Liam - GPC World Championships 2024

Liam - GPC World Championships 2024

Liam has qualified to lift at the 2024 GPC World Championships in Trnava, Slovakia.


Liam has qualified to compete at the 2024 GPC World Championships in Trnava, Slovakia, October 10th - 13th.

As an athlete of 16 years of age, this is a huge achievement and a fantastic opportunity.

At the Welsh Championships in March, Liam bagged him self a British Record in the bench press and firmly established himself as a crowd favourite on the day.

To enable Liam to compete at the World’s, we are going to be looking for some sponsorship to help cover the cost of flights, accommodation and entry fees etc, as Liam is still in full time education so unable to self fund.

If any companies are interested in being involved in this journey, please contact us via this page or email [email protected]

In return, we can offer you:
• Links and coverage in social media posts - with an audience of over 7,500 contacts across multiple platforms (not including shares or 2nd/3rd person likes etc),
• Opportunities for your logo to be worn on Liam’s clothing at the championships, opening up exposure to a global market,
• Mentions in write ups and interviews,
• Publicity opportunities in the run up and summary of the event, in online and print media.

Let’s all get behind Liam and make this dream a reality. Please like, share and follow this page.

Thank you.
