Payke Gymanstics - Alhambra Beware
Public service announcement. To all the children who have been subject to abuse at Payke.
Bring your girls to Payke in Alhambra for the ultimate Disneyland experience. Free trial class and your little girl can meet a real life Disney villain. Just don’t eat the apples!! 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
🚨 Crazy coach update:
As of today, three coaches have quit at Payke Gymnastics in Alhambra, California, due to excessive abuse from “head coach” and fraud . Parents have sent anonymous emails but the owners, Parvin Peik and Pejmann Peik, have doubled down and refused to fire their abusive coach. They know they have three ongoing lawsuits but refuse to back down thinking it will look humiliating to them. This is an anonymous email sent to them by a parent which they dismissed as a hoax, which has found its way to us, and apparently to UUSA Gymnasticsas well. We still don’t know the identity of this parent but they are welcome to reach out to us for legal assistance. Fear of retaliation is real.
Head Coach TEODORA BOEVA has been nice enough to share with us that she has been promoted as a gymnastics judge for the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
Women's Gymnastics Judges, even though she is under investigation by Alhambra Police detectives and USA GYMNASTICS for child abuse, and has been making the round on TikTok for her LGBT hate crime against a fellow coach. PLEASE CONTACT NAWGJ AND SHARE YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT THIS INDIVIDUAL AT: [email protected]
UPDATE: 4/09/2024 - as of today, the Coach being harassed in this video has turned in his resignation due to his employers refusal to discipline nor correct the actions of Teodora Boeva. The owners: Parvin Peik and Pejmann “PJ” Peik have their own disturbing episodes of violence amongst them, so this is the culture that they breed and enable in their gym. Enroll your children at your own risk of exposure to abusive and violent coaches and owners. For media inquiries or to voice your concern why a homophobic ranting coach was allowed to continue her job, please contact Pejmann (PJ) at his work number: (626) 289-5151 or (626) 731-0461.
A new day, a new incident at Payke Gymnastics with this crazy lady - TEODORA BOEVA. You can hear the general manager in the background (Pejmann Peik) begging them to stop. He does not know how to control her and is clearly afraid of her. She is wild and unpredictable, prone to outbursts in front of very small children. Screams her head off regularly at the owners, the fellow coaches, and even the parents. When asked why she has so many problems her answer is “because I am number one.” 🤯
❗️UPDATE ❗️: this woman is calling her fellow coworker a “panty” alluding to his homosexuality. Owner is heard in the background - will not fire her at any costs.