Angelic Realms

Angelic Realms

-Reiki: Approximately 60-90 minutes
-Oracle Card Readings: Approximately 25 minutes
-Smudging: Approximately 30-60 minutes

Reiki: Reiki is a form of energetic healing where the practitioner becomes a clear channel for the Reiki energy to flow through them and into the client. Reiki can heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It can be used to help heal both people and animals.

-Telepathic Reiki: Reiki energy can be sent to individuals or animals at any place at any time. These sessions can occur when the



🎨: Katie Daisy


Sun has moved from fiery Aries to earthy Ta**us. When Sun, the father, is in Ta**us we become more grounded, rooted and we become determined to move forward, steadily. We also become more sensual and we feel strongly about our values. In the astrology chart, Ta**us is the first earth sign, in the second house and ruled by Venus.

Venus is the Goddess of love and rules both Ta**us and Libra. In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love, s*x, fertility and beauty (in greek Aphrodite). She also rules money which makes Ta**us and the second house related to material and financial stability. Ta**us is an earthy, grounded sign, that moves at its own pace. It takes its time to build the foundation and the security. Ta**us also rules the senses and loves to indulge in beautiful things and in good foods.

Ta**us does everything to have stability and security and loves to accumulate possessions. Ta**us is stable, reliable, down to earth, ambitious and also sensual due to its Venus nature. The downside of Ta**us is its stubbornness, laziness, materialistic, possessive and frugal. A Taurean can exhibit both light and dark sides of its sign and we can always work to improve our traits and work toward the higher octave of each sign.

How many here are Taurean? Happy earth strong to you all!


Sometimes in the quiet moments or somewhere in the dark, you find yourself.

We dug. We went deep. We are now coming up for air.

Stay tuned for some upcoming circles, workshops and more, that you don't want to miss.

Until then, take care beauties.

Lindsay & Dani
Soul Sisters Spiritual Services


My Kind of Spirituality

My kind of spirituality is the kind that needs no name. It respects no rules and fits no form. It’s as unique as an evening star, and fluid as the morning mists.

My kind of spirituality doesn’t come from the pages of a book, but rises up from the depths of my soul. My sacred scriptures are written on the river currents and my favorite hymns are whispered on the wind. The forest is my church and my body is my holy temple. My favorite teachers are the birds and the trees; and among my guides are the sun, moon, and stars.

My kind of spirituality honors all prophets and respects all saints; and it recognizes truth no matter its guise. I hang out with Buddha and talk with Christ. I serve love and obey my heart. I bow before the mother earth, beauty, light, and father sky; and I think of worship as writing poetry, planting flowers, and making love.

My kind of spirituality is the kind that respects all life and knows the consciousness in all things. It’s about honoring people, beasts, the skies, and the seas at once and equally. I speak to the animals and sometimes hug the trees. I humble myself before mountains and streams, flow with the breeze, and speak directly to the sun.

My kind of spirituality is the kind that dives down deep. I see peoples’ colors and hear their vibes. I feel what others feel. I know what you’re trying to tell me even when you have no words.
I believe in the healing touch and the power of unconditional love; and I see divinity in everything.

My kind of spirituality is about being as free as the birds, grounded as the trees, and honest as the clear blue sea. My heaven is here on earth, and my hell is too. The whispers of my spirit are my pastor, priest, and cleric, and my savior is in the mirror looking back at me. In divine synchronicity I trust, in love I am purified, and in my own tears I have been baptized.

My kind of spirituality isn’t at odds with yours, whatever it may be. I love your spirit. I respect your truth. I see the light that shines from behind your eyes and I’m in awe of the beauty that you hold inside.
I’ll be your teacher if you will be mine.

My kind of spirituality is the kind that others may not always understand, but it leads me to truth as surely as the rivers run into the sea. All that really matters is that my kind of spirituality is exactly what I need it to be. My kind of spirituality is the kind that’s right for me.

©2017 Cristen Rodgers

Shared with ❤️
Sacred Wild Woman Medicine

Photo Credit~ Unknown


Happy Full Moon in Aquarius 💖


And so it is! 💖💖💖


And so it is!


Happy Lions Gate! The Portal is open!


"You are the container for the most intense form of sacred energy."

Sally Kempton

Art by Helena Arturaleza, 'Rebirth Earth'


Let’s Go Leo Season ☀️🦁☀️

☀️The Sun enters Leo which shines the light of courage into our world

🦁The Lion tells us to have faith in ourselves and in our dreams

🦁Leo energy is reminding us that we need to focus on what sets our hearts aflame

☀️This is a call to release the mundane, the settling and what no longer calls to our soul

☀️Leo also reminds us to have some fun and enjoy ourselves more


Hi Loves,

I am excited to announce that I, along with Soul Compass, will be teaching a Reiki Level I and II class on August 14th and 15th. The class will be located in Crossfield, AB.

The cost is $222.

Detailed information will be sent to participants.

Please pm me if you are interested in joining.

The Coming Strawberry Super Moon Is Going To Push All The Signs Into Emotional Overdrive 23/06/2021

The Coming Strawberry Super Moon Is Going To Push All The Signs Into Emotional Overdrive As many of you now know, on the 24th we will all be experiencing the Full Strawberry moon! During this full moon we will find ourselves face to face with one of the most magical moons of the year, and it is going to be an emotional one! Those who are aware of the impact of the moon and its phases ar...

Photos from Girl and Her Moon's post 09/06/2021

