Simone Russell

Simone Russell

I help everyday people navigate the world with more ease by reducing stress and cultivating calm.

3 March 2022 03/03/2022

The wild times keep coming.

How are you holding yourself through it all?

While there is much sadness and suffering in Australia and abroad with images of floods and war filling our news feeds, there are things we can do to support ourselves.

Take a moment out of your day to stop and breathe.
To simply be with it all.
The chaos.
The busy mind.
The frazzled nervous system.

Experience the power of the awareness of our breath as an anchor to the hold us steady in these uncertain times.

Whether you have 30 seconds or 5 minutes you can adapt this practice for your own life. Repeat regularly to rewire your brain for calm.

3 March 2022 Take a moment out of your day to stop and breathe. To simply be.Experience the power of the awareness of our breath as an anchor to the hold us steady in unc...

What is EFT? — Simone Russell 02/03/2022

So much going on in the world. 😢More than ever we need the tools to navigate life and support our nervous systems.

Late last year I trained in one of my favourite modalities. I’ve used this technique personally for years to reduce stress, clear limiting beliefs and process difficult thoughts and emotions. Alongside mindfulness and meditation, it’s one of my go-to’s.

I also use it successfully with clients to reduce stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

What is it?

Let me know if you’ve tried it or want to!

What is EFT? — Simone Russell Can you guess…? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It’s often called ‘Tapping’ or Emotional or Psychological Acupuncture. What is EFT? EFT is a scientifically validated relaxation and stress reduction technique. You might hear EFT also referred to as acupuncture without the need


Hello 👋 it’s been a while friends! Like for most of us, the past few years have been well um… interesting.

What’s been happening in my world?

😍 I’m continuing to see a limited number of coaching clients through word of mouth. I haven’t been on socials for my business very much at all (more about that some other time). The past few years have called me to simplify my life and protect where my energy was going. Can you relate?

🙆‍♀️ I recently trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping. It’s a tool I’ve used personally for years to manage emotions, limiting beliefs and stress. I’m loving using it with clients. Want a session? Get in touch.

🏃‍♀️ On a more personal note, I’m moving my body regularly again! Happy dance!! I’ve been walking and running a few times a week, practising yoga and small movements during the day where I can. My body is thanking me after far too much sitting during lockdowns.

📩 I’m sending regular emails to my community again and that feels really good. Want tips, tools and strategies to reduce stress, overwhelm and anxiety and cultivate more calm in your life? While I will share on socials more moving forward, the juicy goodness will be delivered to your inbox.

🖥 You might’ve noticed I rebranded in 2020 and have a new website!

If you’ve been around since the early days of Yogamona I’d love to hear from you!

Image description: Simone is sitting in the drivers seat of her car, wearing a sleeveless, dark blue dress. She has wavy blonde hair above her shoulders after a haircut and is smiling.