Living Waters with Evangelist Lydia Yirenkyi

Living Waters with Evangelist Lydia  Yirenkyi

Friends it all about JESUS, join me to lift HIS name high. And please accept HIM as your LORD and




Give thanks to the LORD, proclaim his greatness; tell the nations what he has done.


This passage is a simple reminder; anyone who knows God's word has the obligation and duty to spread it into the word. Call upon His name, make known the message of hope and salvation!


Holy God, Almighty King, bless all those who serve you in difficult places today. I especially am thankful for all the missionaries in other cultures sharing the grace of Jesus with people who need to know you as Abba Father. Empower their words, protect their lives and families, and bless their efforts with fruit. Please help me to understand that true thankfulness involves sharing your grace with others.
In CHRIST JESUS' name I pray.
Amen and stay bless.


MONDAY, 19 AUGUST, 2024.


Christ's message in all its richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct one another with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts.


Personally, an operative word in this Colossians passage above is that of 'dwell' as it relates to the riches and reward of wisdom. It suggests a sort of anthropomorphism of Christ's word, wherein it signifies a kind of inhabitant within oneself, with whom one shares and gains. Accepting Christ's word as if it were an inhabitant within one's soul has a profound impact upon one's sense of self, as well as ultimately ones interactions with others. If one learns to love this dweller, through whom we may gain wisdom and love, it then promises to bleed into all other relations, in goodness and in kind -as highlighted in the second part of the passage.


I am so thankful today, Lord, for all the many blessings you have poured into my life. Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness give me hope for the future. Your gift of Jesus gives me life today and promises life tomorrow. The incredible physical blessings, as well as the blessings of family and friends are wonderful. But the greatest of all blessings is the assurance that I will one day see you face to face and share your glory presence forever.

In CHRIST JESUS' name I thank and praise you.
Amen and stay bless.


Please is 1JOHN 4:7-8 thanks


SUNDAY, 18 AUGUST, 2024.


Let us be thankful, then, because we receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Let us be grateful and worship God in a way that will please him, with reverence and awe;


Being made of men, earthly kingdoms will inevitably be overturned under the might of God. Since all who follow Him are inheritors to an afterlife, it was declared by the Apostles themselves that Christ has made His people kings beyond these earthly empires. After they have all but passed away, only that of the Kingdom of God will remain, unshaken.


Holy and Righteous Father, all things are yours. Thank you for sharing your blessings, your promises, your hope, and your victory with us in Jesus. Please help me to live a more thankful, victorious life before my unbelieving friends and as an example to my children so they may come to share your glorious Kingdom and ultimate victory.

In Jesus' mighty name I pray.
Amen and stay bless.




Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father.


Ask yourself honestly how often daily do you consider God in what you do. Is he there only in times of crisis, or in the evening prayer before bed? Incorporating God into our daily lives can be a challenge, especially given the pace of the world around us. But continually try we must, in either our exchanges with others or in doing our best to better the world, in whatever small way we can, each and every day. Next time you donate money to a cause, think of God and pray for its recipients. Next time at mealtime, instead of just a prayer before, thank the Lord after the meal too. These need to be grand gestures, they may simply be little cumulative moments, but in the end, it adds up to a richer life, one wherein the Almighty is always present, incorporated into the very fabric of one's daily routine.


Almighty and Most Holy God, I want all of my life to be lived out to your glory, a living testament of thanks to you for the grace you have given me in Jesus. While I do not always do this as well as I would like, I lovingly offer you my words, my actions, my heart and my mind to bring you glory by doing your will. Please, use your Spirit to remove the areas of self-deception from my life so that weakness and hypocrisy will not rob my discipleship of its intended worship of your majesty.

In the Mighty name of CHRIST JESUS, my gracious Lord, I pray.
Amen and stay bless.


FRIDAY, 16 AUGUST, 2024.


Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him.

Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.


Like a tree whose roots are firmly planted in a solid rock or like a building with a strong foundation, so is our faith in Christ. It cannot be overthrown by the wiles of the Devil, if it be indeed genuine. But a tree must grow branches and leaves, and a building must be erected on a foundation. Even so, the teaching of the Word helps us to progress and walk in that faith that we first received.


Holy God, I thank you for the simple, challenging and enduring truth of Jesus' Lordship. Through you Spirit, I pray that you will conform my life to more closely reflect his lordship in my work, my family, and daily influence.

In the Mighty name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST I pray.
Amen and stay bless.




The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body. And be thankful.


Nothing kills more people in the world today than heart disease. It is a rather fitting metaphor for our spiritual lives as well. Paul calls us all to have a more peaceful heart, resulting in all of us being one group, thankful for our relationship with the Lord. How do you take care of your heart? Eating well, exercise, medicine? These are certainly important for maintaining a healthy heart, but spiritually what do you do?

One word that is important in this verse is the word "rule." Like a king over a kingdom, you should let peace rule over your heart. Peace shall make the laws, control your feelings, and in turn your actions as the ruler of the kingdom of your heart.

With this in mind, and in your heart, what affects will it have on your life? How would having a peaceful heart change the way you act? I think much of the stresses of day-to-day life and conflicts that come along with them would vanish. I think that having the faith that God shall protect you through thick and thin will alleviate the anxieties that we all feel daily.

As Paul says in Philippians 4:6-7, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Fill your heart with peace and your life will be filled with thanks.


Blessed Father of all believers, please give me a heart to love your people. I know as the character of Jesus permeates my life, I will appreciate the preciousness of each of your children more and will come to see those difficult family members as the grit out of which you will fashion my pearl. I pray you give me grace till my heart matches my commitment to love all of your children.

In the Mighty name of CHRIST JESUS I pray.
Amen and stay bless.




I always give thanks to my God for you because of the grace he has given you through Christ Jesus.

For in union with Christ you have become rich in all things, including all speech and all knowledge.


Thanksgiving is a regular feature in the writings of the Epistle Paul. Here, in speaking with a non-Christian Paul offers to thank the Lord on their behalf, which he does importantly not in a manner that utters words of hopeless condemnation. Paul, in his wisdom and generosity, is not blind to their good qualities, in their potential for redemption. Rather, he extends his hand, and asks for their spiritual enrichment through Christ. God still touches the lives of those who do not even heed his name. As with the Epistle Paul, it is not for us to pass judgment or rancor on unbelievers, but rather it is up to us to offer our prayers, our thanks, or goodwill to the Lord upon their behalf, so that each and every one might have the opportunity to find their own salvation.


Gracious Father, give me the heart to see reasons to be thankful for all of your children. I confess that it is often so easy for me to view others based on how they view me, share my theological opinions, or how much trouble they cause me. Forgive me, for I know if you had done the same with me, I would have never been one of your children. Please help me rejoice in your children.
In the Mighty name of CHRIST JESUS I pray.
Amen and stay bless.



JOHN 17:17

Dedicate them to yourself by means of the truth; your word is truth.


The word of God and those recorded by the Apostles are amongst the most sacred texts available to us in proving our direct line of inheritance to the Heavenly Kingdom. These words, made flesh by the blood and deeds of Christ, represents the sanctity and bond between us and the Lord. Literally taken however, the words of our Holy Bible is no different from any other book. What distinguishes it rather, is how it is used, habitually, practically, and personally, by each and every Christian. In order to inhabit the Heavenly Kingdom, it is our duty to emulate and do what came so innately to Christ; to make this word flesh, to sanctify it to the heights of Heaven.


O God, give me a holy passion to know your truth and live it in both word and deed.
Make my life a reflection of your Word, who both proclaimed and lived your truth.
In the Mighty name of CHRIST JESUS, your ultimate Word, I pray.
Amen and stay bless.


MONDAY, 12 AUGUST, 2024.

1 PETER 3:18

For Christ died for sins once and for all, a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually,


Have you been treated unfairly? Have you ever been treated unjustly because of your faith? If so, take heart! The Bible reminds us that as Christians we will be persecuted. It also reminds us that Christ also suffered unjustly. He did not simply suffer – he died for our sins. He did this so that we might come to know God. Yet, in the death of his human flesh, he was still triumphant! When we suffer because of our faith, may we be reminded of Christ, who suffered infinitely more than we ever will in order to draw people to God.


Almighty God, thank you for the gifts of your grace, Spirit, forgiveness and life. Most of all, thanks for the gift of your Son, who brought life and immortality to life in me through your salvation. While I have no great desire to die, I know I can look through death to you and your victory in me through Jesus.
Please give me the courage to live for you every day until that day you take me home.

In CHRIST JESUS' name I pray.
Amen and stay bless.


SUNDAY, 11 AUGUST, 2024.

1 PETER 2:15-16

For God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good things you do.

Live as free people; do not, however, use your freedom to cover up any evil, but live as God's slaves.


Peter was perhaps better placed than many to understand being humble. Born into a poor family as a lowly fisherman, it was through Christ's word that he first found divination. Though he may have been by the conventions of his time thought to be ignorant, his willingness to listen to Christ's teaching and to further become a servant to the Lord has earned him one of the highest seats within Heaven. No matter who you are or your starting position within society, Christ wants you to join him. Join him and rejoice. It is up to us to leave our own prejudices aside and accept any who are willing to listen.


Holy Father, my Great Emancipator, you have freed me from sin, law, and death at the cost of your precious Son. I open my heart to you today to say I love you. I and want to thank you for this gift of incredible redemption. Please accept the actions of my life and the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my mind and the emotions of my heart today as my offering of thanks.

In the Mighty name of CHRIST JESUS, my Sacrifice and your holy Son, I pray.
Amen and stay bless.




For this reason we have always prayed for you, ever since we heard about you. We ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will, with all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.


Praying for oneself is easy. One's daily prayers to God or in an hour of need are common occurrences. Yet, how many of us pray for others? Furthermore, how many pray for those outside our circle of friends and family, even for those who do not pray for us? This is where our challenge lies. How many of us, in following in Christ's footsteps, have even prayed for our enemies, asking for their forgiveness, or that the Lord may find a way into their hearts? It is on these trails that we most define ourselves and the core of our faith, as one with the message and hope of salvation for all of mankind.


Oh precious and divine Father, today I pray for the other believers who come before you and seek to live for you. I pray especially for those who share the Today's Verse journey with me. Even though we live all over the world and have all sorts of needs, we all know that our deepest need is to know and live your will and to be confident that we are known and loved by you. Please fill all of us with the knowledge of your will through Spirit-led wisdom and understanding. We want to know you, honor you, serve you, and ultimately see you face to face.
In the Mighty name of our older brother CHRIST JESUS, we pray.
Amen and stay bless.



1 JOHN 2:15-16

Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father.

Everything that belongs to the world---what the sinful self desires, what people see and want, and everything in this world that people are so proud of---none of this comes from the Father; it all comes from the world.


It's become evident that todays level of consumption and materialism are things which are unsustainable not only in preserving the gifts God has endowed to us on Earth, but in matters of the soul. The 'love of the world' mentioned in the passage is not a love and respect for God himself and his creation, but rather its opposite, that of a superficial love sanctioned only by a fear of departing with worldly pleasures. In today's society, it is much easier to sink away from God in distraction, into things that grant but the most fleeting sensations. As Jesus remarked many times, we may see that Love of the Lord is the only true route to salvation, that the true measure of man is not what he may accumulate or have, his pride or possessions, but what he may be able to do without.


Give me wisdom, Holy God, to invest in you and things that matter. I confess to you that my eyes and my heart are often distracted by the glitzy stuff that is temporary. By your Spirit, O Father, stir my heart to yearn for you.
In the precious name of CHRIST JESUS
I pray.
Amen and stay bless.




The LORD says, *Now, let's settle the matter. You are stained red with sin, but I will wash you as clean as snow. Although your stains are deep red, you will be as white as wool.


Looking back there may seem to be mistakes and sins we've committed we may never be forgiven for. Even if, somehow, one is absolved by others, the shame of having committed them may cause such intense guilt that it turns to self-hatred, of feeling unworthy in the eyes of others. Yet, in front of the eyes of our Heavenly Father, we were and always will be naked.
Our nature is sin, whilst Gods' is forgiveness. We cannot hide our misdeeds from Him; we can only be forgiven in confessing them. Only if we have the courage to trust in the mercy of our Lord, in admitting to our darkest wrongs, can we be made pure again.


O the joy your grace gives me, glorious God! I can never thank you or praise you enough for rerouting the whole direction of my life so that it will end, and begin again, in you and your grace.
In CHRIST JESUS' name I pray.
Amen and stay bless.



JOSHUA 24:15

If you are not willing to serve him, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your ancestors worshiped in Mesopotamia or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are now living. As for my family and me, we will serve the LORD.*


Our Church, as pillars within our communities, should be treasured as our house of truth, as a beacon out by the sea guiding all those who wish to be saved to land;
those who mocked Noah or worshiped false idols such as the Amorites, willfully blind and deliberately deaf to the words of their true father, have all perished.
Our places of worship still stand today only through the grace and will of our Father, in his approval of our covenant to serve his Holy Testament.


Give me wisdom, O tender Shepherd, on how to lead my family to love you more.
Please bless my parents and thank you for their faith. Please give me courage and sensitivity so that I can effectively share your truth with my children.
O God, please bless those parents who are seeking to raise godly children that will someday marry the children you've given me.
I want my house to be a place where you are known, appreciated, honored, and loved.
In CHRIST JESUS' name I humbly ask it.
Amen and stay bless.

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Please  is 1JOHN 4:7-8 thanks
God bless you all for joining please shareSALVATION IS TO BE FOUND THROUGH HIM ALONE .ACTS 4:12JOHN 1:4
