Lyric Moya

Lyric Moya



Such an incredible photograph taken by Wayne Suggs Photography last night. You can view and purchase all of Wayne's images directly on our website here - 🙌

Eye of the Blood Moon
Wayne Suggs Photography

I thought a lot about where to photograph the Blood Moon. I kept coming back to the Organ Mountains. It had been a while since I'd taken an image in my back yard. It just made sense. I spent a few days scouting and found this location the day before the event.
I was a bit concerned about the weather forecast. Overcast until 11:00 pm, then clearing. I began my hike about three hours before sunset. I arrived in plenty of time to get everything set up, have a bite to eat, and to just take in the scene. I realized how much I had missed these mountains.
The moon would rise in the saddle between the granite peaks to the left and the volcanic mountains to the right. As the sun fell on the horizon, the clouds began to come in. I was hoping the forecast would be wrong. As darkness fell, the moon began to light up the high wispy clouds that floated above the mountains.
I was elated. With my composition already set up, as the moon began to grow darker from left to right. At 9:30 pm I took my photograph.
As the night went on I realized there was no one else around. I had the whole mountain to myself.
After I took my image, I sat on the rock and just took it all in. A full persimmon moon and the beauty of so many stars as the horsetail clouds made their way across the sky.
What an evening.
This image is available for purchase. You can find it here:
About the photograph: Nikon Z7II Nikkor 35mm 1.8 lens. Kase night sky filter and a Move Shoot Move tracker.
