9 Avril

9 Avril

M1 English


I got a lot to say
Sometimes I need to play
Fed up in my own way
Deep feeling inside my heart stay
My writings filled my stressed day
But never give up to dream or to go away
A secret place I have in my mind
Accumulate thoughts you can find
I want to look around
New meaning with big sound
I love hitting the ground
Listening my voice loud
My past was hollow
Nothing special to follow
My life without plan flow
My candles that I blow
A new way I start to draw
Dreams try to grow
Nothing in my life to hide
My pass word is "never mind"
I throw all difficulties behind
My heart remains big and kind
Hb poems


The treasure valley
Body of a female
A secret smile
Expresses the entire body file
Her face no longer pale
She looks very style
On the oval face
You see the chin trace
sparks a deep meaning
Points to the rife giving
High neck like a tower
Pride of a tulip flower
With a magic power
Looking to the unknown
Shores and the whole town
Her small nose
Smells the land rose
Gives the feeling to be close
A relation of intimacy
Between Nature and Sea


طوابع بريدية قديمة :
تاريخ الاصدار: 27 جوان 1977 بمناسبة البطولة العالمية الأولى للأواسط في كرة القدم التي نظمتها تونس من 27 جوان إلى 10 جويلية 1977 بمشاركة 16 دولة.

TikTok · AchieveZpotential 14/09/2023

TikTok · AchieveZpotential 288 likes, 9 comments. “Change her mood easiely. What to do when your girl is pi**ed off at you.”



I pronounce the letter M and say
May be this is Monday
You never lose her steps
She is near perhaps
She is something precious
Beautiful, so conscious
She deserves to replace lights
And be the queen of all the wives
She is a life bare of harms
A help with strong arms
She bears with no tears
Love as a dove
She is the patience
With good notions
Big heart as the ocean
A secret and exclamation
Smooth feeling with dreams
Strong love without memes
Life without knife
Peace and no strife
Owns wisdom and ready to hear
With lust and desire she is so near
Who is this white dove?
That sends this great love
Of course she is my Mother
I wish every mum live forever
HB Poems 08 October 2014


أبواب مدينة تونس : باب القرجاني

Mobile uploads 26/12/2022

Mind full of thought
Heavy burden brought
Carries all what he taught

Rights and Duties
Deeds, and fees
Problems increase
Nothing cease

Big head full of questions
Smart mind, has reactions
World filled by contemplations

Look far from your eyes
Don't use lies
Lies and doubts paralyse
Human head grow in size

Keep your doubt away
Try just to think and say
In this world we have to play
don't give up, keep straight your way

Everything drawn in the head
Big head, but full of dread
Fear of dead, instead
Everything has been said
Carry your head,
Everything was bad
Drag it away and never be sad

Mobile uploads 08/03/2022

شيباني ينصح في ولده قاله:
لما تعاشر عاشر الذيب من بعيد تسمع عواه ولا تعاشر بنادم قريب زي الجمل يغدر مولاه نوصيك يا واكل الراس في البير ارمي عضامه ونوصيك يا قاعد مع الناس فمك ديرله لجامه ما تخالط وماتقول انا غالط وماتعاشر النحل وما تشكي من لسعته احكي سرك للبعيد حتي كان قاله يكون بعيد عليك ولا تحكيه للقريب يجيبلك العيب لباب دارك ثلاثه خساره في ثلاثه : خسارة القمح في دواب وخساره العسل في الكلاب وخسارة الواجب في الي مايعرف الجواب وخسارة المسمار في اللوح الراش وخسارة المحبه في الي مايستاهلهاش ويدور الزمان وتكبر الزيتونه ويقعد رماد النار في كانونه والي راح من العمر راح ماعاد ترجع ايامه والي طاح من العين طاح ماعاد يعلا مقامه..


Once upon a time
Today's talk is about crime
Heavy burden now becomes mine
How our children can be fine?
Softness of a pillow
That I see below
Purity white as snow
Cute child, dreams blow
In the other corner
I feel the heart torner
Hardness of a stone
In touching you feel the bone
Between the play and the dreams
It seems
there are rude sins
Toward Childhood
Cruelty of humanity
Injustice and calamity
You can feel the difference
Many times not only once
Homeless childhood
Poverty remains stood
Between stolen sleep
you can make a leap
To constructed childhood
Rest and dreams so good
Happy mood
It is clear
in between
there and here
Gloomy atmosphere
Big fear
Long tear
Heavy burden
Poor children
Everything by man done
The good and bad, they can
How can you keep?
Torn human deep
You must feel the rip
childhood no longer in our grip
All the crimes are skipped
Our children ripped
In the other side
You can follow the guide
A deep sleep
To lovely dreams full of tip
Something fun
full of sun
Also made by man
Human is bad
Makes our childhood sad
Human is mad
They do not know
Feelings they have to borrow
Children are our flag
They make us glad
We have to be sad
Losing them
is something really mad


Lazy woman

I became a lazy woman
in my head a big trauma
With a pain in the stomac
While walking in the street
And my body no longer fit
It carries an inflated abdomen
all what is bad is shown
Corona virus is an omen
As if people’s eyes lit
To see my heavy feet
I am feeling sad a little bit
this pain I want to beat?
I became a lazy woman
In my head a big trauma
Very close is the coma
I walk near the big ben
Not like a gentleman
But like a very slow hen
Strutting but without fun
I became a shy woman
Unlike an active man
How can I inform the big ben
That this disease is a bad omen
I can’t raise my hand
Corona has a serious stand
Looking for a new trend
Inside my sick body land
I became a lazy woman
Bad disease killing the human
Oh, what a bad omen
To be a lazy woman

HB Poems


The music day
Music have to play
Today and every day
Today who dares to say
Music is not a ray

You should to live the Music
You must to dive inside
It plays on the basic
The soul and heart by side

Love of music is the logic
The heart has new site
The music is a magic
All the day, all the night

Music have to play
today and every day
Today who dares to say
Music is not the ray

Your heart live the tight
Music brings light
Listen to music at night
All the joy, and all the bright
You have all the right
Music is the diet

It strengthens love's sight
In the life flight

Music is the lovely deal
By music you can feel
By dreams life you fill
And reach the top of hill

A cool heart
By the music

To be smart
Play the music

You want to start
just live the music

Music has a start
In life it has a chart
it is a big life part

Music is a song
Lovely rhymes in the tongue
By music you live so long
Your heart becomes strong

Lover of the music
never be wrong

Music have to play
Today and every day
Today who dares to say
Music is not a ray

HB Poems 22/06/2021

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The Treasure Valley
