Fighting mylife through all my illness on a daily base

Fighting mylife through all my illness on a daily base

My name is Ginger and I live with IIH, Chronic Migraine, Chronic Pain, Panic Anxiety, PTSD, and the new one fibromyaliga.

I have been living with these illnesses for the past 3 years.


Anxiety and Panic Attacks you can’t control. It’s not like something you can turn a switch on and off. It’s a thing that happens to you at the worst times and not something you can control so you have to roll with the flow using the systems you have in place. You don’t know who might have it because it is something that I try not to show the world except a few close people. Mental health is something I take very seriously so do not be judgmental of someone you don’t know what demons they are dealing with . Point to this message be kind to everyone it just might be what the need in their life.


Well the one thing I can say is that last week was a horrible week dealing with doctors. My first appointment for the week was with my new psychiatrist and she just felt like a robot and wouldn’t let me speak at all to explain what has been going on. Her comment was that they have a whole book of medications to get me close to 100% . I felt off by that comment because I am not looking to take more pills I eventually want lesser pills. It’s just weird because I don’t want to become hooked on more or different medications. I just want it to be were my head act like one head and not a two heads. What do you think when I say that sometimes I feel like my head is trying to split it self in two. I hate describing things because I feel weird when I do but I try. You all have a great night


Have you ever just had a day where your just over the pain and memory loss that your illness brings .It’s just one more of the craziest things we deal with when we have illnesses that we handle on a daily base. They should give you a pamphlet of everything your gonna experience with your illness from the pain, memory loss, the loneliness, and all the other the illness brings you so that you are well prepared. Am I the only that believes this. If you believe what I am saving make a comment or like this comment so that way I know I am not alone.
Some of my art work that I finally finish and hanged up and my art area in the garage. One thing that I notice about myself is that I get these ideas and depending on how I am feeling I will finish the first or start them than finish. So yesterday I finished my giraffe. It makes me happy to complete them.

Some of my 29/05/2024

Hi everyone,
We have a total of 3 followers I am so tickled pink which for people that has never heard that term before it means that I am very excited.
What can I tell you except that today has been a day of poopy sticks, but I am so thankful for my 2 baby's (Dogs) they cuddle up with me all day. My IIH and Fibro has hit me on another level I usually don't hide away from the sun or light but today I guess the best way to put it is that I was like a vampire. I asked my boyfriend to close up all the blinds to make it darker in the living room because I got tired of being in the bedroom. I was like a little scared hermit hiding in its shell. Then I was in such pain from the Fibro that my skin felt tight, and hands were super swollen. Does this ever happen to any of you guys.
Being sick sucks but having flare up bites balls its the hidden things that we get so well hiding to others and to ourselves because we don't want the pity look. We just want to be held and loved because we can't do much about flare up but ride them out snoopy dog style
Peace Love and follow and spread the word. 😀


Hi everyone,
Happy belated Memorial Day I hope that some of my followers had a good day and ate alot of food


I am back its been interesting when you have IIH, Chronic Pain, Chronic Migraines and Fibromyalgia and you try your hardest to be apart of society. When this happens my stress levels go a little up that I have to take some ma*****na to help with the pain and calm me down. Its a good idea but than when I get the high moment out in public I get more nervous because I dont want to look stupid in front of my peers. As soon we are leaving the event I will ask my partner if I acted stupid, every time he will reassure me that I acted fine.
Another thing that we battle is going to make sure to keep our self's busy during the day by doing little hobbies because if not I would sleep the pain away and then I will feel that I slept the day away and it will make me more depressed. Living this life on a daily base can make you feel like you have one leg going in the darkness and one foot on a rope trying to balance your life out so that way you dont have both feet in the darkness. We all know that going into the darkness is so much harder to get out of at least it is for me.
There are some day's or I would say half of my days I have a hard time sleeping through the night because of my pain which is why I will wake up by 9am take my meds and go back to sleep till 11am when the meds start working. Do any of you guys every experience this. Please comment and post how you handle your daily struggles. I will talk to you guys' soon peace, love, and happiness and thank you for reading


Today was not a total lost … ohh let me introduce myself I am Ginger and I have been living with 3 major illnesses and 2 minor illness. I struggle with trying to find the happiness and beauty in every day little things. I am working on that but things have been an interesting struggle. Because some weeks are harder than others. Well today was a hard day for me because I have had flare ups from IIH. I have been diagnosed with IIH for the last 3 years. I am starting this blog because I want other people who struggle and have one foot in and one foot out of the dark hole that you are not alone. I will be posting 2-4 times a week of the up and downs I face on a daily basis. I hope to hear from you guys soon.😀 Also remember to take things one day and maybe one hour at a time.
