Kailaasa Mongolia

Kailaasa Mongolia

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Health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, psychological, and social well-being. Health involves the state of your Consciousness; when you feel life is good, those are the moments you are healthy. To achieve perfect health, you need to heal and balance different aspects of yourself, such as your thoughts, emotions, and energy.

Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-3. Discover powerful techniques and methods to achieve complete well-being and perfect health! Balance your Doshas, Chakras, clean the Fire element inside your stomach, unlock the power of your breath, and more!

Begin you journey toward a holistic life today! [Join Paramashivoham Level-3 https://ecitizen.info/psm

Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌈 Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-1. Today's sessions will reveal how to activate the four higher energy centers, Chakras in your body: Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, and Sahasrara.

🔑 These Chakras hold the keys to your inner power and confidence. By awakening these, your life will undergo a profound transformation, enabling you to live with authenticity and positivity.

🔑 Join now and begin your transformation: https://ecitizen.info/psm

🌟 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. 🙏


🔄 The past always reproduces itself in the future. It's a law of life. The mental setup you carry as a consequence of your past experiences continues to lead you to create the same kind of situations again. Many times, we dream of a certain future but fail to realize it because we carry the pain of past mistakes deep inside. To manifest the future of our dreams, we need to dive into our past experiences and heal the parts of us that are still frozen in time.

🌱 Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-2. Today's sessions will help you heal from the past by identifying all the restrictive patterns and painful experiences holding you back!

🌟 Join now: https://ecitizen.info/psm

💫 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. 🙏


✨ Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 7 || Create the Space to Attract Wealth

💰 Wealth creation begins by creating a space of possibility, shedding limiting beliefs, opening up possibilities within your mind, and coming to clarity on the purpose you want to fulfill. Your life is always a manifestation of the inner space and mindset you carry. If you are not manifesting wealth, you need to work inside you and untie the knots that hold you back.

💎 Unlock your path to wealth creation! Join Paramashivoham Level-3.

🌟 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 9 || Base Your Life on the Unchangeable

☀️ Existence in the Universe has two aspects: the perishable and the imperishable. All that is physical, created, is perishable. Everything that originates from Consciousness is eternal. If your life strategies are based only on the things of this world, you might gain short-term satisfaction but not lasting fulfillment.

📜 Align your life strategies with the eternal truths; you are Consciousness, not just body, and you are going to be reborn; you will make enlightened decisions for your life. Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🕉️ The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


நித்யானந்தம்! தமிழ் பக்தர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் உற்சாகமான செய்தி! பகவான் நித்யானந்த பரமசிவம் அவர்களின் இருமுனை காணொளிக் காட்சியில் நடைபெற இருக்கின்ற பக்தர்கள் கூட்டத்திற்காக , உலகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள அனைத்து தமிழ் பக்தர்களையும் அன்புடன் அழைக்கின்றோம். நடைபெறும் நாள் : 09 டிசம்பர் 2023, சனிக்கிழமை, நேரம் : 09:00 PM IST to 11:00 PM IST இந்திய நேரப்படி. இதில் கலந்துகொள்ள இணையுங்கள் ! https://ecitizen.info/tamil-meeting


Nithyanandam! Exciting news for all Tamil Devotees around the worid! You have the rare opportunity of attending a 2-way video conferencing meeting with The SPH himself! The meeting will be taking place on 09 December 2023, Saturday Time : 09:00 PM to 11:00 PM IST Indian Time.

To participate, Join here https://ecitizen.info/tamil-meeting


✨ Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 8 || Vishesha Deeksha: Initiation to Awaken Your Spiritual Potential

🕉️ Vishesha Deeksha is a transformative initiation that establishes your connection with the Divine and allows you to experience Paramashiva's Divine presence in your daily life. In the Vishesha Deeksha, the Guru removes your old self, outdating your past existence and awakening new possibilities for a profound breakthrough in your life.

🌠 Receive the Vishesha Deeksha initiation today! Shed your limitations and upgrade your existence with new possibilities. Join Paramashivoham Level-2.

🕊️ The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


💎 Whether actively pursued or not, wealth is a central dimension of everyone's life. The quality of our lives, our health, relationships, and inner disposition are different forms of wealth. Our capacity to create prosperity in all these dimensions depends on the creative life energy we express. The awakening and manifestation of our life energy occurs when we are in alignment with the purpose of our lives and free from life-negative tendencies, holding a space of possibility for our future. Therefore, wealth creation holds a profound spiritual dimension.

🔱 Paramashiva, in the form of Bhagavan Keshavartha Murthy, awakens our bio-energy and bestows upon us the Divine blessings of Wealth Consciousness, uplifting us to fulfill the purpose of our lives, manifest abundance and prosperity, showering us all with manifold boons and blessings.

✨ Get ready to witness the culmination of lifetimes of anticipation as Bhagavan Keshavartha Murthy, Paramashiva Himself, descends for you in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

🔴 Watch live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/, & YouTube/: 7PM ET | 5:30AM IST

🌟 Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm


🌼 Your relationship with the Master transcends all other connections. Unlike normal relationships, your connection with the Guru flowers from the depth of your being. It is a communion, a deep merging of the Soul. The Master's love makes you forget your past identity and allows your Divine nature to blossom.

🙏 Offer your gratitude in today's Pratyaksha Pada Puja at the Divine lotus feet of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, and merge in the Divine communion with the Guru.

⏰ Join us at 6 PM ET | 4:30 AM IST.

💐 Offer today: https://events.kailaasa.org/payment/


💫 Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 7 || The Avatar's Revelations about Death

🌌 Many beings fear the intense expression of life during death. As a consequence, they also miss the opportunity to experience their own life's peak intensity. Death is a gateway to peak existence. Accepting its inevitability and realizing the truth that death only happens to the transient elements within you will open up the peak possibilities of your life!

🌈 Unlock the peak possibilities of your life! Join Paramashivoham Level-2.

🕊️ The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌟 Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 6 || KAILASA’s Economic Principles

💰 One of the fundamental principles of wealth creation is: simple involvement, simple interest makes you absolutely passionate about life. Manifesting wealth can never succeed if you carry negative feelings or beliefs, as it is more than acquiring resources or financial gains; it is the manifestation of your very life.

💎 Discover the principles of wealth creation to manifest prosperity in all dimensions of your life: Join Paramashivoham Level-3!

🚀 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🕉️ Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 6 || Breaking the Fear of Death

📿 The fear of death is just the fear of continuity or discontinuity. We are afraid because, instinctively, we resist change, and death is an abrupt change in our lives. We do not know who we truly are as we have lived based on a personality developed over time, not discovering our true Self. We are afraid about what's next as it is unknown to us. In reality, death is a blessing in disguise as it cleanses our memories. Realizing this truth removes all fears and aversion about death and liberates us.

📜 Discover the profound mysteries of the nature of death and the true meaning of human existence from the ancient Hindu wisdom: Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🕊️ The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

Photos from Kailaasa Mongolia's post 08/12/2023

🌐📚 KAILASA Collaborates with UN for Free Education Globally 🇺🇳📚

On December 8, 2023, the esteemed Princesses and Ambassadors of the United States of KAILASA represented The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam and the United States of KAILASA (KAILASA) in the event “GEN Z take on education” hosted at the United Nations, Geneva Room XXI, by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education.

Princess of KAILASA, H.R.H. Ma Nithya Tattvapriyananda, attended virtually on behalf of the Hindu Institute of International Affairs
Princess of KAILASA, H.R.H. Ma Nithyananditha, attended virtually on behalf of the Hindu Institute of International Affairs
KAILASA’s Permanent Ambassador to the UN, H.E. Ma Vijayapriya Nithyananda, attended virtually on behalf of the Kailash Union
KAILASA’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Ma Nithya Shivamayananda, attended in person in UN Geneva on behalf of the Hindu Institute of International Affairs
KAILASA’s Ambassador to Switzerland, H.E. Ma Yoganandarupni, attended in person in UN Geneva on behalf of the Hindu Institute of International Affairs

This event brought attention to a crucial aspect of the persecution of KAILASA, shedding light on the unacknowledged and perpetuated challenges surrounding indigenous Hindu youth and girls of KAILASA’s Nithyananda Gurukul, who have become victims of the generational Hindu ethnocide and genocide.

KAILASA’s Nithyananda Raja Vidya Gurukul (Nithyananda Gurukul) is the ancient Hindu indigenous enlightenment-based education system within KAILASA revived by The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

For decades, under the guidance of The SPH, KAILASA’S RAJA VIDYA NITHYANANDA GURUKUL has provided thousands of children and young adults irrespective of gender, race, nationality, religion, etc with free quality education, including E-learning, accommodation, and essential support throughout their educational journey.

The Hindu enlightenment education system is not only inclusive and holistic but also emphasizes the liberating nature of knowledge transmission. Rooted in a Hindu enlightenment-centric approach, the ancient Gurukul system, now revived by The SPH, plays a pivotal role in creating and sustaining the enlightened civilization of Sanatana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism).

The Princesses of KAILASA emphasized the need for the “inclusion of Hindu enlightenment-based education, like the Nithyananda Raja Vidya Gurukul, to empower the current and next generation with conscious education.”

The presence of the Princesses of KAILASA, nurtured and educated through the ancient Hindu enlightenment based education system revived by The SPH stands as a powerful testament to the success of KAILASA’s Nithyananda Raja Vidya Gurukul. Their embodiment of the institution's superconscious principles serves as a compelling example of the positive impact this education system can bring to humanity.

In a world where 258 million children and youth lack access to education, due to war, famine, transnational displacement, and over 259 million people are illiterate, KAILASA’s Nithyananda Raja Vidya Gurukul stands as a super conscious gateway. It opens doors for the youth to be educated with the right values and principles which equips individuals to face all crises of life with unshakable confidence, grace, strength, and resilience, and express their inherent powers.

Excerpt from the Princess of KAILASA’s speech at the UN:
“The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam despite facing brutal relentless persecution for the last 23 years, yet undeterred, has created a nation for Hindus, embodying immense sacrifice, strength, and hard work. It is this strength that was imparted to me that made me stand through years of persecution and narrowly escape honor killing, by my own extremist parents and instead emerge as a leader.”

KAILASA's commitment to providing free education globally and basic necessities reflects its vision to cultivate an enlightened civilization, where successive generations manifest their reality. This, in turn, contributes significantly to the broader global economy.

Watch the full recording of the speeches of KAILASA’s Princesses and KAILASA’s Ambassador to the Netherlands:

Timestamp of speech of KAILASA’s Princesses: 56:45 - 59:35

Timestamp of speech of KAILASA’s Ambassador to the Netherlands: 2:37:02 - 2:38:30

Full UN recording: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k14/k14xcv58yq


🌟 Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 5 || Secrets of Wealth Consciousness

💰 Awakening wealth consciousness essentially involves increasing the expression of your creative life energy. Wealth is not attracted merely by performing tasks. Wealth happens in your life when you express life energy to create value and contribute. Creating wealth needs a vision and the courage to work for it. Creating wealth consciousness involves giving yourself a breakthrough either in creating your vision or pursuing it.

💪 Are you ready for a breakthrough in your wealth? Join Paramashivoham Level-3!

🕊️ Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga and meditation online program valued at $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🕉️ Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 5 || Conscious Death: The Avatar's Own Experiences

📿 All fears are rooted in the fear of death. When you remember that death is going to happen to you, the respect that you carry for your ego will come down - because whatever you think should not leave you is your ego. Even remembering about death can cleanse you from fears and awaken your life energy.

🔱 Discover the true life story of the SPH – dive into the Avatar's own death experiences and the profound realizations He reveals about the nature and power of death. Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🌟 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌟 Paramashivoham Level-1 || Session 4 || Manipuraka Chakra – Live without Worries

💎 The Manipuraka Chakra is located in the navel area and named "city of jewels" in Sanskrit. It gets blocked by constant worry. To open this Chakra, break free from the cycle of worrying, which stems from unconsciousness. The Manipuraka chakra is blocked by a constant hangover of worry and incomplete thoughts lingering without reason. When it awakens, we gain amazing strength, energy, and clarity.

☀️ Awaken the power of your Manipuraka Chakra to live without worries, regain your energy, and celebrate your life. Join Paramashivoham Level-1!

🎇 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


பரமசிவ சேனைக்கு அழைப்பு !

தமிழ்நாட்டு பக்தர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் உற்சாகமான செய்தி! பகவான் நித்யானந்த பரமசிவம் அவர்களின் இருமுனை காணொளிக் காட்சியில் பக்தர்கள் கூட்டத்திற்காக , தமிழகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள அனைத்து பக்தர்களையும் அன்போடு அழைக்கின்றோம். நடைபெறும் நாள் : 09 டிசம்பர் 2023, சனிக்கிழமை, நேரம் : 09:00 PM IST to 11:00 PM IST இந்திய நேரப்படி. இதில் கலந்துகொள்ள இணையுங்கள் !



✨ Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 4 || Logic of Richness – The Wealth Mindset

💪 Healthy within is wealthy. What is the meaning of accumulating money or power if we are not in good health to enjoy it? Before pursuing wealth, we should set the definition right. Wealth is that which creates abundance in our lives and raises the quality of our existence. Money alone is not wealth. If you believe the end justifies the goal, you may attract money, but not wealth.

💚 Discover the logic of richness – nurture true wealth for complete prosperity. Join Paramashivoham Level-3!

🙏 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga and meditation online program valued at $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


📜 Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 4 || Akashic Records Revelations about Death

🌀 Reincarnation is not a theory; it's a reality. Death is a rejuvenating boon that comes naturally at the end of our lives. Death frees us from false identifications, separating the "I" from the "mine" and relieves us of attachments and possessions that were never part of our true identity. Upon moving from one form to another, we are liberated from the old to embrace new possibilities in the further body we assume.

🕊️ Dive into profound revelations on the nature of death that will empower you to live life with freedom and a feeling of liberation: Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🙏 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌠 Paramashivoham Level-1 || Session 3 || Swadhisthana Chakra – Face the Fear

🌋 Swadhishtana means "where your being is established." This Chakra lies 2 inches above your muladhara and 2 inches below your navel centre. Blocked by the fear of death, it blossoms with the acceptance of fear itself. Fear is deeply rooted in your dormant DNA. It creates strong chemical reactions in your system and is challenging to control. Overcoming fear and unlocking the Swadhisthana leads to profound life transformation.

🌊 Awaken the power of your Swadhisthana Chakra to unlock your authenticity and live fearlessly: Join Paramashivoham Level-1!

✨ The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🔥 Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 3 || Hindu Scriptures Revelations about Death

📜 Death has remained a timeless mystery. In the historical record of the great Mahabharata, Emperor Yudhisthira was once asked, what is the greatest mystery in this world? He replied, saying, every day, thousands of people die and reach the abode of Yama, the Lord of death, yet all those who live think they will stay forever.

📿 Many ancient civilizations made contemplating the nature of death a regular daily practice. Remembering death awakens our thirst for life and removes great fears, allowing us to live life to its peak.

🌀 Begin your journey into the mysteries of existence today! Join Paramashivoham Level-2.

🎇 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


✨ Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 3 || Poverty and Richness – Does Money Make You Rich?

💰 What does it mean to be rich? We are rich when we create. We are rich when are alive and productive. Being rich means being active and inspired. To overcome poverty consciousness and manifest wealth, you need to shift your thinking and daily habits.

💪 Join the journey to a richer life – start creating, living, and thriving today! Join Paramashivoham Level-3.

🚀 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌿 Paramashivoham Level-1 || Session 2 || Muladhara Chakra – Transform Lust to Divine Love

🧘‍♂️ The Muladhara Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the root of your existence. It is blocked by unrealistic fantasies, especially those fueled by greed, and thrives when you connect to reality. It is influenced by the major thought flow of pleasure. This Chakra also relates to s*x and imagination. It blossoms when you let go of fantasies and ground yourself in reality.

🕉️ Unlock the power of your Muladhara Chakra! Ground yourself in reality, manifest your desires, and experience Divine Love: Join Paramashivoham Level-1!

🌈 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🕉️ Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 2 || Break Free from Fear

⏸️ Fear manifests whenever you are afraid of losing something you possess or when you don't have the confidence to achieve something you desire. Overcoming fear allows you to live with authenticity and face challenging situations with confidence.

🕉️ Break free from the grip of fear and unleash your authentic potential: Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🙏 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌿 Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 2 || Simplicity: The True Luxury

💎 Simplicity is the greatest wealth. True wealth isn't measured by financial gains or material possessions. The greatest wealth is the ability to stay continuously inspired, active, and enthusiastic without relying on external support, finding simple solutions to all problems, and never seeking more than we need. Before making money, build your foundations right.

💡 Build your mindset for wealth creation: Join Paramashivoham Level-3!

🌟 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌐 Paramashivoham Level-1 || Session 1 || Reprogram Your Body & Mind

🧠 Your body and mind are the hardware and software of your life. The core programming of your inner software defines what kind of life experience you manifest. Any aspect of your life that does not happen the way you want, or any dimension of you that does not express the way you desire, comes from the wrong programming of your inner software. If you reprogram it, you can achieve lasting transformation and freedom.

🚀 Reprogram your inner software to live with freedom and empowerment! Join Paramashivoham Level-1.

🌈 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🔥 Paramashivoham Level-2 || Session 1 || Understanding the True Nature of Death

🦋 Each of us goes through four states of consciousness in our lives: life, death, and transitory states in between these two. Your concept of death strongly influences your perception of life and how you experience the transitory states while taking birth and departing. Ancient civilizations always placed great importance on contemplating the nature of death as they understood its profound impact and liberating potential.

📿 Discover the transformative process that will liberate you from the fear of death's hold over your life: Join Paramashivoham Level-2!

🙏 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


Paramashivoham Level-3 || Session 1 || Experience Vaikunta – The Divine Realm of Lord Vishnu

🌌 Life exists in other dimensions of the Universe. Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism are real, existing in higher frequencies. By understanding how to tune ourselves to these frequencies, we can access different realms and experience other forms of life. Vaikunta, the divine abode of Bhagavan Vishnu, can be reached even now by filling our hearts with devotion.

🔓 Unlock the mysteries of the universe! Learn how to tune into higher frequencies, connect with Gods and Goddesses, and experience different realms: Join Paramashivoham Level-3!

🌟 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program valued $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌟 Transform your Life with Paramashivoham Level-1 – a 21-day FREE online program based on the teachings and initiations from the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

🙏 Includes live Bhagavan Keshavartha Murthy Darshan and initiation by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

📿 Reprogram your hardware and software to transform the way you exist. Delve into ancient wisdom to awaken your lower Chakras and harness their transformative power!

🌠 Today's Paramashivoham Level-1 sessions will help you:
🌟 Manifest your desires
💖 Find true love
🦋 Live fearlessly
🌈 Live without worries
🌺 Become authentic to yourself

🚀 Don't postpone! Register now: https://ecitizen.info/psm


🕉️ Transform your Life with Paramashivoham Level-2 – a 21-day FREE online program based on the teachings and initiations from the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

🙏 Includes live Bhagavan Keshavartha Murthy Darshan and initiation by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, and Vishesha Deeksha initiation.

📿 The perception you have about death decides the way you live your life. Dive into ancient transformative teachings and processes to free yourself from the fear of death and its different manifestations in your daily life.

🚀 Today's Paramashivoham Level-2 sessions will help you:
🦋 Break free from fear
🌟 Understand death to transform your life

🔥 Don't wait! Register now: https://ecitizen.info/psm


🕉️ Transform your Life with Paramashivoham Level-3 – a 21-day online program valued at $21,000, offered FREE, based on the teachings and initiations from the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

🙏 Includes live Bhagavan Keshavartha Murthy Darshan and initiation by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

💎 Discover the secrets of attracting wealth – the real wealth mindset to manifest abundance in your life and overcome poverty consciousness.

🌟 Today's Paramashivoham Level-3 sessions will help you:
Manifest wealth
Overcome poverty consciousness

💰 Are you ready to get over scarcity and live a rich life? Register now: https://ecitizen.info/psm


💰 Wealth is not something separate from you; it is your direct extension. Whether rich or poor, having or lacking, the state of your wealth directly mirrors your inner space. If you find it challenging to attract wealth, pause and look inside; understand which part of you is suppressed.

🌟 Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express. If you lack wealth, it means life energy is not expressed in you. Either you are working in the wrong direction, pursuing goals that are not truly yours, or you are holding yourself back due to restrictive patterns.

🚀 Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-3. Today's sessions will help you unlock your life energy to express your creativity and manifest abundant wealth in your life!

🔗 Join now: https://ecitizen.info/psm

🎁 Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga and meditation online program valued at $21,000, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.


🌌 The perception you have of death defines the way you go through life. Death can be a source of liberation or suffering. Death is not an end, merely a transition from one body, one form, to another. We are afraid of death because we fear the unknown; we are afraid of losing that with which we are identified.

🌅 Death does not happen only at the end of our lives; every time we lose something, we experience death. Dead cells being replaced, people leaving us, or even losing the approval of others are different forms of death.

🕊️ If we perceive death as a source of rejuvenation, and if we are aware of death's liberating nature, whenever we encounter death's different dimensions in our lives, we will only feel refreshed and liberated; we will never get into suffering.

🌐 Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-2. Today's sessions will liberate you from fears and limitations by enlightening you on the true nature of death and its impact on your life. Get ready for a profound transformation!

🚀 Join now: https://ecitizen.info/psm

🌈 The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-2 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

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Future self talking to past self.mp4
Empower Your Life with 1 Special Secret from Hinduism
Leadership Awakening: Rejecting the Profit Motive Behind Wars
How to contribute the spreading of gifts of SPH to all?
KAILASA's Raja Sabha Hindu Votes | Nov 15, 2023Today's Raj Sabha Voting centered on the War facing by today's Youth with...
Safeguard Your Learning with Authentic Wisdom
Qualities to Become a World Leader!
Hinduism Reveres the Divine Feminine Energy
SPH's Great Pause on Diwali Day! Learn about SPH's life-changing 'Great Pause' on #Diwali day in 2000.Join our live #Cel...
Sudden Death in the Gym
Are You Healthy? Discover Wellness Secrets from Hinduism