Máster Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura

Máster Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura

Página no oficial del Máster de Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Cuartoymitad Teatro 17/01/2014

Obra de teatro Máster de Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura
Escriba su nombre Aquí de Cuartoymitad Teatro con la colaboración de Teatro Defondo “Yo estoy siendo muchas veces, muchas historias, muchos días...” ¿Y si pudieras elegir tu nacionalidad a través de un servicio de atención al cliente? ¿Cómo te presentas si cada parte de tu cuerpo tiene una historia distinta? ¿Y si lo que te define es un número? ¿O tu extrañísima forma de llamarte?
Escriba su nombre Aquí es una obra de teatro de creación
colectiva actoral, una comedia crítica para preguntarnos sobre las identidades, colectivas e individuales, sobre cómo nos narramos y cómo narramos a los otros. La creación de la obra parte de las inquietudes sugeridas por los contenidos filosóficos, lingüísticos, literarios y estéticos del Máster de Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura de la UC3M. Estas preguntas y contradicciones son miradas por un grupo de actores y articuladas a través del juego y el distanciamiento crítico que permite la comedia, buscando desde distintos planteamientos sobre géneros, nacionalidades, territorios, fronteras, q***r... creando un mosaico de situaciones que nos enfrenta a la precariedad de nuestras “certezas”, a la sorpresa de no saber quién soy.
La actriz y creadora María Prado, alumna del Máster, funda la compañía Cuartoymitad Teatro junto con Fernando de Retes, con el propósito de hacer preguntas a través de la asamblea que es el teatro, preguntas que permitan cuestionar(nos) el mundo en el
que vivimos para poder abrir posibilidades (utópicas, ¿o no?)
de cambio.
Escriba su nombre Aquí estará programada en Teatro del Barrio los domingos 2, 9 y 16 de febrero y 2 de marzo a las 19.00h. El día 2 de febrero se realizará una charla coloquio después de la función, a las 20.30h, en la que participará como invitado el profesor Fernando Broncano. La entrada a la charla será libre hasta completar aforo.
Precio de la entrada: 14 euros en taquilla, 12 euros
anticipada. Compra entradas pinchando aquí Grupos (a partir de 25 personas): 10 euros/entrada. www.cuartoymitadteatro.com

Cuartoymitad Teatro Web de la compañía Cuartoymitad Teatro


Animáos a publicar en este número de Caracteres!

CFP: Vol. 3 N. 1 (Mayo/May 2014). Monográfico/Monograph: Universos transmedia y convergencias... Texto en español – Text in English Estimados colegas: Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital es una publicación académica independiente en torno a las Humanidades Digitales...

Política editorial 04/09/2013


Política editorial La revista Commons abre el plazo para la recepción de originales. Las temáticas de los artículos enviados deberán encuadrarse en alguna de las líneas de investigación del grupo impulsor de la revista:− Publicidad Social y Tercer Sector Audiovisual.− Comunicación para el Desarrollo y el Cambio...


Estimados investigadores,

Les recordamos que en el BOE de 14 de agosto de 2013 fue publicada la convocatoria de ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2013 (antiguas FPI).

El plazo de solicitudes es del 26 de agosto de 2013 al 10 de septiembre de 2013 a las 15:00 horas (horario peninsular).

Las solicitudes las presentarán los propios interesados a través de la Sede Electrónica del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

Pueden ver la convocatoria en:

Para cualquier aclaración adicional pueden ponerse en contacto con:

- José Javier Tomas Tudela ([email protected], Tel: 8375)
- Consuelo Pérez Payo ([email protected], Tel: 8442)



Hoy por fin ha llegado la VERIFICACIÓN DE LA ANECA:




El Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de Artes Plásticas del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes convoca a investigadores, artistas, estudiantes y especialistas en artes visuales a participar con textos para el número 34 (nueva época) de la revista electrónica Discurso Visual con el tema:

Escorzos sobre la percepción del hecho estético

Editado por la Academia de Fronteras del Cenidiap*

La concepción de un tiempo lineal se nos presenta como anhelo de la Razón para atrapar totalidades ordenadas; sin embargo, tiempos discontinuos desacomodan la razón del sujeto que piensa, disfruta o crea en el territorio de las artes. Decir esto es dejar de lado la concepción del tiempo como algo externo al sujeto y proponerla como un problema que gravita en torno a la subjetivad.

Vibran las temporalidades en el acto estético, de ahí que toda mirada que hurgue en este sea desde una subjetividad atravesada por esas temporalidades. Desde estos márgenes convocamos a compartir percepciones diversas: escorzos que den cuenta de los posibles modos de acercarse al acto estético desde la experiencia de las temporalidades.

* La Academia de Fronteras está conformada por las siguientes investigadoras: Loreto Alonso, Carmen Gómez del Campo, Margarita Esther González, Eréndira Meléndez, Claudia Ovando, Ana Rodríguez, Alma Lilia Roura, Alicia Sánchez Mejorada, Graciela Schmilchuk y Leticia Torres.

Fecha límite para la entrega de colaboraciones: 29 de noviembre de 2013.
Enviar textos a: [email protected] y [email protected].

Normas para entrega de originales
1. Los artículos deberán ser inéditos, con una extensión de diez a quince cuartillas sin contar bibliografía y/o hemerografía (una cuartilla equivale a 1 700 caracteres, con espacios), escritos en procesador Microsoft Word para su entrega en formatos .docx, .doc o .rtf.
2. Deberán ser entregados vía correo electrónico. El texto deberá estar a doble espacio, con tamaño de letra de 12 puntos en la fuente Times New Roman.
3. El cuerpo del artículo deberá ser redactado en mayúsculas y minúsculas sin ningún tipo de formato o estilo editorial (sin sangrías, tabuladores, etc.). Únicamente los subtítulos deberán ir en negritas y con los espacios correspondientes para facilitar su identificación. La alineación debe ser justificada solo a la izquierda, no centrada. El retorno únicamente debe utilizarse al final de un párrafo y nunca en medio del mismo para hacer ajustes.
4. Cuando las citas ocupen más de cinco líneas, irán separadas del resto del texto con espacios en blanco. Citas de menor extensión formarán parte del bloque principal del texto, escritas entre comillas.
5. Bibliografía, hemerografía y notas deberán ir al final del artículo y no vinculadas al texto ni a pie de página. Dentro del cuerpo del artículo las llamadas de las notas deberán incluirse manualmente —no mediante comando de procesador— en números voladitos o entre paréntesis, colocados después de los signos de puntuación, cuando sea el caso.
6. Existe la opción que los artículos se acompañen de fotos u otras ilustraciones. Preferiblemente deberán entregarse hasta quince imágenes para de entre ellas seleccionar las que se publicarán. Las fotografías deben entregarse digitalizadas en archivos .jpg o .tif, en una resolución mínima de 100 dpi y de unos 15 cm de tamaño.
7. Al final del artículo se deben incluir los pies de todas las imágenes con su identificación, así como el orden en que deben aparecer. Cuando se trate de obras, el pie debe indicar título, año, técnica y dimensiones. También se debe incluir, cuando proceda, crédito del autor de la foto o ilustración y la identidad de quien posea los derechos de autor correspondientes. En estos casos es indispensable tramitar los permisos de reproducción, en los que se indique que se autoriza su publicación en la revista electrónica Discurso Visual.
8. Todos los textos son dictaminados por un consejo arbitral conformado por especialistas en el tema, quienes los aprueban para su publicación o emiten comentarios al autor.

Issues | Avant 31/05/2013

AVANT. The Journal Of The Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard.

AVANT is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to current trends in
interdisciplinary studies, focusing on Cognitive Sciences as well as
Science, Technology and Society Studies. The journal provides reviews
and review-like papers: balanced and insightful syntheses, analysis,
comments, opinions, polemics, discussions, book reviews, and interviews.
It presents the interactions of various disciplines, including
philosophy of mind, neurobiology, psychology, artificial intelligence,
sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and others. It specializes, among
others, in studies on art practices.

AVANT is bilingual (English and Polish), published online in open
access, and printed, in the frequency of three issues per year. Two
issues are fully international and bilingual. The third issue includes
most Polish translations.

Planned issues: STS meets Cognitive Science; Literacy & Extended Mind;
Controversies around Enactivism; Nature of delusions; and others.

Witold Wachowski
Manager of the Project Avant
AVANT. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies
Editorial address: skr. poczt. nr 34, U.P. Toruń 2 Filia, ul.
Mazowiecka 63/65, 87-100 Toruń, Poland.
Editorial office mobile: +48 604-382-268. ISSN online: 2082-6710, ISSN
print: 2082-7598.
Centre for Philosophical Research
The journal has been registered in District Court in Warsaw, under
number: PR 17724.
Project supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Issues | Avant

Volumen 2 Nº1 Mayo 2013 20/05/2013

Ya está el siguiente número de CARACTERES!

Volumen 2 Nº1 Mayo 2013 Recuerde que puede leer nuestra declaración de intenciones. También tiene a su disposición la normativa así como información adicional sobre la revista y su estructura organizativa. Ya estamos espe...



Tuesday 9 July 2013
Faculty of Arts & Institute for Advanced Studies
University of Bristol

Keynote speaker: Prof Brian Hurwitz (King’s College London)

This one-day workshop will inaugurate the Medical Humanities research cluster at the University of Bristol. We welcome papers on any area of illness narrative, phenomenology of illness, narrative medicine, and phenomenology of health from a variety of disciplinary approaches, including (but not restricted to) literature, philosophy, medicine, psychology, arts & health, death studies, medical anthropology, health research, and medical education. We welcome submissions from practitioners and researchers in any domain of health research and practice.

Please send a 400-word abstract by June 17, 2013 to both organizers:
Dr Havi Carel (Philosophy) - [email protected]
Dr Ulrika Maude (English) - ulrika.maude@ bristol.ac.uk.
Decisions will be announced by 20June, 2013.

The workshop is free and all are welcome. To register please email the organizers.

Workshop venue:
Verdon-Smith Room
Institute for Advanced Studies
Royal Fort House
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1UJ

We thank the University of Bristol’s Faculty of Arts and Institute for Advanced Studies for supporting the workshop.

http://humanities.tau.ac.il/philosophy/images/stories/mimesis_large.jpg 20/05/2013

Una iniciativa sugerente de lo que se puede hacer entre filosofía y artes escénicas:

Míemesis e identificación (una iniciativa conjunta de la Freie Universitat y la universidad de Tel-Aviv:
Mimesis and Identification http://humanities.tau.ac.il/philosophy/images/stories/mimesis_large.jpg
A Joint Interdisciplinary workshop of Tel Aviv University and the Excellence Cluster for Language and Emotion at the Fry Universitat, Berlin.
Room 496, Gilman Building, Tel Aviv university
Sunday, May 26th
11:00-12:00 Moshe zuckerman (TAU) – Identity and Identification-the artist, the work, the recipient
12:00-13:00 Christoph Wulf (FU) – Cultural Learning as Mimetic Learning
14:30-15:30 Asaf Pinkus (TAU) – The Bamberg Rider and Medieval Discourse on the Living Image
15:30-16:30 Michalle Gal (TAU) – Conceptual Mimesis: Pictures and Ideas
17:00-18:00 Georg Witte (FU) – Identification with a Co**se? Mimetic Narration, Perspective and Participation in Dostoevsky’s “A Gentle Creature”
Monday, May 27th
10:30-11:30 Daniel Blanga Gubbay (HHUD) – Fail, Fail, Otherwise We Are Lost.
Body as Resistance in Mimetic Processes.
11:30-12:30 Eli Friedlander (TAU) – Absorbed in Color
14:00-15:00 Freddie Rokem (TAU) – Mimetic and Non-Mimetic Aspect of Scenographic Space



Un interesante Call for Papers

http://re-visiones.imaginarrar.net/spip.php?rubrique28 Los textos deberán ser enviados antes del 1 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2013. A partir de esta fecha serán aprobados por el Consejo de Redacción y remitidos de forma anónima a su revisión por pares. Los autores aceptados recibirán comunicación de esta evaluación antes del 31 de OCTUBRE de 2013.


Caracteres ya reúne 36 de los 36 requisitos que pide Latindex. Animaos a escribir!!!

Petición de colaboraciones - Call for Contributions Estimados colegas: En próximas semanas se publicará el nuevo número de Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital, publicación académica independiente en torno a las Humanidade...


Estáis todos invitados

Epistemology of Resistance - Presentation Epistemology of Resistance - Presentation

CONSTELACIONES Revista de Teoría Crítica 09/05/2013

Una magnífica revista para tener en cuenta:

CONSTELACIONES Revista de Teoría Crítica


A reminder that the AHRC Knowledge of Emotion project is is holding an interdisciplinary workshop on Emotion and Expression


Philosophy, School of Social Sciences
University of Manchester, M13 9PL

14-15 June 2013


Sabine Döring (Philosophy, Tübingen)
Nico Frijda (Psychology, Amsterdam)
Mitchell Green (Philosophy, Virginia)
Jennifer Hanratty (Psychology, Queen's Belfast)
Rachael Jack (Psychology, Glasgow)
Carolyn Price (Philosophy, Open)
James Russell (Psychology, Boston College)
Joel Smith (Philosophy, Manchester)
Anna Tcherkassof (Psychology, Grenoble-Chambéry)
The conference is free to attend. A small number of places are still available. Please register here.

Kevin Warwick - Home Page 24/04/2013

Conference Title: The Posthuman: Differences, Embodiments, Performativity


September 11th - 14th 2013, University of Roma 3, Rome, Italy

The University of Roma 3, the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, the University
of the Aegean and Dublin City University are pleased to announce that

Prof. Kevin Warwick from the University of Reading

will be the keynote speaker at the conference “The Posthuman”.

The specific focus of the Conference “The Posthuman: Differences,
Embodiments, and Performativity” will be the posthuman, both in its
genealogies, as well as its theoretical, artistic and materialistic
differences and possibilities. In order to guarantee a systematic treatment
of the topic, we will particularly focus on the following themes:

1. The Posthuman; 2. Philosophical Issues concerning the Posthuman; 3. New
Media Art, Graphic Arts and Comics, Design, Bioarts, Body Art, Performance
and the Posthuman; 4. Ethics, Bioethics, and the Moral Status of the
Posthuman; 5. Emerging Technologies, Posthuman Informatics and the
Posthuman; 6. Materialism and Posthuman Existence; 7. Posthuman Education

The detailed CFP is available here: http://rome.beyondhumanism.eu/

It is the 5th conference of the Beyond Humanism Conference Series which is
being organized by the Beyond Humanism Network:

Associated to the Beyond Humanism Network is the Beyond Humanism Book
Series. Authors interested in publishing a monograph or an essay collection
on a related topic might be interested in the following information:

Academic Committee of the conference “The Posthuman”:

Francesca Brezzi, Roma III
Francesca Ferrando, Roma III
Donal O'Mathuna, Dublin City University
Evi Sampanikou, University of the Aegean
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg


We invite abstracts of up to 500 words, to be sent in MS Word and Pdf format
to: [email protected]

Files should be named and submitted in the following manner:
Submission: First Name Last name.docx (or .doc) / .pdf
Example: “Submission: MaryAndy.docx”

Abstracts should be received by May 15th 2013.
Acceptance notifications will be sent out by June 15th.
All those accepted will receive information on the venue(s), local
attractions, accommodations, restaurants, and planned receptions and events
for participants.
*Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. Each presentation will
be given 10 additional minutes for questions and discussions with the
audience, for a total of 30 minutes.


A registration fee of €50 (65USD) will apply to all participants.

Yours sincerely
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (www.sorgner.de)

Kevin Warwick - Home Page The Home Page of Professor Kevin Warwick with details of his research into Cyborgs


Para que veáis que las Humanidades se adaptan a todos los cambios culturales:

Call for Papers
The editors, Feona Attwood (Middles*x University) and Clarissa Smith (University of Sunderland), and Routledge are pleased to announce the launch of a new journal
devoted to the study of po*******hy.

P**n Studies is the first dedicated, international, peer-reviewed journal to critically explore those cultural products and services designated as p**nographic and their cultural, economic, historical, institutional, legal and social contexts. P**n Studies will publish innovative work examining specifically s*xual and explicit media forms, their connections to wider media landscapes and their links to the broader spheres of (s*x) work across historical periods and national contexts.

P**n Studies is an interdisciplinary journal informed by critical s*xuality studies and work exploring the intersection of s*xuality, gender, race, class, age and ability. It
focuses on developing knowledge of p**nographies past and present, in all their variations and around the world. Because po*******hy studies are still in their infancy we are also interested in discussions that focus on theoretical approaches, methodology and research ethics. Alongside articles, the journal includes a forum devoted to shorter observations, developments, debates or issues in p**n studies, designed to encourage exchange and debate.

P**n Studies invites submissions for publication, commencing with its first issue in Spring 2014. Articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words. Forum submissions should be 500-1500 words. Book reviews should be between 800 and 1500 words. Submissions will be refereed anonymously by at least two referees.

In the first instance submissions, queries and suggestions should be sent to: [email protected]

Revistas en Latindex. 23/04/2013

Caracteres, revista de humanidades y nuevas tecnologías, obtiene 36 de los 36 criterios de Latindex.
Daniel Escandell

Revistas en Latindex.

Museology 22/04/2013

Nace una nueva plataforma


University of Glasgow :: School of Humanities :: Research :: Philosophy Research :: Workshops & Conf 21/04/2013

Registration is now open for the Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Conference 2013
Philosophy and Museums: Ethics, Aesthetics and Ontology

24th to 26th of July 2013
University of Glasgow and the Burrell Collection

Keynote Speakers:

David Brown (St Andrews), ‘Contexts and Experiencing the Sacred’
Ivan Gaskell (Bard Graduate Center, New York), ‘The Museum of Big Ideas’
Garry Hagberg (Bard College, New York), ‘Word and Object’
Michael Levine (University of Western Australia), ‘Museums and the Nostalgic Self’
Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen), ‘“A Sudden Surprise of the Soul”: Wonder in Museums and Early Modern Philosophy’
Graham Oddie (University of Colorado at Boulder), ‘What do we see in Museums?’
Julia Rosenbaum (Bard College, New York), ‘A Curious Case of Collecting’
Constantine Sandis (Oxford Brookes), ‘Replicas and the Role of Museums’
Charles Taliaferro (St. Olaf, Minnesota) and Jil Evans (Traffic Zone Center for Visual Arts), ‘How To Get Into A Work Of Art’
Philip Tonner (Hutchesons’ Grammar School, Glasgow), ‘Museums, Ethics and Truth’

There has been much interest lately on the part of academics, museum professionals and policy makers on interactions between universities and museums. Critical theory, influenced by Continental philosophy, has had a shaping role on the discussions which have taken place; however, so far there has been little attention to what the insights of philosophers in the Anglo-American tradition might bring to the table. This conference will highlight the scholarship of philosophers in this tradition who have engaged with museums and taken seriously the philosophical questions they raise.

This international conference brings together philosophers from a spectrum of philosophical sub-disciplines, ranging from ethics, through aesthetics, to metaphysics and philosophy of religion. It explores how their work contributes to the understanding of museums and what light it can shed on the philosophical questions raised by museum practices. The conference addresses such questions under three main headings: Ethics, Aesthetics and Ontology.

For further details and the registration form, please see:

http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/humanities/research/philosophyresearch/workshopsconferences/philosophyandmuseums/ .en.267060

The deadline for registration is 1st July 2013. Please take advantage of the Early Bird Discount and register by 31st May.

Enquiries can be addressed to Dr Victoria Harrison ([email protected]).

Organisers: Victoria Harrison, Gary Kemp and Anna Bergqvist

The conference organisers gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, Glasgow Life, the Scots Philosophical Association, the Journal of Philosophy of Education, the Mind Association, Hutchesons’ Grammar School; and within the University of Glasgow, The Hunterian Museum, the School of Education and the School of Humanities.



Dr Victoria Harrison
Reader in Philosophy
School of Humanities
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ

University of Glasgow :: School of Humanities :: Research :: Philosophy Research :: Workshops & Conf Sponsors: Royal Institute of Philosophy; Scots Philosophical Association; Journal of Philosophy of Education; Mind Association; Glasgow Life; The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow; School of Humanities and School of Education, University of Glasgow. With the cooperation of Hutchesons' Grammar…


Invitation to the Seminar of
9-15 June 2013

Since 2003, Luce Irigaray holds a seminar with researchers doing their PhD on her work. This way, they have the opportunity to receive personal teaching from Luce Irigaray and to exchange ideas, methods and experiences between them. The seminar was welcomed by the University of Nottingham during the first three years (see Luce Irigaray: Teaching edited by Luce Irigaray with Mary Green, and published by Continuum, London & New York, 2008), by the University of Liverpool the fourth year, by Queen Mary, University of London, the fifth year, by the Goodenough College of London the sixth year, by the University of Nottingham the seventh year, by the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol the eighth year, and by the University of Bristol the ninth year. The seminar will take place at the University of Bristol in 2013.

The framework of the seminar is this: A group of at most fifteen researchers, doing their PhD on the work of Luce Irigaray, stay one week on the university campus. The timetable includes a presentation by each researcher of the aspect of their PhD which most focuses on the work of Luce Irigaray, the discussion of this presentation by the group, the comments of Luce Irigaray herself and her answers to the questions asked by each one, and also sessions devoted to an explanation of some key-words or key-thoughts chosen by the participants. Personal meetings with Luce Irigaray are organized on the last day. The participants pay for their travel, but receive, at least in part, hospitality from the university. The language of the seminar is English.

The participants in the seminar come from different regions of the world, they belong to different cultures, traditions and fields of research – Philosophy, Gender Studies, Religious Studies, Literature, Arts, Critical and Cultural Studies, etc. The themes of their research include, for example: the treatment of personal or cultural traumatic experience; the resources that various arts can offer for dwelling in oneself and with the other(s); the maternal order and feminine genealogy; the interpretation and embodiment of the divine today; the contribution of s*xuate difference to personal and social development; new perspectives in philosophy etc. In each of these fields, diverse domains, approaches and methods are represented. To date, the participants came from Australia, Vietnam, Korea, China, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Latvia, France, Belgium, Pakistan, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Romania and from different regions and universities of the U.S.A. and of the U.K. Beyond the multicultural teaching which results from such a gathering, the participants learn to live together and to share in difference during the time devoted to the work, and during meals, walks, personal meetings etc. The atmosphere of the seminar is intense but friendly and joyful, and its outcome highly successful for both the research and the life of each participant.

If you are interested and would like to participate in such a seminar please send as soon as possible a CV, a PhD abstract (1 page) and a presentation of the issues and arguments of your PhD that most focus on the work of Luce Irigaray (5 - 6 pages) to Luce Irigaray (by mail: 15, rue Lakanal, 75015 Paris, France). After receiving this material, Luce Irigaray will tell you if you can participate in the seminar of 2013. You will be in contact, for further practical information, in the Spring after the selection of the candidates.


De nuestro compañero Simone Belli:

Helsinki Summer School | Courses - Emotions and Interculturality Helsinki Summer School is a three-week academic event organised every August by the universities in the Helsinki area.


Call for papers

Interdisciplinary conference
Exploring awe and wonder

6-8 September 2013
Institute for Simulation and Training
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
Sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation's
Research Grant: Space, Science and Spirituality

The concepts of awe and wonder occupy an important place in the history of ideas, often associated with the beginnings of philosophy and with religious experience. In contemporary times, however, they are under-studied and rarely discussed. It is not clear that such experiences are more rare in our time. One might argue that given our ability to explore more and more corners of the physical and intellectual universe using technology and advanced science, and our capacity for representing the results of such explorations in art, film and various mass media, we should expect that experiences of awe and wonder are more common.

The interdisciplinary conference, Exploring Awe and Wonder, will bring together researchers in psychology, emotion theory, neuroscience, philosophy, art history, religious studies, and other relevant fields to explore the science and phenomenology of awe and wonder. Proposals for presentations in these areas are welcome. A special session on Space, Science and Spirituality is being organized to present current research on the experience of awe and wonder during space flight.

Keynote speakers
Jesse Prinz (Philosophy, CUNY Graduate)
Michelle Shiota (Psychology, Arizona State University)

Invited speakers
Jonathan Cole (Neuroscience, Bournemouth University)
Joerg Trempler (Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Yale Center for British Art)
Jeff Williams (NASA, Astronaut)

Space, Science, and Spirituality The Space, Science, and Spirituality project brings together a research team of scientists, philosophers, and scholars in the humanities to investigate, both theoretically and empirically, the effects of outer space travel on the inner space of experience. The project focuses on experiences of awe,…


The Department of Philosophy at Monash University (Clayton campus, Melbourne, Australia) is seeking to appoint two people to fixed-term (two year), full-time, teaching and research positions, replacing members of the department who have secured external research fellowships. Both positions are to commence in July 2013.

Duties will include undergraduate teaching, some graduate supervision in an associate supervisor role, and some amount of administration. The Program seeks to appoint two applicants who can meet teaching needs in: Ethics, Metaphsyics, Ancient Philosophy, and European Philosophy (ideally including Critical Theory and Aesthetics). Typical teaching load is approximately 2/2.

Area of research specialisation is open.

Applications close 30 April at 11.55 pm AEST.

For details on how to apply, including selection criteria, see the official advertisement at http://jobs.monash.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=511964&lWorkTypeID=&lLocationID=&lCategoryID=641%2C+640%2C+636&lBrandID=&stp=AW&sLanguage=en

Alternative url: http://tinyurl.com/ch9qu4d

Candidates are strongly encouraged to include evidence of teaching experience and ability in their initial applications

Job details (Jobs at Monash) Jobs at Monash University

Comment S'en Sortir ? 15/04/2013

Transfeminisms: Feminist Transition Politics
1 | 2013 Comment S'en Sortir ?

We are pleased to present to you our call for papers for the 1st issue of the journal Comment S’en Sortir? (http://commentsensortir.org/). Full length CFP to download here. We look forward to receiving your proposals.


In this issue of Comment S’en Sortir ? we wish to map the alliances, common struggles and translations of concepts between trans, feminist, anti-racist and q***r movements and theories that we collect under the concept of “transfeminisms”. Transfeminism has been defined as a movement for trans women, by trans women (Koyama, 2003), as a feminist project in which trans women fully belong to the political subject “women”. We wish to reflect on the concept of transfeminisms by moving away from the “women” category. Through the use of this term, we want, on the one hand, to reclaim feminist tools in order to consider trans subjectivities. On the other hand, we want to encourage feminism to revaluate its own critical tools. Therefore, we refer to the perspectives on transfeminism recently offered by Kristina Scott-Dixon (2006), Gayle Salamon (2010) or Anne Finn Enke (2012), for they question the critical, self-reflexive, interdisciplinary and unruly potential of this term. According to these authors, « transfeminism » is not a subdivision of feminism. Instead, it represents the possibility of a radical paradigm shift within Feminist Theory and Gender Studies ; an epistemological turn rendering the dichotomies upon which many theories took form (s*x/gender; man/woman; biological/social; materiality/performativity) obsolete.
Through the term “transfeminism”, we wish, firstly, to think about theoretical practices introduced by trans subjects (of knowledge) in feminism. Secondly, we wish to address the multiple trans uses, ways, and arts of making regarding q***r and feminist tools, as well as arts of making it involved in the fabrication of the bodies, subjectivities, engagement and languages of trans people.
We do not wish to recreate a global vision of the exchanges between Trans Theories and Feminist Theories, but rather to focus on a selected number of important issues in order to build theoretically and politically fructuous transfeminist convergences.

Deadline for submitting proposals: May 15, 2013
Acceptance decisions will be communicated by May 31, 2013
Deadline for sending complete articles: October 15, 2013
Definitive acceptance: December 15, 2013
Publication: December 2013

Proposals should be sent before May 15 to [email protected]
Authors' guidelines: http://commentsensortir.org/cfp/charte-editoriale/editorial-charter/

Best regards,

The Editorial Board of CSS
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Comment S'en Sortir ? R***e de Philosophie Féministe et de Théorie Q***r
