aezoll Design is owned by aezoll Design&Printing (002083270-X)
Our services range from creative layouts to a complete range of design & printing services including corporate identity design, logo design, company branding, advertising solutions, retail product advertising campaign & services...
Our designers are dedicated to producing work to the best standards set by customers used our services on a regular basis and will happily draw on their expertise to a
ssist you in producing quality print work that you can be proud of. We also know that a fast turnaround can often be a priority and to that end, our designer commit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that the majority of jobs can be produced in less than 24 hours of the finished artwork leaving the studio. So, whether you require the simplicity of a club flyer or a more involved item like a folder or brochure, we would very much like to hear from you as we believe that we are able to provide you with the quality and service that you deserve. Working Hour :
Monday-Sunday (24Hours/7Days)
Contact Us :
T : +6017 634 0214 Ezzul Erfan (Founder)
+6013 620 0393 Shazwani Johari (Chief Marketing Officer)
E : [email protected]