Stop Snoring Tonight

Stop Snoring Tonight
Certain factors may help identify patients for surgical procedure for... 26/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Certain factors may help identify patients for surgical procedure for... Patients with more severe obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to receive greater benefit from the surgical procedure known as maxillomandibular...

Visual stress could be a symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, research... 25/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Visual stress could be a symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, research... University of Leicester research team discovers vision-related abnormalities that could help in diagnosis of illnessPeople suffering from Chronic...

Waking early on work days may harm metabolic health 20/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Waking early on work days may harm metabolic health Most of us get up earlier on work days, but a new study finds just this subtle change to our sleep schedule may increase the risk for obesity,...

New drowsy driving position statement calls for greater public... 18/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

New drowsy driving position statement calls for greater public... American Academy of Sleep Medicine reports that drowsy driving prevention efforts can save lives.

Is group therapy the way to overcome chronic fatigue? 14/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Is group therapy the way to overcome chronic fatigue? A randomized controlled trial published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics analyzes the effectiveness of group therapy in...

Brief cognitive-behavioral therapy helps those with problematic caffeine... 11/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Brief cognitive-behavioral therapy helps those with problematic caffeine... Engaging in brief, cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for helping people with problematic caffeine use lower their caffeine...

Sleepwalkers 'feel no pain' in accidents 08/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Sleepwalkers 'feel no pain' in accidents People who sleepwalk are more likely to suffer from headaches and migraines while awake, but they may not feel pain during injuries that occur...

Better sleep and tai chi reduce inflammation and promote health 06/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Better sleep and tai chi reduce inflammation and promote health Inflammatory processes occur throughout the body, with a primary function of promoting healing after injury.

Sleep well to avoid insulin resistance 05/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Sleep well to avoid insulin resistance A study shows that one night's missed sleep can cause impairment to insulin sensitivity equal to 6 months on a high-fat diet, emphasizing a need...

Traveling through space? Don't forget your sleeping pills and skin cream 04/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Traveling through space? Don't forget your sleeping pills and skin cream New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that much of the medication taken by astronauts relates to the unusual environment in which they work...

Night Terrors: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments 03/11/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Night Terrors: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Night terrors are experienced by millions of people globally. Although not medically significant, they can be an incredibly distressing life event.

Forget counting sheep - therapy could help chronic pain sufferers get a... 31/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Forget counting sheep - therapy could help chronic pain sufferers get a... Research conducted at the University of Warwick indicates that chronic pain sufferers could benefit from therapy to help them sleep better.

Sleep disturbances exacerbate dysfunction in Alzheimer's 30/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Sleep disturbances exacerbate dysfunction in Alzheimer's Sleep disturbance and Alzheimer's are connected; a new study shows that sleep disruption can contribute to memory and learning loss.

Study shows chronic fatigue associated with abnormal brain connectivity... 29/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Study shows chronic fatigue associated with abnormal brain connectivity... Patients with chronic fatigue have decreased signaling and communication between specific brain regions when the brain is at rest, and less...

Use of benzodiazepines and related drugs common around Alzheimer's... 27/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Use of benzodiazepines and related drugs common around Alzheimer's... Benzodiazepines and related drugs are initiated frequently in persons with Alzheimer's disease already before the diagnosis, and their use becomes...

Alzheimer's disease: Plaques impair memory formation during sleep 23/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Alzheimer's disease: Plaques impair memory formation during sleep Protein deposits associated with dementia influence brain activity during sleepAlzheimer's patients frequently suffer from sleep disorders, mostly...

Don't smile for the camera when sleepy: CARRS-Q study 22/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Don't smile for the camera when sleepy: CARRS-Q study Drowsy drivers who filmed themselves behind the wheel may have unknowingly given road safety researchers the answer to reducing sleepy driving.

Low quality of life and depression may contribute to erectile... 21/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Low quality of life and depression may contribute to erectile... Burdens related to poor sleep may put men with sleep apnea at increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

Daytime naps, rewards help cement memory, boost learning 20/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Daytime naps, rewards help cement memory, boost learning New research finds that memories that are linked to reward are consolidated during sleep in preference to unrewarded ones and even short naps can...

Scientists identify neural switch for dreaming 17/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Scientists identify neural switch for dreaming Researchers found that activating certain neurons in the brains of mice immediately induced REM sleep - the dreaming phase - while deactivating...

Could 6.5 hours of sleep be all we need? 16/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Could 6.5 hours of sleep be all we need? A study of three groups of people living as hunter-gatherers in different parts of the world suggests that lack of sleep is not specific to the...

Sleep deprivation affects stem cells, reducing transplant efficiency,... 15/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Sleep deprivation affects stem cells, reducing transplant efficiency,... Drowsy mice make poor stem cell donors, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Natural metabolite might reset aging biological clocks 14/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Natural metabolite might reset aging biological clocks Weizmann Institute researchers show that our daily rhythms are governed by a substance that declines with ageAs we age, our biological clocks tend...

Study ties restless legs syndrome to heart, kidney problems 10/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Study ties restless legs syndrome to heart, kidney problems Research draws on database of 3 million VeteransImagine trying to lie down and rest but feeling an uncontrollable urge to keep moving your legs.

Everyone has their own daily rhythm of digital activity, shows study 09/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Everyone has their own daily rhythm of digital activity, shows study Over the past decade, there has been a surge of scientific studies on the digital activity of people, such as making mobile calls, texting,...

Scientists discover body clock switch 06/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Scientists discover body clock switch Scientists have created a mathematical model of how the circadian clock works and have discovered a 'switch' that may be instrumental in preventing...

To live longer, replace 1 hour of sitting with walking daily 05/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

To live longer, replace 1 hour of sitting with walking daily Could it be this simple? A new study suggests replacing sitting with walking for 1 hour each day could reduce the risk of early death by up to 14%.

Later bedtimes linked to greater weight gain 03/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Later bedtimes linked to greater weight gain Teenagers and young adults who go to bed late may be at greater risk for weight gain, according to new research led by the University of...

Deep sleep boosts immunological memory 01/10/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

Deep sleep boosts immunological memory Just as psychological memory stores environmental and social information, scientists suggests that the immune system stores immunological...

5 sleep tips for school-aged children 30/09/2015

Sleep Disorder News:

5 sleep tips for school-aged children Everyone needs to sleep. A good night's sleep boosts health, safety, performance and wellbeing, and it's especially important for school-age children.
