Nomad Reading Darllen Nomad CBC
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我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram (@nomad_reading_group) 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities.
【Screening: She’s in Jail; and dialogue with exiled activist】
*25% of the tickets are set to be free for people who find themselves needing it.
We are screening She’s in Jail, a feature documentary about Chow Hang Tung, a Hong Kong barrister, labour and democratic movement activist. Hang Tung has been arrested multiple times and is now in incarceration in the context of China’s crackdown on Hong Kong’s civil society. This film begins in the morning on 8 September 2021, moments
before the police broke into her chambers to arrest her.
The screening follows by a sharing by Christopher Mung, a labour right activist who is now in exile in the UK.
She’s in Jail 《幸彤在監獄》 (produced by Asian Commons) (104 min)
Chow Hang Tung, a Hong Kong barrister, labour and democratic movement activist and a human rights defender. Since 2021, Chow was repeatedly arrested due to her Hong Kong Alliance leadership as well as June 4th commemorative activities. This film is dedicated to Chow and the campaign she represents.
Event details / 詳情如下:
Date/ 日期:16th July(Tue)
Time/ 時間:6:30-9:00 pm
Location/ 地點: Little Man Coffee, Ivor House, Bridge St, Cardiff CF10 2EE
Languages for film/ 電影語言:Mainly in Cantonese (English and traditional Chinese subtitled) 主要為廣東話(繁體中文及英文字幕)
Languages for sharing/ 分享語言:English (英文)
Tickets/ 訂飛
(also link in bio)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
【同你讀:雙身 (by 董啟章)】��
書籍:雙身 (by 董啟章) 〈如果你目睹另一個身體〉至〈如果,在一個暴風雨的日子〉
時間:10am-11:30am UK time
5pm-6:30pm HK time
地點:網上(歡迎各位IG dm)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #董啟章 #文學 #性別
【同你讀:雙身 (by 董啟章)】��
一覺醒來,世界從此不一樣。但變嘅唔一定係外在世界,而係自己。嚟緊幾個星期,我哋將會讀雙身 (by 董啟章),故事講述香港男除林山原,某日喺日本瞓醒後擁有女性嘅身體。董啟章自己提到,寫作「身體」題材,係「一場文字與身體的戰鬥」。我哋一齊去探索下呢個有關性/別同愛欲嘅故事。
書籍:雙身 (by 董啟章) 〈女身〉至〈我會繼續和男人的友誼〉
時間:10am-11:30am UK time
5pm-6:30pm HK time
地點:網上(歡迎各位IG dm)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #董啟章 #文學 #性別
【威爾斯文學講座 Welsh Literature Talk】Dylan Thomas: the early years?
Taylor Swift 同一眾 Swifties今日嚟到威爾斯。但原來呢個國家有一個人影響佢嘅創作,仲喺佢嘅歌詞中出現!?
上個月,我哋邀請到 Dylan Thomas Birthplace 同 Dylan Thomas Society 嘅Geoff Haden 同 Alun Gibbard 同大家介紹下 Dylan Thomas 呢個著名嘅威爾斯詩人嘅生平同對後人嘅貢獻。
睇片去 Youtube!
Taylor Swift and Swiftiessss are here in Cymru today. Do you know there’s a Welsh person who has inspired her and even appears in her lyrics?
Last month, we invited Geoff Haden and Alun Gibbard from the Dylan Thomas Birthplace and Dylan Thomas Society to give us a talk about the life and the legacy of the well-known Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.
Head to YouTube to watch the video!
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
【威爾斯文學講座 Welsh Literature Talk】Dylan Thomas: the early years? 上個月,我哋邀請到 Dylan Thomas Birthplace 同 Dylan Thomas Society 嘅Geoff Haden 同 Alun Gibbard 同大家介紹下 Dylan Thomas 呢個著名嘅威爾斯詩人嘅生平同對後人嘅貢獻。Last month, we invited Geoff Ha...
時間:3-4 pm
地點:Meeting Room4 (4/f), Cardiff Central Library CF10 1FL
報名: (also link in bio)
【Children's book club in Cantonese】
Can humans befriend a dinosaur? Yes, we can. We can even help each other out when we face some difficulties. “Ride a dinosaur to the library" shows the story about friendship between kids and their dinosaur friend.
We’ll be sharing the book with children. The book club will be hosted by a retired nursery teacher in Hong Kong. The book is suitable for those who are 3 to 10 years old.
Date:29th June(Sat)
Time:3-4 pm
Location:Meeting Room4 (4/f), Cardiff Central Library CF10 1FL
Registration: (also link in bio)
【Llyfr plant mewn Cantoneg】
A all person fod yn gyfaill i ddeinosor? Gall, fe all. Gallwn hyd yn oed helpu ein gilydd pan fyddwn yn wynebu anawsterau. Mae "Ride a dinosaur to the library" yn stori am gyfeillgarwch rhwng plant a'u ffrind sy’n ddeinosor.
Byddwn yn rhannu'r llyfr gyda phlant. Bydd y clwb llyfrau yn cael ei gynnal gan athro meithrin sydd wedi ymddeol yn Hong Kong. Mae'r llyfr yn addas ar gyfer plant rhwng 3 a 10 oed.
Dyddiad:29 Mehefin(Sad)
Amser: 3-4 pm
Lleoliad:Ystafell Gyfarfod4, Llawr4, Canolfan Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd CF10 1FL
Cofrestru: (hefyd dolen yn ein bio)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
【作者分享:警察故事:從神聖羅馬帝國到當代香港 (by 林慎)
分享書籍:警國論、警教論 (by 林慎)
日期:15th June(Sat)
時間:11am-12pm UK time 6-7pm HK time
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #林慎
你前來 我過去 – “We're here because you were there” 書評
「We're here because you were there」,這句由斯里蘭卡政治散文家安巴拉瓦納·斯瓦南丹說的話,概括了戰後非白人移民與白人為主的大英帝國的複雜關係。直至1913年,大英帝國統治著超過4.12億人,佔當時世界人口的23%,包括書中大篇幅提到的肯亞和烏干達,以及我的家鄉(香港)。1914年的《英國國籍及外籍人士法案》重申了英國臣民身份的統一性,將任何在國王領土內出生的人定義為英國臣民,享有相同的「權利、權力和特權」。這意味著這4.12億人不論種族、膚色都是「英國臣民」。
二戰後,世界經歷去殖民化,然而作者 Dr. Ian Sanjay Patel 指出,前殖民地獨立並不意味著大英帝國的終結,他認為1948年因英聯邦成立而修訂的《英國國籍法》完全是帝國主義的延伸,保留和重新表述了戰後世界的英國臣民計劃。它授予英國及前殖民地公民相同的公民身份,包括移居和居住英國的權利以及工作權利。自那以後,前殖民地和英聯邦國家的非白人公民出於各種原因,包括戰爭、饑荒和威權政府,便陸續抵達英國。可惜,這些移民即使擁有與其他白人公民相同的權利,也面臨著充滿敵意的環境。從1950年代打後,對非白人公民的敵意在社會、政治和制度上不斷持續。1971年的《移民法》引入了英國公民身份制度等級和英語測試,以阻止移民進入。
Dr. Patel 強調了兩個特定的移民歷史:肯亞和烏干達的南亞裔公民。我對英國政府如何對待擁有英國國籍的南亞裔公民感到震驚。當東非進行非洲化時,所有英國南亞裔(印度裔)在有限時間內被驅逐出境。英國政府第一時間的回應就是嘗試阻止他們入境,背後原因是徹頭徹尾的種族歧視。但同時,他們制定法律,允許東非的白人公民通過追溯他們的祖籍「返回」英國。對於烏干達,英國採取了不同的方式,對外聲稱這是一場全球人道主義危機,並要求其他國家接納擁有英國國籍的烏干達南亞裔公民。即使有些人被允許入境英國,他們也是以「難民」身份進入,並住在難民營。
Dr. Patel 的書是對殖民遺產如何繼續塑造現代英國的有力探索。對於任何有興趣了解大英帝國對其前殖民地的持續影響以及非白人公民如何持續奮鬥的人來說,這本書都是必讀之作。
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
We’re here because you were there - Book review
The statement “We’re here because you were there,” by Sri Lankan political essayist Ambalavaner Sivanandan, encapsulates the complex relationship between post-war non-white immigrants and the predominantly white British Empire.
By 1913, the British Empire governed over 412 million people, accounting for 23% of the world’s population at the time. This included regions like Kenya and Uganda, that are heavily mentioned in the book, and Hong Kong, where I am from. The British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914 reaffirmed the uniformity of British subjecthood, defining a British subject as any person born within His Majesty’s dominions and allegiance enjoyed the same “rights, powers, and privileges”. This act meant that these 412 million people were all “British subjects” regardless of their race.
After the Second World War, the world underwent decolonisation. Dr. Ian Sanjay Patel points out that the independence of former colonies did not mean the end of the Empire. He believes that the British Nationality Act, revised in 1948 due to the formation of the Commonwealth, was entirely an extension of imperialism, retaining and rearticulating the British subject scheme in the post-war world. It granted citizens of the United Kingdom and its colonies identical citizenship, including the right to move to and live in Britain, and the right to work. Since then, non-white citizens from former colonies and Commonwealth countries have been arriving in Britain for various reasons, including war, famine, and authoritarian governments. However, these immigrants have faced a hostile environment even though they share the same rights as other white citizens. From the 1950s onward, hostility towards non-white citizens has persisted socially, politically, and institutionally. The 1971 Immigration Act introduced a tiered system of British citizenship and English language tests to deter immigrants from entering the country.
1 小時
Dr. Patel highlights two specific migration histories: South Asians in Kenya and Uganda. I was shocked by how the British government treated the South Asians with British nationality. When Africanisation occurred in East Africa, all British South Asians (of Indian origin) were forcibly expelled within a limited timeframe. The first thing the UK government did was try to stop them from coming, solely because of racism. Simultaneously, they enacted laws allowing white citizens in East Africa to “return” to Britain by tracing their ancestry. In the case of Uganda, Britain took a different approach by claiming it was a global humanitarian crisis and asking other countries to accommodate Ugandan South Asians with British nationality. Even when some were allowed into Britain, they entered as “refugees” and lived in refugee camps.
In 2019, Hongkongers' human rights were brutally violated by the Chinese government. The UK government soon released the “BNO” visa on humanitarian grounds in 2021. However, these Hong Konger in fact hold British passports and have been educated in English since primary school. Yet, they have to immigrate to the UK as semi-refugees and must undergo language and citizenship tests to become naturalized. Ultimately, the British government has still not been able to eliminate its deeply rooted racism. I am surprised by how history repeats itself even after just half a century. Racism still exists and will never end if we stay silent.
Dr. Patel's book is a powerful exploration of how colonial legacies continue to shape modern Britain. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the enduring impact of the British Empire on its former colonies and the ongoing struggles of its non-white citizens.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
【Hong Kong short films screening】Before the Summer Snow、Gone、Plain Sailing
Nomad Reading Darllen Nomad C.B.C. are collaborating with Hong Kong Film Festival (UK) to present to you three independent short films by Hong Kong directors. The films explore the complicated relationship between Hong Kong and Taiwan by depicting personal experiences, emotions and vulnerability.
We believe that everyone should be able to experience the cinema if they want to. Unfortunately, some people may not be as privileged as others. When it comes to independent films that are relevant to heritage, the cinema experience is a valuable occasion to connect one to their cultural identity and it would be a shame if this is restricted because of one's socioeconomic status. Thus, 25% of the tickets are set to be free for people who find themselves needing it.
Nomad Reading Darllen Nomad C.B.C. 將會同香港電影節(英國)聯手,為大家帶嚟三套香港導演嘅獨立電影。電影以個人嘅經歷、情感同脆弱,探索香港同台灣之間繁複嘅關係。
Before The Summer Snow 《夏雪將至》(directed by Andy Law Lok-man 羅樂文) (41 min)
In 2019, Ching joined the Hong Kong protests and sought refuge in Taiwan after her brother Long was arrested. In the cold summer of 2024, she returned to Hong Kong to visit her mother and Long who was incarcerated, and proposed the idea of moving to Taiwan to live together.
Gone 《念你如昔》(directed by Kam-Hei Chan 陳淦熙) (28 min)
Joanna's son has been missing for years. Before forgetting him due to dementia, she decides to embark on a final journey to find her son. Taxi driver Peng, who immigrated to Taiwan from Hong Kong in his early years, still cares about his hometown. In the process of assisting Joanna, Peng also got redemption from the melancholy of leaving home.
Plain Sailing 《凪》(directed by Sasha Chuk Plain Sailing 祝紫嫣) (25 min)
Bai and Hei were brought together by a head-on wave. Out in the tranquil bay, glimmering and vast, they developed a romantic relationship. Yet the tides of the sea draw back and fling up. Soon they realized the currents of the sea could never be always calm, just as life itself is a mix of ups, downs and precariousness.
Screening details / 放映詳情如下:
Date/ 日期:23th June(Sun)
Time/ 時間:2pm
Location/ 地點:Cinema 2, Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Cardiff, Wales CF5 1QE
Languages/ 語言:Cantonese, Mandarin & Japanese (subtitled with English and traditional Chinese) 廣東話、普通話及日文(繁體中文及英文字幕)
Tickets/ 訂飛: (also link in bio)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
【Recap: 讀書分享環節】�
上星期六,我哋睇完咗古都(by 川端康成)。呢本小說情節平凡,記述咗年輕人純粹嘅感情世界。去到故事最後,我哋都唔知各人嘅感情生活會點樣發展落去。千重子會同願意入贅嘅真一一齊嗎?苗子會同原先鍾意自己雙胞胎姊妹、但後來鍾意自己嘅秀男結婚嗎?故事平平無奇,我哋最後傾到,可能故事嘅主角並唔係「收兵」(?)嘅千重子,而係京都本身。
作者以 insider 嘅身份,帶我哋睇咗唔同季節京都嘅風景,包括春天嘅紫花地丁、夏天嘅杉樹、秋天嘅白花同冬天殘留喺樹枝嘅「綠花」。書裡面亦用咗唔少篇幅去介紹唔同嘅節日,例如男仔要扮成童女喺彩車上比人觀摩嘅祇園祭;儀仗隊加入咗女性嘅時代祭;藝妓、舞女挨家道賀象徵開始籌備過年嘅十二月下旬。最後,呢本書可能係川端康成喺京都面臨傳統同外來文化角力之祭,對呢個地方嘅情書,但對讀者嚟講又可能係一本地道嘅旅遊指南。
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #古都 #川端康成
【June poem reading about resistance 六月抗爭讀詩活動:Cardiff & Bristol】
June is a complicated month for a lot of Hongkongers. We used to memorise the Tiananmen Massacre with thousands others since 1989. We protested against the extradition bill and political establishment in 2019 and the rest is history. How do we make out of this recent history?
We will read some poems about resistance together in June to reflect on the movement as a Hongkonger, as a diaspora and as a community. It’s a peaceful poem reading event in the public area and everyone is welcome. If you want to read a specific poem or any piece of literature, please drop us a DM in advance. Diolch!
六月係複雜嘅月份。我哋曾經同成千上萬嘅人一齊悼念六四。2019年,六月喺反送中運動嘅開始,the rest is history。從呢段咁近期嘅歷史,我哋可以學到啲咩呢?
我哋將會舉行一個讀詩活動,主題圍繞抗爭,以香港人、離散者、社群一份子嘅身份一同反思運動。呢個係一個和平嘅讀詩活動,所有人都歡迎參與。如果你有特別想分享嘅詩或其他作品,歡迎你 send 個 DM 比我哋。
Cardiff:Details/ 詳情如下:
Date/ 日期:14th June(Fri)
Time/ 時間:6-7 pm
Location/ 地點:Gorsedd Stone Circle, Bute Park, Cardiff CF10 3RB
Language/ 語言:English & Cantonese/ 英文 & 廣東話
Bristol:Details/ 詳情如下:
Date/ 日期:15th June(Sat)
Time/ 時間:3-4 pm
Location/ 地點:Victoria Park, Bristol BS3 4LL
Language/ 語言:English & Cantonese/ 英文 & 廣東話
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
呢個星期六,我哋嘅成員會分享兩本唔同語言、類型同寫作背景嘅書籍。第一本係 《We’re here because you were there》(by Ian Sanjay Patel),同埋《傾城之戀》(by 張愛玲)。如果你有書想分享,歡迎你DM話比我哋知。
英國有唔同種族同文化背景嘅人居住,過去嘅幾十年有唔少人同家庭由唔同地方移民到呢個國度。但移民一直以嚟都被一啲人視為對國家嘅危機,《We’re here because you were there》(by Ian Sanjay Patel)講到呢種想法甚至(曾經)喺政策制訂者身上出現,導致對移民敵對嘅社會氛圍。我哋可以點樣從英國幾十年嚟嘅移民政策,去理解現況?
時間:10am-11:30am UK time
5pm-6:30pm HK time
地點:網上(歡迎各位IG dm)
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #傾城之戀 #張愛玲
【Dylan Thomas – The early years】��
多謝大家出席上星期六嘅 Dylan Thomas – The early years 講座,希望大家對呢位威爾斯詩人嘅認識多咗。感謝 Dylan Thomas Birthplace 同 Dylan Thomas Society 嘅Geoff 同 Alun 同大家分享。對待下次活動再見到大家!
Diolch everyone for attending the talk "Dylan Thomas – The early years", hope y'all have learnt more about this Welsh poet. Thanks go to Geoff and Alun from Dylan Thomas Birthplace and Dylan Thomas Society for their amazing sharing. We hope to see you again in future events!
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
作者分享:警察故事:從神聖羅馬帝國到當代香港 (by 林慎)】�
分享書籍:警國論、警教論 (by 林慎)
日期:15th June(Sat)
時間:11am-12pm UK time 6-7pm HK time
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
【同你讀:古都 (by 川端康成)】
書籍:古都 (by 川端康成) 第七至九章
日期:1st June(Sat)
時間:10-11:30am UK time 5-6:30pm HK time
地點:網上(歡迎各位IG dm )
我哋係一個在英香港人閱讀群組,希望推廣閱讀及各類文化活動。歡迎各位 follow 我哋 Instagram () 了解我哋最新動向。
We are a UK-based Hong Kong reading community, hoping to promote reading and other types of cultural activities. Welcome to follow us on Instagram () to know our latest events.
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀 #古都 #川端康成
(Scroll for Cymraeg and English)
【Dylan Thomas – The early years】 1914年喺 Swansea 出世,Dylan Thomas 係威爾斯20世紀最重要嘅詩人之一。雖然佢39歲就英年早逝,但名聲卻遠播國際。
我哋邀請到 Dylan Thomas Birthplace 同 Dylan Thomas Society 嘅Geoff Haden 同 Alun Gibbard 同大家介紹下 Dylan 嘅生平、佢喺 Swansea 嘅作品,以及周遭環境點樣影響佢嘅創作。歡迎大家一齊嚟認識呢個威爾斯詩人。
日期:25 May(Sat)
地點:Meeting Room4 (4/f), Cardiff Central Library(Registration via link in bio)
【Dylan Thomas - y blynyddoedd cynnar】
Rydym wedi gwahodd Geoff Haden ac Alun Gibbard o fan geni Dylan Thomas a Cymdeithas Dylan Thomas i roi sgwrs i ni am fywyd Dylan a’i waith yn Abertawe. Bydd y sgwrs hefyd yn trafod sut mae’r amgylchedd yn dylanwadu ar ei greadigrwydd. Mae croeso i bawb ymuno!
Dyddiad: 25 Mai (dydd Sadwrn)
Amser: 3.00-4.00pm
Lleoliad: Ystafell gyfarfod 4 (4/f), Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd (Cofrestru drwy ddolen yn ein bio)
Iaith: Saesneg
【Dylan Thomas – The early years】
We have invited Geoff Haden and Alun Gibbard from the Dylan Thomas Birthplace and Dylan Thomas Society to give us a talk about Dylan’s life and his works in Swansea. The talk will also discuss how the surroundings influence his creation. Everyone is welcome to join!
Details :
Date:25 May(Sat)
Location:Meeting Room4 (4/f), Cardiff Central Library
#英國讀書會 #在英香港人 #閱讀
Dylan Thomas – The early years Geoff Haden and Alun Gibbard from the Dylan Thomas Birthplace and Dylan Thomas Society will share with us about Dylan’s life in Swansea.