Healthy Living 101

Healthy Living 101

Healthy Living 101® is just that! Getting your body back to the basics. With proper diet , 100% pure supplements and exercise we achieve optimal health.




The 3 Cancer Fighting “C”s 🥕🌶🥗

🌶🌶The pepper's natural ingredient capsaicin induces autophagy blockage in prostate cancer cells
Ágata Ramos-Torres, Alicia Bort, [...], and Inés Díaz-Laviada
CAPSICUM the pungent ingredient of red hot chili peepers, has been shown to have anti-cancer activities in several cancer cells, including prostate cancer. Several molecular mechanisms have been proposed on its chemopreventive action, including ceramide accumulation.Herein, we have tested the involvement of autophagy on the capsaicin mechanism of action on prostate cancer LNCaP and PC-3 cells.
The results showed that capsaicin induced prostate cancer cell death in a time- and concentration-dependent manner.

🥗🥗CABBAGE has been shown to inhibit urinary bladder and liver carcinogenesis, and reduce the risk of occurrence of prostate, lung, gallbladder, stomach, cervical, kidney and colorectal cancer. This anticarcinogenic activity has been found in green cabbage, red cabbage, bok choy, and to some extent, in sauerkraut. As a result of its pigmentation, red cabbage contains anthocyanins such as delphinidin, which has anticarcinogenic activity.
Cabbage has been found to be promote apoptosis, suppress cell cycle progression and inhibit angiogenesis of human breast cancer cells.

🥕🥕CARROTS & CARROT JUICE have powerful chemicals falcarinol and luteolin that reawakens silenced cancer suppressor genes and restores our body's capacity to regulate cell division and destroy abnormal cells. Carrot juice treatment can help people with cancer on its own, or combined with chemotherapy and radiation. Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.

This is a very simple and easy recipe 🌶🥕🥗

Nicely roasted cabbage turns sweet and earthy, with a deliciously silky texture. There's a beautiful balance of flavors here--sweetness from cabbage and carrots, fire from hot sauce and brightness from vinegar.
* 2 1/4 pounds green cabbage, core removed and cut into 1-inch cubes
* 1 cup vertically sliced yellow onion
* 1 tablespoon coconut oil
* 1 Monk Fruit to taste optional
* 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
* 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
* 3 cups carrots, cut into ribbons
* 3 tablespoons cider vinegar
* 2 teaspoons hot sauce or to taste
* Another tablespoon Coconut oil for carrots


Preheat oven to 450°.
Combine cabbage, onion, oil, black pepper, and salt in a large bowl; toss to coat. (It's OK if the cubes start to separate.)
Divide cabbage mixture between 2 jelly-roll pans. Bake at 450° for 20 minutes, stirring and rotating pans after 10 minutes.
In the same bowl that you used for the cabbage, combine carrots, vinegar, and hot sauce; toss to coat.
Remove cabbage from oven, and carefully transfer the bowl with the carrots. Add the second tablespoon of coconut oil and toss gently to combine.
Return to the oven for 5 minutes just to wilt the carrots....

In Health!
Chef Nelda MS Holistic Nutrition


Here is another delicious recipe from Cook to Beat Cancer with Chef nelda


Persimmons a Thanksgiving tradition in America, is actually an ancient food that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. A recent study in Asia found that women eating persimmon regularly had an amazing 40% less risk for breastcancer. The persimmon fruit has anticancer nutrients like proanthocyanidins, gallic acid, myricetin and catechins. But and high levels of the carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin:
Source: Pubmed ID 15

An average persimmon contins 9 grams of carbs with 20% of those being fiber. The glycemic index is 61 with a glycemic load of 4. This is a condiment so you are not eating it as a side dish. Keep your portion small and enjopy this tradition.. it is delicious.

4 Small of 3 Medium size firm but ripe Fuju Persimmons cut into small cubes
2 Tablespoons Minced white Onion Rinsed and drained
1 Full Tablespoon Lime Juice
1 Tablespoon Minced fresh Basil
2 Teaspoons Minced Serrano chili
2 Teaspoons Minced Fresh Mint
1 Teaspoon Minced Fresh ginger
Dash Sea salt
Mix gently in a small bowl and do ahead maybe 3-4 hours. Cover and refrigerate and bring to room temp before serving.

In Health Now and Always,
Chef Nelda MS Holistic Nutrition


Try something different this year. Cook to Beat Cancer with Chef nelda has so many delicious recipes to offer. Try one!


Here is a colorful Holiday dish within reason…certainly not an everyday dish.
Your holiday table can be festive without sweet potatoes for those watching hi sugars. The glycemic index of roasted sweet potato can be 82-89 with a Glycemic Load of 12. Now the non starchy carrot Roasted has a glycemic index of 71 and a glycemic load of 7. Both have buffering fiber. The coconut oil and garbanzo miso will also buffer the carrot dish…plus they are colorful you can make it holiday with the red pomegranates and green mint.

4 tbsps Pomegranate Juice I sweetened
5 tbsps light miso or white miso ( garbanzo bean)
2 tbsps coconut oil
2 pounds tricolor carrots peeled, large carrots cut in half lengthwise
¼ cup chopped mint or parsley

½ cup Pomegranate arils
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

* Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or non-stick foil. Heat oven to 425ºF. �
* In a small saucepan over high heat, stir together the pomegranate juice, miso, and coconut oil. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat and simmer until sauce thickens, about 5 minutes.�
* Arrange carrots in a single layer on the baking sheet. Drizzle with sauce and toss to coat.�
* Roast carrots until caramelized and tender, turning them with tongs halfway through, about 30 minutes total.
* Top with sesame seeds, pomegranate seeds and torn mint


🟩 studies show that bitter melon can have cancer-fighting properties and could be effective against stomach, colon, lung, nasopharynx, and breast cancer cells.

🟩 Remember to peel and deseed melon…and dilute the extracted juice 2/3 juice yo 1/3 water for better absorption ….

Photos from Cook to Beat Cancer with Chef nelda's post 04/10/2023

🍋Broiled Asparagus Spears with Lemon🍋🍋

You don’t even need a recipe for broiled asparagus..and the flavor is quite different from roasting. With 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber
per 1 cup… will prepare this often. Fast and very flavorful— lemon really shines through.

1 Lemon Juiced or 1/4 Cup Full
1 lb medium asparagus spears (about 24)
2 teaspoon olive oil (extra virgin preferred)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/ 8 teaspoon pepper

Preheat the broiler.
Lightly oil broiler pan . Arrange the asparagus spears in a single layer in the pan an toss with the small amount of avocado oil; pour lemon juice on asparagus and coat liberally.
* Broil about 6 inches from the heat for 6 minutes, or until just tender-crisp.
* Transfer the asparagus to a serving plate. Drizzle the olive oil over the asparagus. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Drizzle with any accumulated juices from the broiler pan. Serve

In Health,
Chef Nelda MS Holistic Nutrition


Thank you Chef Nelda for sharing. Check out her page here:

A Continual Feast….Eating like our Biblical Ancestors.


The Israelites in the wilderness longed for the leeks and onions of Egypt. ( Numbers 11:5 ) The word chatsir , which in ( Numbers 11:5 ) is translated leeks , occurs twenty times in the Hebrew text. It was on the menu of the Egyptians and later the Romans, pioneers of gastronomy, used it plentifully in their cuisine, especially during their great feasts. The Egyptian’s esteemed it as a sacred plant. Although onions to a large extent were regarded food, for the poor leeks were considered fit for the emperor’s Nero to be exact, and he ate leeks and oil to improve his voice.

✝️. (Numbers 11:5)

“We remember the fish which we did eat in Egypt, freely the cucumbers and the melons, and the leeks and the onions and the garlic “.

The nuts in the garden, described in Song of Solomon 6:11 are undoubtedly walnuts (Juglans regia). The trees grow thirty-five ft. or so high in Pal. The foliage is slightly fragrant, and the tree gives good shade. The nuts, of course, are very delicious. Walnuts are associated with intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration.

✝️Song of Solomon 6:11

“I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded.”


Trim the tough, dark green tops and stem ends of six lakes, but keep the bases intact cutting half lengthwise ….rinse well …& poach in salted water about 10 minutes until tender. Drain cool, and pat dry.

Whisk in 1/3 cup walnut oil and drizzle over leeks, top with chopped toasted, walnuts, and chopped parsley.

In Health ,
Chef Nelda MS Holistic Nutrition

Cook to Beat Cancer with Chef nelda This is a holistic healing kitchen which is at the core of our focus for whole body wellness. Our g




ISAIAH is considered a Major Prophet. While the book of Isaiah is categorized as prophecy it also contains some of the most important prophecies of any book in the Bible. Including the coming of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14).

Cucumbers, dark greek olives, dill and goat curd were foods used during this time. Cucumbers grew on the shores of Lake Karun when the pyramids were being built around 2100B.C. They were almost the same as today but slightly like zucchinni. Dll was around 3000BC ; it was a sign of good luck and wealth. It was used to pay taxes it was so highly prized. This salad is delish and fresh and simple.

1 Large Cucumber (3 Cups)
14 Greek Olives Chopped
3 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
Sea Salt to Taste
2 Tablespoons Goat Feta
Sprinkle with Fresh Dill
Cut your cucumber into match-stix. I used my mandoline. I also used an English cucumber. if you use a regular cucumber you will want to de-seed and slice very thin leaving the green on . Buy Organic. Add olives and dress with the vinegar . Season and toss in goat crumble & Dill right before serving.

In the Spirit of Biblical Foods
Chef Nelda MS Holistic Nutrition


Are you Cooking to beat cancer?

A Little DARI- CATION 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

🧀Opiate-Like Chemicals in Cheese are Physically Addictive🧀

80% of the protein in cow's milk is casein. Upon digestion, casein is broken down into numerous protein fragments called "casomorphins." Keep in mind that morphine is an op**te, and these casomorphins stimulate the brain much like op**tes do. Casomorphins attach themselves to various op**te receptors within the body producing pleasurable effects such as sedation, pain reduction, sleep induction and euphoria.

Thus, the protein, casomorphins, and fat content in cheese becomes highly concentrated once the water has been removed. As a result, cheese contains high levels of op**te-like substances--which is why it produces pleasurable experiences when eaten. Dr. Neal Barnard calls cheese "dairy crack" because of it's "incredibly concentrated source of casomorphins.” ……..another drug-like compound in cheese phenylethylamine (PEA) is another amphetamine-like chemical present.

Photos from Healthy Living 101's post 27/08/2022

I started something new… One swish… one spritz 2x a day. I have had awesome results!
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