped in those little bags of water and being under those bright lights. Goldfish have most likely come into contact or touched the lives of children more than other types of fish. Kept in ponds or aquariums they are so peaceful and relaxing to watch swimming about. They are a symbol of bringing into your life, wealth, good luck and good fortune. They link with China and Japan.


Diving deep into unconscious emotional fields with Stickleback Fish has been part of my recent inner journey since the Eclipse portal. These fields of unconscious emotions can be transformed now retrieving any lost soul parts still held in separation. The Sticklebacks called in a Seahorse to help free me from being held back and entangled in reeds around my left leg, ankle and foot. Then Seahorse swam with us too as I broke free. Stickleback Fish are related to Seahorses and reveal the path of evolution - true nature. They lived in the Ocean and swam to freshwater lakes to spawn, they did not return to the Ocean as there were fewer predators in the lakes. At the end of the last ice age they became trapped in the lakes that formed then. They can adapt their vision in the blink of an eye - adapting vision to new environments. Fish represent change and transition.


Eclipse energy is bringing deep cleansing to enable us to break free further from past influence and unhealthy ways of relating with others. For some it will bring a feeling of contraction and revisiting old memories as the old leaves. For others it will bring a feeling of expansion into your new empowerment. Whichever way you choose, and it moves through you, it's opening all to embody awareness of our multidimensional self by opening portals within so more gifts, talents, knowledge and wisdom can come through and be shared. Scorpio heavily influencing this eclipse and going deep into emotions leaving no stone unturned so the light can shine in any dark places. All is returning to the light to be transformed.


The Spirit of Giai urges you to follow your true North as we move through transforming the shadow aspects of humanity. We are destined as a race of beings to join the Galactic Federation of Light. Ascending our consciousness to step up into the slip stream of Co- creating New Earth in all its glory and splendor. What is your dream of this New World ? Follow that calling to find and align with your true North of this Now. Know that magic can happen. You are so supported by Galactic races and Lightships to manifest your vision for all. ✨👽🌎👽✨


Gridkeeper roles of expanded divine service to anchor new Galactic codes and light to the grids of Mother Gaia may be coming into your awareness now. Calling you to step up to assist her ascension. Whales and Dolphins are highlighted to assist this transmission with you. Sirians and Pleiadians assisting too. Know yourself to be a multidimensional being in human form. You are here as the ground crew on a Starseed mission. Take action to assist when you hear the inner call. Honouring this role and taking action benefits you to also shift up into higher frequency and expand your light and outer world possibilities.

Photos from Divine Connection's post 15/10/2022

Do you call on the Angels to help and inspire you ? They will make their presence known to you if you do, either by you feeling thier energy around you or from Angelic signs of feathers, words on vehicles, images of Angels show up, they crop up in a conversation, or from messages they send via thoughts/ words that pop in your head or you audibly hear. They are never far away from you. The image below and Angelic Light language was inspired by some beautiful Angel feather clouds I saw in the sky yesterday after being out walking with a friend. We both talk to our Angels and often see signs they are with us when we are together ✨😇✨

Photos from Divine Connection's post 14/10/2022

Past lives in Atlantis are viewed from a human linear perspective of past, present, future lives and therefore seen as separate realities. In quantum reality all lives are parallel and our choice of focus and intention call them in to quantum leap to the highest timelines and reclaim our power in this now. The beauty of Atlantis was maintained through dedication, focus and intention creating the crystal temples containing the living flames of purification, upliftment and joy for all. Access those temples again within you with the intention to clear any distortions from the fall of Atlantis still held in your memory. Atlantis rises within you so you can return our world to balance and become the Garden of Eden on Earth once more.


You are learning and growing in inner wisdom at a much faster pace now. As you do this your team of guides change with you. The incoming new guides support you on the next expanded part of your journey. The old guides move away because you have learnt the lessons and embodied the wisdom. So check within and ask for these new guides to come closer and ask how can they help you for your self growth, and how can they help you serve others or Gaia ? They could be Angelic, Galactic or Dragon guides. You may remember them or they may bring a new frequency to you. Keep calling them in to receive your next steps and strengthen the connection between you both.
This image acknowledges my Emerald Green Nature Dragon Guide that came in for me.


Inner world gateways and portals open each month on mirror number days. Today is the 10:10 gateway of significant change to walk through. Your Soul seeks expansion even if your ego resists that change. Master rays now flood our Earth and therefore too our physical body and lightbodies. Be open to receive, allow and integrate all that is coming in to support you as you step up into expanded roles now as a Master of Light. Each Master ray of colour brings attributes of that frequency to be awakened within. This activates and aligns you with that template of your Soul design.


Photos from Divine Connection's post 05/10/2022

Solar flares bring incoming light codes that clear out the old and activate your creator and master codes at a cellular level. Each time you receive these codes, and upgrade, your cells can hold more Christ light consciousness. You illuminate with this wisdom from within which allows more of your Soul self expression and inner power. You birth the new you from within as your cells explode with light. Physically this can feel like a popping or bubbling in belly area, or other parts of the body, as the cells change and birth sending out the encoded frequency to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Although your physical outer appearance may stay the same the inner you changes form and will be felt as the expanded version of you. Empowered, free and light ✨💛✨


Transforming your Family Tree occurs each time you move through a cycle to heal family relationship dynamics. In each family it just takes one person to choose to be the change and take steps towards that.
This then collapses co-dependency allowing each family member to take responsibility as a Sovereign being and allows you to reclaim and master your magical power as the Alchemist. Toxicity and lack of Love and respect for self or others runs through families which created a family tree that had no leaves and bore no fruit as it wasn't nurtured. Love seeks to unify that old way with the new, to neutralise any adverse effects of inner child wounding. Now your family tree can blossom and grow through you and future generations as well as transforming the past. Be the Magic of change you wish to see in your family.



Our healing journey has very much been about changing our mindset that kept us collectively entangled in the old paradigm and fear fed matrix. This is called the 'Hive' mind consisting of the shared beliefs and conditioning passed down from generation to the next generation. This mindset has created the inner struggle which we now choose to end and break free from. Many Angels of Light are assisting us to unplug from the Hive mindset and open to connect and plug into the Celestial Mind of the Angelic realms. Conscious evolution for humanity begins with each individual choosing a new way and then seeding this Celestial mind consciousness out to others. This in turn creates awakening for all to experience Heaven on Earth.

Focus on this image, put yourself in the picture, the colours, white rays, new beginnings, then take an inner journey to open, connect and integrate the Celestial Mind. Much Love to all 😇🙏🕊️

# angelic assistance

Photos from Divine Connection's post 02/09/2022

New realities are opening in outer reality. Weaving the new frequencies and Divine Feminine energy through the old structures that held an outer reflection reality of our inner world. The World that was, that restricted and held us back, kept us small, disempowered and enslaved. We will never go back to what was. We are evolving as a species, raising consciousness to create Beauty, Harmony and a World that nurtures and supports Thriving for all ✨💖✨

Bringing you back to Inner Peace

Based in Warwick, Warwickshire Polly can assist you with Soul led Session to open inner doors and gateways within that help you in staying balanced through your new journey of upgrades and expansion. These are available in person or video call for those not local. Angelic Reiki training for Practitioner or Master/Teacher Level. Mothership Deck designs for New Earth, and keycode activation - card readings, Mothership Deck Study 12 month Programme. Personal Galactivation visionary Art and if required a reading for the current energies supporting you through changes. Also incorporates Divine Connection Art - Watercolour paintings and Digital Visionary Art. Art prints and blank greeting Cards for sale.

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Love yourself enough to take the journey back to Unconditional Love, Peace and Inner Freedom.
With Love and blessings to all, from the Angels of the Rose Pink Cosmic Ray of Love
Thank you to everyone who came to the Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 workshop over the weekend. Spread your wings now and fly w...
Love and nurture your inner child to now release and move beyond past hurt, anger or feelings of rejection. Reclaim your...
The meadow butterflies dance amongst the meadow flowers reminding us to feel and BE Light and Free. On a soul level this...

