Alex Popov The Voice of NLP

Alex Popov The Voice of NLP

How to use NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to overcome emotional pains and problems and live a ha


NLP Reveals Why “the Story” You Tell Yourself Creates or Destroys You

Before NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) I lived a sob story. I was a leaf at the mercy of the wind. And the wind blew hard in all sorts of demoralizing directions.

But it all changed in a rather amazing way as you can see here:


Get over a painful break up using NLP

If you feel numb and lost after a painful break up, I’ll help you get over it with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

A break up always unleashes an avalanche of self-destructive emotions – pain, emptiness, self-pity, anger.

What you’re left with is a wounded heart and a greatly depressed self-image.

And to get over this emotional devastation you need to summon what’s left of your will power and use all the help you can get from deep inside you.

Because you need to throw away your pain and reignite your passion if you are to be happy and fulfilled once again.

And I realize that, if right now you’re in the eye of the storm, you may feel drawn to wallow in self-pity and the other destructive emotions, but that’s the very thing that’ll lock you in this emotionally devastating cage.

To break free and to take your life in your hands you really need to change a few things inside.

And if you let me, I’ll show you a few NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) principles and techniques that will help you get over your pain and rebuild a happier and more fulfilling life.

First ...

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A simple NLP technique to help you stop anxiety and feel good now

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness affecting 40 million adults in the U.S alone.

(Source: National Institute of Mental Health)

What is anxiety?

Anxiety has many debilitating faces.

Some people feel restless, worried, tense and irritable.

Others feel fatigued or completely exhausted from constant worry. They are sometimes unable to sleep, focus or concentrate.

Still others are plagued by anxiety or panic attacks. They feel their heart pounding and palms sweating. They sometimes have difficulty breathing. And they even experience chest and abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, and extreme fear (of death, of losing control or even their sanity).

What’s worse is that most people who suffer from anxiety try to overcome it by drinking or eating too much, or by developing compulsive rituals.

Some people hide their anxiety behind the mask of aggression or violence.

But, the problem is, these compulsive behaviours will not put an end to anxiety. They’ll only keep it at bay for a little while, thus making the person forever dependant on them.

Fortunately, there are many proven NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques that help you overcome anxiety.

Please continue reading here:

A simple NLP technique to help you stop anxiety and feel good nowThe Voice of NLP Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness affecting 40 million adults in the U.S alone. (Source: National Institute of Mental Health) What is


3 NLP techniques to help you end depression

Depression has many debilitating faces.

You may feel sad or empty, lose interest, lack pleasure, feel fatigued, lack motivation, feel guilty or worthless, be unable to think clearly, have recurrent thoughts of death, experience insomnia or hypersomnia, lose or gain weight, and feel your body agitated or limp.

And if these symptoms persist, depression turns into a psycho-physiological disorder where your body, and not just your mind, starts to suffer.

That’s why it’s so important for you to do something about it.

As you can see this is a serious condition and if you experience any of these symptoms you probably should seek professional assistance. Because there’s simply no reason why you should live this way.

Alternatively you may try to help yourself with these proven NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques.

First you need to recognize that depression is a psychological state and not something you’re born with.

To help you understand what that means, please let me give you an example:

One person gets an unexpected divorce. After the initial shock wears off, they look at life and see many new exciting possibilities.

Another person gets an unexpected divorce. But they start replaying the bad scenes and feelings inside their mind and they get depressed. They see life as a dangerous dark place to be avoided.

As you can see, different people react in different ways to the exact same problem.

And those who go into a depression have a similar internal response.

And the three NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques I’m about to share with you help you change that internal response from the negative to the positive so you get rid of your depression and start to enjoy life once again.

Please continue reading here:


Communicate better using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

This simple, but profound, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) principle helps you get along with people easier, better and achieve your outcomes faster.

Be it at work with your colleagues or your boss. Be it with your friends, family or significant other.

Everywhere, all the time, a huge part of your success and fulfillment depends on how well you get across your point of view.

Say it the right way and people feel good and are happy to do what you ask.

Say it the wrong way and people get angry, frustrated, hurt, sad etc. – and they usually don’t do what you ask.

But what’s the right way? I hear you say.

Well, here’s a simple, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) principle that might help.

Bad communicators focus on what they want to say.

Good communicators focus on what others want to hear.

Here’s an example:

Roy, I want you to complete the paperwork today.

Roy, we’re a bit behind with the paperwork.

If you complete it today, I’ll be able to forward it to my boss. And we’ll both get paid on time. If not, we might get paid with some, perhaps significant, delay.

Can I count on you to do it today, by 16h.?

See the difference?

It’s basically the same communication presented in two vastly different ways that may bring about two vastly different results.

Try it.

To a joyful and prosperous life,

Alex Popov

The Voice of NLP

Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP

P.S. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in one of my essays, reach out to me now: [email protected]


How to use NLP to transform depression into happiness

Depression is a prison state your subconscious locks you in.

But you can get free quite easily.

And here’s how:

When a person is in a depression this usually means her subconscious mind has blown her natural inborn defense mechanisms out of proportion.

And because the most important job the subconscious does is to keep us safe and protected – when in a depression – a person feels somehow isolated from the world.

In a state of semi constant panic and fear.

You usually see everybody and every situation as a potential threat. So you mostly stay away – usually locked at home – scared of the world.

I know because I’ve been in this horrible prison.

But there’s a secret back door to that prison, a simple NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique, that helps you escape that horrible prison and put it behind you once and for all.

And it all starts with finding the positive exception.

A place or a person where you feel comfortable.

Find it. Be grateful you have it. Expand upon it.

Think of a similar place or person where you get that same, or at least, similar feeling.

Find it. Be grateful you have it. Expand upon it.

Once you have a few places and people where you feel at ease, Expand further by finding similar places and people, but with a little difference. Learn to tolerate the difference. Then learn to enjoy it. As this is variety and variety makes for a fuller and more colorful life.

Why not try this simple NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique now?

You have nothing to lose but your depression.

And if you feel the situation is so bad you need help to get over it fast, please get in touch with me now.

[email protected]

Your first personal, online NLP therapy and coaching session is just $20. It’s a one-hour skype call.

This is a token fee for you to decide if I’m the right person to help you get over this horrible emotional problem.

And if you decide to let me help you after the first session, my regular fee is still just $48.

If you think this arrangement is fair and reasonable, get in touch now to schedule a convenient time to talk.

[email protected]

To a joyful and prosperous life,

Alex Popov

The Voice of NLP

Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP

P.S. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in one of my essays, reach out to me now: [email protected]

NLP My mission is to write NLP essays that help you overcome your emotional pains and problems and help you live a happy, fulfilling and more prosperous life.


Put your personality and creativity to work for YOU using NLP

You do any activity at least ten times better when you let your personality shine through.

Here’s a simple NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique I use, to demolish roadblocks and let my personality shine, you might find helpful.

When you need to do something you find a bit challenging here’s what to do:

First ask yourself: What stops me?

This is an important NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) question I learned, way back, in my NLP Practitioner training.

When you ask yourself this question, pay attention to how you feel and what you see in your mind’s eye.

Very often you’ll see stuff that’s rather distorted and usually exaggerates some fear.

The second step is to ask: Is this real or is this just a scary daydream?

Caution: here your mind might try to convince you – that the scary scenario is possible.

I learned this from doing numerous NLP consultations, so please trust me.

It’s possible, but it’s highly unlikely.

Now, when you know your fear is just a scary movie in your imagination, let it go.

And do what you need to do with calm assuredness and power.

Because with this simple, two-step NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique you just overpowered, or at least significantly diminished, an imaginary fear that held you back.

And now you can let your personality shine through and give your best to the task at hand.

To a joyful and prosperous life,

Alex Popov

The Voice of NLP

Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP

P.S. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in one of my essays, reach out to me now: [email protected]

NLP My mission is to write NLP essays that help you overcome your emotional pains and problems and help you live a happy, fulfilling and more prosperous life.

Practitioner and Master Practitioner of NLP with Alex Popov 23/09/2016

How to unlock your best qualities and hidden potential with NLP

I spent two years in a black depression hiding from the world.

It took me another three years of extreme effort to pull myself out of this black whole.

And all the while I felt, deep inside of me, there was a better way to live.

That’s what set me off to search and find this better way.

I devoured psychology and philosophy.

But I found the missing key to happiness and success when I stumbled onto NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Now I use this key to unlock the best qualities and hidden potential inside people just like you.

My name is Alex Popov. But my clients call me the Voice. (Hence the name of this site.)

And here, in this short letter, I’ll share with you a simple formula to feel and do better in life.

This simple NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)formula relies on the natural way your mind works. And if you don’t feel as good as you should, chances are you’re already using this formula in reverse.

Here’s what I mean:

If you feel down, or if you see how things you desire don’t happen for you, you’re placing your focus on these negative feelings.

I know it sounds simple, but if you just change your focus and place it on the good feelings you’ve had and see the positive things you’ve achieved. You’ll start feeling better now.

Place your focus on three good feelings. See three good things you’ve achieved.

Why not do it now. You’ve got nothing to lose but a few bad feelings.

To a joyful and prosperous life,

Alex Popov

The Voice of NLP

Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP

P.S. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in one of my essays, reach out to me now: [email protected]