High Cameras

High Cameras

David Kleiler Adam Wade Jeff Kwong. 4 song ep available on digital & vinyl. https://highcameras.ba David Kleiler Adam Wade & Jeff Kwong


Hey friends - Its that special kind of Friday...https://highcameras.bandcamp.com/album/4-song-ep


Hey, ChatGPT we need a bio...

High Cameras is an indie rock band comprised of three individuals with impressive pedigrees in the music industry. David Kleiler, the band's guitarist and vocalist, previously played with the obscure but influential Volcano Suns, which, in all likelihood, you've never heard of. Adam Wade, the drummer, was a member of the post-hardcore band Shudder to Think, whose work is appreciated by music connoisseurs with discerning tastes. And then there's Jeff Kwong, the bassist, who, let's be honest, is just happy to be there.

Together, these three musicians have crafted a sound that deftly combines the elements of indie rock, post-hardcore, and a dash of jazz fusion, for good measure. Their live shows are known for their hypnotic rhythms, intricate melodies, and the occasional poorly timed joke by Kleiler.

Despite their impressive musical credentials, High Cameras have yet to receive the mainstream recognition they undoubtedly deserve. This is likely due to their tendency to favor complex song structures over radio-friendly hooks, and their refusal to compromise their artistic vision for commercial success.

In conclusion, High Cameras is a band that appeals to the musical purists among us, those who appreciate the intricacies of composition and the artistry of performance. If you're the type of person who enjoys a well-crafted chord progression and a cleverly timed drum fill, then High Cameras is the band for you. And if you're not, well, there's always Taylor Swift.


I think I hear something… In the distance.

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 05/05/2023

In honor of Bandcamp Friday, here's our new Chat GPT Bio:

High Cameras is an indie rock band comprised of three individuals with impressive pedigrees in the music industry. David Kleiler, the band's guitarist and vocalist, previously played with the obscure but influential Volcano Suns, which, in all likelihood, you've never heard of. Adam Wade, the drummer, was a member of the post-hardcore band Shudder to Think, whose work is appreciated by music connoisseurs with discerning tastes. And then there's Jeff Kwong, the bassist, who, let's be honest, is just happy to be there.

Together, these three musicians have crafted a sound that deftly combines the elements of indie rock, post-hardcore, and a dash of jazz fusion, for good measure. Their live shows are known for their hypnotic rhythms, intricate melodies, and the occasional poorly timed joke by Kleiler.

Despite their impressive musical credentials, High Cameras have yet to receive the mainstream recognition they undoubtedly deserve. This is likely due to their tendency to favor complex song structures over radio-friendly hooks, and their refusal to compromise their artistic vision for commercial success.

In conclusion, High Cameras is a band that appeals to the musical purists among us, those who appreciate the intricacies of composition and the artistry of performance. If you're the type of person who enjoys a well-crafted chord progression and a cleverly timed drum fill, then High Cameras is the band for you. And if you're not, well, there's always Taylor Swift.

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 4 track album

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 07/04/2023

Hi friends! Apparently it's "Bandcamp Friday" and we have a few "vinyls" available:

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 4 track album

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 02/12/2022

It’s Bandcamp Friday…

4 Song ep, by High Cameras 4 track album

black sheets, white stains 19/10/2022

All of this is so in the DNA of what High Cameras does...an amazing collection of songs - well worth a listen.

black sheets, white stains A 44-song dive into the Boston underground rock scene of the late '70s and early '80s, all from original vinyl or tape.