CCNY Women in Physics - WiP Club

CCNY Women in Physics - WiP Club

Welcome! This is the official page for the APS-funded CCNY Women in Physics (WiP) Club. Be sure to stop by- events and meetings will be posted regularly.


Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I wanted to make a couple of quick shout-outs:

Congrats to the women that graduated this semester! We did it guys!

A huge congrats also goes out to the three women I heard obtained REUs this summer!!! Have an amazing time! πŸ˜ƒ

Best of luck to everyone next semester - even though I won't be a student anymore I'll be sure to pop in and say hi 😊 have a great summer everyone!!!!

All the best,


Hi everyone! I hope your semester is going well so far 😊

Next Tuesday (2/20), the Division of Science Student Council is hosting a Research Opportunities Fair in the Marshak cafe area from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. *Note that it is a Monday schedule.

For those who don't have research experiences yet and would like to get involved, this is a great opportunity! Professors accepting new students & undergrads that have partaken in research experiences will be present. **Free refreshments will be served.**

Here's a current list of professors attending:

Physics: Vinod Menon, Marilyn Gunner
EAS: James Booth, Benjamin Black
Sophie Davis: Itzhak Mano, Andreas Kottmann
Biology: Mark Emerson, Ana Carnaval, Osceola Whitney

Have good weekend!



Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely break - to those who attended CUWiP, I hope you had as much fun as I did :D

The CCNY Physics Club is having a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6, during club hours. I encourage you all to attend as thoughts on CUWiP, tips to applying to summer programs, and outreach opportunities will be discussed :)

I'm planning a meeting sometime soon (in ~2 weeks from now: I'll post a set date as soon as I know) *with food* - either I'll order some pizza or bring in Dunkin Donuts. If you have a preference, feel free to comment below :)

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!



Hi everyone!

CUWiP NYC starts tomorrow!!

Some important notes if you're *attending* the conference:

-Check in is from 2:00 - 6:00 pm tomorrow afternoon at The Columbia U. Pupin Hall Theory Center (located on the eighth and ninth floors - you will be directed accordingly).

-Pupin Hall is off of 120th Street & BWay - the exact address is 538 120th street. Plugging the address into google maps should work, but if you're super lost, shoot me a message and I'll get someone to help you out.

Some important notes if you're *volunteering* at the conference:

-If you have not confirmed your volunteering positions with Laura Havener, please do so immediately.

-When you aren't scheduled to do anything, you're free to partake in all conference activities (food included) or do something else, though I highly suggest sticking around as we have some incredible events planned :D

I'm really, really excited to see those attending/volunteering tomorrow! A ton of work has gone into planning CUWiP NYC 2018 and I cannot wait to see how incredible it'll be


Hi all! Here's a wonderful opportunity for certain STEM students posted by APS:

"The American Physical Society and IBM co-sponsor two undergraduate research internship programs: the APS/IBM Research Internship for Undergraduate Women, and the APS/IBM Research Internships for Underrepresented Minority Students. The goal of these internships is to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering. Any student who identifies as a woman and an underrepresented minority is eligible to apply to both internships."

**NOTE: The application is due by February 15.

Click here to learn more:

Looking forward to seeing CUWiP attendees/volunteers soon!



Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful break so far! Thankfully we have three weeks left of rest and relaxation 😊

I apologize for my lack of posts lately - I was away visiting family for the past couple of weeks. I'm back in NYC, and, despite being sick, am seriously looking forward to CUWiP 2018!

The CUWiP NYC site has recently been updated and includes information on the conference schedule, speakers, events, etc. Check it out here:

Furthermore, if you're a CCNY attendee, Professor Myriam Sarachik recently sent out an email regarding reimbursement for the attendance fee. If you're seeking reimbursement, please contact her as soon as possible regarding this matter.

CUWiP 2018 is, quite literally, just around the corner and I look forward to seeing everyone! Have a good week πŸ˜ƒ


Hello Everyone! I hope your finals are going well and you're all excited for break 😊

I received an email this morning from Sue Turner about an AWESOME opportunity this summer with the CCNY NOAA CREST Institute. If you want some great hands on physics experience (with a stipend!), think about applying 😁

Good luck on the rest of your exams and if you're done, congrats - you did it!!!



Hi everyone,

Professor Franco wanted me to spread the word about next week's colloquium speaker: Dr. Anastasia Volovich from Brown University. Dr. Volovich's research is described in the attachment.

Good luck on finals!!!


Hi Everyone!

The CUWiP Local Organizing Committee is actively looking for volunteers for this year's conference. If you're not attending but would still like to get involved/see all of the awesome speakers and panelists, drop your info below!

We are looking for volunteers that are available the days of the conference (at least one day), 1/12 to 1/14, and volunteers that can help out the week leading up to the conference (starting 1/8). Volunteers will get FREE FOOD at the conference.

This is an awesome experience to be a part of and to add to your resume 😊

Speakers 19/11/2017

Hi guys! APS CUWiP 2018 Columbia/Barnard/CCNY is less than two months away, which means the conference website is continuously updating!

Check out some of the incredible speakers you'll get to hear at this year's conference! Have a good Sunday 😁

Speakers Her research focuses on studies of the Universe at both the smallest and the largest scales, to probe two questions: What is the Universe made of? What are the laws of physics that govern the constituents of the Universe? She has held a number of leadership positions in experiments at accelerators t...


Hi everyone! I'm back from the depths of midterms.

A couple of things to address:

1. The CUWiP registration deadline is this Friday!!! Make sure you finish registration in order to attend the conference! If you need a fee waiver, please let me know in a private message and I can go over the procedure with you.

2. I want to have a finals week relaxation day soon. I'm thinking December 7th during club hours. Let me know if this is a good day! :)

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!



Check out what's hanging out on the corner of my laptop... I'm not talking about the scratch... πŸ˜†

Get ready for some great CUWiP swag this January! This sticker (and many other items) are coming your way - don't forget to officially register by 11/17!

Have a good weekend everyone πŸ˜ƒ



Hi Everyone! Good news: CUWiP Acceptance Letters have gone out today! Check your inboxes 😁 I hope you all got in!



Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a restful and fun weekend.

Tomorrow, Professor Alexios Polychronakos will be giving a talk on the Nobel Prize in Physics of 2017 for the observation of gravitational waves. The talk will take place in MR418 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.

I will only be able to attend the lecture from 12:30 to 1 pm, but I hope to see you all there!



Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween! πŸ˜ŠπŸŽƒ

If you applied for CUWiP, you should know if you're admitted or not soon (I'm on this branch of the CUWiP organizing committee so I'm not sure when exactly), keep your eyes posted to your emails!

If you haven't followed the Columbia/Barnard/CCNY CUWiP Instagram (see below) and Facebook ( pages yet, please do so! Exciting updates about the conference will be posted regularly (see below).

I'm planning on possibly having a meeting next Thursday, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement! Until then, have a great week! 😁



Hi guys! I have some updates:

1. I'm happy to announce Daniella Barr is our new Vice President of the Women in Physics Club! If you haven't met her yet, be sure to get to know her 😊 she's super nice and smart and an awesome addition to the WiP Club Executive Board!

2. I submitted a grant proposal for more American Physical Society funding last night, which means another $1000 might be headed our way! I couldn't have done it without the help of Dr. Marilyn Gunner, our faculty mentor, and Dr. Swapan Gayen, our department chair.

3. I'm planning on hosting a meeting soon and Dr. Gunner will be joining us :) Keep your eye out for the next post/email!

Have a great weekend everyone 😁

Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics 12/10/2017

**Attention** Applications for APS CUWiP 2018 close TOMORROW at midnight! If you haven't applied yet, please do! The application takes no longer than 20 minutes and it is SO worth it to attend an empowering, motivating, and super fun event that's all about supporting women in physics. 😁

Here's a link to the application:

Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors.


Hi guys! I'll be a couple of minutes late to today's meeting - sorry about that. See you all soon!


Good Afternoon, everyone! Happy weekend! :)

Last week's meeting planning didn't work out (I think it was a busy exam week for most and certainly a busy life week for me), but no worries!

Our second meeting of the semester will take place this Tuesday, October 10 at 12:30 pm in the Physics Club Room.
(I'm also going to look into which classrooms are empty at that time to see if we can monopolize one of those instead).

Please come by - I have some exciting announcements to make!

Looking forward to seeing you all πŸ€— Enjoy the long weekend!

ZTribe: "Professionalism 101" w/ Kim Wales & Celia Lloyd 05/10/2017

Hi guys! I have a couple of announcements regarding some exciting events coming up:

1. The Zahn Center Z Tribe is hosting a talk on mastering professionalism and networking - my favorite administrator at CCNY, Celia Lloyd, is one of the presenters. Check it out!

2. The STEM Career fair is tomorrow afternoon from 12-4 pm in the Great Hall! They'll be looking for interns and upcoming grads. Be sure to check it out :)

Have a great start to the weekend everyone!

ZTribe: "Professionalism 101" w/ Kim Wales & Celia Lloyd Do networking events scare you? Are you always wondering what "business professional attire" means? Do you have a hard time reaching out to people? At the first Ztribe of the year, we'll discuss how to become a networker who knows how to own the room (and look at act super professionally while doing...

Doodle: Women in Physics Meeting 29/09/2017

Hi everyone! Happy Friday 😁

I'd love to have another meeting this week! This Tuesday, 10/3, I'll be presenting my drone work at the CCNY Physics Club meeting (I encourage you all to attend CCNY Physics Club Meetings regardless), so that will be a no-go, but any other day is fine by me!

Please fill out the doodle poll with your availability over the weekend. Hoping to see you all soon! πŸ€—

Doodle: Women in Physics Meeting Doodle radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings, appointments, etc. Herding cats gets 2x faster with Doodle. For free!


Hi guys! I'm sorry I couldn't make it to last week's Physics Club meeting - I fell ill during my first class of the day 😞

I'm happy to announce there's a super cool event coming up this week! I'll surely be attending this talk by an awesome woman in physics!

Check out the flyer below! Have a great beginning of the week :D

APS CUWiP NYC 2018 15/09/2017

Hey guys! The CCNY/Columbia/Barnard CUWiP website is now live! Check it out for more information on the conference and a link to apply :) Have a good weekend!

APS CUWiP NYC 2018 On the weekend of January 12-14, 2018, Columbia University, Barnard College, and City College of New York will host the American Physical Society Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (APS CUWiP) for the metropolitan New York region. Applications will open September 1, 2017 and close Octobe...


Hi everyone! I'm happy to report we had a great first meeting :) I got awesome feedback from the members who could make it today and look forward to hearing ideas from those who couldn't.

I'll be sending out another doodle poll for a meeting later next week - feel free to invite anyone you know who may be interested to tag along!

I hope you all have a great weekend :D



Hi guys! We'll be meeting in MR 421 tomorrow. I will be there for 12:15. See you guys soon :)


Hi everyone! The Zahn Center has a really great opportunity to get some hands-on experience with hardware and software: the program is called the SuperUser program (Linux reference, anyone?) and independent study will be granted as part of the apprenticeship.

For more information, check out this flyer and submit your application here (
) if interested!

Have a great weekend :)

**ps I know Aulio Diaz, the head engineer of the ZC. If you're interested let me know as well, I'll put in a good word!

Doodle: First Meeting! 06/09/2017

Hey everyone! Now that the semester has been in session for a couple of weeks, I would like to have our first meeting.

I was planning on holding the meeting next Tuesday during club hours, but I just found out last night I'm giving a presentation at that time.

Here's a doodle poll. Please fill it out accordingly ASAP (Saturday the latest) so I can book a space for us (or at least let people know we'll be occupying the Physics Club room during a certain period of time).

I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon! :D


Poll Link:

Doodle: First Meeting! Doodle radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings, appointments, etc. Herding cats gets 2x faster with Doodle. For free!

Mathematical Wave Puzzle Shines Light on the Physics of Electrons 05/09/2017

Here's our : Svitlana Mayboroda of the University of Minnesota. She's a mathematician who studies localization theory and her work is being applied to studying LED light properties. Super cool!

Mathematical Wave Puzzle Shines Light on the Physics of Electrons A mathematician and her collaborators figured out how to predict electrons’ behavior by studying the mathematics of waves

Calendar 05/09/2017

Speaking of the Zahn Center: there are some really awesome workshops throughout the semester on how to use Auto CAD, Arduino-based software, how to safely solder, etc.

If you're interested in the applied side of physics (like myself ;)) or taking Advanced Physics Lab I and could use a good Arduino tutorial, check this calendar out!

