St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition

St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition

Weekly Group Exercise classes, one-to-one or small group Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching.


Our first session will be Box-Fitness followed by Pilates.

All ages & abilities welcome 😊

Women’s Only Fitness class here at Great Denham Community Hall!
Starting on Thursday 5th September 18.00-18.50 St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 01/09/2024

Hello September!!

And what an exciting & new month ahead.

Florence starts school!! My first born who over the last 4 and a half years I have spent a lot of time with. Juggling being a parent for the first time, alongside working part-time & nursery. 🥺

I am now back to work full-time! Ready to take on the new cohort of Personal Trainers at Milton Keynes college. Encouraging them to make the most of this wonderful industry which I absolutely live for! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Women’s Only Fitness starts back next week. I’m looking forward to welcoming back previous participants and meeting new faces too! Encouraging women to try something new and build confidence 🫶

Bring it on 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 30/08/2024

Unpredictability….one of the most frustrating things (I find) about being a parent.

You make good intentions, plan in things to encourage a healthier you, Dan was doing yoga at 8.30 last night, I was walking the dog at 9pm just to get my steps up from a sedentary day at work…

Then unfortunately we were up several times through the night with a poorly Florence, changing bedsheets at midnight, washing the bathroom floor down at 2am etc. etc.

No Buggy Bootcamp this morning, plans are on hold 😫😫

We go in again tomorrow with healthy intentions…whether it goes to plan or not is a different story 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 29/08/2024

One week to go until Women’s Only Fitness is back!!

Try different styles of exercise in a friendly, non-judgmental environment, with like-minded ladies.

Over a number of weeks you will participate in snippets of Box-Fitness, Dance-Fitness, Toning, Pilates, Balance & stretch.

All abilities & ages are welcome.

Classes are PAYG or block booking 😊

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 26/08/2024

Bank holiday weekend 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Saturday I had the privilege of running a wellbeing day with my sister, Karina, at

The day was focussed on the wellbeing of the rider, how they can fuel their bodies, strengthen their cores and mobilise their joints…all contributing to improving their riding.

Each rider had the opportunity to participate in 2 Pilates sessions, 2 ridden sessions and a tasty, healthy lunch was provided too!

A fabulous (rainy ☔️) day with lovely people.

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 15/08/2024

First post-holiday workout is always the scariest!!

But why?…
Has all my fitness gone in one week?

Will I even be able to get through my workout?

Have I let everything go if I find my workout particularly difficult?

Sound familiar?

Your first post-holiday workout will always be a challenge! It’s rare to fuel & hydrate your body on holiday as well as you may do at home, or be as active in comparison to your normal schedule.

A holiday with the kids (and my sister) means more ice-creams, few more fizzy drinks, more snacky foods, less sleep, which means less energy. This will all contribute to a more challenging first workout where you may not feel your fittest.

🏖️ Give yourself a minimum of 1-2 weeks to get back to feeling like you did before holiday.

🏖️ Jump back into your routine as soon as you can post-holiday.

🏖️ Give your body time to adapt. Start with something which is going to increase your confidence, a slow jog, relaxing swim, a Pilates class for example.

🏖️ Be grateful for your holiday memories 🫶 and don’t be hard on yourself for letting yourself go off track a little.

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 03/08/2024

And Women’s Only Fitness is coming back!!

Starting on Thursday 5th September, 18.00-18.50 at Great Denham Community Hall.

Women’s Only Fitness combines 2 styles of exercise in one class, giving you the opportunity to try something new and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Exercise styles include: box-fitness, dance-fitness, HIIT, toning, stretch, balance & Pilates.

Classes are £8 PAYG or pay for a block for a cheaper rate.

If you’re new to exercise or have had a break, this class is ideal! All ages & abilities are welcome.

If you’d like more information do let me know 😊

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 23/07/2024

I can’t believe I used to share this quote for fitness motivation!! The last time I shared this on my fitness page was 5 years ago…my first born is 4 and a half and how little I knew about fitting exercise round your children.

A one-hour workout is only 4%of your day, no excuses.

There is an excuse!! And it’s kids. My clingy kids that feel like they have to be physically touching me, sitting on me, hanging off me wherever we are.

You may have early risers 🙋🏼‍♀️ so advice that parents could just wake up an hour earlier to workout…Reg was chatting at 4.30am yesterday morning. Or an after-work workout, which means going out training at 7.30/8pm every night. 😴😵‍💫

So if you’re a working parent and you’re trying to find time to exercise but are struggling where & when to do it…be kind to yourself. Working exercise around children can be the hardest thing.

What has worked for me this last week is 30-minute Pilates workouts on YouTube. Doesn’t affect kids’ dinner time, bedtime and all you need is a mat in your living room.

🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️ it’s currently my saviour.

So if any instructor tells you there is no excuse…give them your kids for a day and we’ll see if their opinion changes 😜

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 07/07/2024

Sunday teaching at Towers Health & Racquets Club today 🫶🫶

Pilates with the small ball, 11.15-12.15: lots of side bends, shoulder bridges, swimming and chest openers.

Followed by BodyBalance launch 🚀 sun sals, killer leg track & ab track 🏋️‍♂️

Thank you Towers & all class participants!

Start the new week as you mean to go on.


My training partner for today 🧡

6k run, in what appeared to be the hottest part of the day! This dog is a legend 🫶 the best-behaved out of all the children.

I’m slowly getting my mileage up each week. Don’t worry about pace, just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Photos from Bedford Borough Council, Sports Development Unit's post 01/07/2024
Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 20/06/2024

Summer is here!! ☀️☀️☀️

Whatever you do this weekend, breathe in some fresh air, get some sun on your face, move your body and speak/meet up with a friend or family member.

The smallest of things make a huge difference to our wellbeing. 🫶🫶


Sunny evening core class ☀️☀️☀️

A mix of Pilates-specific exercises and more general abdominal burners 🔥

New Pilates class beginning the first Thursday in September. 18.00-18.50. All abilities welcome. Please message me if you’d like more info.


Windy…drizzly…woolly hats & winter coats….exactly what we’d expect on May 31st!!

Well done mums 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

A combination of Box-fit, toning & HIIT.

Happy Friday everybody!



We are happy to announce a significant rise in physical activity levels among residents, according to the latest Sport England Active Lives survey. The survey reveals that 72.8% of the adult population in Bedford Borough is now meeting the Chief Medical Officers' guidelines of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This represents a remarkable 14.3% increase compared to previous data, highlighting a positive shift towards a healthier and more active community.

This accomplishment is attributed to a combined effort by the Bedford Borough Council, local community partners, and residents themselves. The Council has been instrumental in promoting physical activity through various initiatives, including:

Refurbishment of local parks.

Introduction of new cycling and walking paths.

Street Tag, a free gamified healthy lifestyle app.

Expansion of accessible fitness classes, including specialised programs, like Active Wellbeing, designed for individuals with long-term health conditions.

Councillor Sarah Gallagher, Portfolio Holder for Customer Experience at Bedford Borough Council, expressed her delight with the results. "We are incredibly proud to see such a substantial rise in physical activity levels.

“Our ongoing mission has been to cultivate an environment that fosters inclusivity and enjoyment around physical activity for everyone in Bedford Borough. This remarkable increase is a testament to the dedication of our community partners and the commitment of our residents."

Regular exercise is not only crucial for maintaining physical well-being but also contributes significantly to mental health, improved mood, and a higher overall quality of life. This surge in activity levels is expected to have a lasting positive impact on the health of the Bedford Borough population.

While this rise is undoubtedly a positive step, the Council acknowledges the importance of addressing existing inequalities. Socio-economic factors, ethnicity, and disabilities can all significantly impact a person's likelihood to participate in physical activity. The Council is actively working alongside partners like "Be Active" to bridge these gaps and ensure everyone has the opportunity to live an active lifestyle.

Bedford Borough Council has also partnered with Be Active, who has supported Active Lives and many other initiatives across the local area.

Rob Purdie, Chair of Be Active says the following, "The Active Lives Adults results are a valuable resource to support the work that Be Active are doing in Bedfordshire.

“The team are making huge strides supporting our ambitions outlined in our strategy 'Moving Forwards Together' but we know that there is still plenty of work to do."

Residents are encouraged to explore the various resources available and discover activities that suit their interests, from joining local sports teams to practicing yoga or simply taking a daily walk.


First ‘Spartan Super’ training session done. ✅

I have never completed an obstacle race before, I have trained for half marathons, marathons & triathlons but never obstacles. I really want to work on conditioning my whole body being as fast and as strong as I possibly can.

Start small and build up from your starting point. I ran 3k, with a rest in between each kilometre, assisted pull-ups, 2k on the bike (intervals) and finished with core.

Whatever your goal, the hardest part can be just believing in yourself! We are capable of amazing things and it all starts with your first training session.

Be brave 🏋️‍♀️ what’s the worst that could happen?!

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 22/05/2024

So as it rained ALLLLLLL DAY….I was thinking how Outdoor Boxercise would go ahead this evening.

BUT! We persevered in the drizzle and was relieved to be outdoors once we’d dodged the rain ☔️

Lots of combinations this evening: pair work & speed work for a full 45 minutes.

Women’s Only Fitness: a sweaty Box-Fit followed by Dance-Fitness.

Fab job ladies 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 18/05/2024

Saturday morning exercise 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

As Saturday class is in its last couple of weeks, thank you to those still attending! Well done ladies, 4 bodyweight exercises followed by 4 weighted exercises. 4 rounds of everything! 👏🏻👏🏻

Then joined by the rest of the family for a husband & wife outdoor workout. Ropes, med balls, TRX, skipping etc. etc. This is probably where you’ll see us now on a Saturday morning!

Fab effort everybody 👏🏻👏🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 17/05/2024

Always a pleasure on a Friday morning…the sun is shining, the kids are happy (mainly eating snacks), we made it to Friday…we survived! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Well done mums 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 15/05/2024

Women’s Only Fitness: HIIT followed by Pilates 🏋️‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️

Then Outdoor Boxercise in the fresh air! 4 rounds of our boxing circuit…perfect stress relief for midweek.

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 10/05/2024

Activity-sessions for 3-8 year olds!

My sister and I are teaming up to offer Horse-inspired activity sessions for little ones!

Combining our experience, with me working in the fitness & education sector and my sister, Karina, working in the equine industry. We have put together a 2-hour, fun-filled activity session aimed at 3-5 year olds and 6-8 year olds with Scruff (the littlest pony) taking part as well.

No experience is necessary, and if your little one has a love, or even a mild curiosity for horses or ponies, come and join us!

Saturday 8th June.

9.30-11.30: 3-5 year olds
12.30-14.30: 6-8 year olds

Any questions, do contact one of us (all details are attached in the pics)

Please note, these sessions are being offered in Creaton, Northampton.


Core Stability this evening in a lovely air-conditioned studio at

30-minutes of you-time, prioritising your strength, improving posture, lengthening the body 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️

Just what we needed today 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 07/05/2024

What a day back after the bank holiday weekend…

✅ Last nursery session today! 🥹

We did lots of hopping & skipping, through the speed ladder, jumping to each cone, skipping using hoops, and we even attempted some group skipping with the ropes!

Children have got boundless amounts of energy, enthusiasm, resilience, teamwork, and just pure fun! Well done pre-schoolers.

✅ It was also my last day with my women’s only group in Queens Park. The progress and the self-confidence I’ve seen in almost a year has been immense. Such a strong & supportive group of women which I’m really going to miss.

✅ And I also covered my first Pilates class. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I felt like a new instructor again! 😬 Nervous about getting it right, nervous about covering an already experienced instructor and ensuring each participant felt like they’d had a good workout.

Change & growth 🧘🏼‍♀️ I’m getting ready.

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 06/05/2024

R & R with the husband 🙌🏻🙌🏻

It only took us 4 and a half years to spend more than 2 nights away from the kids!!

Daily gym sessions, spa visits, a trip to Gloucester Cathedral (Dan’s favourite part of the weekend), drinks in the bar, no rushing, no interrupted conversations, no early alarms…bliss.

However, I’m now excited to get back to the crazies and get Florence & Reggie cuddles 🩷💙.

All classes resume this week! If you’ve have an indulgent weekend, the best thing you can do is just get back to your normal routine…balanced eating & regular exercise.

Wed: Women’s Only Fitness & Boxercise
Thurs: Core Strength
Fri: Buggy/Toddler Bootcamp
Sat: Outdoor Fitness


Hat’s off to mums & kiddies this morning.

Only 5 of us out and it drizzled the whole time!! 🌧️🌧️

We still managed 15 minutes of box-fitness followed by 30 minutes of a dumbbell weighted workout.

Fantastic job!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 always a pleasure ladies…even in this miserable weather!!

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 02/05/2024

Core Strength this evening 🧘🏼‍♀️ I am loving bringing in some different Pilates exercises and practicing the flow of each one.

Now bring on the bank holiday weekend vibes 🥂🥂

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 01/05/2024

I am sooooo going to miss teaching my Wednesday groups. Each participant brings such energy, enthusiasm & community spirit!

Women’s only fitness (previously known as This Girl Can) has been such a safe, non-judgmental, supportive space to exercise. The variety of the styles of exercise, the music, and the movement choices (🐴 🐔) has brought a lot of sweat & a lot of laughs!

Boxercise went back outdoors this evening, which was lovely! ☀️☀️ still the biggest stress-relief is to punch a boxing pad!

We keep going through to May. Keep bringing the energy 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 01/05/2024

Nursery sport session yesterday morning.

We don’t have loads of outdoor space but we work within our means!

So a game of stuck in the mud, throwing & catching beanbags, working together to pass the balls overhead & through the legs. We then finished with throwing the different balls in some tyres, trying to hit the target!

More pre-school activity sessions coming soon and with a little twist as well! 😜

Photos from St Hilaire Fitness & Nutrition's post 30/04/2024

When your intention was to spend all afternoon studying advanced Pilates…but poorly baby takes priority.

Laptop closed. Cup of tea. Crappy tv. Reggie cuddles.

Breaking barriers: The rise of women's weightlifting 30/04/2024

Love this 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Watch how women feel empowered after lifting weight 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Breaking barriers: The rise of women's weightlifting From improved mental health to enhanced confidence, women are reaping the benefits of weightlifting.

My story

I have been passionate about health and fitness my whole life. For those who know me, know that exercising is one of my favourite activities to do!

I have over 10 years experience in the fitness industry, teaching group exercises classes, training clients and working with people from all walks of life. I am also a teacher in education which means I can share my knowledge with both students and staff (staff exercise classes for those who attended!)

My main aim is to provide people with a range of exercises which they can fit into their everyday, busy lives! I really do believe that there is an activity or exercise for everybody which they will enjoy and stick to.

I am here to help you! You can achieve anything you put your mind to with a little support and encouragement from those around you.

Videos (show all)

4 years of Buggy/Toddler Bootcamp 🙌🏻🙌🏻 This wonderful group has been going through all seasons, always outdoors, for the...
First Buggy Bootcamp of the summer holidays!! At last 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Due to holidays and suspected illnesses, we haven’t all been ...
Husband and Wife day…Obstacle training of course! This was a big learning curve for me. I actually felt completely out o...
Fitness with your little ones. 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️ Whether you have babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers or children in school, you ar...
A quick half hour? What can we do? 🤔🤔 Beast the upper body of course. Some presses, some rows and some assisted pull-ups...
Dog walk…fresh air for the kids…exercise…parenting…staying sane…Friday motivation….I think we call this serious multitas...
Consistency is everything!! 👌🏻👌🏻 When you find something incredibly hard, even impossible at that moment, every part of ...
Saturday exercise with the kids 🥴🥴 when you’re flying solo, needs must. Lots will look at this and possibly say, what’s ...
The juggles of being a working parent. Trying to be as successful as I can in my career, be the best mum I can be for my...
If you want to know what our horse-inspired activity sessions consist of…This morning, we did brushing, points of the po...