Laura Johnson Videos

Videos by Laura Johnson. human behaviour and intuitive business strategist - master in bringing out the things we hide within.

Embodying the energies of this 8/8 portal

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Embodying the energies of this 8/8 portal

I sat here this morning writing my wealth journey When it all started... I was in complete survival mode I signed up for Ouroboros to get on top of my own money sh*t! I facilitate this work because I KNOW what it is like to feel like to live in fear, like you can never get ahead! I know first hand the shame associated to screwing up and having heart palpitations looking at your bank balance I never want to sit with another client with tears in my eyes because they feel worthless I fully believe that THIS program helped me turn my life around It has been confronting in every single aspect along the way and it sure as hell hasn't been all roses I even asked myself last week if I was prepared to give it all away But I knew deep down that this was just another up-level I can see how wealth blocks impact your relationships, your finances, your businesses.... Every single area of life! It is why when we talked about doing a 2 week FREE program in the lead up to Ouroboros VI, I was excited to take the kid gloves off and bring out the goods because I am done with the way we are literally being controlled and manipulated when it comes to money and wealth. We've been led to believe so many misgivings when it comes to financial sovereignty that often it is the very process of debunking those myths that needs to happen BEFORE we see any of the magic begin to blossom. This is not just another FREE program where we will give you a tiny glimpse into the bigger course. If you choose too this 2 weeks can CHANGE everything and YES we will be talking about Ouroboros VI because this is how we all know we can best support YOU to create sustainable results and rewire your brain neurology for abundance. You will come away from these 2 weeks with practical steps to embodying wealth in all areas of your life. If I could give you the magic PILL this is it to be able to hack your brain and physical body to create the life that you WANT Apply now because we are only accepting a limited

These past few weeks in my wood element, it has highlighted where I am not holding my boundaries and ultimately negotiating on things that leave me depleted, or feeling powerless and then play out before my eyes! I heard the words this morning and then they were reiterated in a message from my coach and mentor "The work doesn't stop it just gets easier to work through the trigger" But what is the lesson? What is no longer serving you to stay in this place? What do you need to shift moving forward? Our actions and inactions are always a choice but then so are the consequences! Taking a group through Alchemical Wealth has literally been confronting and invigorating at the same time It has ignited a fire and passion in me to deconstruct the ways that we don't see, feel and acknowledge ourselves in our gifts, in our purpose It was to be a wealth program but ended up being SOOO much more... For me personally as I sat in reflection I realised how much I'd been hiding, where I had been holding back and ultimately where I had been letting external influences depict my POWER I'd been waiting for permission, inspiration, some kind of magic pill Waiting on things to be PERFECT in order to take that RIGHT inspired action The magic pill is the inspiration, there is no magic pill It's actually the cultivation of your elemental imbalances and truly knowing SELF So ultimately ALL I have to do is stay inspired! Seems EASY right? Wrong its been probably one of my personal BIGGEST battles WELL the moment that you realise that the answers are revealed is the moment that sh*t really gets to shift I am opening up a waitlist for Wealth TPS spots AND 1:1 clients to start in August/September So all I really have to say is... Are you sick of feeling like you are on the cusp of something huge and just can't seem to find that momentum? Have you found yourself in this place time and time again where you know what you need to do yet are feeling completely uninspired and then go into overwhelm

From the moment I did the first round through Alchemical Wealth I had no choice but to step into a full expression of myself and how quickly I shifted into a state of inner KNOWING and full embodiment of what I am truly here for. I quickly became excited by the fact that we are on the precipice of something special I've been a diligent student of life and have gone through my fair share of emotional clearing processes As a practitioner this is my 5th time through the philosopher's stone AND I am STILL in awe at the transformation! The FIRE element and Shen Spirit is all about deserving, clear thought and consciousness. I wasn't expecting it to be blatantly obvious where I have been sabotaging and seriously compromising what I truly desire. Where I have been settling for LESS than I know that I deserve! BUT the process has been unrelenting, everything that needed to step out of the shadows and come to the surface - Has done so! It has literally been like finding a loose thread and pulling it until the entire pattern unravels and my level of awareness to deeply embedded lifelong patterns where I've justified why I didn't deserve money, wealth and abundance has come crashing down I've been called to embody what I desire in all areas and even MORE than I envisioned and You get to as well! I really don't know where to begin... This process has been by far one of the most expansive I have ever encountered! We've extended the closing date because I know there are a couple of people sitting on the fence and yesterdays clear was too good not to share with you! Link in bio

We are energetically aligned at a certain level, a certain income Breaking that glass ceiling feels like it will take 'too much' But what if it doesn't have to? What if breaking through is literally about cleaning up your energy? Everything isn't supposed to be tied up with a little bow without any mess to clean up Actually we need to stop trying to fit everything into neat little boxes When I woke up this morning I just had this information stream through I felt fear come up around my energetic capacity... Breaking through the bullsh*t that we tell ourselves is NEVER pretty but well I signed up for this and I actually LOVE the clarity that comes in the aftermath I choose to see these moments as an opportunity for realignment Kind of simple right? I was thinking about my own financial ceiling over the years and how much has shifted through this work, how much I have shifted! I've spent the weekend channeling my energy into the Ouroboros container and part of co-facilitating Ouroboros V with Leah Steele and Kari Bakker Yasi is getting super clear on what actualisation I am holding for this launch, I realised I had a glass ceiling and fear rose of my own perceived limitations Was this energetic or financial or both? Some of the things I seen straight away and others took a little digging as I noticed the various elements at play as I alchemised myself This work really is about radial transformation of your wealth paradigm in every single area of your life but first we need to get our hands dirty with all of the programming and conditioning that is keeping you stuck Don't take my word for it though, ask yourself whether you're ready to deconstruct your sh*t and unplug from the matrix with the remainder of 2021 or are going to spend the next 4 months wondering how to make things work while holding onto fear, lack and scarcity Click the link in bio…

There is no turning back when you follow the path towards your purpose  It will shake you and shift you until you decide to follow the guidance  We are guided to be free Free from illusions Our perception and ability to assess data typically decide how we think, feel or respond We can no longer f**k around and play it safe I’m all for rocking the boat and getting more controversial  Ultimately it’s time to DECIDE  Decide what you REALLY want in ALL areas of your life!  What’s it really going to take to opt out of the f**kery? What do you really need within you to see things from a place of neutrality? Early in 2020 it became abundantly clear… “Stay the course and don’t get caught down either end of the spectrum” these words came time and time again especially in those moments deep introspection. Literally burning it all down, pulling everything apart that I believed about myself and the world.  This past month things have hit me harder than usual, I haven’t felt so unnerved in a long time. 18 months into the “two weeks to flatten the curve” and life will never be the same again.  "I BELIEVE THIS IS THE BIGGEST BLESSING HUMANITY HAS BEEN GIVEN FOR GENERATIONS." - Leah Steele I agree, we've been programmed to believe the lies and manipulation. (SIDE NOTE) I read a psychological review: it is actually easier to convince someone of a lie than it is to have them believe they have been lied too! Manipulation at its finest! The energy is HEAVY but there has been a shift and I can foresee what is to come, I also know that this gives us a moment to breathe, collect ourselves and get our sh*t together! WHERE TO FROM HERE? Join me for a LIVE 24-hour event this coming Saturday, July 31st - The Ouroboros Phenomenon: Unveiling the Matrix & Illuminating the New Wealth Paradigm.  Leah Steele is bringing together an extraordinary group of leaders and freedom fighters that are here to serve humanity at this time. I'm doing a session on 'Unveiling

Lets talk about Money, Wealth and Intimacy and how each affects our ability to receive. Yep these are apparently TABOO topics.... Which of course you know we MUST discuss... I understand that we've been shamed into NOT talking about money, just like sex, pleasure and intimacy! There is a direct link between sensuality, sexual receptivity and your ability to receive financially. People will fake their financial success just like they'd fake an orgasm..... There I said it! Is it all about external validation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as it certainly can't be about pleasure!!! Our ability to receive and to be receptive without feeling like we need to GIVE in order to Receive.... plays a BIG part in wealth creation But much like sex many people remain close lipped about the struggles, about how they really feel Many years ago I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and later PTSD, these aren't labels I identify with today..... but I had a HUGE fear that if I lost myself to the emotions, that I wouldn't be able to pull it back together, to function or to ground myself enough to see things clearly. I was reminded that it is ok to fall apart to remember that you don't actually need too To BE however I am in that moment In many ways this is what has brought me to the work that I do in the world, a pure reflection of my journey and learnings along the way Healing through trauma and reconditioning my own wealth blueprint I learned... Your perception is EVERYTHING! Not everything NEEDS fixing! It is OK to fall apart and also ASK for help YOU DONT HAVE TO FALL APART! Knowing what IS my energy and what ISN'T and most of all for the love of GOD you can't FAKE it! Part of my journey has been one of soul searching and studying human behaviour, digging deep into my desire to understand, to get to the bottom of why and how we respond the way we do To take FULL responsibility for ourselves means really looking at the areas in which we need to work on, the spaces we aren't honouring our