Gary E. Smith Excellence in Leadership Award

Gary E. Smith Excellence in Leadership Award

Scholarship established by Illinois Band Alumni to honor the legacy of Gary E. Smith and provide financial support to our future Leaders in Illinois Bands.


Thanks to all our generous donors! Please share with your friends and spread the word: the Matching Challenge “150 for 150 for the 150th” runs through 12/31!

Untitled album 28/10/2018

Honor Gary Smith’s Legacy and Future Leaders in the Illinois Bands

The Gary E. Smith Excellence in Leadership Award Scholarship honors the legacy of Associate Director of Bands Emeritus-and former Director of the Marching Illini-Gary Smith, whose selfless dedication embodies the spirit of Illinois Loyalty. Established by Band alumni to provide critical support to current students of the Bands program, awardees will be selected by the Bands faculty based upon applicants’ proven leadership skills, academic excellence, and inspiration to others on campus.

Scholarships are critical for attracting the brightest students, ensuring a diverse and talented class, and alleviating debt. In honor of Gary Smith’s extraordinary leadership to alumni, we now call upon you to come together and show your support of current and future Illini through this fund.

Please Give Today:

Online: Visit Select the Gary E. Smith Excellence in Leadership Award from the list and enter your donation.