Woman Bona Fide

Woman Bona Fide

Leading women to authenticity and purpose with humor to break down walls for Truth & hope to enter.

You can find our podcast “Woman Bona Fide” on Spotify and iTunes (new episodes every Thursday!) or listen live on FaithTalk1360 Wednesdays at 5pm MST.

Our Vision

I love being a woman, don’t you? Sure, being a woman can have its challenges, but being a man has its challenges too. Why? Because men and women both share the same condition: the human condition.

So, what exactly is Woman Bona Fide, and how did it turn from a vision into a working reality? Well, I will give you the short story. For those of you who have heard my testimony, you may know my story. I continue to share my testimony whenever I am able, and I hope you can hear it someday! But for this purpose, you get the short version. Sorry ladies!

I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, and I was raised Catholic. What a wonderful childhood I had, one with many fond memories along with some trials. But I was always a believer in Jesus due to how I was raised, attending Catholic grammar school and high school.

As I entered into the beautiful, yet sometimes overrated, world of adulthood, life began to happen. I was fortunate to have some wonderful experiences as an adult, and also endured some very painful experiences. Some were a result of choices I made, others were not. But the painful ones, boy were they painful. And pain is pain, that is something we as human beings all have in common. We all experience pain in different seasons of our life.

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