Fred Johnson ministry

Fred Johnson ministry

A place of worship and raising generations for God through Jesus...


đź”´Nations will gather to congratulate and celebrate you this month in Jesus nameđź‘Ź


Biology says that after sexual in*******se, about 200 to 300 million sperms are deposited by the man, they all begin to swim upwards within the track to meet with the o**m, out of the 200 million that are deposited only 300 to 500 actually reach the site (others get tired on the way because is not an easy race) and of the 300 that manage to reach the o**m (egg), only one fertilised the egg and in this case the winning one is YOU.
Have you ever thought about this? You ran a race without your eyes and your legs you WON, you ran a race without your education and you WON, you ran without certificate and you WON, you ran without help and you WON, what makes you think you will Lose now?
Now that you have both eyes and legs, now that you have the knowledge of God's word, now that you have plans, visions and dreams, beloved you didn't give up on day one, so you can't give up now, giving up now is an insult to your creator.
It doesn't matter what you see now, take it as a challenge and always remember that you WON from womb.
You will win this your present battle in Jesus Name.


Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you. If they make you an option, make them a memory and create an impact with your life. Everyone you meet has a part to play in the story of your journey in life. Some have rounded off their journey with you, while some may take a chapter, others a paragraph and most will be no more than scribbled notes in the margins. Some come into your life as blessings, some as distractions, some as lessons. You learn something from everyone who passes through your life; some lessons are painful while some are useful but they are all priceless and for a purpose.

Nothing in this life can successfully work against you! Appreciate everyone that has passed through and will pass through; they are a part of the ultimate plan. Lessons learnt must not be forgotten and would be needed as you don't prepare for an exam during the exam, you prepare for an exam before the exam.


The understanding of you is the foundation of living an outstanding life. It's not what is outside, but what is inside that takes one to the top. You have been given authority. This means you have the power to give orders to your life, for it to align.

Don’t look back—you’re not going that way. Who you were 10 years ago? Doesn’t matter. Who you were last year Irrelevant.Who you're becoming? That’s what counts. Let go of the past versions of yourself that no longer move you forward. Learn, grow and move forward!


A person who causes you to react controls you. A person who compels you to think and consider doing differently influences you.

Refuse to harbour unforgiveness towards anyone. Don't allow bitterness gets even a toehold on you. Satan uses such things as an inroad against you. Don't allow such rent a space in your heart or mind except God. Like it or not, there's a spiritual battle raging for your heart and mind. When we talk negatively about someone, we can hurt their feelings or even loose demonic activities against them and against ourselves.

There's much more to life than just this physical, natural, surface level. Spiritual activities are constantly taking place. Whether or not the person you're speaking evil about ever knows it, you'll be affected. Venting anger, frustration, resentment, or unforgiveness affects you whether it affects anyone else or not.


Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

What we do with our time reveals who we truly are and the direction our lives is heading. Success is predictable. Use the social media to make your life easier not busier.

All of the modern conveniences of the social media can, of course, be very good, but only if we manage them and avoid letting the buzzes, pings, and beeps they make control you. People are eager to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves. That's why the remain the same or things even get worse.


Make up your mind to be grateful to God. Don't allow people or circumstances change your mind. Keep it set on being thankful. It's not what happens to you or what you have or don't have that is important; it's how your mind is arranged and the choices you make. Know what to ignore and express your joy.

You place a value on everything in your life. You are the one who esteems what's important to you. Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison. Yet, it's his happiest book. He used the words "joy," "rejoice," and "rejoicing" a total of seventeen times in just four chapters. Apostle Paul was praising God and rejoicing from jail.

Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else's prayer point and miracle. Someone somewhere is grateful for half of what you have. A grateful heart is a magnet for a miracle; thanksgiving is your resúmé for a testimony.fredjohnsonministryfireinmybones


Sanitize your thoughts to sanitize your life! Life does not happen to you. It responds to you. Life responds to your: thoughts, words and actions. What you think of affects what you say and what you say affects what you do. Think good thoughts about yourself and others. Your mind can’t process good and evil simultaneously. If you think good about yourself and evil for others, evil will dominate your mind, and eventually manifest in your life!

Whatever we surrender our minds to, will eventually shape our character and define the quality of our life. Be careful what you surrender your mind to, even if it’s only for a day, or an hour. The mind is very important. It's the door to your spirit and it's also the door from your spirit out, to bring something into the natural world. Get the right information from God's word, and your mindset towards life would change.


If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result. You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. You need the right people with you, not necessarily the best people. Never beg anyone to accept you for who you are. Anything you acquire through begging will require begging to maintain it.

Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. It's about the quality of friends you have. It's not about who is real to your face; it's about who stays loyal behind your back.

Your life has a divine blueprint for divine agenda. Life is not subject to chance, it is subject to truths.


Don't let hesitation steal your opportunity! Sometimes we become so caught up in our goals and so focused on the end result that we miss the miracles all along the way. Take time to enjoy your life's journey. Enjoy the different personalities and things God has put in your life.

Don't let yourself become so focused and driven, so busy with what you have to do each day, that you miss the "goodies" along the way. Start enjoying the different things God has put in your life. Appreciate and enjoy the great things He has placed in your life.

Seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart. Change your approach and you'll still achieve your goals, and your life will be so much more fulfilled.


Are you a leader? The essence of leadership is creating an environment where individuals can freely express and share effective ideas. Authentic leadership is not about asserting dominance or control but empowering others to contribute their unique perspectives and insights.

By providing a platform, leaders enable individuals to showcase ideas that have practical value and can bring about positive change. It recognizes the importance of collaboration, innovation, and open communication in fostering growth and progress.

Ultimately, leadership is not just about personal achievements but about facilitating the success and development of others by enabling the dissemination of impactful ideas.


Your destiny was chosen by God, but its fulfillment is decided by you! Authority without discipline is harmful for both leaders and followers. Be disciplined! God doesn't promote privates into generals overnight. God seeks to work in you before he works through you. You don't need prophecy to know the destiny of a man without discipline. Yield yourself to training. Don't be in a hurry.

Sometimes we often remember what we should forget- the pains, disappointments, mistakes, and we often forget what we should remember- the victories, favours and blessings. When you learn to recall the good things God has done for you, it helps to stay in an attitude of faith and to remain grateful.


Complaining is a useless trait.
It's a complete waste of time as it gives power to your situation and makes you conclude you are a victim. Avoid complaining at all costs. Don't stay around people who always complain for too long.

Stop complaining! If you approach life complaining about what you don't have or complaining about what’s missing then you’ll be dissatisfied. Satisfaction comes from knowing that things can always be improved but at the same time appreciating what is right in your life, right now. When you complain too much, you carry an air of defeat around you that is very difficult to remove. You're even defeated before you start out anything because of the mental construction of your mind.


Open up to new ways of thinking and set yourself up for success! The short cut you are looking for is called discipline. If you keep doing the same old thing, you'll get the same old results. Someday:is not a day of the week. Start today and a year from now you'll be grateful to God and to yourself! No one is you; that's your superpower.

Don't live your life based on the script and opinions of your environment. Create the right picture of your future from the scriptures. People will say negative things about you. No matter what is said, what you tell yourself is what really counts. Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your mind! What you tell yourself everyday through your inner thoughts and words will either lift you up or tear you down


Your gifts may take you to places, but your lack of character will pull you down. Many times we fast, pray and bind demons when the real problem is just our attitudes. Work on your character and attitude towards life and how you relate with people. Sometimes, the answer you seek is in someone else. We see people go through challenges for some protracted period of time, and it appears nothing seems to be changing. Check your attitude.

As important as prayer is, you cannot get by prayer what you should get by character and service. Remember, a prayer that doesn't change you from within is a waste of time.


Every man's life is a story, through which the lessons of life, either positive or negative, could be unravelled, for the inspiration required by others, to live a better life.

Living in a world we've not lived in before requires a roadmap. The Lord knowing all these gave us the Bible. That's one of the great benefits of studying the Bible. To ignore the Bible is to ignore solutions to life's challenges. Replace worrying and complaining with meditation on the Word.

Choose progress over comparison. Focus on your own journey. If you are serious about growth, you'll be serious about being intentional about your life.


Refuse to allow circumstances steal your joy! Time doesn’t heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go. If you look up to others for joy and happiness, you may never find it. You deserve to be happy and have a life you are excited about.

Part of the reason for the way people turn out differently has to do with the values they develop for their lives and the way they see life and respond to life. Nobody will make you happy until you 're happy with yourself first. If you don't like yourself, you can't make a success out of yourself and you can't like someone else because you can't give what you don't have.

You can still be happy during the process of achieving something. God never attached your joy to something or someone; your joy is in Him. Happiness is a choice not a result. Deal with worries before they deal with your happiness.


Challenges are part of the curriculum of life; they are for your promotion. Challenges are inevitable, but suffering is optional and a choice.

It’s no use going back to yesterday and it's issues, because you are a different person today and you are bettering your life now.

You don't have to be who you were yesterday, or last week, or a year ago. You are free to create yourself, each and every day. There's so much glory and beauty inside you for the betterment of your life and others.

Believe in what God has made you to be, and follow His blue print for your life. You were made this way for a reason. The way you think is special. The way you smile is unique. The way you perceive the world is unique. Stop wasting your uniqueness. Your power lies in your uniqueness. Don't try to blend in and be "normal". Be you and the world will adjust.


No matter what goes on in your life, always remember that your current conditions do not reflect your ultimate potential!

There's more to your life than the challenges of the past. Don't let anything that happens make you feel insecure. Show yourself unconditional love and don't allow your mistakes to become your identity. Life is a journey, keep growing.

The minute you realize your worth, you shift your energy to attract new people who respect your worth. It starts with you first. None was born to wake up every day to impress you. Don't look for happiness in another; you don't need the approval of another to be happy. Find happiness in yourself. Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. It is about the quality of friends you have. It's not about who's real to your face; It's about who stays loyal behind your back!


Your heart is not a basket for keeping tension, fear, sadness, bitterness and envy. Adjust your attitude towards life and things will change. Let your heart always be joyful. When you feel good about the success or happiness of another person, you are choosing those things for yourself from the catalogue of life. The success of one doesn't hinder the success of another.

Competition can motivate growth and improvement, but the real competition should be with ourselves.

Striving for our best rather than comparing with others can lead to more sustainable success. After all, our journey is unique!

But success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to lives around you. It is not enough to be a man of success. Rather become a man of value!






It was in a Benny Hinn Crusade years ago.

Arch. Bishop Benson Idahosa was there and other ministers of God.

And it was time for healing and miracles.

Pastor Benny Hinn was still charging the atmosphere when they started receiving patches of rain in that open air crusade.

Everything was about to be messed up.

There were many sick people and none had been ministered to.

Benson Idahosa who was there rushed up to the podium...

Collected the microphone from Pastor Benny.

As though Benson Idahosa almost didn't need any stirring.

He just demanded that they placed their hands anywhere the sickness was...

In that crusade, they even brought a boy that was born having a 'monkey face'.

That's, the face of this boy was almost like the face of a monkey from birth.

And some others were blind, deaf and dumb, crippled and many afflictions.

Benson Idahosa lifted up his eyes to heaven in few seconds and prayed one prayer.


He dropped the mic and went and sat down.

Immediately, there were massive miracles in seconds all over the crowd.

Including the boy with a strange face was healed.

All of these were not up to 2 minutes ©



"it may not be as smooth as you thought, it may not be as easy as you wanted it to be but NO PRICE IS TOO HIGH FOR YOUR DREAM"

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
