Catholic Conservation Center

Catholic Conservation Center

A page of the Saint Kateri Conservation Center. Please see that page for current postings.

The Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Conservation Center is unique among environmental groups in that we strive to be in complete fidelity with the Magisterium of the Church and we are pro-life.


Rest in peace, Kristen.

We are sorry to report that our dear former board member Kristen Hayes has passed away.

Kristen was a courageous crusader for life and environmental causes, and an inspiration to all of us in the Catholic ecology community. Kristen ran for a state office in PA as a pro-life Democrat, which was bold, if not entirely successful. Speaking up for life was most important. In 2011, Kristen wrote and distributed "A Catholic Call to Action: Protecting our most vulnerable population, our born and unborn children” and in 2012 she co-founded the grassroots group Protecting the Sanctity of All Life Movement, or PSALM. Most importantly, Kristen very much loved and was most proud of her children and spoke fondly of them often.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Kristen's family. Psalm


According to healthyyards org, "Native sedges, rushes and grasses are among the most diverse plant groups in North America. They provide important wildlife habitat, they improve water quality and reduce soil erosion. Sedges are becoming increasingly popular in gardens and landscapes as a ground cover or a lawn replacement option. We think sedges and rushes and grasses are particularly beautiful in winter. The birds picking the seeds in the quiet, cold winter days offer a heartwarming spectacle."


✝️ Feast Day of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in Canada, April 17 🐢

The Jesuit priests who knew Saint Kateri described her as “quick-witted,” which means that a person is mentally sharp and has the ability to think and respond rapidly.

In the case of Saint Kateri, the priests likely used this term to convey that she was intellectually agile, possessing a keen and alert mind. The priests were impressed with Kateri’s ability to grasp the teachings of the Catholic faith, actively participate in discussions, and demonstrate a thoughtful and perceptive nature.

Kateri’s motto became, “Who can tell me what is most pleasing to God that I may do it?”

Saint Kateri, pray for us.

Religious art by Colleen at . Thank you, Colleen! So many people are moved by your art!


"Dear children, we now have beautiful spring days; the sun with its warm rays awakens everything to new life, the grass sprouts from the earth, the flowers bloom in beautiful colors, and all of this inspires a person. It should be just like this in our life; it has to be springtime in our soul. The sun, which represents God, must cause its warmth to pe*****te our souls through its rays, and this beam of rays is Mary. And so our soul grows and the flowers of the virtues bloom. It would be a terrible thing if the life of divine grace were to die away within us, that life which fills a person and inflames him with love for his Creator and his Mother."

-Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Image: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), a perennial, flowering herb native to eastern North America, by Kat Hoenke, Associate Director


The disciples of Jesus saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they began to be afraid. But he said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid.”


Our founder and executive director, Bill Jacobs, is on the left, at Berrys Creek in NJ in 2009, monitoring one of the most toxic wetlands in the country, with one of the highest concentrations of mercury in the world.

We are proud of our work as Catholic, on-the-ground professional resource managers and scientists.

How Science Proves God’s Existence | The Lila Rose Podcast E80 05/01/2024

Here is an interesting discussion about science and faith, with
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.

How Science Proves God’s Existence | The Lila Rose Podcast E80 Were Adam and Eve real people? Was there a global flood? What about evolution? What’s the deal with Galileo? Is there scientific evidence to support the Inca...


Happy New Year!

🙏Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


🌿 Year-end Giving: Support the Parish Arks Initiative! 🌍🙏

This Christmas and New Year season, make a lasting impact by supporting our Parish Arks Initiative. Immerse your parish in the beauty of faith, biodiversity, and climate action.

🙏 Our goal is to conserve 30% of Catholic parish open land and water for the well-being of people, biodiversity, and climate resilience, through faith, preservation, rewilding, and restoration.

🌳 What Sets Us Apart:
Our initiative is led by Catholic professional natural resource managers and educators. We offer tailored support to help parishes become "mini arks" of conservation and faith.

🌟 Why Give?
Your contribution directly funds education, expert advice, and planning, making a tangible difference in the support of faith, preservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of climate change.

The initiative builds upon our popular Saint Kateri Habitats program.

🌈 Join Us in Building a More Beautiful and Faith-filled Future by Donating Here:

Image by Katie Dobies


🌿 Year-End Giving: Support the Parish Arks Initiative! 🌍🙏

This holiday season, make a lasting impact by supporting our Parish Arks Initiative and Saint Kateri Habitats. Immerse your parish in the beauty of faith, biodiversity, and climate action.

🌳 What Sets Us Apart:

Our initiative is led by professional Catholic resource managers, ecologists, and horticulturists. We offer tailored support to help parishes become "mini arks" of conservation and faith.

🌟 Why Give?

Your contribution directly funds education, expert advice, and planning, making a tangible difference in the preservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change.

🌈 Join Us in Creating a More Beautiful Future:


🌿 Embrace your faith in action! At the Saint Kateri Conservation Center, we believe that caring for creation is not just a duty but a way of being. Let's integrate our Catholic values into daily life, making every choice a reflection of our commitment to steward God's gifts. 🙏🌍


🎄✨ Merry Christmas from the Saint Kateri Conservation Center! 🌿🙏 Wishing you a joyous and blessed holiday season filled with the warmth of faith, the beauty of nature, and the love of family and friends. May the spirit of Christmas bring peace to your heart and the world. 🕊️🌎


🌿✨ Join Us in Preserving God's Creation! 🌍✝️

Dear friends of Saint Kateri Conservation Center,

At the intersection of faith and ecology, we are on a mission to be stewards of God's creation. 🙏🍃 Your support has been instrumental in our efforts to protect Catholic land and water, conserve biodiversity, tackle climate change, and restore the environment.

🌱 With every donation, you become a guardian of the Earth, working hand in hand with us to make a lasting impact. Together, we can sow the seeds of positive change and nurture a world where nature and spirituality thrive in harmony.

🌺 How You Can Help:

💚 Donate today to fuel our conservation initiatives.
🌍 Spread the word: Share this post and help us reach more hearts.
🙏 Keep us in your prayers as we embark on this sacred journey.
Your generosity has the power to transform landscapes and hearts. Let's unite in this noble cause, inspired by the teachings of Saint Kateri, and be the change our planet needs. 🌏🕊️

Donate now:

Thank you for being the light that guides us on this eco-spiritual journey. Together, we can make a difference!

🌿✨ Saint Kateri Conservation Center ✨🌿


Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful for all of you!

As we gather to give thanks to God, we would like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of our incredible followers and supporters. Your unwavering commitment to the Saint Kateri Conservation Center has been a beacon of light, and we are truly thankful for the positive impact you've helped us create.


"0h! that you had but ears to hear the voices of the creatures, you would easily understand how they all agree in their inviting you to the love of God; for they silently declare they have been created to serve you: that you may, therefore, love and adore this common Lord, not only for yourself, but for them."

Venerable Louis of Grenada


Image of Pyramid Lake by Kat Hoenke, our Associate Director

Pyramid Life Center


Don’t forget to register! Registration is now open for our second annual Catholic Ecology at Home Retreat held at the in upstate NY Sept 15-17! Join us for guest speakers, prayer, time in nature, and collaborative dialogue on how you can care for creation at home! Link in bio to register. Check our highlights for photos from last year!


Here are our top 6 recommended actions for the environment:

1. Love God; love others as yourself.
2. Go to Mass.
3. Go to Confession.
4. Pray.
5. Read the Bible and listen to the message of creation.
6. Put Catholic social teaching into action, including care and respect for all of God's creatures.

God's creatures include plants, animals, air, water, and land.

CNS photo by Gregory A. Shemitz


Kat Hoenke, our Associate Director, and Bill Jacobs, our Executive Director, visited our 150-acre Churchill Brook Wildlife Sanctuary in New Hampshire and saw this cute little baby porcupine. Won't you please support our Catholic conservation land trust? Bless you. Visit our website at

Dear Reader: 'Lily of the Mohawks' 28/04/2023

Our volunteer team - Bill, Kat, Ronnie, and Annalise - is featured in the April issue of the Saint Anthony Messenger! Read our story of Catholic faith and nature conservation by subscribing to this wonderful magazine.

Dear Reader: 'Lily of the Mohawks' As an Algonquin–Mohawk born in New York State, Kateri, known as the “Lily of the Mohawks,” would have lived in accordance with the rhythms of the seasons.


On the first day of the week,
Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning,
while it was still dark,
and saw the stone removed from the tomb.

Happy Easter!


The temptations of the devil toward Jesus in the Gospel: the lure of consumerism (“bread”), arrogance (“throw yourself down”), and power (“kingdoms”), are the basis of much of the sin that damages our environment today.


"Lenten penance is a commitment, sustained by grace, to overcoming our lack of faith and our resistance to following Jesus on the way of the cross... We must allow ourselves to be taken aside by him and to detach ourselves from mediocrity and vanity. We need to set out on the journey, an uphill path that, like a mountain trek, requires effort, sacrifice, and concentration."

-Pope Francis


Before man are life and death, good and evil,
whichever he chooses shall be given him.

Before man are life and death, good and evil,
whichever he chooses shall be given him.


The restoration of the planet begins in your backyard! Here is a wonderful book by Doug Tallamy that can help you cultivate and care for your Saint Kateri Habitat. Now is a good time to prepare for the spring.


Happy New Year! Saint Kateri, pray for us.


We are raising funds for our programs, including our first ever Land Trust project, a land acquisition which requires funding for stewardship. Please consider donating this year to help us achieve our goals!

We are raising funds for our programs, including our first ever Land Trust project, a land acquisition which requires funding for stewardship. Please consider donating this year to help us achieve our goals!


Don’t forget to leave the leaves and don’t cut native stalks until spring! If you must move the leaves, move them to a pile or to insulate garden roots but let them stay intact so caterpillars and insects using them for habitat stay safe. Stay tuned for a cool video for why we leave the stalks!


Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice;
let the sea and what fills it resound;
let the plains be joyful and all that is in them.
Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice
before the LORD who comes,
who comes to govern the earth.


By the LORD’s word the heavens were made;
by the breath of his mouth all their host.
He gathered the waters of the sea as a mound;
he sets the deep into storage vaults...
For he spoke, and it came to be,
commanded, and it stood in place.

18 Food Crops Developed in the Americas 19/10/2022

18 Food Crops Developed in the Americas How Native peoples revolutionized your dinner.