Vidette Mayer

Vidette Mayer

Vidette Mayer is an Intuitive Consciousness Guide, author, award-winning speaker, and founder of the

Vidette’s soul mission and passion is to activate souls ready to tune into the frequency of their multi-dimensional selves to live a life of Divine creativity, abundance, and freedom! She combines her psychic intuitive gifts with her expertise as a licensed creativity coach and hypnotherapist to activate the energetic upgrades required to resonate with your highest intentions, purge outdated disto


“Clouds” over Saranda tonight 🧐


Homemade, Northern California, wild flower bouquet made by yours truly. I share this gift of BEAUTY from a storehouse moment created two years ago, but experienced again and again everytime I see this image. I may not have known you on socials then, so I share it again as a symbol of how easy it is to tap into a storehouse of ever-expanding beauty just by stepping out in nature for an afternoon walk. That walk just may offer a gift that you take with you and share as part of your story for years to come. One day, two years ago, wild flowers stopped me in my tracks and I made a bouquet to wear. A simple moment of joy shared years later with you! BEAUTY is the gift that keeps on giving. May YOU find many examples of beauty throughout your day, and may you make that moment go viral by sharing it with and pay it forward for ALL to receive ♾
This “Daily Tune-In” message offers YOU a moment to PAUSE, tune in to the sacred, and remember who YOU are.

May this moment bring PEACE to your Spirit where the storehouse of GOOD awaits you.



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✅ SHARE YOUR STOREHOUSE MOMENTS using & create a movement of sacred GOOD in the world.
If you would like to further support MAKiNG PEACE GO VIRAL, consider SPONSORING the DTI by leaving an investment into the ongoing development of this channel and its initiative towards a new era of a global consciousness of peace.

All links in bio
Vidette ✌️ 💕

📍Saranda, Albania 🇦🇱 .


Every bite you take is either feeding disease or healing it.


“The best revenge is none.” I read that today and it resonated. The need for revenge is simply a reflection of something unhealed within. Others can trigger that...I know that personally. The ones that trigger it for me are the ones so badly wounded themselves they cannot see what they do to others with their wounded words & actions. I have grappled with others’ wounds being projected on me. And vice versa. If you have endured anothers’ wounds being projected on you, you have undoubtedly endured your own acceptance of it in some way, which unconsciously will create anger which is most likely being projected in a different form from you. You, too, are the wounded. I know this can be hard to accept, but it is the truth of consciousness and consciousness creates reality. Revenge perpetuates the problem. BE the higher intelligence of the relationship. Make space. Go into the darkness of your inner world. Find your own wounds. Sit with them. Feel them. Grapple with them. Get angry with them. See your part in acquiring them. “Poke” at them until they erupt the “infectious” thoughts & feelings that resonated with imbalance in some way. Purge, reframe those thoughts into higher consciousness of BE-ing. Stay in the darkness until you can EMERGE as the warrior YOU are in a state of consistent PEACE. YOU have stood courageously in the face of a wounded enemy and healed YOURSELF into a state of PEACE where no one can trigger you without your participation. That’s some VALUABLE consciousness “real estate” to protect and you don’t protect it with revenge. It takes boundaries of Peace to create the energetic barrier that resonates highly enough to create an energy-field around you. Inner peace lies at the center of that field. YOU are that peace. The field where the wounded no longer exist to trigger you. Revenge is no longer needed. For peace is a much higher level of emotional intelligence and a place that nurtures the WHOLE, HEALTHY, & COMPLETE truth of YOU. May this truth be revealed in ALL be-ings of consciousness creating an expansive wave of inner healing that purges vengeful programming to restore all beings to their original blueprinted “codex”: Inner Peace.


In order to heal, you must feel. This healing journey that I have been on over the last 14 years has taught me how true these words are. Getting the courage to FEEL into my life showed me how unhealthy most of it was & facing that grief as my world fell away has been agonizing. However, something within me KNEW it all had to fall away & I blindly trusted the process. “Making it happen” just reflected my small minded consciousness. It was an ego-response to wanting to “live the dream” as others saw it rather than how my soul FELT the dream to BE. What I “made happen” was a lot of heavy “stuff” to hold the dream together. It needed to be re-built into a healthy version of the life my soul had written for me. I allowed myself to FEEL all the parts I “forced” into place. Ugh…the truth hurt. I allowed marriages, friendships, homes, things, pets, & even my kids temporarily, go to organize the greatest reset of my life. It has taken 15 years to reinvent my ENTIRE life…spiritually, in marriage, in parenting, work, home life, health, & well-being. I feel like I have “arrived.” Arrived at a place of peace so profound that I sit in contemplation as to where this feeling has been for the last 47 years. The answer comes…”Its been buried underneath the feelings I was too afraid to feel leaving peace inaccessible to my heart. It took 15 years to FEEL, purge, learn from, grow from, & navigate thru all that blocked my pathway to PEACE…that place where the FULL ME resides. It was worth it. My storehouse has been plentiful. Adventure, connection, fun, & community have been my sustenance along the way. These payouts delivered JOY to polarize the pain I experienced at the same time my old world dismantled. I was paid royaly in experience these last 15 years while suffering financially. The financial struggle was worth the value of choosing ME these last 15 years to “right my ship,” get healthy, & to find my center. Now that we are operating from there, its FULL STEAM AHEAD in receiving abundantly in ALL ways, even financially, from the healthy & thriving access I have to the Storehouse of good. It NOW flows abundance into my reality & I call this abundance forth for ALL!


Under the summer with my favorite human. We submitted some pretty intentional dreams to the potent energy field of the longest day of the year yesterday. We made sure to “water” these dreams with plenty of belly laughs, joy in our hearts, good food, dreams of abundance, health, and an out-pouring of blessings for our family and ALL of humanity. I know we have efficiently “fueled” our momentum of GOOD for the last part of 2022. Solstice energies are really powerful if you pay attention and know how to work with them. The UNseen world IS the reason for your seen, reality…YOU create your reality from the unseen in your consciousness, then “juice” them with the potent energies of the solar cycle and then, release……allow your intentions to organize into matter and return to your reality AS the intention you originally “seeded” and nurtured within. It really is a magical process. I cannot wait to show you what was created last night under this Summer Solstice Sun**….there may even be something “brewing” in my intentional pot for YOU 😃 Until then, soak up the SUN. It actually does WAY more than you have ever been taught 🤨 (**quadruple alliteration a BONUS blessing for all you alliteration nerds like me!!🤓 )

Photos from Vidette Mayer's post 21/06/2022

This yacht, called My Light Holic came floating into Saranda today. It was something to watch. Quite magestic. It was so big I called it a “Mothership.” At least, its the Mothership of yachts that I have personally seen from my perspective. Yacht-watching is a favorite balcony activity for Bud & I in Saranda. We watch them come in & out of the harbor. Bud looks up their details on an app and we decide whether or not the yacht is deserving of our presence or not. 😂 Some of them are way too stuffy for us. Some just too much. Size doesn’t mean anything to us. Its the uniquness of them that catches our eyes. Some are sleek and sexy, some weird passenger ships converted from old ferries….we affirm our desire to have experiences on the weird, wonderful yachts we see! We create storylines for my novel. We have fun romanticizing the dream. Until we board our own vessel, we have fun selecting our preferences & goofing off. I posted a reel a couple weeks ago fist-bumping for a horn-honk from a yacht. It was denied that day but that energetic request has lingered here waiting for someone to answer the “ping” to honk. Today, that miracle arrived. As this mothership of a yacht, aptly called “My LIGHT Holic,” left the harbor, she gave a ceremonial 3 HONKS!!! 💃 🎉 Bud and I yelled with delight & lol’d. Pepé yapped at our excitement startling us both back to reality. Our laughter continued. Our hearts expanded. Gratitude spilled over. A storehouse moment…delivered to 2 people addicted to the LIGHT ☀️, (get it…”Light holic”), by a “mothership,” (yacht) of light, on my favorite “weird” holiday of the YEAR, the Summer Solstice when the LIGHT lasts the longest in the No. Hemisphere. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Life is sacred, fun, and utterly magickal when we get out of the way and allow it to be ALL of that. Thank you, for the blessing of a miracle today!


The SUMMER SOLSTICE ~ Solstices are my “holidays.” Traditional holidays were actually sparked from the Cosmic calendar, manipulated to give them commercial “value,” then a defamation campaign ensued thru millennia about the “dangerous” & “demonic” minds of those that follow the Cosmic cycle rather than the man-made Matrix cycles. The way in which the most sacred mysteries of life have been twisted & devolutionized to the point that most humans scoff when you point to the unseen parts of life is beyond me. The sacred, unseen is where the magick lies…(and yes, its properly spelled with a ‘k’…another twist of a word that removed its power). The unseen is my favorite “world” to explore. Its limitless! These sacred Solstice holidays are a call to PAUSE. Return to PEACE. Return to your Spirit. Listen within. There is great purpose in the sacred. The magnetosphere of our planet is thinned today to allow the LIGHT of day, (or the darkness of night depending on which Hemisphere you’re in) to shine the longest it will all year in the No. Hemisphere. I bask in these rays offering every intention of my heart to be heard by the Spirit I tune into so clearly. My Source. My power. My I AM presence. I am intentional with my moments on the Solstice. They are precious because they are literally igniting into reality all that your heart speaks forth. Journal. Speak. Sing. Dance your dreams into existence today. Celebrate the future you are writing by giving them to the LIGhT of the Solstice Sun to carry into the infinite realms of a Universe that wants nothing more than to PLEASE you. Last year’s Solstice, I spent at Chichen Itza. We were first in line so we could “have a private moment” with the Pyramids of Chichen Itza in Mexico. I offered it my sacred soul in this moment. I gave it my fears, too. I was consumed by fear at the time of this image. A year later, I sit in Saranda, Albania consumed with Peace. I wrote a reality of peace into my existence at Chitzen Itza. You see how this works? It is quite powerful & magickal connecting in to the energy of the Solstice. Maybe that is why it was demknized for so long 🤔 It transforms if YOU allow it. What are your plns today?

Photos from Vidette Mayer's post 16/06/2022

Once upon a time, a lifetime ago, I got the honor of spending the day with and interviewing ~ I have a dream of writing more of these interviews and experiences into my reality. Something shifted for me after this interview. I “snapped” into the reality of sitting and interviewing some of the most influential thought-leaders of the modern day. The ones that bring the message of Spirituality into practical, modern-day speak that becomes “normal” again. The ones purging the “old” behavior of Spirituality being taboo or “airy-fairy.” Something in my interview with Panache allowed me to see the importance of honing in on the SACRED parts of life again. A month later I married Bud, a year later we had sold all of our belongings to go on a journey led only by our sacred hearts, and two years later, I sit as a Minister of Peace writing peace into reality. Life changes with chance encounters that expand your consciousness, and then your reality. A little over two years and my reality has shifted into a whole new lifetime of expression. I feel that same momentum building again. What will be my image two years from today?! I will allow my Spirit to lead the way as I have for two years now. I have been led to places my brain would never have chosen. Who I have become has startled me in a good way. I stay open and receive ALL the expansion my BE-ing can handle in the highest good for ALL involved and share this expansion with ALL who choose to receive it, as well. The storehouse of good is open fully.


I AM proud of the woman I am becoming. I respect her. I have looked up to this version of myself for a long time knowing she was within, yet too afraid to let her come forth. I could feel she was brave, out-spoken, adventurous, and outrageously creative. That power scared me…I think I intuitivey knew it would scare others, too. I quieted the brave, out-spoken, creative parts to remain small. I nurtured my adventurous side, but it was’t a FULL expression of who I was. It got painful…I ached to be more for myself. I wanted to explore more of myself, so I did. It was REALLY messy for awhile. Until I had nothing else to lose. I’ve been stripped raw this year. But what was stripped away were the small, quieter parts. When I emerged from this transformative space in time, there was nothing left but the qualities I was de-signed to BE…brave, out-spoken, adventurous, and intentional. As my power came on, people fell away. I released some. Some went quietly. Others judged. I get it. From the outside, I can see why people aren’t sure what to do with me. I have changed. I am not the person “they” knew me to be. I am braver now. I am out spoken. I have seen things within and without my crumbling world that deserves to be shared because the lessons learned are sacred wisdom that only gets unlocked in the process of change. I share my soul, my adventures, my life, my lessons, and the world I see thru my perspective with NEW eyes. I share that perspective here in my writing. I have survived some major transformations in the last decade. All have become cornerstones of who I have become. Losing it all has given me the opportunity to recreate it all again…FULLY-EXPRESSED as the brave, out-spoken, adventurous, and outrageously creative writer I AM. I write it first and watch it BEcome my reality. Rest assured, that with my true POWER leading the way, I will write the most unbelieveble and SACRED life story from here on out. It will be the greatest honor of my life to co-write, direct, and play the main charater of THIS epic novel.


Pepé Maksi ~ watching Dargonflies dance over the miracle that is the Blue Eye of Albania 🇦🇱. It was definitely his first adventure out there with Bud and me and he was a hit. Ran around the place greeting people, jumping in for a swim, and causing a ruckus with cats on leashes! (Yes, of ALL days to run into a nemesis, today we saw a lady visiting Blue Eye with a cat on a leash!) His mind was blown, his Wild Spirit tickled, mine too, and I fell more in love with this little streetdog that decided we were his “pack” and adopted us. I am honored to be this little ruckus-dog’s caretaker and nurturer. He’s easy to love!


These three make a failed attempt to walk straight uphill to a winery still worth it. The winery was closed, so no wine with a view, BUT, we found some epic shady spots to sit under to cool down. Peace, quiet, and filtered were in our hearts at this moment of our walk. We all felt it. It was a special moment of connection. I share this moment of peace with you knowing peace spreads. Allow it to settle into your reality. Once you, too, are at peace, pass it on. Let’s make it go viral.


Right now.


It was a hot, sunny day and then this bohemeth flew in…😃


Be still and know…TRUST the Universe…It knows what it is doing. It’s ALWAYS working in your favor, even if it looks “bad” at first. Its FOR your GOOD.


Everything is in bloom right now in …including me. It feels good to be coming back alive spiritually, emotionally, and physically. A year of transition delivered some gut punches and plot twists, but I see now why everything had to fall as it did. It was the only way for me to find ME again. GUS, (God, Universe, Spirit) knew it had to love me raw until it hurt. Deeply. I would not have allowed myself to chose me over my kids, so the Universe gave us space to see a WHOLE new perspective of growth. But first, I had to grieve the loss of my kids in my life everyday. That has been excruciating. I never would have chosen that, so the Cosmic two by four was delivered and life fell apart…(for a minute 😉) I have learned the sacred lessons that life falling apart carries. It has fallen apart several times for me, but now I see…it ALWAYS gets re-built even better. As I bloom here in Saranda, I am building strength again. I can feel the Phoenix rising. My confidence is growing again. I am ready to re build life fully aligned with my soul in partnership with Bud’s. I’m just about ready to “rock ‘n roll” with life again. Just a couple more things to tidy up and it. Is. On. ☝️


This is my messy table at the moment. Is it Instagram-worthy?! Probably not to most “influencers,” but I ain’t no “ordinary” influencer. I influence sacred, honest moments and share them for others to KNOW they aren’t alone in a messy world. There’s a lot of layers there to make for a juicy conversation around a crowded table. Until that comes, I contemplate life from this small blip in space I occupy. Its messy from a leftover lunch eaten looking over the Ionean Sea. My beaten up tumbler faithfully waits for me to sip another swig of water to quench my thirst in the hot sun. Faithful because of the abundant Rtics we owned we each only took one when we sold everything in Austin to find a sacred life again. I chose this blue one to journey with without knowing it would match the sea that has healed me. The journal that captures ideas from an overflowing, creative writer. Herb & flower-infused oils turn their unified flavors from the Sunrays flooding in after a Coronal Mass Ejection…a scientific name for a process that amplifies the energy of every moment. In this moment, I do not see a mess. I see a storehouse moment. A true scene of “life” when one chooses the romantic storyline. Its tomantic to me right now. I could make love to lofe right now. I was in utter desperation last year. Here I AM with life flowing again. My heart explodes with the blessings I have been “paid” to CHOOSE to live my life fully. I am no longer playing small. I have earned an “increase” today, therefore, I share my overflow with YOU. Feel the peace of this moment flood from my heart to yours from .

P.S. This “Daily Tune-In” was written with love in a “tuned-in” moment in an effort of offer a space for humanity to tune into PEACE.

Want to make PEACE GO VIRAL? Consider SPONSORING today’s DTI by leaving an investment into the on-going development of this channel and its initiative towards a new era of global peace: (link in bio)

Vidette ✌️ 💕

📍 Saranda, Albania 🇦🇱



Currently, I’m doing pretty well patiently awaiting my “ship” to come in delivering a dream I have been imagining for a loooong time….having a home/work/studio/garden and nature-space to create our own dream world in. A sacred, creative space where we cook, bake, garden, can, pickle, paint, write, build, parent, nurture, host, CREATE, and invite people to a crowded table and feast with our Soul Family. Doesn’t it sound FANTASTIC?!?! It is! Imagining up what this space would look like has been SO joyful. Bud and I have become intimate with this dream space. We will know it when we see it cause we’ve spoken it into existence for the past five years. We have imagined ourselves there over endless games of ping pong until the “space” finally called us forth. We gave up everything to rebuild life on THIS plot of land, and THIS “home” that becomes our sanctuary of creative expression. Imagining up this “home base” with my husband has been one of the most intentional works of art We have ever created together. I can sense its energy in my proximity. I’m starting to resonate with it and its becoming tangible in my awareness. I can almost smell it because it is filled with the scent of herbs, sea breezes and my husband’s cooking wafting thru the house. It is SO close to the reality I live now that I can feel this sacred space close. So as not to miss the opportunity to connect with it, I sit in excited anticipation of its arrival into my reality. In the meantime, I watch for it from a higher Perspective so I can meet and feceive the “ship” when it comes in and step into my true “home” to begin again.


THE LIGHT IS AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL ~ We enter the season of harvest. We reap in our reality what we have sown in consciousness for the last solar cycle. There are “seasons” of consciousness that echo the seasons of Nature. A time to reap what we sow. A time to gather & prepare all the fruits of our labor, (wisdom), to go into the darkness of winter. That is where we sit with the wisdom & allow it to speak. Winter is the time to hunker down & hear the whispers of soul; to imagine, speak & feel (sow) into existence the next version of ourselves that will emerge with the rising of the spring sun. My reality is greatly reflecting this cycle. Ukraine was where I sat in the darkness of autumn & winter. Sowing together the life I would create in Europe for my family. Spring brought us to where I allowed the inner work I did in Ukraine to BE embodied. NOW, in this present moment, it all makes sense. I AM grateful for what I have sown in the fertile soil of my creative mind for my life moving forward. I tap the hallway of my own consciousness “tunnel” as I step out into the light. Clarity swells, heART expands, the body inhales to devour the JOY of the moment before stepping thru the doorway into my expanding world. My world has changed immensely. It FEELS LIKE PEACE NOW. I share this storehouse moment with YOU. I pass this expansive moment of a PEACEFUL WORLD in existence to YOU and ALL BEings of consciousness on Earth. I have evidence a peaceful world exists. And so it is.

📍 Vuno, Albania 🇦🇱
To an abundance of sacred storehouse moments, Vidette 💗


SUPPORT a creative WRITER:

(Links in bio)


The elusive of are becoming clearer . If you’ve been confused on a situation in your life, , cause the answers are flowing thru your now. The is available and NEAR you. This reminds you that the is potent today to catch the you have been looking for in certain matters. How do I ?! Because this has been my experience today. Several solutions that have been elusive in my own life have presented themselves as “a-ha” moments of realization. DING!! 💡 🤯 The and my heart explodes with at FINALLY having options to from! Each idea better than the next. On my morning walk, I sat down while the dogs took a dunk. Right in front of me was a puzzle piece 😳 I knew what its symbolism meant to me. What’s it mean for ?! SHARE in the COMMENTS below 👇…

Photos from Vidette Mayer's post 29/05/2022

If only you knew how much I missed my being together. This distance has shown me beyond a shadow of a doubt how much I cherish being their mom. It has left a rather large gap in my every day life that I will ALWAYS keep open for them. I AM always ready for them to settle back into that space with Bud, Priya, Pepé & me. The space was never supposed to be vacated anyway. Life fell apart for me this past year moving into this “new” life. It was a dark night of the soul, but I have emerged & when you intentionally sit in the darkness long enough, Spirit speaks. I now know why this distance was required. I see what it has done FOR me. I have seen what is being created here. I know details now that I didn’t know when attempting to explain why we wanted to give everything up to find the parts of family again. To LIVE in the joy, adventure, & expansion of life everyday…not just weekends...THAT intention was deemed a “theeat” to them by others 🤦‍♀️ Expansion is messy. It does create disruption but choosing change for expansive purposes & navigating the disruption FROM there is where growth happens. Purposeful change is what that is. You know you’re moving upwards so once you manage the chaos, the beauty starts to unfold. I am in that stage now. So much physical, emotional, & soulful beauty is falling into place. The absence of the boys feels even “louder” in my heart because THESE are the moments I wanted my kids to experience…not more “school” during these dark & dangerous times. My heart aches that their expansion is greatly limited by a broken educational system that still has my kids behind masks & risks their emotional and mental health each day. How that system is still “protected” & argued for is beyond my human mind. But, my Spirit whispers, “Everything in due time, Dear One.” You will understand ALL of it & you chose this decision in the highest & best for ALL involved. Everyone is where they need to be. BE in PEACE.” So, I choose PEACE…even when pics like this remind me of what we once were & my ego wants to dive into the darkness. No, thank you, I NOW & know ~ all is well.


ALL parts of this captured is into full expression here in . ALL parts of this image…even me 😊🙏


This is what I “do.” I paint, , and/or imagine the experiences of I want to to get the “energy” of the idea out into the world. I “shift realities” thru my art. The art is the portal between the idea and the full reality. Kind of like the heART is the portal between the spiritual world and the physical world. finding that my has been the first step in creating the I now live. The that my once saw this “setting,” ”, and in it’s own imagination of the perfect reality and I am experiencing it. This creactive process has blown my mind. The consciousness that has ideas is the -ing that sees the IN the imagination. Do you see how that is for ?! What art will you today that will become later?! to what is in your right now. It is the seat of your imagination...therefore, it will create a future reality for you. Is it tuned into fear?! Or, isit tuned into creating the that is yiur life?! Either way, what resides in your mind will be created. I know that thru my education and professional experience in , thru my own life experiences, and thru seeing canvases and journal entries become reality. This is not to be snuffed, ignored, or denied anymore. It is . It is . It is all into a truthful fact that . If you’d like to shift into a new reality, start by imagining it first, then bring it into the world thru the artistic channel that is YOU. See how powerful you are?!

Creating the Magic of Conscious Change and Idea Evolution

Vidette Mayer is the leading, Transformational Mindset Coach and Licensed Hypnotherapist to wild spirits with BIG ideas. As the founder of, her Mindset Alchemy process deconstructs and revolutionizes mindset and the creative process into an experiential framework that effortlessly brings your wildest ideas to life!

She is also the author of S.O.U.L Mama - Seeing Only an Unlimited Life." She works privately with clients, in group settings, and facilitates workshops teaching her proprietary framework for creating the magic of transformation and bringing all their wildest ideas to life!

Vidette calls Austin, Texas home with her husband, two boys, and a dog, however, you never know what part of the world you will find them adventuring to creating magic wherever they go!

Videos (show all)

Today’s “Daily Tune-In” …Please share in the comments if you are resonating with the idea of “doing” less to #BE more pr...
Recorded with love in a “tuned-in” moment. Listen in to find the message “tuned” just for YOU in this #NOWmoment. To an ...
THERE’S NO GOING BACK…(and all that means for YOU!)Recorded with love in a “tuned-in” moment. Listen in to find the mess...
FULL FREEDOM => I’m not even sure what day we are on in this three month “Daily Tune-In” journey to explore our #storeho...
On this short nugget of consciousness, we're going to break down what dimensional reality is. When we de-mystify the mys...
The #truth about “When you’re ready to take a risk, jump off the cliff and “God” will give you wings to fly…”
Join me today on the "DAILY TUNE-IN" LIVE on Youtube at 6a PST | 8a CST  | 9a EST | 2p GMT | 4p EET to align with the en...
The Solstice Ship is About to Set Sail - SPECIAL EDITION OF THE DAILY TUNE-INThe last 40 days have INTENSELY been prepar...

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