SoulWork For Women

SoulWork For Women

Helping you to train yourself in inner listening, compassionate inquiry, and deep emotional processi

Timeline photos 03/07/2023

A powerful reminder…

Be Untangled from the Maze of Thoughts,
The Triggers of Yester-Year and
The Craze of Old
That bind you to some far-away land
Of who you USED to be.

Be UnTangled from the webbing of lies,
And strange-sounding sighs
That weave through your mind
In and out
Of every-day-life
Trying to convince you that
You are some kind of monster
That needs to be tamed,
Or worse yet,

Be Untangled from the ropes and vines
Wrapped tightly through your mind
Squeezing the
Life Force,
Creativity and
Right out of you,
Leaving you

Be Untangled
From the frozen tundra of veins --
Parental, Departmental, and Judicial
Upon your
Your Wholeness
And your
Outrageous Aliveness.

And be Untangled from the habitual habits
And automatic assumptions
So loosely entwined
In the crux of your life
Reaking havoc
From yesterday's news
And tomorrow's untold blues
Void of the Now --
The Only Sacred Moment that Matters.

Be Untangled
Because you already are.
Yes, you are
You just FORGOT.

With one Change of Perspective,
With one Realization of Truth,
With one Holy Acknowledgement of
You are Instantly Untangled,
Automatically Unraveled and
Forever Free...
Walking Peacefully,
Once More.

Be Untangled.


“The Mother Aspect of God” by Swami Bhumananda Giri 14/05/2023

Such a beautiful talk for this Mother’s Day.

“The Mother Aspect of God” by Swami Bhumananda Giri In this talk with a period of meditation, Self-Realization Fellowship sannyasi Swami Bhumananda Giri shares wisdom from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda on how to experience the unconditional love of the Infinite Spirit as personified as the Divine Mother. Paramahansaji himself would present t...



I would never advocate for harming another, but what I am pointing to with this post is to begin to question the judgment that we automatically hold for certain feelings and states of being.

What I am doing is advocating for the less popular frequencies. 😉

They, too, are part of us.
They, too, are consciousness.
They, too, want love and unconditional presence.

They, too, are longing to dissolve back into oneness.


Hold everything tenderly with kindness. Even those very uncomfortable, distorted, and dense frequencies.

Hold everything with love.



Your life IS your own personalized spiritual development course.  It is uniquely and beautifully designed by you.  It includes everything that you need for your natural evolution and roadmap home. 

This is not a popular opinion held by the multitudes, but once you really take this in and integrate it, you begin to see life differently. You begin to see YOUR life differently.

You begin to see how wonderfully and beautifully created your life is, by you - at the soul level - for you.

And you begin to see your challenges in a different way. You begin to embrace them and welcome them, rather than fight them, or figure out ways to fix them.

You begin to get curious and come to understand them in a way that you’ve never understood them before. You even come to honor them and feel a reverence for them, for they are the ultimate gift of love. 🙏

They are perfect creations that you created in order to give you what you ultimately wanted and longed for all along - to remember who you are: as love, as a divine strand of light, as complete emptiness and peace, fully alive and resting at home within the core of your body, and feeling your oneness with all of creation.

That’s how important it is to begin to see your life as your creation and know that it is intimately and personally always on your side.

If you want support in seeing life this way and practice in coming home into your own inner core, message me and we can set up a complementary consultation, to see if we are a good fit for SoulWork.

Or, if you are ready to get started, message me, and let’s dive in! 🥰




Once you begin gathering the momentum of kindness and tenderness towards yourself, you may begin to see how your personal challenges and inner struggles have been mis-perceived. Perhaps, with the light of new love, they can become your greatest assets, allies, and strengths?


From 2/27/20

We are always seeing through layers of our own beliefs, projecting the movie of our life through wounded reels. From the darkest projections of feeling unwelcome & unwanted to the brightest ideals of feeling special and chosen, we swing back and forth on the pendulum of life always wanting to swing a little more left or a little more right.

When we tire of the swing, feeling depleted from the old script, we can step off the merry-go-round and truly witness the movie. Whether it’s drama or comedy, it’s us playing the lead role. Stepping back to see this is vital. Crawling out of the rapids to a safe shore is mandatory.

From there, from the solid ground of the river banks, we can look back on the movie with kindness and curiosity. We can feel each emotion as it rises. We can look at the characters and see how they all played a roll. We can give compassion to the cast and crew and thank them for their service. For everyone played the role we hired them to play. We may have forgotten along the way, but once we have the strength accumulated to see with the eyes of the soul, we gain new perspective, power, and insight into this magical and marvelous creation we call our life.

Gratitude increases. Reverence soars. And we embrace all of life like never before. ☀️💛🌙



So beautifully said…


One of the qualities that you can develop, particularly in your older years, is a sense of great compassion for yourself. When you visit the wounds within the temple of memory, you should not blame yourself for making bad mistakes that you greatly regret. Sometimes you have grown unexpectedly through these mistakes. Frequently, in a journey of the soul, the most precious moments are the mistakes. They have brought you to a place that you would otherwise have always avoided. You should bring a compassionate mindfulness to your mistakes and wounds. Endeavor to inhabit the rhythm you were in at that time. If you visit this configuration of your soul with forgiveness in your heart, it will fall into place itself. When you forgive yourself, the inner wounds begin to heal. You come in out of the exile of hurt into the joy of inner belonging.


Excerpt from the book, Anam Cara,
25th Anniversary Edition.
Ireland Release: February 23, 2023
Ordering Info:

County Clare, Ireland
Photo: © Ann Cahill


A perfect reminder…


~ Rumi ❤️





Each one of us is alone in the world. It takes great courage to meet the full force of your aloneness. Most of the activity in society is subconsciously designed to quell the voice crying in the wilderness within you. The mystic Thomas a Kempis said that when you go out into the world, you return having lost some of yourself. Until you learn to inhabit your aloneness, the lonely distraction and noise of society will seduce you into false belonging, with which you will only become empty and weary. When you face your aloneness, something begins to happen. Gradually, the sense of bleakness changes into a sense of true belonging. This is a slow and open-ended transition but it is utterly vital in order to come into rhythm with your own individuality. In a sense this is the endless task of finding your true home within your life. It is not narcissistic, for as soon as you rest in the house of your own heart, doors and windows begin to open outwards to the world. No longer on the run from your aloneness, your connections with others become real and creative. You no longer need to covertly scrape affirmation from others or from projects outside yourself. This is slow work; it takes years to bring your mind home.


Excerpt from the book, Eternal Echoes
Ordering Info:

Connemara Cottage, Ireland
Photo: © Ann Cahill


Mmmhmmm. 🤍


Start close in,
don’t take
the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step
you don’t want to take.

Start with
the ground
you know,
the pale ground
beneath your feet,
your own
way to begin
the conversation.

Start with your own
give up on other
people’s questions,
don’t let them
smother something

To hear
another’s voice,
your own voice,
wait until
that voice
becomes an
private ear
that can
really listen
to another.

Start right now
take a small step
you can call your own,
don’t follow
someone else’s
heroics, be humble
and focused,
start close in,
don’t mistake
that other
for your own.

Start close in,
don’t take
the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step
you don’t want to take.

David Whyte : Essentials
Many Rivers Press © David Whyte

A New Year’s poem, if ever there was one. Carrying that certain air of self-admonition we all need to go in the right direction, and do the right thing. This piece was inspired by my growing familiarity with Dante's 'Comedia', particularly the first lines, written in despair after being exiled from his beloved Florence. It reflects the difficult act we all experience, of trying to start again when everything has been taken away; the necessity of stepping bravely again, into what looks like a dark wood, when the outer world as we know it has disappeared, when the world can only be met and in some ways made again from no outer ground, but from the very center of our being. The temptation is to take the second or third step outer step, not the first inward one, to ignore the invitation into the center of our own body, often into the source of our grief and our reluctance: an attempt to finesse the raw vulnerability and the absolutely necessary understanding at the core of the pattern, to forgo the radical and almost miraculous simplification into which we are being invited. For a better, truer New Year - the invitation is always, always, always, to 'Start close In.'

Woman Walking
Yorkshire Dales
Photo © David Whyte
December 2015


In the afternoon there was the following talk with a young
sadhu from North India:

Sadhu: I want to know who I am.
The Arya Samajists say that
I am the jivatma and that if I purify the mind and
buddhi I can see God.
I don’t know what to do.
If Bhagavan Sri Ramana thinks fit,
will Bhagavan please tell me what to do?

Sri Ramana Maharshi:

You have used a number of terms.
What do you mean
by jivatma, mind, buddhi and God?

And where is God and
where are you that you should want to go and see God?

Sadhu: I don’t know what all these terms mean.

Sri Ramana Maharshi:

Then never mind what the Arya Samajists tell you.

You don’t know about God and other things,
but you do know that
you exist.

You can have no doubt about that.
So find out who you are.

Sadhu: That is what I want to know. How can I find out?

Sri Ramana Maharshi:

Keep all other thoughts away and
try to find out
in what place
in your body
the ‘I’ arises.

Sadhu: But I am unable to think about this.

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Why?

If you can think about other things you
can think about ‘I’ and
where in your body it arises.

If you mean that other thoughts distract you,
the only way is to draw your mind
back each time it strays and
fix it on the ‘I’.

As each thought arises,
ask yourself:
“To whom is this thought?”

The answer will be,
“to me”;
then hold on to
that “me”.

Sadhu: Am I to keep on repeating “Who am I?” so as to
make a mantra of it?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: No.

‘Who am I?’ is not a mantra.

It means that you must find out
where in you arises
the I-thought
which is the source of
all other thoughts.

But if you find this vichara marga too hard for you,
you can go on
repeating “I, I”
that will lead you to the same goal.

There is no harm in using ‘I’ as a mantra.

It is the first name of God.

God is everywhere,
but it is difficult to conceive Him in that aspect,
so the books have said,

“God is everywhere.
He is also within you.
You are Brahman.”

So remind yourself: “I am Brahman”.

The repetition of ‘I’
will eventually lead you
to realize
“I am Brahman”.

~ Day by Day with Bhagavan book


Let's Meditate! ⭐️💛🌟

Happy New Year!

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Holiday Season. We are on the brink of newness and what a better thing to do together than meditate!

Over the years, clients have asked me to offer more guided meditations. It's one thing that I absolutely love groups and in private sessions.

So tomorrow, December 31st, we will dive into the moment and listen for what is arising as we close out 2022 and open to 2023. We will bring our awareness into our bodies and the field that we are creating together. We will explore being fully present, accepting and welcoming what is, and as a result, experience more expansive and quiet states of being.

Please join me tomorrow at 11:00 am Eastern / 4 pm London for a 30-minute part-guided / part-silent Zoom meditation.

No registration necessary. Just show up. No need to share your screen. We will say hello and then go audio-only.

This is my gift to you. I hope you can make it! I will send the link to the recording later in the day. And perhaps make this a regular offering!

Hope to see you tomorrow!



(Zoom link was provided in my newsletter! Check your email! If you aren’t on my newsletter list, please head to my website and sign up, or message me and I will send you the link! xoxoxo!)


If you’re like me, you have a very active mind. And there are times when you don’t even notice or realize that you are thinking.

You may catch yourself feeling off, agitated, or overwhelmed. But you might not realize that the reason you’re feeling off is because of the quality and content of your thoughts.

A good practice to try is to stop every now and then and listen for your thoughts. Get to know what they feel like and sound like.

You might consider writing them down for a few weeks.

This has helped me to be more of a witness to my thinking.

But here’s the second part of the practice: Investigating the thinker.

Who is the one who thinks the thoughts?

Can you go looking for them?
Can you find them?

Can you track back the thought to the thinker and track the thinker to its origin and meet it with 100% Presence, Awareness, and Love?

What or who do you find?!?!




This is supposed to be the beginning of a new year. I wonder what we mean by a new year? Is it a fresh year, a year that is totally fresh, something that has never happened before? When we talk of something new—though we know there is nothing new under the sun—when we talk of a new and happy year, is it really a new year for us? Or is it the same old pattern repeated over and over and over again—the same old rituals, the same old tradition, the same old habits, a continuity of what we have been doing, still are doing, and will do this year also? So is there anything new? Is there anything that is really fresh, something that you have never seen before? I think this is a rather important question if you will follow it. To turn all the days of our life into something which we have never seen before—that means a brain that has freed itself from its conditioning, from its characteristics, from its idiosyncrasies, opinions, judgements, and convictions. Can we put all that aside and really start a new year? It would be marvellous if we could do that. Because our lives are rather shallow, superficial, and there is very little meaning; we are born, whether we like it or not, we are educated, and that may be a hindrance. To change the whole direction of our lives—is that possible? Or, are we condemned forever to lead rather narrow, shoddy, meaningless lives? We fill our brains and our lives with something which thought has put together. Probably in all the churches of the world, in the temples, and all the rest of it they will continue in the same old way—the same old rituals, puja, sandhyavandanam, and so on. Can we drop all that and start anew, with our hearts and minds, on a clean slate and see what comes out of that?

J. Krishnamurti
From a Question and Answer Meeting in Madras on 1 January 1985, In the Problem is the Solution, page 130

Timeline photos 11/11/2022

A gentle reminder…

It's precious.
We are not in control.
We don't know when
Or how
It may change.

They are fragile.
They need care and
Attention and
To survive...
And thrive.

We are delicate.
Our bodies are temporary
Homes to the larger life that lives through us.
We may disagree
And find each other
Less than ideal,
But in the end,
We all come from the same source and
We all want the same thing.

Our greatest natural resource.
It's all we have
Love for ourselves.
Love for each other.
Love for our country and
Love for our sisters and brothers
Around the world.

Let's wake up America
And live tenderly again.
United in our similarities
And compassionate in our differences.

No matter how today turns out,
Let's promise to
Love each other,
Respect each other,
Live Tenderly
Once Again.



© 2016 Words & Image by Meg Archambault @ Shima Creations, LLC.


Remembering who you are and the work you came here to do can be a frustrating journey.

Your soul work, and your soul’s work is 100% unique to you.

Others can point the way and give practices and examples, but There Is A Way That Is Unique To You.

🤎 You can only find that Way if you allow yourself to follow the prompts in Your Life, explore unconditionally, and let your soul lead.🤎

Much like the inner practice of bringing Presence, Awareness, and Loving-Kindness to our stuck places, your Dharmic Work - Your Soul’s Work - requires the same.

In order to find & follow your soul’s unique contribution, you experiment, practice, and ultimately dance with the reactions that arise moment to moment.

And then, seemingly without effort, your True Self and your Dharmic Work unfold naturally in Divine Timing.

Totally Unique to You.

Sometimes it helps to have someone hold a space of loving-kindness as you learn to listen and be present with yourself in a deeper way. Completely accepting Your Unique Way.

This is what I love to do.

By generating a field of reverence and unconditional love for whatever is arising for you in the moment, we help your nervous system relax so you can truly feel what is happening in and around you.

Through this Alchemical-Love, outdated habitual patterns of survival begin to unwind and reveal the True Nature of what has been hidden all along: the natural, unadorned, and supremely simple Essence of you. Who you are and what you are ultimately here to do.

If this resonates, consider joining us tomorrow, Sunday, October 9th at 9 a.m. Pacific for a women-only Group SoulWork Session.

Through stories, dialogue, and guided meditation, I will hold a space for you to gently explore:

- Your relationship with your Soul's Work
- Your patterns and tendencies to push, pull, and struggle
- Your unique configuration and possible ways forward

I am most at home, myself, when working with women this way.

I hope you can join us:

Sunday, October 9th
9 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Pacific
(For Women Only)
By donation through Open Circle Center
$15 to $25
All who purchase will receive a recording

Register at

I hope to connect with you tomorrow!

Much Love,



Maybe you’ve been practicing “loving what is” for a while now.

But often there is a subtle and slight, perhaps unconscious, desire to love what is IN ORDER TO CHANGE IT.

Take the hard things. Like depression. Anxiety. Mistakes. Judgment. Body fat. No motivation. Fatigue. Anger. The list goes on.

Can you love those too? As is? Without trying to change them?

…because the moment you have the slightest desire to escape it or change it or get rid of it, it stays. It stays because it wants to be met with the absolute, most pure forms of love you can muster.

Acceptance. Reverence. Honor. Gratitude. Respect. Kindness.

It wants to be met with these frequencies of love in order to relieve the pressure that is helping to create them in the first place.

So the next time you come across a feeling or situation that is unpleasant to you…

Pause. Stop. And practice applying a frequency of love, like kindness, genuinely and without any expectation or desire for it to change.

See how much love you can muster.

See if you can love that, too.
