Funxional Fitness + Nutrition Coaching

Funxional Fitness + Nutrition Coaching

Funxional Fitness + Nutrition Coaching is an online fitness coaching service for women who have who want to create a healthy lifestyle.

We specialize in helping women build muscle strength + endurance and burn fat. Helping women feel confident, and live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives through nutrition + fitness. Let me help you build a foundation + lifestyle that sets you on your path to the BEST, most authentic version of YOU.

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

Lunging towards my dreams like it aint’ no thang🌸
How many of you are going through something right now that you’re trying to figure out in your head? You’re analyzing the what ifs, the hows, the whys. Maybe you’ve been faced with an obstacle and you just can’t seem to get out of your head and away from the noise of your limiting beliefs.
“What will people think?”
“What will people say?”
“I don’t know how?”
“I don’t have the resources, time, money, ______.”
“______YOU FILL IN THE BLANK______”
Some of the greatest blessings are often presented in the form of the biggest struggles, we’re just so in our heads when faced with those struggles that we can’t see anything but the struggle itself.
I’ve had relationships end that broke my heart. I’ve had jobs I loved stripped away from me that I felt were my “purpose”. I’m was in 2 car accidents basically back to back that at the time flipped my world upside down. I’ve had countless jobs that made me feel out of alignment with my souls purpose. I’ve had illnesses that were teachers in disguise. I made really scary decisions to quit a job and drop out of university because it made me feel sick even thinking about continuing towards something I wasn’t passionate about. And the idea of not following through with what I was inspired to follow was/is my biggest fear.
What if when we were faced with an obstacle we shifted our perspective and had faith that there is a bigger plan? Faith that the obstacle will be used for good. And what if when we’re inspired we took action instead of being held back by our limiting beliefs? What if we just faith that it will work out rather than try and figure out HOW. Take that lunge!
When life throws you a curveball OR inspiration, open your heart + soul, have faith + trust, and be ready for what’s coming because its probably better than you could have ever imagined!

Timeline photos 24/04/2018

This lifestyle changed my life.
I was in the midst of a terrible illness in the left photo. We had just moved out of a house that could have killed me.
I had gained weight amongst 20+ other things due to toxic mold. I lost my short term memory, I was angry, hostile, irritable, and at one point believed that I had the beginning stages of dementia at the age of 24. I couldn’t read or learn anything new without a mental breakdown. My body was covered in a rash from head to toe. I could hardly breathe, was always coughing and quite frankly was certain it was the end of my time here on earth. I literally had 20+ symptoms and no conventional doctor knew what was wrong.
After coming across an article on toxic mold I was guided by my intuition to find a doctor who specialized in mold toxicity and thankfully we had one in my small town. Lab testing revealed that I did have mold toxicity.
I underwent a gnarly detox protocol for 8-10 months WHILE planning my wedding, praying that I would feel at least 50% better for my big day.
I changed my diet, began working on my mindset and personal growth, and I worked my ass off physically. By my wedding day I was about 80% better and working towards the being the strongest and healthiest I’ve been my whole life. I felt like a new person.
I had never felt more beautiful, confident, and radiant than I did that day. So full of love for my husband, family, friends and LIFE.
I share this to bring hope to someone struggling with an illness where there seems no to be no end in sight. Sometimes God uses us in ways we never would have expected, and I’m sure grateful He chose me for this journey. It’s taught me so much about myself, food, nutrition, mindset, and spirituality. I can honestly say that I would be walking a much different path had none of this occurred, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 🙏🏼
These pictures represent a mind + body transformation that I’m damn proud of and none of it involves building an b***y, having a six pack, or being a lean fu***ng machine. This transformation represents health of mind and body. Not all transformations are equal, but they’re all beautiful. 🖤
Coaching link in bio 🌸

Timeline photos 24/04/2018

🌱Do you struggle with bloating from time to time?
🌱I’m here to keep it real with ya, sorry dudes this, but it is what it is. I get so bloated during my cycle. 🤰🏽😩
🌱It’s important to really focus on nutrient dense foods during this time. I try to make sure I get enough protein, fats, low glycemic veggies and fruit to keep my blood sugar steady.
🌱Bloating during your cycle can be due to a microbiome imbalance or too much estrogen and not enough progesterone OR a combo of both.
🌱I added parsley and cucumber to my juice tonight which acts as a natural diuretic flushing excess water from my tissue. PLUS fresh juice is full of soluble fiber which acts as a prebiotic supporting healthy bacterial growth for a healthy gut.
If you struggle with bloat it will help if you keep hydrated, get some good bacteria in your diet, and be sure you’re getting plenty of electrolytes to balance water retention. A great option is coconut water 💧🥥
Do you have any great bloat solutions?👇🏼

Timeline photos 23/04/2018

What should you do if you over indulge👇🏼
🤰🏽I can guarantee you there will be a time when you over indulge along your journey. I’m guilty af, but guess what, there’s no need to feel any guilt. Maybe you spent time at a family get together, fun with friends, or a date night with your spouse. This is simply a part of your journey and the most important thing is the mindset you have around minor “setbacks”. When you stress and stress about these things it further compounds an unhealthy relationship with food. Sometimes the very stress and guilt we have around eating certain foods or moments of indulging is MUCH WORSE for our body than the actual food(s).
➕ put it in the past and realize that you didn’t lack control, you simply chose not to use self-control
➕get back to your normal nutrition
➕get back to your regular workout schedule
➖ restrict food
➖ endless hours of cardio
➖ 100,000,000 crunches
➖ stress + feel guilty

Slay the week fam! 💪🏼

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

[part 2] matter how many walls our minds try to put up. There will be whys, hows, and what ifs that you wish you could have answered, but God doesn’t work like that. He only knows what the soul needs, you must trust the divine insight and hold strongly to those feelings that were brought forth. Take small steps in the direction of the feelings, remembering to be patient and peel back one layer at a time. As you do this, you will be guided closer to the experience you long for.
Devotion to this call will lead you through the darkest forest to the light within. Inspiration requires you to go beyond your comfort zone. But by following the instructions from your inspiration, you will always, without fail, land divinely where you need to land.
So, where is the fear in that? Where is the fear in going to the place of your soul’s expansion? Where is the fear in becoming who you were meant to become? It won’t be easy, it won’t always feel like you you had thought, but it is what is needed.
Have you been letting inspiration be your guide, or the noise of the world?

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can reach your fitness goals and eat cheeseburgers...with egg + bacon 🥓 🍳 🍔 I’m here to tell ya you can 👌🏼

Timeline photos 19/04/2018

What it feels like to follow inspiration 🌱
You know that feeling, when a new thought comes bursting through you, then feelings of joy and happiness surface, your heart beats faster, you feel that flutter in your chest and your gut, and that same feeling climbs all the way up your spine.
That is inspiration delivering the messages we wait for all our lives. We search for meaning and answers our entire lives, waiting for someone to show up and tell us where to go with a perfectly drawn out map just for us. What no one ever told me was that those feelings and ideas that come to you, those are your road map; follow that feeling and cut out the noise of the world.
The moments that something comes to you leaving you filled with joy are the places on the map you’re being guided to explore. When inspiration comes, its as if everything that doesn’t serve us disappears, even if for only a moment, and we feel as if we’re filled with the breath of God, and it is as if the entire universe is in the palm of your hand and our worries disappear. A storm of positive emotions erupts. Our breath is no longer shallow. We begin to create plans, write directions on how to get there, going to places in our minds we’re not used to, hoping to embody this new longing that’s been placed in our heart, and you become full of hope and possibility.
It’s amazing, how these moments come to you, and somehow its light diminished all the darkness. Surely, this must be the map unfolding, the one designed just for me, and the one designed just for you.
Be aware, however, as with any new inspiration, it will rise, and then fall again. This is a part of the process, it must become quiet so that you can begin to peel back the many layers and discover what lies at the core. This is when the fear and doubt come creeping back in and weighing us down.
Our time is now. We cannot ignore our inspiration any longer. The chances of being a human are close to 0. You are here for a reason, you are here to fulfill your purpose. No one else is coming, no hero to save you on white horse. Once inspiration plants that seed of growth it is our duty to follow that inspiration... [Part 1]

Timeline photos 18/04/2018

I almost talked myself out of going to the gym and walking the dogs about 5 different times today. But I did it anyways. 💪🏼 I’m not always motivated to go, but I am disciplined.
➕wide grip lat pull down
➕reverse grip bent over row
➕mid cable rope rows
➕single arm db rows
➕close grip lat pull down
➕tricep pulldown
➕bicep 21s w barbell, 3 sets
➕push ups 3x12

Timeline photos 17/04/2018

What if I told you that the statement “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, was not entirely true?
Historically humans have been fasting for 1000s of years in many different cultures and religions.
The modern approach to consuming food leaves hardly ANY time for your body and digestive system to take a break. People are constantly consuming calories. They’re likely eating 3 meals a day, snacking in between, and drinking sugary drinks all day long. There’s nothing wrong with that approach if you can still reach your goals, you FEEL GOOD, and you aren’t experiencing any negative side affects but for me it just wasn’t a great fit. My body and digestive system NEED a break.
So that’s where intermittent fasting comes in. I.F. is alternating between fasting and a feeding window. I do a 16 hour fast and eat in an 8 hour window.
When you’re constantly eating your insulin levels never really drop. Every time you eat your blood sugar raises and insulin is released. Insulin is a slow reacting hormone and if you’re always eating it never goes down which can cause inflammation and you WILL NOT BURN OFF STORED FAT AS FUEL.

➕increases insulin sensitivity which accelerates fat loss
➕promotes weightloss
➕ improves metabolic health
➕ reduce risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes
➕improve markers of longevity and reduces risk of cancer
➕boosts mitochondrial function
➕ improve brain health
➕gives the stomach, digestive system and microbiome a break.
Now this doesn’t mean this is the ONLY way to achieve weightloss. Obviously there’s a ton of different strategies and diets one can implement to achieve a goal. But the best diet or strategy is the one you can sustain. I’ve found that intermittent fasting is a great tool that I use in my “method” and I’ve been doing it for 4 years.
Although most of the studies have been on animals and I don’t “know” all of the science behind it, what I have do know is what I’ve EXPERIENCED the results I’ve gotten. When you see, feel, and experience things that move the needle forward that’s what matters not “knowing” all the the science behind it.

Timeline photos 17/04/2018

True story: when I was growing up one of my favorite things to eat was top ramen 🤢I remember my brother telling me if someone cut my stomach open all they would find was ramen noodles 😂😂😂
I’m proud to say I’ve stepped it up with this stir fry with organic chicken from , rice ramen from , and loads of veggies. Wanna know what’s in the dish?👇🏼🌱🥒🌶🥕
, one piece of ramen has 8g of protein 🙌🏼 (and you know I ate 2 💪🏼) this bowl has 760 calories, 113.5g C, 45g P, 13.5g F.
2 chicken breasts (optional)
1 yellow bell pepper
1 red pepper
3 large carrots
4 green onions
1/2 white onion
1 zucchini
1 inch ginger
5 garlic cloves
5-6 oz spinach
1 cup chicken broth or vegetable broth
1.5 tablespoons coconut oil
Liquid alminos from
1 tsp turmeric

[4 servings]


Who else hates setting up for barbell hip thrusts? 🙋🏽‍♀️
Try hip thrusts on the leg extension machine 👌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼 add this to your next leg/glute 🍑 day 🔥 I do 4 sets of 10-12.


Found a gym that “allows” filming (✌🏼 to the gym with the crazy rules) I’m all about those cable leg/glute days 🙌🏼 Comin’ at you with some of my favorite exercises - add this superset to your next leg day 🍑
🔥🍑Cable Squats
🔥🍑Cable Single Leg DL
I like to incorporate one leg/glute day per week that uses cables, but I use both cables and free weights in my training.
➕cables provide continuous tension to the muscles where free weights do not

Timeline photos 14/04/2018

Did you know there was a study by The Journal of Physical Activity & Health that found that dog owners are more likely to reach their fitness goals than those without fury family members?
Researchers found that dog owners are 34% more likely to get 150 minutes of walking each week than those without dogs.
They also found that having a dog increases your leisure-time physical activity by 69%. Say what!? 🙌🏼
This is definitely true for me. Before we got our first dog, Laela, we didn’t go on walks or hikes because we “didn’t think we needed to.” We were wrong, and we definitely had no idea we would put in all these miles with them. 🐶🐶🐶 Most dogs sit around waiting for you to return home ALL day, so in our home we feel a moral obligation as their owners to take them for walks, runs, swims, etc. PLUS we thoroughly enjoy it - I’ve gotta say they’re super entertaining and fun 🖤
Who else loves to exploring with their dogs?

Timeline photos 13/04/2018

Have you ever been somewhere and just known it’s exactly where you need to be. That’s how I felt when I started at a different gym today 🙌🏼
Sometimes you just need to change things up 💁🏽‍♀️
It’s been a little over year since a started lifting weights and I learned so much! 👇🏼
➕ I learned that with each time I walk into the gym I have an opportunity to improve my physique but I also have an opportunity to build character. It’s me vs me and me vs the weights. With every weight lifted I get stronger physically and mentally.
➕ It’s shown me that with consistency, strategy, and dedication I can achieve the physique I desire and pretty much do anything non-fitness related that I apply those same principles to.
➕ When I started I could curl 7lbs for 3 sets of 12, now I’m about 20-22.5lbs. I learned that by gradually increasing volume I would eventually get to where I wanted. Do small things daily, and you’ll get big results (in anything).
➕ I learned that results come from having a strategy and being consistent. Although I knew this, applying it while training to achieve a certain result is a different story. Again, you can apply this to anything in life.
➕ I learned that I’m not necessarily motivated to go the gym, rather I have incredible self discipline that I’ve built over time. When you’re focussed on your “why” and the reward it’s easy to show up for yourself.
Have you learned anything from weight lifting that didn’t expect?

Timeline photos 11/04/2018

Human bodies are like muscle cars; we need the right fuel for optimal health. Why should you be more concerned about eating organic than following the latest fad diet?
What we put into our bodies daily is as important (if not slightly MORE important) than being active. Food = Fuel + Medicine.
I grew up around cars, trucks, and motorsports and they’ve been a part of my family and life for many many years. Check out for some of my Dad’s rad cars and projects. Side story: I still remember feeling like such a badass when Dad would drop me off at school in his Camaro✌🏼Definitely memories I will cherish forever 😎
Now lets think of our bodies like a 1970 Chevy Camaro (fave car of my dads). Imagine that you fill that Camaro with diesel when it needs gasoline. Diesel fuel is oily, heavier and it doesn’t evaporate like gasoline. This poor disrespected Camaro won’t start because the diesel doesn’t evaporate like gasoline, therefore there’s nothing for the spark plugs to ignite.
When you eat processed foods like white bread, white pasta, potato chips, fast food, refined sugar, canola oil, peanut oil, vegetable oil, etc. and you aren’t getting quality macronutrients (healthy fats, organic/grass fed meat, and healthy unrefined carbs) and micronutrients your body is not going to be as efficient.
Eating those foods makes you feel heavy, slow, low on energy, and they have a negative affect on your organs + cells. I know from experience that I felt “fine” eating like s**t, but it wasn’t until I changed the way that I eat that I realized there’s an entire new level of energy, clarity, and performance available when you fuel your body properly. After eating low quality foods, much like the Camaro with diesel fuel in the tank, you’ve lost that spark that makes you feel energized, vibrant, and clear headed.
Non-organic foods cause physiological changes in the body like inflammation, brain fog, digestive issues, hormonal issues, among many other things.
Muscle cars need the right fuel and so do our bodies. [CONT IN COMMENTS]

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

I know how confusing it is. Figuring out what you should/shouldn’t eat. Navigating the grocery store. Jumping from diet to diet only to end up right where you started, only now with a false perception of failure and loss of hope.
Read these questions and statements to differentiate between a diet mindset and an intuitive eating mindset.
🚫Am I allowed to eat this?
🌱Do I want this?
🚫How do I look?
🌱How do I feel?
🚫How many calories do I get today?
🌱How much food do I need today to properly nourish my body?
🚫Am I allowed to eat this?
🌱Does this food fuel my body?
🚫Will this make me thin?
🌱 Will this nourish my body?
🚫I exercise so I can eat.
🌱 I eat to fuel my body.
🚫 I can eat whatever I want on my cheat day.
🌱I can eat what I want and what my body needs every day.
🚫Food is my worst enemy
🌱Food is fuel + medicine.
Do you recognize any of these thoughts/questions coming up around food? Are you tired of the diet mindset that doesn’t serve you? Are you tired of not knowing how to properly fuel your body?
➕ Get plenty of healthy fats: coconut oil, avocados, butter/ghee, extra-virgin olive oil (no heat), fish, nuts, seeds, eggs
➖STAY AWAY FROM corn oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and all hydrogenated oils
➕ Get enough protein: grass fed beef, wild game, organic chicken, lentils, bone broth, eggs, salmon.
➖ stay away from meat with antibiotics, hormones, and non organic meats
➕ Choose healthy carb sources: sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, brown rice, quinoa, legumes, buckwheat, etc.
➖ Stay away from fruit drinks, soda, white flour, white pasta, pastries and all refined carbs
🌱As always, my number 1 tip is to watch organic, local, and non-gmo. Eat. Real. Food. (Like from the earth 🌏 ya know?)
Let me know in the comments if this was helpful and I’ll keep sharing tips like this!


🔺Do you deal with a crowded gym?🔺
I personally don’t run into it very often, but I gotta say, if I can knock out 3 exercises on one machine I can’t complain.
The sideways single leg glute press is by far my favorite exercise for glute activation 👌🏼
Add this tri-set to your next leg day!

➕ R + L Sideways Single Leg Glute Press 4x15
➕Leg Press 4x15
➕Calf Press on Leg Press Machine 4x15

Photos from Funxional Fitness + Nutrition Coaching's post 06/04/2018

Happy 4.06 day you badass Montanan’s! I couldn’t be more thankful and blessed to have grown up in such a beautiful place (EVEN THOUGH I WOULD REALLLLLLY APPRECIATE SOME SUNSHINE LIKE NOW 🌞).
I’ll take these Mountains ⛰ over skyscrapers 🏙, these rivers , lakes, and streams 🏞 over pools, and open roads over city traffic any day. I grew up in the woods and the mountains which gave me a deep appreciation for nature. I’m a 10 minute drive away from no cell service where I get to disconnect with this fast paced world and reconnect with nature.
These mountains taught me how to climb, these waters influenced how I ebb and flow, and the trees thriving on rocky mountain sides and surviving harsh winters taught me how to grow.
#406 @ Glacier National Park

Timeline photos 06/04/2018

Felt so good to get a solid workout in at my fave gym after this weeks’ FAIL 🙌🏼 I trained upper body and did a little plank challenge that I CHALLENGE you to try at least once 👇🏼 but let’s be real, we should keep it goin’ 💪🏼
Perform each exercise for 1 minute with no rest between exercises
➕plank with arms extended
➕right side plank
➕left side plank
➕plank on forearms
➕reverse plank
*if you can’t do 1 minute, start with a shorter amount of time and make it a goal to make it to a full minute for each exercise 😊

Timeline photos 05/04/2018

When I have no idea what to make for dinner or I want something that can be done in 30 minutes or less, this is one of my go-to recipes👇🏼
• 1 cans Organic Tomato Sauce
• 1 can Organic Diced Tomatoes
• 6-8 ounces Baby Spinach
• 1 tablespoon Organic Avocado Oil (optional)
• 2 tablespoons Organic Italian Seasoning
• 1/2 teaspoon Organic Garlic Powder
• 1 1/2 teaspoon Organic Onion Powder
• 1 lb Ground Venison/Organic Grass Fed Ground Beef OR for a vegan option I love adding peppers, zucchini, and romanesco.
• served over Ancient Grain Organic Fusilli Sorghum & Quinoa Pasta

Timeline photos 05/04/2018

👈🏼 Did you read my last post?
So I had a change of heart + mind 🖤 If I go to the gym with a bad mindset there’s no way I can give it 100% so it’s basically a waste of my time IMO. So I decided to consider the membership as a donation (LOL), take another rest day, and go back to my home gym tomorrow ready to crush it✌🏼 I just can’t get in the right head space to have a good workout and they don’t have everything I need 👊🏼
It might be a rest day but I make it a daily goal to get at least 10,000 steps in🚶‍♀️What small health goals do you set for yourself daily? ⤵️

Timeline photos 03/04/2018

Were you ever a new kid at a school? You know that don’t know anyone, you think everyone is going to be talking about the new kid, and you overall just feel a little uncomfortable.
“We should be grateful for all situations that make us the most uncomfortable, because without them we would not know there is something unhealed in us.”
-Kenneth Wapnick
So yesterday I decided to try a new gym because I can save about 6-7 hours of driving a week if I make the switch (time is precious ya know?) I was so nervous to try a new gym out because I don’t know where everything is in the gym and I don’t even know if they have all of the equipment I need. PLUS I got those “new kid” feels and my ego thinks everyone is going to notice I’m the “new girl”. And guess what, no one said s**t, no one died, and it’s all gonna be OK.
I’ll be honest, when I worked out last night I felt so out of alignment and didn’t really enjoy the space at all. The vibe just isn’t right for me 🔮They didn’t have half of what I need and I didn’t know where anything was. I thought about just forfeiting the cash and going back to my favorite gym, but instead, I’m going to push through the resistance and stick it out for a couple of weeks. This forces me to create all new workouts for myself with the tools I have available to me. I have really been enjoying my workouts lately and they’ve been yielding great results so this was a little curve ball in my training regimen.
So here’s to getting uncomfortable. After all, that’s how you grow. I challenge you to do something you might be afraid of. Get uncomfortable. Take risks. Try something new. Even if it’s something as little as switching to a new gym....temporarily 😂 Accept all of the feelings that come with getting uncomfortable, they have something to teach you.
What is something you can do to step outside that comfort zone? Comment below! 👇🏼

My Story

I'm Samantha and I am SO glad you've come here! I'm an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, owner of Montana Cleaning Specialists, and founder of Funxional Fitness + Nutrition. I'm a lover of nature, dogs, fitness, food, family, adventure, AND chocolate.

I'm a small town girl with BIG dreams to have a positive impact. I am passionate about helping others especially with health, wellness, and nutrition. I have learned so much from my own personal journey through an eating disorder and illness on how to fuel my body with real food that tastes DELICIOUS and exercise with intention, and I have a passion to share my knowledge and experience with others.

A little more about me... I love to learn and consider myself a “life learner”. I enjoy reading self help books and I'm OBSESSED with podcasts (I listen to at least 4 hours a day..usually more). I love to cook healthy meals using whole, organic foods. I am an eating disorder survivor and a self-love ju**ie. In 2015, I battled an illness caused by exposure to toxic mold, you can read about my story here. It was one of the hardest things I've ever been through but in hindsight, it was the best thing to have happened at that moment in time because I wouldn't be here right now chasing my dreams and following my passions.

There are a handful of trying moments in my life that have molded and shaped me into the women I am today. I can honestly say that without them, I would not be the confident, determined, resilient, and loving woman that I am.

Videos (show all)

Who else hates setting up for barbell hip thrusts? 🙋🏽‍♀️——————————————Try hip thrusts on the leg extension machine 👌🏼🙌🏼👏...
Found a gym that “allows” filming (✌🏼 to the gym with the crazy rules) I’m all about those cable leg/glute days 🙌🏼 Comin...
🔺Do you deal with a crowded gym?🔺-I personally don’t run into it  very often, but I gotta say, if I can knock out 3 exer...
Dumbell Ab Workout ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Plank Jack to Push-up x10•Side Bends 12x each side (not sure what happene...
Healthy Zucchini Pizza Bites 🍕 __________________________________1. Cut a medium zucchini into slices.2. Place zucchini ...