Kim Reaney

Kim Reaney

Sharing my fitness journey and passions to inspire a stronger healthier you! If you want more on tip


Morning Gym Session!

Great way to get this beauty of a day started!!


Sometimes you just need to take a moment to appreciate all of the work you have put into yourself.

This journey I am on has really allowed me to appreciate so many little things along the way. From my commitment to myself, to my commitment to my workouts, to my commitment to my morning cardio, to my commitment to my nutrition.


Happy June!

Great way to start the day/month šŸ˜Š


Another Morning Cardio Session Complete.

I would say that my morning Cardio session is now a habit that I have been committed to I my training.

At first it was a challenge, but now I feel like if I donā€™t get it in then I move much slower in my day.

Getting up and starting my day with movement makes me happy šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s Friday!

My workouts are done for the day šŸ’„

Getting my cardio and strength training done in the morning definitely keeps me on track and more consistent.

Iā€™m starting to feel some more slight changes in my body now that I have added in my morning walks.

Changes keep me excited and happy that all my hard work is paying off!


I have been on this Journey for 6 Months Now and I am feeling stronger, more confident and so much healthier.

Through this process I am finding me again.

I know that I have a ways to go to hit my goals, and that is okay, because I am doing this on my terms.

I am committed to myself and committed to the daily steps. I get to continue to enjoy the little things and not stress about how much it will set me back in my goals.

The Journey for me is never ending.

The work I have done through this process is priceless and as I continue along, I am looking forward to being able to share this with other moms, women who are working on their own journey.

For any Momma who is looking for assistance on getting started with their own journey, check out Mommas and Macros. I have FREE home and gym workouts to follow...

I am looking forward to the next 6 months of this Journey and all of the successes I will achieve along the way!


Going to the gym is now a daily habit that I schedule with myself.

It is my place to think, my place to work towards my goals. This is my time and the more committed I am to myself the more I appreciating every minute I dedicate to myself.

The beginning is hardā€¦ there are so many challenges you face with, but if you stick it out and not stress about the scale or results and know that you are working for yourself each dayā€¦ it becomes easier and easier and eventually it is part of your daily life.

I love this Journey!


Not a bad way to start the day!

Definitely getting my steps in on this Journey šŸ¤Ŗ


I love it when a workout is finished!


Workout done and ready for a great day!

Pushing through as I have 6.5 weeks left in my deficit phase before I head back to maintenanceā€¦


Great start to this beautiful Sunday Morning ā˜€ļø


Morning Cardio Complete and ready for a great day ahead!


Somedays I donā€™t feel like sharing my workout photosā€¦

Somedays it feels like I am sharing the same thing over and over againā€¦

But then I realized that these are my days. This is my life and this is my focus ā¤ļø

I am working on my own journey and I like to share my workout photos and videos is because of 2 reasons:

1) it keeps me accountable to myself and my workouts.

2) I hope that it inspires just 1 person to get going on their own journey.

The Journey that I am on has been so rewarding for me both physically and mentally. For years I have felt like I am just living day to day, struggling to find my purposeā€¦ but now I feel like I am living more for each day and for the beauty of what everyday has to offer. I get to live for myself, and I get to live for my family.

Because I am doing more for myself and feeling so much better about myself that I find myself wanting to do more activities. Because I am stronger and healthier, I am more engaged and feel like I am a better mom, wife and woman because of that.

I hope you get inspired by my posts to go out and get moving on your health and fitness journey. We have this one beautiful life to live and we all deserve to love it to the fullest ā¤ļø


Happy Thursday!

Itā€™s a quick shoulder workout for me
Today šŸ’«

Iā€™ve had a great couple of weeks with my trainingā€¦ itā€™s amazing the ups and downs we go throughā€¦ but right now Iā€™m feeling strong and super committed!

Going after my goals 1 day at a time šŸ¤©


Today is my bonus leg dayā€¦

With summer around the corner I am going all in to see what i can accomplish.

My focus is all about trying to lean outā€¦

Working hard, putting the time in and going for it!


Putting the work in Daily.

I have come to enjoy my morning walks.

Gets me up, gets me going and I feel like I have so much more energy and clarity for the rest of the day.

My Daily Commitment to myself as I am working on my Journey Back to fit!

Donā€™t worry about others around youā€¦ all you need to do is focus on You!


Somedays you just donā€™t feel like itā€¦ but those are the days that you feel so much better when itā€™s done.

Everyday on my page I talk about getting it done and completing my workoutsā€¦ but I donā€™t really talk about the after effects or the energy you get from getting your workouts in.

My morning cardio is one of those things that somedays I just want to sleep in, but the way I feel when I am done and quite honestly throughout the rest of the day is what keeps me going with it. Itā€™s like an energy boost in the morning to feel like I have completed something. It wakes me up and it keeps me super active throughout the day. When I am up and going, I feel like I get to complete more daily tasks.

Itā€™s definitely a win-win!

So if you are not feeling like itā€¦ just get up and do it anyways. Because when itā€™s done you will feel so much better!


Iā€™m back on my morning cardio routine... and it honestly feels great!

I was off it for a bit and I was struggling with feeling tired most daysā€¦

So I decide to get back at itā€¦ 4 morning sessions so far this week and Iā€™m already feeling like I have so much more energy.

For me I like it cause it gets me up and moving with my day.

Itā€™s my me time!

Get up, get moving, take care of your health and go after your goals šŸ˜‰


Back and Biceps today at the gym.

Feeling like Iā€™m in a good routine right now.

Trying to lift heavy to help build some muscle and help me to lean out.


Showing up and getting it done āœ…


Itā€™s not always prettyā€¦ but it gets done āœ”ļø

Morning workout completed.

Into my 9 week countdown so focus is strong and commitment is high šŸ˜Š


Another Workout Complete āœ”ļø

Itā€™s a great feeling to get your workout in and done in the am.

Happy Friday šŸ˜‰


One of my favourite days to train is back day!


šŸ¤© I love having the option of variety in my workouts.

There is so much you can do from the comfort of your own home to the gym.

In todays workout, I am filming a Chest and Tricep program for my at home clients. I have created a new workout series that is timed based with lots of controlled reps.

You can get a good sweat going with these types of workouts and they are great as I kept this one under 24 min.

Over the past 4 years I have been creating home workout videosā€¦ I started them when we were stuck at home during covid and just started recording some new ones again.

I enjoy creating these videos for mommas who are wanting to get started on an at home routine that is quick and efficient.

I am sharing my journey back to fit and I hope to inspire others to get moving and take care of themselves.

For any mommas who are looking for a program to get goingā€¦

Head over to my free platformā€¦ where I share with you some easy to follow home workouts, a workout calendar and more.


Great start to my day.

Becoming healthy and strong takes time.

But it is something we can all achieve if we focus in and commit to the process.

Take that journeyā€¦

Your mind and body will thank you for it!


Saturday Morning Cardio Session

Getting my movement in before I start my day.

Havenā€™t done a treadmill incline walk in a while, but switch up my training routine and so Iā€™m back at it.

Felt great.

Commit to your daily routine.

Go after your goals.

Happy Saturday šŸ˜Š


Leg day at the Gym!

Pushing throughā€¦ making strength gainsā€¦

Going after my goals.

The Journey is a processā€¦ it has many ups and downsā€¦ but as long as you stay committed, there will be many more ups šŸ’„

Donā€™t Stop

Keep Pushing through

One day at a time!


Back/ Bi today at the gym!

Switched up the workout again and it felt great!

My goal for the next 4 weeks is to lift heavy at the gym 3x per week and then I will be doing some at home workouts 2-3 times a week for my clients!

Biggest struggle the last week or so was not getting in enough water, so really going to focus on that!

Keep Going šŸ’„


Back At Itā€¦ Decided to enjoy the weekendā€¦ now we are back onā€¦ 11.5 weeks to goā€¦

Routine is changing up a bit as I am going to be focusing on lifting heavy at the gym 3 x per week and then doing some at home workouts 2x per week.

The goalā€¦ get fit, have fun, enjoy the processšŸ˜‰


Another workout completed!

Staying consistent with my workouts and nutrition as I am working through this deficit phase.


Today Iā€™m sharing last years beach picture as this is my focus for the next 12.5 weeks!

Get ready for the beach!

Iā€™m training hard to be able to enjoy myself this summer and to feel great in my swim suitā€¦.

This isnā€™t my only reason for trainingā€¦ but i love having goals and things to work towards.

Soā€¦ Monday is off to a great start!

Workout Completedā€¦

Water Intake On Trackā€¦

Todays nutrition is a higher carb day which Iā€™m excited about!

Life is Good šŸ˜Š


Happy Saturdayā€¦Final workout of the weekāœ”ļø

Today was a lighter workout where I just focused on shoulders.

It was great to get in and get it done. Time to go eat šŸ“


Leg Dayā€¦

Pyramid Trainingā€¦

Red Faceā€¦

Be careful on the stairsā€¦

DONE āœ”ļø


Today is a Rest Day!

I donā€™t post too many photos about my rest dayā€¦ so today I am

I am making sure that I am prioritizing my rest days in my program.

With this new program and cal deficit, I am really enjoying my recovery days.

So today i am focusing on creating videos for my Mommas & Macros group and creating training programs for my clients.

Happy Rest Day!!


Getting It Done!

This new program is a good challenge and Iā€™m loving it šŸ˜Š

Itā€™s different because I have cut back my lifting from 5 days a week to 4 and I have taken out the extra cardio for this week and next.

My goal is to be able to make this journey my lifestyle.

So that means that it has to fit with my schedule and be something that I can do weekly and something that I look forward to.

1 week downā€¦ 13 to go:)


There are 3 things I am going to really focus on in this Lose Phase of my Journeyā€¦

1- Water Intake šŸ’¦

2- Protein Intake

3- Tracking

Being on holidays it was really easy to not get my water in as I wasnā€™t as focused on that like I am in my routine. So my biggest focus with this is to start my day off with my water so that I get the momentum going for the day. My goal is 12 cups min per day!

When it comes to proteinā€¦ this is easier for me as I focus on creating each meal around what protein I am starting with. Protein intake is key to building lean muscle and also to losing weight.

Finally Trackingā€¦ because I am now in my Lose phase a caloric deficit, it is really important to track in this phase. This is where every little thing counts and can make or break the results I am looking for.

With my food I have decided to not only go into a deficit, but because I am doing some higher intensity workouts, I am also going to be doing some calorie cycling as well to help with my energy and strength on my training days. So tracking will be key!

Obviously there are many steps I am going to be working on over this next 12-14 weeksā€¦ but Iā€™m really going to focus on these 3 for the next 2 weeks.


Back at It!!

Today was my day 1 of my Lose Phase.

After a week of recovery (holiday) todays workout was challenging and something different.

My focus for the next 12-14 weeks is to train with a little higher intensity and I get to bring myself into my first caloric deficit after 16 weeks of building it up.

The goal is to ā€Loseā€ some of the body fat that Iā€™m carrying.

So I will be tracking my macros for the next couple weeks to make sure I am where I want to be with my numbers and then stick with it.

These next 12 weeks I will be more strict with my nutrition as I am focused on achieving the results.

I am doing this for 12-14 weeks and then I will have my exit plan.

I am able to do this here because I have put the time in to build it up.

Previously I have changed my shape and increased my lean muscle mass and now Iā€™m focused on leaning out and seeing all my hard work!

Here is to my LOSE phase:)

Photos from Kim Reaney's post 18/03/2023

Todays movement was a nice hike!

Love the warm weather and the great views.


My goal for the next 6 days is to make sure that I get at least 30 min of activity inā€¦

Today we are traveling and so I decided to get up and get a little step workout in since we will be sitting for most of the day!

Even though Iā€™m on holidays I still want to move daily. Iā€™m not pushing heavyā€¦ just enjoying the little sweat:)

Day 1 of holidays = 30 min of movement complete āœ”ļø

Welcome to My Page

Hey... Just wanted to say welcome to my page. This page is dedicated to all the busy women and men out there who are looking for a positive health and wellness community to join. As a stay at home mom, I am always on my own health and fitness journey and so I understand the challenges we go through when it comes to staying healthy and fit. So I am sharing this page with anyone who wants to commit to quick daily workouts and fun monthly challenges. I will share with you workout videos and fun tips that are aimed at helping you to lose weight, increase your strength or just maintain your healthy lifestyle. We are all in this together and so please know that this is a positive place and that I encourage you all to share along with me and to stay involved in the fun community. Know that everything I am sharing with you is done from the comfort of my own home, so please donā€™t judge the quality of the videos and lets get moving and stay fit!

Videos (show all)

I have been on this Journey for 6 Months Now and I am feeling stronger, more confident and so much healthier. Through th...
One of my favourite days to train is back day!
šŸ¤© I love having the option of variety in my workouts. There is so much you can do from the comfort of your own home to t...
Leg day at the Gym! Pushing throughā€¦ making strength gainsā€¦Going after my goals. The Journey is a processā€¦ it has many u...
Back At Itā€¦ Decided to enjoy the weekendā€¦ now we are back onā€¦ 11.5 weeks to goā€¦ Routine is changing up a bit as I am goi...
Todays workout was not my best workout yetā€¦ I was not feeling the best and a little off my gameā€¦Butā€¦That happens. I went...
Putting the work in šŸ’„This is from a workout the orher day. As I am wrapping up week 14ā€¦ itā€™s crazy to think of all the c...
Back Day... Today was a good day. Really felt the lats in todays workout.Its amazing the changes in strength in just 14 ...
Leg Day!!! Thought I would share a clip of my training. Today was more body weight / dumbbell resistance and Lunges! I h...
Week 11! What am I focusing on this week šŸ’„
This is what consistency looks likešŸ’„
Update: wrapping up week 7 and starting week 8!Itā€™s amazing how great you feel when you build up that routine and when t...