Ascites and Cirrhosis
Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called ascites. Ascites is common in people with cirrhosis
TIPS Procedure
Randomized, controlled trial data indicate that beta-blockers can be safely used in patients with cirrhosis, including those with refractory ascites.
An About-Face on Beta-Blocker Use in Decompensated Cirrhosis
Atif Zaman, MD, MPH reviewing Bossen L et al. Hepatology 2016 Jun.
Randomized, controlled trial data indicate that beta-blockers can be safely used in patients with cirrhosis, including those with refractory ascites.
Beta-blocker use in patients with severe decompensated cirrhosis may increase mortality (NEJM JW Gastroenterol Aug 2014 and Gastroenterology 2014; 146:1680).
To investigate this issue further, researchers conducted a post hoc analysis of risk for all-cause mortality and cirrhosis-related mortality using individual patient data from three industry-funded randomized, controlled trials of the efficacy and safety of satavaptan in treating ascites. Of 1188 participants, 588 had refractory ascites and the rest had diuretic-responsive ascites.
Rates of 52-week all-cause mortality and cirrhosis-related mortality were similar between the 559 beta-blocker users and 629 nonusers (hazard ratios, 0.92 and 1.00, respectively). All-cause mortality was also similar between beta-blocker users and nonusers in the subgroup of patients with refractory ascites. Cessation of therapy among initial beta-blocker users occurred in 29% and was associated with a significant increase in mortality risk (HR, 5.13).
Although these findings are based on a post hoc analysis, study strengths included prospective collection of individual patient–level data, and a sufficiently large sample size to allow for adjustment of multiple potential confounders. However, some details that would normally be available in a randomized control trial, such as the specific reason for drug discontinuation that led to a higher mortality, were not available. Until a more definitive randomized, controlled trial is performed, these findings indicate that for now beta-blocker therapy should be considered safe in cirrhosis and should be used when indicated. It can also be safely used in refractory ascites, but with caution (possibly at lower doses) when there is concern for hypotension or acute kidney injury. An about-face has occurred.
An About-Face on Beta-Blocker Use in Decompensated Cirrhosis Dr. Atif Zaman tells us what the findings mean for patient care.
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