Strawberry Hickey Birthmark

Strawberry Hickey Birthmark

Insights of the Strawberry Hickey Birthmark
Trauma Healing from Violence or Abuse

Signs of Sexual Abuse - trigger warning 17/08/2021

Being aware of the signs of sexual abuse may be the beginning of healing yourself or helping another heal.

Signs of Sexual Abuse - trigger warning One third of us will experience sexual abuse at some point in our lives. This episode of Sexplanations aims to increase awareness about the warning signs of ...

Acting as Allies to Women Counter-Storying their experiences of Sexual Violence - Webinar 2, 2015 17/08/2021

Breaking the silence about sexual violence in our lives is difficult if we don't know where to go that is safe for us to tell our stories without judgment.

Acting as Allies to Women Counter-Storying their experiences of Sexual Violence - Webinar 2, 2015 The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC), in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Social Workers, the New Brunswick As...

Sexual Violence Education Webinar 1 16/08/2021

I am inspired by the work of many people who make it possible for us to continue the conversation about sexual violence in our society.

Sexual Violence Education Webinar 1 Glenbard South

Allen v. Farrow Podcast: Part One | HBO 23/03/2021

It's always helpful to review our responses to sexual abuse in our lives. If you haven't had time to sit down and watch the documentary Allen v. Farrow on Netflix and HBO you can listen to these podcasts. The dialogue in these podcasts offers us education that helps us learn how to recognize signs of sexual abuse and inspires ways we can help ourselves and the people in our lives who are victims of sexual abuse. You get a deeper understanding of how sexual abuse operates in families. Please take some time to listen to these podcasts, they are easily available on Youtube. These podcasts are full of education for all of us to understand the signs of sexual abuse in our lives. Awareness and education of the sexual abuse of children are our responsibility as parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and extended family members, so we can be a part of the healing instead of enabling the problem. Sexual abuse lurks in the disempowerment of victims while cloaking the victim in confusion, fear, guilt, grief, shame, and secrecy. The power of awareness of each one who courageously faces these issues assists in the healing of this destructive patterning of psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse and supports the healing of victims and their relationships. Together we can heal. You can follow up on the podcast series Allen v. Farrow on Youtube.

Allen v. Farrow Podcast: Part One | HBO Award-winning filmmakers Amy Ziering, Kirby Dick and Amy Herdy go deeper inside Part One of the HBO Original Allen v. Farrow, and set the scene for the makin...
