Nobody Has Ovarian Cancer

Nobody Has Ovarian Cancer

My Journey with Ovarian Cancer. Also follow me at My desire is to touch others who are effected by ovarian cancer. I am me.

I share information, experiences, advice and whatever is present for the day. I am in a recurrence and on a second ride with chemotherapy. I don't always talk about cancer, because I am not cancer.

My Safe Place Is With Jesus 09/10/2023

My Safe Place Is With Jesus Servivorgirl is my name. A woman abruptly redirected to a higher calling as a result Stage IIIC ovarian cancer. Grow with me.

Cancer Didn't Put You in a Wheelchair, Doctors Did | New Amsterdam | MD TV 03/10/2023

More common than you know. I will always be labelled as difficult bec my medical mismanagement induced PTSD roars when mistakes happen. Mistakes happening already at my new cancer clinic. NEVER ENDS

Cancer Didn't Put You in a Wheelchair, Doctors Did | New Amsterdam | MD TV The doctors at New Amsterdam are shocked when they unearth a huge malpractice coverup after a surgeon cut a patient's spinal cord by accident.From New Amster...


Starting radiation therapy soon. My last chemo made me very sick, still trying yo recover (from 2 weeks ago). Please pray to our Blessed Mother. A lot of evil has entered my life in the last 2 months, please pray for the ridding of satan.

Hoping Radiation Therapy Helps 30/08/2023

Hoping Radiation Therapy Helps Servivorgirl is my name. A woman abruptly redirected to a higher calling as a result Stage IIIC ovarian cancer. Grow with me.

Mom I Need You 13/05/2023

Mom I Need You Servivorgirl is my name. A woman abruptly redirected to a higher calling as a result Stage IIIC ovarian cancer. Grow with me.

UCHealth launches therapy groups for patients with cancer 28/04/2023

UCHealth launches therapy groups for patients with cancer It’s the first time the state’s largest hospital system has placed so much focus on not just physical health, but on mental health.

Finding Beauty in the Loss of Control - Britt Fisk 26/04/2023


Finding Beauty in the Loss of Control - Britt Fisk Britt Fisk, shares her wisdom on what it means to hand over complete trust to the Lord, particularly in times of great suffering. Though we may feel like we’...

Restaged 15/04/2023

I always appreciate those who have been reading along. 🙏🏻❤️🌸

Restaged Servivorgirl is my name. A woman abruptly redirected to a higher calling as a result Stage IIIC ovarian cancer. Grow with me.

Carrie Underwood - How Great Thou Art (Official Lyric Video) 09/04/2023

Happy Easter! He is Risen!

Carrie Underwood - How Great Thou Art (Official Lyric Video) The official lyric video for Carrie Underwood’s, “How Great Thou Art”“How Great Thou Art” is featured on Carrie Underwood’s album of gospel hymns, titled “My...

Some experts say more women should consider removing fallopian tubes to reduce cancer risk | CNN 09/03/2023

Some experts say more women should consider removing fallopian tubes to reduce cancer risk | CNN Experts are drawing attention to the fallopian tubes' role in many cases of ovarian cancer and say more women should consider having them removed to cut their cancer risk.


Good morning. Feeling unsure but placing all of this in God’s hands. We are in Lent and my inner joy is growing! I’ve been coping with ovarian cancer for over a decade and am very blessed to have been granted this time. I am needed right now by someone and am grateful to God that I can be helpful. Financial stress is huge right now but it’s not eliminating my joy. I still have an apartment, so I’m happy.

I had to take a break from Lynparza due to neutropenia and anemia. My CA125 creeped up a little and I have more pain. I’m now on a modified dosing schedule and pray I can maintain myself with that. I love my new oncologist.

My prior adverse reaction to a bone marrow stimulant has made me very leary of it’s use but appearantly you can have doses of it when prescribed oral treatments, you just need to hold oral meds on the day of the injection. So intervention with gsf is reserved for emergency only as it caused my RA to flare badly, I don’t know why. Sigh.

Missing my Marilyn so much! Home feels empty without her. Thank you for listening.


Notoriety And The Love Of God: Spiritual Exercise 02/13/23 11/02/2023

For those who love God,

Notoriety And The Love Of God: Spiritual Exercise 02/13/23 Please join us for our upcoming session with Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT. It takes place Monday 02/13/23 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm mountain time. Please click the link below for automatic entry. God B…

The Dawn From On High: Spiritual Exercise 12/12/22 09/12/2022

Please enjoy this beautiful post from Sr. Anne Marie Walsh and Facing Our Immortality.

The Dawn From On High: Spiritual Exercise 12/12/22 Happy Advent and early Merry Christmas to you all. Our next session falls on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and in anticipation of that, we will not hold our regular online meeting. Please rejo…

2022 Ovarian Cancer National Conference Videos | OCRA 22/11/2022 I haven’t had a chance to watch any videos as of yet but I am very grateful they are available for everyone to view.

2022 Ovarian Cancer National Conference Videos | OCRA OCRA's Ovarian Cancer National Conference is the world's largest conference dedicated to sharing the latest, most relevant updates directly with the ovarian cancer community. In September 2022…

Pope shares only phrase that comforted him in hospital, advice for visiting sick 22/11/2022

Pope shares only phrase that comforted him in hospital, advice for visiting sick Answering a seminarian about the "language of gestures," Pope Francis recounts an experience from when he was 21 years old.

The Triumph Of Truth: Spiritual Exercise 10/10/22 08/10/2022

The Triumph Of Truth: Spiritual Exercise 10/10/22 Please join us Monday 10/10/22 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm MT (8:30 pm to 10:00 pm ET). Click on Zoom: Opening Prayer: The Memorare REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that a…

One of Long COVID’s Worst Symptoms Is Also Its Most Misunderstood — The Atlantic 13/09/2022

Brain Fog from Covid, especially long hauler experiences, is like Chemo Brain. My taxol is taxing my brain. I can't talk and type my passwords at the same time. The first time around with taxol I could not process boo. Second time around it's not too far from the first. Gets worse with each tteatment. Sigh

One of Long COVID’s Worst Symptoms Is Also Its Most Misunderstood — The Atlantic Brain fog isn’t like a hangover or depression. It’s a disorder of executive function that makes basic cognitive tasks absurdly hard.

The Better Part: Spiritual Exercise 09/12/22 12/09/2022

The Better Part: Spiritual Exercise 09/12/22 Please join us Monday 09/12/22 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm MT (8:30 pm to 10:00 pm ET). Click on Zoom: Opening Prayer: The Memorare REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that a…

On Feast of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus, Jesus Shows Us the Value of Human Relationships 29/07/2022

On Feast of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus, Jesus Shows Us the Value of Human Relationships ‘In the household of Bethany,’ said Cardinal Robert Sarah in the decree for today’s feast, ‘the Lord Jesus experienced the family spirit and friendship of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.’


I case there is wonderment regarding forgiveness, it is happening in layers.


Real time note: not even sure if anyone reads these. I have a bone scan tomorrow. A little nervous 😕


Update: Thank you all so much for your prayers! They really helped.

I had a really good appt with my new oncologist and I am so pleased. They did apologize for mishap. I will get increasd in Taxol but we will keep it to what I can handle. I am so relieved that my new team is supportive. Thank you again... ❤️


Bladder Dome Tumor increasing in size. Wrong DIAGNOSIS on CT order for today. WRONG diagnosis on radiology report. What I had to go through to get a corrective addendum is completely unacceptable!!!!

I have a new medical oncologist and mistakes are already happening. I am going to go insane or dive into a severe depression. I can't take any more medical errors!!!!!!!!!!! I missed an entire year of potential treatment to knock back my ovarian cancer mets, when it had not spread as much, because the radiologist did not write down all the correct information Feb of 2021! Now I have no idea what will work.

My psychologist is trying to find me a counselor who does EMDR therapy for PTSD. I contacted one last week, no reply.

My new oncologist told me (re: incomplete radiology reports) at my first visit with him 'it happens all the time'. I said that was wrong and there was no response.

Today I did my part to be on time and be still for the CT scan and ONCE again there was an error. I do not trust the scan report because the radiologist was looking for breast cancer, which I don't have (praise God). I asked for a new radiology read with a different radiologist and I was given a phone number to call.
I see my new oncologist Friday and am scheduled for Taxol. He needs time to get to know my case but the wrong diagnosis on an order is absolutely not acceptable under any circumstances What the heck is going on where I get cancer care?

The 'wrong diagnosis' could have been written incorrectly by an assistant but how did that significant mistake go unnoticed by layers of professionals????

The radiologist was comparing today's scan to on in Feb 2022 and NOWHERE on that report or anywhere on my chart does it say I have breast cancer. I have ovarian cancer.

If I want any credible care I would have to move! I can't drive back and forth to Loveland (if I were to go to MD Anderson) from Englewood, it's too long. I am too tired to make that drive for each treatment, let alone other unexpected visits.

I cannot tolerate PARP inhibitors because they cause me serious bad side effects. Zejula was a terrible drug for me. I never should have agreed to try it.

I have no idea how fast cancer is growing because my previous team screwed up so badly, then punished me for getting angry about their mistake. I want more time for Taxol or try Gemzar again.

How am I supposed to feel? Am I going to get punished for being upset today? I ask anyone to be neutral about having the wrong diagnosis on the CT order and radiology report and that is tooooooooo much to ask of anyone. I need lots of prayers and can I please please please receive proper medical care?

I think my previous team should pay my bills and pay relocation costs to get better care at a reputable cancer center and pay my living expenses!


So attempt to get treatment with reputable gynonc failed! Infusion plans incorrect and medications incorrect and only onw drug allergy listed. In ghe mean time I have nightmares. Why am I alive?

How Do Autoimmune Diseases Affect Cancer Risk? | 22/06/2022

How Do Autoimmune Diseases Affect Cancer Risk? | "Researchers looked at the records for 48 autoimmune diseases..."

Timeline photos 19/06/2022


Carol’s Wish is a COCA program that connects Financial Navigators with women battling cancer. Together, they can find resources and programs to help ease the financial burdens often brought on by cancer diagnosis and treatment.


St. Dymphna pray for us.

St. Dymphna was the daughter of a pagan Irish chieftain and a beautiful Christian noblewoman. Dymphna was raised as a Christian, and she consecrated her virginity to Christ at a young age. Dymphna's father loved his wife deeply. When her mother died, Dymphna's father was so overcome with grief that he became mentally unstable. Unable to find another suitable wife of equal character and beauty to his first wife, he attempted to marry Dymphna due to her close resemblance to her mother. Upon learning of his wicked plan, Dymphna fled across the sea into Belgium along with her tutor and confessor, Father Gerebran. Her father pursued them and eventually discovered their location by tracing the foreign money they used along the way. He killed Dymphna's confessor and pleaded with his daughter to return with him to Ireland and be his wife. When she refused, he cut off her head in a mad rage. St. Dymphna's church still stands on the place of her burial near Antwerp. There have been numerous accounts of those afflicted with epilepsy and mental illness visiting her tomb and receiving miraculous cures through her intercession. Because of this, St. Dympha is the patroness of those suffering from mental and neurological disorders and illnesses, as well as of mental health professionals. Her feast day is May 15th.

See more resources for St. Dymphna:


This is the weekend we honor the women who give birth, adopt, mother us and love us. We are forever connected to them, eternally bonded. I was hoping to get to Kansas and visit my mom's grave site. I deeply miss her, why? Because of her love. She knew me, not as much as Jesus knows me, but she knew my heart. I miss you mom, love you and know the day that God brings me home is the day I see you again!❤️

This is also an historical moment for enwombed children to be lifted in joy, not burden. We as a society must do all we can to love mothers and enable them to nurture the child within. All human life deserves dignity at all stages of life, birth and death. Let's do more for Love, not hate.

I wrote a poem about a child, their life, their death and the great gift of God's eternal Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. May this inspire you to think more deeply about these tender members of the human race who have a purpose yet to be seen but given by Love and God himself.

Love and Blessings

Jesus Is the Only True Path to True Peace 29/04/2022


Jesus Is the Only True Path to True Peace When fear and anxiety begin to cripple your relationships, that’s the time to run to God with all your might

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