Patty Gets Fit

Patty Gets Fit

I'm Patty. Alien fighter extraordinaire. If you want to know what the hell this means (because everybody does). Aliens are the bad guys --depression, anxie

Timeline photos 11/07/2020

Wow check this out. I just saw this on my friend's Facebook. This looks awesome!

New: BCAAs. For post workout. Promotes muscle development and maintenance while delivering full endocannabinoid support.


I haven't consistently worked out over a year. I haven't consistently done anything in over a year. I hate the way I look and feel right now. I can and have been "fat" before. I am not going backwards. I have almost purged my emotional eating several times during this Covid19 situation. My bipolar disorder is out of wack, my emotions are all over the place. What bipolar girls (people) need to have emotional stability is consistency.
This morning as I went to make breakfast I realized my eating the same things -morning noon and night is what has kept me thin, and probably what makes others fat.
Restarting some routines. The "Coffee. Exercise. List. Goals. Routines" keeps me stable.
Resetting my mind and my eating/exercise habits today.


Yep, I bet you're sitting there thinking I really don't have time for exercise today. Well me neither. So here's a challenge for you all today. Pick two of your favorite songs and exercise all the way through them. Tell me what songs you picked in the comments. I don't care what exercise you do, just do it!


20 minutes of cardio


My best advice about getting in shape is to start a routine. I am following my own advice today. I am way out of shape (for me anyway). I keep trying and failing. So today I remembered my own advice. When I started working out it was only 3 times a week. The important part is that you start a routine, a habit. Something you can stick with. So today I did a twenty minute circuit workout. It was impromptu. Before I can get back to the kick-ass goals I need to be able to stick with a routine for more than a week. So my goal for February is to work out 3-5 times a week for 20 minutes. I don't really care what the workout is. Just that I do it.
Eventually I'll get back to a good lifting routine


Give me six months. I'm slowly finding my motivation again.

Let's Talk About World Bipolar Day - Patty Gets Fit 30/03/2019

You might think this is easy to talk about. It took me a long time to get comfortable with myself and to discuss my Bipolar Disorder openly. Why do I talk about this? Four percent of the population has Bipolar Disorder, which means according to statistics around 200 of my Facebook friends have Bipolar Disorder. Let's end the stigma. I am the face of Bipolar Disorder, We are not unstable weaklings. We are strong, intelligent, beautiful. Our brains are just wired a little differently.

Let's Talk About World Bipolar Day - Patty Gets Fit Today it’s March 30th and World Bipolar Day. I am going to talk about Bipolar..

Should I Get a Personal Trainer? Heck yeh! | Patty Gets Fit 24/03/2019

I have never worked with a trainer before and I am very excited about it!

Should I Get a Personal Trainer? Heck yeh! | Patty Gets Fit I have been working out for over 5 years now and I have a pretty decent body. I think I am pretty good shape and semi-know what I am doing. As a matter of fact, before I decide to run for office I was working on getting certified as a personal trainer myself. I have never actually worked with a pers...

The Day I Had My Last Panic Attack | Patty Gets Fit 12/03/2019

Panic attacks have been part of my life for almost 30 years. Today we break up.

The Day I Had My Last Panic Attack | Patty Gets Fit I had my very first panic attack when I was 18. I can still remember it. I was at church. I went into the bathroom because I felt stressed. I fell to the floor and couldn’t breathe. Somebody touched me and I started screaming! It was frightening and humiliating. I didn’t realize this was a panic...

Vegan Keto Peanut Butter and Berry Fat Bombs | Patty Gets Fit 10/03/2019

These turned out so good! Vegan keto fat bombs! mmmmm mmmm mmmm

Vegan Keto Peanut Butter and Berry Fat Bombs | Patty Gets Fit When I started following the keto diet I had a hard time fitting in all the fat necessary. The ketogenic diet ideally is around 70% fat. It can be difficult to eat that much fat so keto fat bombs make an easy snack to boost your fat intake. I follow the ketogenic diet to help manage my bipolar disor...

The best damn article on the internet on beating gym anxiety from someone who gets it | Patty Gets Fit 05/03/2019

I wrote this a while back. Some of you don't know that it took me a year, 5 gyms, and numerous panic attacks and crying to be able to work out in a gym.

The best damn article on the internet on beating gym anxiety from someone who gets it | Patty Gets Fit I have been wanting to write this post for quite some time. If you want to get over your gymophobia, please don’t waste your time reading articles from people who know s**t about anxiety disorders. I have read countless articles on this very topic and I can tell you all the things that do NOT help...

Photos from Patty Gets Fit's post 13/01/2019

Hey yo fit friends! Check it out! 😀
Fitness Inspiration for Your Lover ~ Valentine's Idea


And she's still a goddess. Ready to get back it. Two more weeks of campaigning and then I'm getting everyone back on track with me. I'm a little soft right now but whatever....

Go Unicorn Goddess! GO! Getting myself back on track. | Patty Gets Fit 23/07/2018

Slowly getting back at this. I redesigned PattyGetsFit. I hope to start working on fitness and my blog again. Thanks for following me!

Go Unicorn Goddess! GO! Getting myself back on track. | Patty Gets Fit I haven’t blogged in quite some time. I decided to run for office as a Libertarian candidate this year. I have been spending most of my time on Patty for Liberty and campaigning. I have learned so much and grown so much as a person from doing this, but my fitness goals have been on the back burner...


Haven't updated my blog or this page in forever. Feeling inspired again. Here's my almond butter fat bomb recipe! Yum! More updates and recipes to come.


When it comes to exercise everyone talks about not making excuses. I prefer to be a positive person, and not focus on the negatives. When I write my list each day I prioritize. I mark my checklist with numbers 1-3. I do all the ones first and then move to the 2s. What gets done first is the 1s, right? Well most people do not make exercise a 1. Why? Not because they are making excuses or because they are lazy. It's because they have a million things to do and not enough time to do them all. However, for me, my health and my body come before everything else. When I exercise I am happier and do better at getting things done. While it might seem like the other items on my list are more important, everything is as important as you make it. At the end of the day, I don't want to be known as the girl who ran circles around her dishes and laundry -- that's always going to be there. I want to be girl that has a great body because she puts herself first.

If you want to have a healthy body, you need to put yourself first. Make your body and your health a priority. Doesn't it make sense? Start marking exercise as #1 on your priority list, everything else will get done. But if you don't make exercise first it won't ever get done.


I'm going to start working on my abs. 😉 Believe it or not, I'm at about 22/23% body fat as of the last time I checked. I'm not as lean as I look. This is from yesterday. I'm not taking another progress picture till April. Then I will have a whole year before and after pics. 🙂


Updating my blog and making it look spiffier is on my agenda, but not today. It can wait. (:

Getting back up — You might think it’s easy for me – Patty Gets Fit 13/01/2018

Let's talk about getting back and up and how nothing is easy. Not for me, Not for you. But you got to get back up. Who cares if you gained it all back, you gotta get back up and love yourself!!!!

Getting back up — You might think it’s easy for me – Patty Gets Fit Getting back up — You might think it’s easy for me Alien Fighter | January 13, 2018 | Alien Fighting, Fitness | No Comments Spread the loveI know all about it. I didn’t start exercising till I was 39. I was one of those “naturally skinny” girls, except it was never natural. I starved mysel...


Woke up this morning and my body dysmorphia was talking to me again. Damn you. I told you that you were gone.
Pep talk to myself.
You are not fat. Not even close.
You have a beautiful body.
You don't take steroids or creatine. Everything about your body is natural. Remember that.
Love your body baby. ❤️


Love this idea!




Christmas magic from your favorite unicorn.

Confession: I’m not a real badass – Patty Gets Fit 12/12/2017

I am a strong, driven, motivated, person. I am constantly trying to be the best at things. However, I realized this morning that I don’t want to be a bodybuilder. I don’t want to compete on that level. I want to be an inspiration to myself and other people to get healthier. And be a badass by being my own kind of badass.

Confession: I’m not a real badass – Patty Gets Fit Confession: I’m not a real badass Alien Fighter | December 12, 2017 | Alien Fighting | No Comments Spread the loveIf you don’t know by now, I have issues with obsessions. I obsess over obsessions. I overthink and get fixated on things — like unicorns. Sometimes this is a good thing and gives m...