Come Sunday Lectionary Blog

Come Sunday Lectionary Blog

Come Sunday is a weekly discussion of the Biblical Texts for the upcoming week from members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

February 11, 2024 (Transfiguration) 09/02/2024

Here is this week’s Lectionary Q podcast on the Gospel text for February 11, Mark 9:2-9. Don't forget to subscribe!

February 11, 2024 (Transfiguration) Listen With Your Eyes!

February 4, 2024 (Epiphany 5) 01/02/2024

Here is this week’s Lectionary Q podcast on the Gospel text for February 4, Mark 1:29-39. Don't forget to subscribe!

February 4, 2024 (Epiphany 5) Washing A Teacup

January 28, 2024 (Epiphany 4) 25/01/2024

Here is this week's episode looking at Mark:21-28, where Jesus teaches in the synagogue and casts out a demon. If you haven't subscribed, consider doing so in order to get the latest episode in your inbox.

January 28, 2024 (Epiphany 4) NOT A Concept!

January 21, 2024 (Epiphany 3) 19/01/2024

Here is this week's episode on Mark 1:14-20 and Jonah 3:1-5, 10.

January 21, 2024 (Epiphany 3) The Things You Leave Behind

December 24, 2023 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) 21/12/2023

Here is this week's lectionary podcast on Luke 1:26-38.

December 24, 2023 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) Luke 1:26-38

December 17, 2023 (Third Sunday of Advent) 14/12/2023

Lectionary Q is back after a long hiatus. Here is the reflection on Isaiah 61.

December 17, 2023 (Third Sunday of Advent) Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

Weekly Reflection: Advent In the Hole 13/12/2023

A reflection on Isaiah 61: "I don’t know what you are dealing with at this moment, but know this: hope is coming."

Weekly Reflection: Advent In the Hole Advent is a time of waiting, expectation and hope.

Midweek Reflection: God Remembers 07/12/2023

A reflection on Mark 1:1-18 and Isaiah 40:1-11: "The people found hope in John’s message. God had not left them- in fact, hope was on the way. Advent is a time of expectation and waiting. But it is also a time of hope. “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is not just a nice song we sing at this time of year, it is a cry for salvation, a pleading for God to come and save us, and a belief that we can rejoice because liberation is just around the corner." (There is also an audio version at the end of the post!)

Midweek Reflection: God Remembers God has not forgotten God’s people even though they had forgotten God.

Midweek Reflection: When the World Ends 29/11/2023

Lectionary reflection on Mark 13:24-37: "For many people, this isn’t the most wonderful time of the year."

Midweek Reflection: When the World Ends For many people, this isn’t the most wonderful time of the year.

Midweek Reflection: Waiting for February 3 24/11/2023

Lectionary reflection on Matthew 25:31-46: "The parable of the Sheep and Goats is not about doing the right or getting punished as much as it is about living the good life, slowing down, and seeing God in the midst of our everyday lives."

Midweek Reflection: Waiting for February 3 The Goats ended up missing out on life.

Weekly Devotion: Starving at the Banquet 15/11/2023

(Matthew 25:14-30) You and I have been given the gift of grace, through Jesus Christ. As we wait for Christ’s return, what do we do now?

Weekly Devotion: Starving at the Banquet Do we believe in the goodness of God?

Weekly Devotion: Planting A Tree 08/11/2023

This week's lectionary reflection on Matthew 25:1-13.

Weekly Devotion: Planting A Tree We are called to wait and we wait by being faithful.

Weekly Devotion: Hidden Sight 01/11/2023

This week's lectionary reflection on Matthew 5:1-12. "The Beatitudes is a way to see the world in a way God intended."

Weekly Devotion: Hidden Sight God Favors the Losers.

Weekly Devotion: I Can't Drive 55 25/10/2023

This week's reflection on Matthew 22:34-46- "The law in light of the grace of Jesus Christ is about entering into a relationship with God and with neighbor."

Weekly Devotion: I Can't Drive 55 The law in light of the grace of Jesus Christ is about entering into a relationship with God and with neighbor.

Weekly Devotion: Loyalties 18/10/2023

"Give all to Ceasar or to God, but you need to pick one. " Reflection on Matthew 22:15-22.

Weekly Devotion: Loyalties Give all to Ceasar or to God, but you need to pick one.

Weekly Devotion: Dressed for the Occasion 11/10/2023

This parable is a reminder that we are to go and tell people the good news because there are people that are begging to go and be fed. Since the church began, the thrust of the church has been to talk about God’s love and to share that message with others.

Weekly Devotion: Dressed for the Occasion Share Christ with others. Help them grow.

Weekly Devotion: Sour Grapes 04/10/2023

The lectionary commentary for October 8, 2023 on Matthew 21:33-46.

Weekly Devotion: Sour Grapes The world is the vineyard that has been given to us by God and we are the tenants. How are we tending to this world?

Weekly Devotion: Like A Good Neighbor... 27/09/2023

Commentary on Matthew 21:23-32: "Friends, are we doing more than talking about our faith? Are we also living it out in how we live our lives and in how we treat our neighbors?"

Weekly Devotion: Like A Good Neighbor... Are we good neighbors? And are we there ready to help our neighbors?

Weekly Devotion: Working 5 to 6 22/09/2023

"...the workers are not the center of this story. It’s the owner. The owner isn’t God, but he sure describes what God is like. What we see here is an owner who is generous. He chose to pay workers who only worked one hour a full day’s wage. His generosity was overflowing."

Weekly Devotion: Working 5 to 6 God’s kingdom is one of radical grace where everyone receives the same amount of love.

Weekly Devotion: Skyway Gratitude 13/09/2023

A weekly devotion based on the Matthew text for this coming Sunday.

Weekly Devotion: Skyway Gratitude Take a moment during the week and stop. Think about the love and mercy God has shown you and appreciate it.

Weekly Devotion: The Worship Continues 25/08/2023

This week's reflection comes from Romans 12:1-8.

Weekly Devotion: The Worship Continues Worship is not simply a place or a time, but also a way of life. What matters is what happens when we leave church on Sunday.

Weekly Devotion: Make Believe 18/08/2023

Lectionary reflection for this coming Sunday: "The interesting thing you notice in Jesus’ ministry is how many times he tells someone that it is their faith that healed them. It was their faith that Jesus could heal them or a loved one that allowed for the miracle to happen. They had a faith that was unshakeable and were willing to do whatever for that faith."

Weekly Devotion: Make Believe Do we believe that Jesus can make a difference in our lives and in our world?

A Watery Shortcut—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 11A/Proper 14A (Matthew 14) 11/08/2023

"Peter’s story suggests that you have to get out of the boat in order to fail in such a spectacular, interesting, and generative way...Even in failure, it does not end in a drowning, but in rescue, and ultimately in grace that swallows up doubt and inspires worship in those who watch from the safety of the boat."

A Watery Shortcut—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 11A/Proper 14A (Matthew 14) A blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

Dreams of Greatness and Sibling Rivalry—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 11A/Proper 14A (Genesis 37) 11/08/2023

"...I believe that God does respond to our choices. I also believe that God has a sense of where things should go even if there isn’t a script. In other words, God’s ultimate purposes can be resisted and slowed down, but God will persist, such that even family dysfunction ultimately can’t defeat God’s ultimate purposes from being fulfilled."

Dreams of Greatness and Sibling Rivalry—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 11A/Proper 14A (Genesis 37) A blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

Weekly Devotion: What's the Good News? 11/08/2023

Meditation on Romans 10:5-15: "To proclaim the good news means you have to believe in the power of Jesus Christ, not just as a historical figure, but as someone that is living and is changing lives now."

Weekly Devotion: What's the Good News? To proclaim the good news means you have to believe in the power of Jesus Christ, not just as a historical figure, but as someone that is living and is changing lives now.

October 16, 2022 (Revised Common Lectionary) 14/10/2022

This week's Lectionary Q is focusing on two texts: Luke 18:1-8 and Jeremiah 31:27-34.

October 16, 2022 (Revised Common Lectionary) Listen now (9 min) | Ninettenth Sunday After Pentecost

October 2, 2022 (Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost) 30/09/2022

Here is this week's Lectionary Q episode taking a look at Luke 17:5-10.

October 2, 2022 (Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost) Listen now (8 min) | In Year C

October 2, 2022 (Narrative Lectionary) 30/09/2022

I'm testing out adding a narrative version. I take a look at Exodus 14. Let me know what you think!

October 2, 2022 (Narrative Lectionary) Listen now | This is a trial episode of Lectionary Q for the Narrative Lectionary. Let us know what you think! This week's text is from Exodus 14:5-7, 10-14, 21-29. What are your answers? What are your questions? Send them to [email protected]. Learn more about First Christian Church (Discipl...

September 25, 2022 (Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost) 21/09/2022

Here is this week's Lectionary Q (formerly Preparing for Sunday). We take a look at Luke 16:19-31 and oh boy, are there questions!

September 25, 2022 (Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost) Listen now (15 min) | In Year C.

Preparing for Sunday | September 11, 2022 07/09/2022

After taking the summer off, Preparing for Sunday is back looking at the text for the upcoming Sunday, September 11. May God open the scripture to you as you engage the text.

Preparing for Sunday | September 11, 2022 Preparing for Sunday is a resource for clergy and the laity to get ready for the upcoming Sunday using a text from the Revised Common Lectionary. This week'...