6 Day Eat Clean Challenge

6 Day Eat Clean Challenge

The Eat Clean Challenge is a fun way to lose weight gaining energy and getting healthy. We offer meal planners support and guidance to reach your goals


We are starting our next free online Body Transformation Challenge this coming Saturday. Who would like to join us. Just comment below.


Congratulations Luke. First YOU had to make the choice to change, then it took a plan, good coaching, consistency, and support to make it all come together.
For things to change you had to change. For things to get better you had to get better. You did it. Now keep on the path.


Have you ever wondered why some people focus on Aeroblic or Anaerobic exercise. What’s the difference and which one should I do to lose weight or just for good health. These are some of the questions we will be answering on our next free online Body Transformation Challenge starting on 5th March. Comment for more information.


Yes this is the same man. My friend Adam has lost over 30kg and still going. Who would like to know how? Watch this page over the next few days for more information.


Are you ready to kickstart your weightloss and healthy in 2022. Join us on our Free KickStart your health challenge starting on Saturday 5th Feb. information on improving your Nutrition, Exercise, and Motivation. Comment below and I’ll send you an invite.


Due to the outstanding response and results we had from our last Free online Kickstart Challenge, we are running another one on Saturday 5th March. If you would like to find out more comment below and I’ll send you some further information.


Because of the outstanding response we have had to our Free 10 day Kickstart Challenge, we have postponed the start till Saturday 5th February. If you would like to find out more comment below and I’ll send you some more information.


Healthy eating can be simple if we know what is good for us and what is not. A Healthy Active Lifestyle comes from the 4 Pillars of Health Nutrition...Exercise...Healthy Thinking and Healthy Community. These are the 4 things we will be sharing in our Free Healthy Kickstart Challenge. Starting on 31st of January. There is still time to join.


Need to Kick Start your weightloss journey.
We are running a FREE Online Challenge from Monday 31st January.
Each day we will be covering a new aspects of setting up a healthy weight loss diet. It’s not about just about losing weight but how to keep it off and live a Healthy Active Lifestyle.
If you are interested in joining, comment below.


You may not be aware I'm an accredited Personal Trainer, Life coach and have been involved with the Health and Nutrition industry for over 35 years. I'm going to share some of my experience with you on a FREE webinar on Wednesday evening at 6pm. If you want to stay healthy, lose weight, find out more about exercise for you or just prepare for healthy active ageing. Like or Message me below and Ill send you the webinar link.
For Things To Change You Have To Change. Take responsibility for your Health.

Customer Newsletter 06/01/2022

Here’s a copy of the Herbalife Customer Newsletter for January.
Well worth a read.

Customer Newsletter Customer Newsletter


Ralph’s results are not typical of most people who start a weightloss program. Most fail after the first couple of weeks. His result have come from having a good coach with a powerful complete weight loss program. A program that not only helped him with exercise and nutrition but helped him through the mental challenges we have all experienced trying to lose weight.
If you would like to find out more about Ralph’s powerful program. Comment below and I’ll send you an online link to our introduction zoom. Friday night at 6pm Eastern States.
If you can make the zoom message me anyway and I’ll send you a copy..


What will you write for your New Years Resolution. The top 3 on this list we can help you with. On New Years Eve I’m announcing the launch of our new Body Transformation Program on Zoom. I’ll also be giving some luck person on the zoom 12 Weeks of FREE Coaching worthover $700. If you’d like to find out more say ME in the comments and I’ll send you the link.


WOW this is MASSIVE NEWS 🔥 …

🛑 🤚 Stop what you are doing and listen up!

This may be a long post but for those people who want 2022 to be different from 2021 read to end

Personal Confession: If you don’t know my story, why I became a Wellness Coach and why I personally want to help as many people as I can be healthy like me, here is a shortened version!!!

In my teens I had no interest in fitness or nutrition but I was always interested in being my own boss.

Coming to Australia as a young man I started working for the ABC as a trades assistant. Basically I cleaned floors and machinery.

Within 6 years I was producing and directing Radio & TV programs. Some people would have been happy with reaching the pinnacle of their career but I was not. My overwhelming desire was to be a successful business man. My driving force was to be an Entrepreneur.

I left the ABC in Sydney and moved back to Perth where I purchased a rundown record store in a small suburb, just outside Fremantle. Working every hour I could, I built a successful business. Within 3 years I owned two record stores 3 video libraries, and a coffee lounge next to the Perth Entertainment Centre.

Things were looking good but in my haste to expand I had added a business partner who proceeded to steal money from our business and I was forced into Bankruptcy. I lost everything, my business, my cars, and my 5 acre family home.

This was one of the low times of my life but instead of letting it keep me down, I used it as a lesson to move me forward, to make me stronger. It took me 4 years to get back on my feet and it was during this period that I became interested in Nutrition. I was mainly motivated by my own health.

I had very low energy levels and was gaining weight. I joined a nutrition company who’s motto was “To make the world a Healthier place”. Once I made the decision to change my diet and add exercise to my weekly schedule my life was transformed. Over a couple of months I lost 10kg and 15cms off my waist but the most important thing for me was my increase in energy. It was as if someone had switched the lights on in my life. I became an energy bunny and just kept going and going.

I turned my interest into a business and became a wellness and fitness coach.

As time passed, I developed my skills and knowledge in Nutrition and Diet and then became a qualified Personal Trainer as I realised that losing weight was not just about cutting back it was also about fitness. I’ve been taught for years that healthy weight loss is 20% Exercise, 80% Nutrition and 100% Mindset. I had the Exercise and Nutrition under control but didn’t have a strong Mindset program.

Why is mindset so important, I found for example that if two same women had the same amount of weight to lose and/or wanted to shape a lean body, one would achieve it and the other wouldn’t.
They both had the same meal plans and fitness programs, but different results.
It all came down to MINDSET.

So for the last few months I’ve been searching and developing programs to support those people who need guidance in all areas, Exercise, Nutrition and the all important Mindset.

The results have been amazing and I’m going to show you the Exact strategies that I have been using on my Clients…..helping and supporting them in ONE CLEAR PATH.

This is how my Coast To Coast Nutrition Program ... was born!

A NEW and IMPROVED version showing you exactly how I train my body every day, how I train my mindset every day and how I construct every meal, to get the results I am able to achieve not only for myself but for hundreds of clients all over the world.

You will have access to me every day. Following my exact workouts, my exact meals plans and mindset strategies and following the exact same food planner that I personally use on a daily basis.
I’ll be literally in your pocket coach showing you exactly what to do on a daily basis and doing everything in my power to make sure you SHINE and reach your own personal health and weight
Loss goals🤩

My motivation is to help as many people as I can to lose weight and enjoy the healthy lifestyle I personally experience.
I truly back myself, as I am a walking talking example of what most people strive to be physically. I care about YOUR results and I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to do it!

I am confident that you will love my official Coast To Coast Nutrition Program which is jam packed full of value to help you achieve the best version of YOU.
I’m super pumped to help you!

CATCH me LIVE in here, tomorrow night at 7:30pm AEST for some more details! 🔥 🔥


I’m very Excited
Been working on something for months its going to change lives. Announcement tomorrow @ 7pm

Photos from 6 Day Eat Clean Challenge's post 20/06/2021

💥 6 Week Challenge 💥
Starts this week!!!

➡️ If you have maybe come off track and need to refocus, jump on board
➡️ If you want to start feeling great, whether it be ... more energy, gain muscle, drop body fat, drop cms ... maybe just get a healthier more positive mindset 🥰 THEN JOIN US 🤗
Message me for more info.


Well done Duncan. I always find it encouraging when people who have gone through difficult times make a decision not to let past circumstances dictate their future. If there’s a need you can find a way. You done have to struggle alone. As a Herbalife Wellness Coach. We are here to help.

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