Body&Soul Fusion

Body&Soul Fusion

Hello, my name is Andi. This page is about yoga, Ayurveda, spirituality, Pilates, movements and anatomy and my journey around and into them.

I truly believe that body and soul can't be separated, they effect each other and live in each other.


🧐A little science🤓

Have you heard about AUTOPHAGY?

Recently, there is more and more talk about autophagy as a means of maintaining brain health and increasing lifespan. Of course, we could think that this is just another strange term promising a mysterious miracle, but this time there is no doubt, since in 2016 Oszumi Josinori received the Nobel Prize for researching it.

Autophagy or autophagocytosis - from the Ancient Greek, literally meaning " self-devouring" - is the natural process by which cells disassemble and clean out unnecessary or dysfunctional components. The organelles, proteins, and debris that are no longer efficient or effective are packaged and sent on their way either by degradation or release, so you can get back to more optimal functioning.

Autophagy can dictate not only how well we live but perhaps how long we live. When the autophagic mechanisms are overwhelmed or dysfunctional, cells are unable to perform optimally and disease can occur as well as more rapid aging.

Doctors have found out that the process of autophagy can be affected by our lifestyle, environment, nutrition, as well as external and internal stressors, —meaning, you have some control over it.

Here are 8 ways to optimize autophagy and boost your brain and overall health.
I will detail them in my next articles.

1. Intermittent fasting
2. Eating more antioxidant-rich plants and restricting calories
3. Exercise, optimising the flow of blood and oxygen
4. Taking steps to prioritize and optimize your sleep
5. Avoiding gene-altering pollutants
6. Amplify the AMPK pathway
7. Spending time in nature as much as you can
8. Releasing trauma

To be continued...

I hope you found this article useful and interesting🙌

For your health,


Hi everyone! 🙋‍♀️

It's been a while since I haven't shared a post about anatomy, psychology, and my other favorite topics. Let's continue with a short and funny one😁
Did you know that our genome is 96% identical to chimpanzees, 90% identical to cats, and 60% identical to bananas? 😕😳


When it's quiet, you're alone, you don't have an impulse, then you realize how big the background noise is! When the world becomes quiet around you, you will hear your inner voice, which is always there, but we don't always want to listen to it. Maybe that's why we look for the constant stimulus from outside. Phones, TVs, parties...
Maybe that's why we're addicted to dopamine.
Because that's how the daily noise suppresses the noise inside us...
You don't have to listen to your thoughts that you don't want to hear.

But silence can be practiced.
Silence gives you peace.
Silence can give the best advice.
Experiencing silence means getting closer to yourself.

Breathing exercises, relaxation, meditation, spending time in nature, digital detox can help create silence.
Even if only for a short time, but try to practice the silence.


We just returned from India, but my soul is still there.
The dust of Delhi is still on my skin, the scents and spicy air are still in my nose, and the beautiful prayers from the temples and also the noise of the traffic are in my ears.
I need some time to process all the feelings and impacts but our weekly classes will resume soon. I am looking forward to adding some new knowledge to my classes that I have learnt in traditional yoga schools in Rishikesh.

See you soon😊

Photos from Body&Soul Fusion's post 20/03/2024

About our Saturday class... My heart was so full that morning...❤️

Thank you so much for all of you to join me🙏 and your energy you brought into our yoga practice💫

See you next Saturday🧘‍♀️


"Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.”
- Lao Tzu



Many times during my yoga classes, students have said that they wished they could keep their legs as nicely as I am able to when cross sitting. They see me and want to be able to place their knees close to the ground.

Of course, yoga, regular stretching or functional trainings do help and improve the mobility of our joints but not equally for everyone. We need to accept that our body may have limitations and if we understand that no two people have the same bone proportions, shape and therefore range of motion, we can make the assumption that no two people will look the same in a yoga pose.
This means that there is no one universal alignment cue that will work for everybody. This isn't to say the key action cues need to differ, but the rigid instructions for the 'perfect aesthetic' will not be effective for everyone.

A teacher’s role is to help students navigate their own body and to help them understand why they can or can not get into a pose (tension or compression). It is our role to help them explore their unique body to find a shape that works for them.

For example our thigh bone and hip bone are not the same so obviously the range of motion of our hip joint will also be different.
The difference can be seen in the length of the femur, the length of the neck, and the angle between the neck and the body of the femur. The hip bone can also be higher or lower, wider or narrower, less or more externally rotated, not to mention the position of the pelvis.
Moreover, it is also possible that our left and right side are not symmetrical, like you can see for my legs in the picture below🙃😉

Here on the left picture on the top we see two femur bones, with a 55 degree difference of the angle of the neck of the femur on both sides. Now assuming they both have the same hip socket shape (which they won't), this one difference alone will affect the position of their legs in certain poses, resulting in them both having a completely different aesthetical ‘alignment’. Is this a problem? NO! As long as they’re both reaching the functional objective.

I hope you found this post interesting and useful😊

Have a great day!🌞



Dear All,

I am pleased to inform you that the weekend outdoor classes are back😀
But, kindly note that as long as the the weather is cool, I will do more dynamic, intensive classes like HIIT + pilates/yoga, Power yoga/pilates or circuit training... so, we won't be cold for sure😉

The next class will be a yoga inspired workout seasoned with some HIIT movements on this Saturday morning. But don't worry, if you don't like jumpy exercises, I will give you alternatives.

⏰️Time: Saturday, 8.30am
🌅Place: Sliema, Exiles (next to Paradise Exiles but if the place is occupied, we will find a nice sunny spot around, for sure)
⌛️Duration: 1 hour
🪙Price: 8 eur

❗️NOTES: as the weather is unpredictable, please always check the posts of this page before you go. In case of bad weather, the class can be canceled.

Leave me a comment below or send me a pm if you want to join.

Hope to see you on Saturday 🤗


As the new year has begun, the posts about various themed are going to return on my page👩‍🏫
Continuing with a topic related to anatomy and sports movement, which is one of my favorite🤓
This one, we all perform in almost every workout and in almost every type of movement, and there are many myths surrounding it.


It's often heard that you shouldn't squat too deep because it can harm your knees. Squatting is one of the most commonly used fundamental movements from childhood. In the developmental stages of movement, squatting is the foundation for a child to be able to stand up. Squatting remains prevalent in childhood, and we spend long periods in this position. In many cultures, it is still a form of rest (for example in India).

The recent science also admits - however it had been taught by sport experts absolute differently 5-10 years ago approx - that if a joint is able, and also designed to bend in a certain angle, it will not harm the joint. Moreover, if we don't use the maximum flaxibility of the joints, their range of motions will become limited, and can cause many related issues.

So where did we go wrong?🤔

In kindergarten and then in school, there is an increasing need to sit on chairs. This not only changes the lifestyle, leading to a more sedentary one, but also weakens our supporting muscles and narrows our joints. Chairs, especially those with comfortable reclined backs, contribute to a curved posture, altering the position of the pelvis and spine. Due to this, the core and spine-supporting muscles weaken.

How can you make a change?✅️

● Try to sit on the floor more often in cross-legged, kneeling, or squatting positions.
● Perform lunges in different directions with varied step lengths.
● Squat with various foot positions and different widths of stances; this helps lubricate the hip and knee joints and strengthen the muscles!
● Practicing yoga pose (aka indian sitting) can improve your ability to squat

For your health 🤗


Completed in September, but received the certificate just recently✅️🤰🤱🤓

It is a very interesting and wonderful field in the personal fitness, and at the same time it requires a large amount of responsibility too.

One of the most important things to know that during pregnancy, doing exercise, practicing yoga and relaxation or living an active lifestyle are essential for a healthy mum and baby (if there is no contraindication). It can prevent gestational diabetes (or keep it under control if it does occur), can prepare the mother mentally and physically for delivery, and many studies show that doing exercise regularly during pregnancy can help to prevent childhood obesity, and many more health benefits.

If you or any of your friends, family member is expecting a baby🤰 and want to start/continue to do exercise, feel free to contact me🙌



This is already the past, yet it happened only yesterday.
I'm sure most of us have made a list of New Year's resolutions, and maybe even a list of regrets from the past year.
But don't waste today for what happened yesterday. Enjoy every moment of the present, because you know, there are three things that will never return. The arrow shot, the word spoken and the day gone by.

I wish everyone a Successful, Happy, but especially Healthy New Year for 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣🎉🎆✨️🎊


Dear All🤗

I wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas! 🎄🎁 ✨️

As it is customary to say, during these days, we celebrate love❤️ I feel truly blessed and lucky to be with my family, to be loved and healthy, and to live in freedom.

However, these days are not a celebration for everyone. I cannot help but think of those who are grieving, starving, or alone.

Unfortunately, bad things happen all the time and everywhere in the world, but I believe that love and time can heal. Let me share a short story that may bring hope in times of sorrow and remind us to be grateful for what and who we have in our lives.

Once, a wealthy Indian approached a Hindu sage with a ring. He asked the sage to engrave wisdom into the jewelry for his daughter, something that would comfort her on sad days, encourage her in difficult situations, and prompt her to be cautious and moderate in happy times.

A few days later, the sage returned the ring, engraved with only this:

"This too shall pass."



Time spent on the mat is an offering; a daily ritual that does not always have to be pleasant.
In my classes, I don't try to impress you, but to show you a tool that you can use if you have the desire, persistence, and strength.
Yoga will not replace therapy, social connection, and asana practice itself will not resolve your traumas. You will, however, have a tool that helps you hear and understand what is happening inside. It teaches you to sit quietly, to be patient, persistent and being in the present. It can help you accept what is right now, but sometimes it teaches you that you have to stand up for yourself and never believe what others say. Only experiential knowledge is real.

I know, everyone is talking about how beautiful and sublime yoga is. However, real, daily practice is not necessarily deep or attractive. Sometimes I just go through it quickly, sometimes it doesn't go well or I don't feel like starting it. And, of course, there are many times that I really enjoy it, I feel that it gives me strength, elevate mentally and I improve physically. But none of these feelings is more/better than the other. Just practice and see what happens.
Listen to the sensations that arise; without judgment if possible. Not judging doesn't mean that I don't have an opinion, but that I accept everything that is there and that I can use this practical knowledge and experience the next time, or at any time in the future. That is, it builds.
For me, this is the essence and meaning of practice. This is what I want to convey to you in my classes, this is what I believe, this is my philosophy.

I'll be waiting for you on the mat if you feel like you are called by the aforementioned.

Come as you are♥️


It's been a while since I talked about Pilates. Although it doesn't require much advertising, as those who practice it know and enjoy all its benefits.

These two pictures speak volumes, don't they? He is Joseph Pilates, the creator of the Pilates method.

Remember, any workout method based on quality movement is a winner🏆🏅💪

I'll soon be hosting regular evening classes again. Interested? 😉




I am often asked if I do other exercises besides yoga and pilates, or if it is good to combine yoga and pilates with other types of exercise. My answer is always, definitely yes!

One of the reasons is that the strongest stimulus for bone tissue formation is compression, or pressure force. Initially, gravity provides this at a baseline level, but as age progresses, bone mass starts to decrease. To counteract this, we need to provide additional stimuli to the bones to slow down, mitigate, or even reverse the degeneration. The more and greater compression the bones endure, the better they build—logical, isn't it? When our body senses increased load, it strives to create a more resistant structure (skeleton) through a process called adaptation.

❓ How can we increase compression in a healthy way?
It's better to introduce greater load during physical activity, in planned duration and intensity. This can involve resistance exercises using weights, resistance bands, and other activities that involve impact and muscle resistance, are known to promote and maintain bone density. So, sports like weightlifting, gymnastics, and certain types of dancing can contribute to better bone density in older age, or even using our own body weight in a way that requires more force, as muscle contraction alone already provides greater compression to the bones.

A study was conducted among 35-40-year-old women (premenopausal) to investigate the relationship between high-impact exercises and bone density. The women were divided into two groups, with one group performing targeted high-impact exercises for a year, while the other group (control group) underwent no intervention. After 12 months, the women performing high-impact exercises showed a significant increase in bone mass in the vertebral column and thigh bone compared to the control group. This study thus proved that regular high-impact exercises are effective in increasing bone mass.
The same result came up on the study of The effect of exercise intensity on bone in postmenopausal women!

Based on the above, the following types of exercise will certainly help build and maintain bone density and may help prevent osteoporosis (assuming no other contraindications):
- jogging, running
- jump roping or its simulation
- hopping, jumping
- plyometric exercises involving jumping
- step aerobics
- various fitness classes, using elastic band, weights, kettlebell, own bodyweight etc.
- dancing

☝️ I must emphasize that I've only discussed the above exercise types from the perspective of bone density. However, they are also extremely beneficial and indispensable for other aspects, such as cardiovascular fitness, connective tissue flexibility (fascia training), coordination improvement, etc.

I hope you liked this article. Feel free to share with a friend or family member😊

1. Vainionpää et al. (2005) - Effects of high-impact exercise on bone mineral density: a randomized controlled trial in premenopausal women. Osteoporosis International 16(2):191–197.
2. Melanie Kistler-Fischbacher 1, Benjamin K Weeks 1, Belinda R Beck (2020) - The effect of exercise intensity on bone in postmenopausal women



I have changed the name of my page since it is not only about Pilates and yoga anymore... however these are still my passions.
I changed the name into what I really believe in, that body and soul cannot be separated.
The concept of body and soul fusion encompasses a harmonious relationship between physical health, mental well-being and spiritual consciousness. Drawing inspiration from various practices and knowledge such as sports, yoga, psychology, anatomy and a positive mindset, this fusion creates a synergistic effect that enhances overall vitality.

Physical fitness not only contributes to cardiovascular health and muscular strength but also releases endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, also known as "happiness hormon". The fusion of body and soul begins with the acknowledgment that a sound physical foundation is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Yoga will still remain in my focus which an ancient practice rooted in mindfulness and self-awareness, plays a pivotal role in the fusion of body and soul. Through a combination of physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation, yoga cultivates a deep connection between the body and the soul. It promotes flexibility, balance, and a sense of inner peace, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

The fusion of body and soul is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires conscious effort and commitment. As the journey towards fusion unfolds, the integration of body, mind, and soul becomes a transformative and empowering force, paving the way for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life.

Join me on this journey🤗



We all need a place we can go to in our minds for comfort and to feel calm. Physical spaces and places affect how we feel, think, and behave.
People feel connected to their favorite places. In environmental psychology, place attachment refers to the cognitive-emotional bond that forms between an individual and a physical setting.

People are often attached to places where they made treasured memories, so unsurprisingly, a person’s favorite place is often associated with warm memories and feelings of nostalgia. It’s often a place where you experience positive emotions like joy, hope, and happiness.

For many, it’s a place where they feel carefree, relaxed, and away from the hassles of life, doing things they love. People are often attached to places where they feel/felt safe, free, and secure.
Sometimes we’re attached to somewhat mundane everyday spaces. Even a bedroom or bathroom can be a favorite place if it provides sanctuary and retreat.

We are often attached to a place we go for self-reflection, and favorite places are sometimes the site of personal growth. Your favorite place may be where you go to reflect on your problems or your goals. Many people have a local favorite place for self-reflection, often a bench in a park or a place with a view of nature. For example, places of natural beauty may provide opportunities for contemplation. Their “scope” may provide positive emotions like “awe.” Being in natural areas can provide a sense of “being away” from everyday hassles...

Personally, I have more than one "Happy Place", here below on the picture is one of them. The bank of the river in my home town and its surrandings. Even if it is still located in the city, I always feel distanced from the crowd, noise and also doubts, concerns in my mind. It always helps to focus inwards and see things more clear or from a different aspect. I think it is simply the healing power of the nature.

What/where is your "Happy Place"?😊 If you feel like, feel free to share a picture about it in comment.





Hi All,

It's been a while since my last anatomy post on Forward Head Posture (FHP) and as promised I am sharing a quick and easy test to check if you have FHP.
If you want to refresh this topic and read my previous post about it, click on the below link:

And here is a simple method to measure Forward Head Posture:

- Stand with your back towards a wall with your heels positioned shoulder width apart
- Press your buttocks against the wall and ensure that your shoulder blades are in contact with the wall.
Squeezing your shoulder blades together can help you get your shoulders into a more neutral position and aligned with the wall.

Now, check your head position – here you may need someone to check you or measure with a ruler, or take a video or photo of yourself to see the result.

Is the back of your head touching the wall?
If it’s not, you have a forward head posture and should do your best to correct it.
But even if you get a good result and your head can touch the wall, don't forget, maintenance of the spine and prevention is very important, therefore I do recommend everyone to practice the 5 easy exercises that I will show in my next post.

For your health🤗


Thank you for joining me this morning🙏

I must say goodbye again, for a while, but hope to see you and practice together very soon.

Big hug🤗



"Your beliefs become your thoughts; your thoughts become your words; your words become your actions; your actions become your habits, your habits become your values; and your values become your destiny."

Happy International Yoga Day🙏🕉️🧘‍♀️

Photos from Body&Soul Fusion's post 11/06/2023



Last time I was writing about the Forward head posture (FHP) and since this problem affecting many people, I would like to dedicate more two articles to this topic (however we could even more 100😄).

I have mentioned in my previous post that those people are mostly exposed to this wrong posture who sit front of the computer and overuse wathing a cellphone display (so almost all of us) but many other activities can also cause it:
- Sleeping with your head elevated too high on pillows
- Prolonged driving
- Incorrect breathing habits
- Carrying heavy backpacks
- Lack of development of back muscle strength or weakness of your neck muscles
- Participating in sports that involve the dominant use of one side of the body (i.e. golf, tennis, hockey, baseball, etc.)
- Certain professions are more at risk due to repetitive movements of the body, for example: hair stylists, massage therapists, writers, computer programmers, painters, etc.

And unfortunately, this story can get even worse, as the FHP has a so-called "Domino effect": the head moved forward shifting the center of gravity. To compensate, the upper body drifts backward. And them to compensate for the upper body shift, the hips tilt forward. You can see that the forward head posture can cause not only head and neck problems, but can also create mid and low back problems.

In my next post, I'll show you a simple test to check if you have forward head posture and also 5 easy exercises that can put you on the right path towards correcting this postural abnormality.

And please do not ignore this problem as Roger Wolcott Sperry, the American neuropsychologist, neurobiologist and cognitive neuroscientist (who received Nobel Prize for Brain Research) said: “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine”.

For you health🤗


🧘‍♀️ What does Namaste mean? 🧘‍♂️

Namaste is derived from the Sanskrit namah, meaning "I bow" or "I honor" and te, meaning "to you." These two words are combined together with an “s” which happens in Sanskrit in a process called sandhi, which is the combination of two sounds.
A common salutation and valediction in the Hindu culture, namaste literally means, "I bow to you."

On a more profound level, namaste signifies one soul recognizing and honoring the holiness of another. In yoga, namaste is invoked to acknowledge the spiritual connection, or oneness, achieved by souls experiencing the practice of yoga together.
The significance of the word namaste goes far beyond its use as a term of greeting. Namaste is an acknowledgement that we are all divine and that we are all ultimately connected.

The salutation is used with profound intention and, in the practice of yoga, is often accompanied by the mudra, or gesture, of pressing the palms of the hands together in front of the heart chakra. The chakra, the source of energy, of the heart is where divine love exists and individual ego disappears; invoking the heart in this way further signifies an opening of one's divine soul to the holiness of another's.

When we say, “Namaste,” we bring our hands together in front of your heart center as a gesture, called Anjali mudra or sometimes prayer position.
This powerful mudra is a gesture of thanks. It’s also the symbol for gratitude and seeing the holy light in all others as well as in yourself. When we bow with our hands in anjali mudra it’s like saying, “The light in me acknowledges the light in you.”

Have a wonderful day🤗



Do you know what FHP is?
You might have it too☝️

A significant percentage of people are bound to their computers for their work and daily activities, often for 8-10 hours a day. As a result, numerous spinal problems and muscle imbalances can occur. Moreover, since our mobile phone has become our addiction, excessive screen viewing causes significant damage in our spine.

One of the most common - that many people do not even know they have - is the Forward Head Posture (FHP).

It's defined as a posture where your neck slants anteriorly (forward), positioning the head an inch or more in front of the atlas (first neck vertebra). It also shifts your center of gravity forward, disproportionate to the weight of the head. If you lean your head forward, it can increase the stress on your spine since your head won't be centered over your body anymore. The average weight of someone's head is approximately 4.5 - 5.5 kg (10-12 pounds), and can increase up to 27 kg (60 pounds) to more you lean your head forward off your spinal column.

Forward head posture may indicate that you have a limited or minimal airway since your neck is stretching forward to allow more volume of air to be taken in. In essence, since a narrow airway cannot expand in width, your body will compensate by stretching forward to add more length and subsequently more air can be inhaled.

It can cause several symptoms, just some example:
- headache / migraines
- dizziness / vertigo
- neck, shoulder and back pain, muscle tightness
- Kyphosis (Excessive rounded shoulders) and Dowager’s Hump
- choinic cough
- radiating pain to arms / numbness and tingling of the arms and hands
- acid reflux
- sleep apnea / insomnia
- carpel tunnel syndrome
- chronic fatugue
- vision problems
- poor balance
- FHP can lead to herniated discs!

FHP also has a "domino effect" which I will talk about next time and also about how to test and fix it😉

For your health 🤗


Sometimes those poses that seem the simplest cause the biggest challenge.
When you notice any discomfort or block during your yoga practice, try to lead your focus to those points. Breath deeply and try to make some small or even micro movements in that uncomfortable pose. You might notice that even a very small difference - like flexing the foot or rotating it in and out, tiny pulses or activating the opposite muscle groups can make a difference in the stretching. And one thing that always can easy these difficult movements, if we allow ourselves a tiny smile in it.



Perhaps most of you didn't know that I had graduated in Andragogy. Andragogy is the promotion of adult learning. Andragogy literally means "leading men", whereas pedagogy literally means "leading children". During my university studies, one of my main subjects was psychology and I wrote my degree thesis on this topic. This became one of my favourite subjects that I try to constantly develop. I believe in that there are overlaps in psychology and spirituality because both are about exploring our soul and mind. Therfore, I will bring some topics about them, I hope you will like it.

Here is the first one that is about a topic we are all interested in.

Is it your nature or your experiences that contributed to your personality development?

Your personality can be as defining as your physical presence. It represents “who you are,” and is a part of what creates relationships, drives motivation and innovation, and contributes to personal growth.

When it comes to the aspects of your personality, experts agree that born-with traits mesh with learned behaviors.
Personality is intangible, and everyone has a personality unique to them although there are certian personaltity traits that many people carry and can be common in us.

Most experts agree personality develops over time. When you’re born, you’re not without personality — it exists in its fundamental form known as temperament.

Your temperament, which consists of innate features like energy levels, mood and demeanor, and emotional responsiveness, can then drive the learning experiences that form your personality throughout life.

There are different studies that categorize personality types.
Here's one of them if you're wondering what type you might be.

The 16 Personality Test, also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), was not developed based on a scientific study in the traditional sense. It was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, who were influenced by the theories of Carl Jung.
Katharine and Isabel developed the MBTI during World War II. They drew upon Jung's theory of psychological types, which suggests that individuals have inherent preferences in how they perceive the world and make decisions.

It is important to note that it is not a comprehensive test but it may can help you to understand yourself better🤓

Complete the test and let me know in a comment below what result you got😉
Here is the link:

Videos (show all)

We just returned from India, but my soul is still there. The dust of Delhi is still on my skin, the scents and spicy air...
Somehow cats like the vibe of yoga😸#realcatpose
