Thomas Frank

Thomas Frank

Author of "What's the Matter With Kansas?" and "Listen, Liberal." Scoffer. Carnivore. Midwesterner.

Opinion | The Deadly Lack of Imagination in the Democratic Party 30/12/2022

happy new year, I guess.

Opinion | The Deadly Lack of Imagination in the Democratic Party To defeat the right, we must first completely rethink the left.

Thomas Frank - "What the Hell, America?" (2022) 23/12/2022

What the hell, America.

Thomas Frank - "What the Hell, America?" (2022) In 2022, Thomas Frank traveled the country speaking to activist

Writers Live! Thomas Frank 07/07/2022

One week from today in Baltimore, Maryland. It is free, but they want you to sign up in advance.
- Bastille day
- The library that has HLM's papers
- Sad and yet somehow optimistic talk about the current predicament and the future of liberalism.
- Delivered by guy from kansas.

Writers Live! Thomas Frank Please join us for an evening with political analyst and historian Thomas Frank as he discusses his latest book, The People, No!