BRandleas Media Masters

BRandleas Media Masters

Producing and publishing social media.


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We are working hard in the studio for tonights show.


What a day! Over 45 friend requests in one day. They just keep coming. Pakistan, Nigeria, most of them from African states. All ministers/bishops, Sunday school teachers, orphanages, etc... All proclaiming a hunger for the Lord as well as... well... hunger!

So many people. You may ask "Don't you suspect they are scams? I am absolutely sure, that possibility not only exist it is probably a case or two.

They see I am a Christian and a Pastor and they reach out.

Did you catch that? "They see I am a Christian!" Praise God!

Now before you think I am tooting my own horn I assure you I am not. My only credit is that for a long time I have prayed "Father let uour live so shine through me before men that they see you."

Well they keep coming 3 request just as I am writing this.

How do I deal with it. We honesty but bluntness. I sat down and transcribed an HONEST script I send to all.

"Let me establish from the beginning of our friendship. I am probably not able to provide financial support. I am disabled and on a pension. I pastor a very small church and I take care of 3 adult men.

IF God provides me with extra income through prayer I will give consideration.
I am happy to pray and discuss God's word or plans for building or reaching the lost. What little wisdom God has given me I share freely.

I am happy to be your friend and brother in Christ Jesus.

If you are interested in joint ministry you can find my sermons here. "

Those that stick around God's blessings abound for them is my prayer. Those that go away... well that's the answer to their motives.

Join me in praying that God's hand will reach to both.

God bless my friends!


7 ways to start a conversation.


Having friendly conversations with fellow Christians


This is a test video setting up chat


Tonight we are having a conversation with Sister Roberta.


Bishop Randy Scroggins


Dont forget! Tonight at 7pm, Pastor Brian's Corner. Tonight we air my conversation with Randy Scroggins District Bishop of the Roseburg area and Pastor fo the New Beginnings Church of God in Roseburg Oregon.


This episode we are having a conversation with Jeremiah Scroggins.


We are Having a Conversation with Apostle Andrew from Scripture.

Videos (show all)

Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
This is a test Video setting up chat
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Pastor Brian's Corner : A Conversation With ....
Showtime reminder
Pastor Brian's Corner A Conversation with...
A Conversation with Apostle Andrew
