FitzFox Fitness

FitzFox Fitness

Group and personal instruction with a focus on Restorative Exercise and whole body alignment. 26/11/2020

The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting 22/04/2020

This is a goal that can start with a lot of lower body stretching: calves, hamstrings, feet.

The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting In much of the world, squatting is as normal a part of life as sitting in a chair.

57 Ways to Get More Physical Practice in Your Day 16/02/2020

57 Ways to Get More Physical Practice in Your Day More and more research says Non-Exercise Physical Activity (NEPA) is far more important for health than formal exercise. Here are some ideas to get more daily movement.

Timeline photos 21/01/2020

If modern human bodies need the same types of movement that hunter-gatherer humans enjoyed (they do) then how do I best help modern bodies (living modern lives in our anti-human modern culture) reclaim that movement?
That’s the question I think about Every. Single. Day.
Plus how to make this movement accessible, not overwhelming, and enjoyable, so we can actually do it. .
Here are my 9 top re-wilding movement strategies. Start with one or do as many as your brain and life will allow. Never be afraid to regress (or progress) an exercise or movement - bodies need time to adapt.
✅ Walk every day - bodies need to walk. Period. It’s the bread and butter. If you don’t have posterior push off, work on walking technique but still walk. In minimal shoes.
✅ Squat every day - same same. Squatting is not optional. If you don’t have a full squat, spend your time on squat prep.
✅ Hang every day - same same. Hanging is a key movement nutrient. Use as many shoulder prep exercises and modifications as you need to build strength.
✅ Transition to minimal shoes - modern shoes f**k your feet and the rest of your body. If you do nothing else do this.
✅ Use less furniture - more movement, no extra time needed. This is a no brainer in my opinion.
✅ Improve your alignment - how you move matters and how you move all day long matters the most. Alignment helps you learn movement technique - a bit like like weight lifting technique for real life.
✅ Mobilize your joints - Mobility makes everything better. You’ll squat, walk and hang better, alignment will be easier, your joints will be stronger, your balance will be better.
✅ Take exercise outside the gym - Packing in mini-bouts of exercise and movement will feed your cells the movement they need.
✅ Learn to release tension - Most of us are great at creating tension and sh*tty at releasing it. That’s super not cool. Releasing is a movement skill and you need it.
Obv there’s always more you can do but this list will keep most of us busy for a long time!
As always hit me up with Qs, thoughts, comments, inspired ideas, I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ hearing from you and I’m here to help you on your movement journey. So let’s get out there and get ! Rawr!!

Understanding and Caring for Your Feet 14/01/2020

Understanding and Caring for Your Feet Our feet are literally the base for all our movement, and yet they are often overused and neglected. Let's take a closer look at the foot and ankle, and talk about how to keep them performing best.


Had a really fun weekend in coursework and certification for Bal-A-Vis-X -- (Rhythmic Balance-Auditory-Vision-eXercises) and now I can't wait to add it to what we teach at Body Wisdom Studio and in our workshops. It feels like play but it's brain-body connection. Stay tuned!


Great explanation of why we need to relax our rib cage into a neutral spine.


Two and half hours later, we had an amazing time in our 'Stand Taller, Be Stronger, Balance Better' workshop for Dynamic Aging in Ithaca, New York. It was so much fun that I forgot to take even one picture. That might be a first.

If you're interested in joining Dr. Melissa Miller and myself in our next workshop, catch us tomorrow morning (Monday, July 1) at 9 a.m. at Barry Family Cellars in Burdett, NY. It's a 90-minute class.

It repeats one more time on Monday, July 8 at 10:30 at Heart to Heart Yoga in Elmira New York.

Did you hear that the book Dynamic Aging was named one of the top 100 books for all ages by the Washington Post? How cool is that?


Now you can sign up for an alignment and movement workshop in Burdett on Monday, July 1 but preregister soon. Space is limited!


New York workshops coming right up! I'm cohosting a restorative exercise workshop in Ithaca, New York with RES instructor and chiropractor Melissa Miller on Saturday, June 29 from 9:30 - noon. 'Stand Taller, Feel Stronger, Balance Better'. And another workshop in Elmira, NY on July 8, a few more workshops on the East Side of Seneca Lake on July 1 and July 3. You can preregister for the Ithaca workshop online. Contact me for more details about the other workshops.

Could you skip your workout if you built more activity into your day? 09/05/2019

Could you skip your workout if you built more activity into your day? “We are moving away from the word ‘exercise,’” says a researcher. The new term: “active living.”


Our Zumbistas are such warriors they come to class in an arm cast after hand surgery. Zumba Gold!


First day of paddleboarding was amazing. To witness the wibble-wobble response of my muscles when I first stood up as my neuromuscular system had to catch up with an unsteady surface. I'm amazed at the miracle of my brain taking only minutes to catch up to a new, unsteady surface. A Super Computer!


A great warm up for my shoulders by immobilizing my hand. Plus challenges my brain to figure out how to make it work. Borrowed from a RES colleague.