The world of Entertainment News at your fingertips. Entertainment News from the US to the UK and eve "Music was always such a big deal in my house.
US2UK Radio was founded by American born Shannon, better know on-air as Jersey. A graphic designer by trade, Jersey always had a passion for music and entertainment. My mother is a singer and my brother was always in bands growing up. I can't sing or play an instrument so I remained a fan. I love all types of music. During my teens and early 20's I had run several fan clubs, both official and unof
ficial. During that time I would work with record companies, radio stations and agents to help promote the artists. I am always up to help new artists and those already in the spotlight." "I had an online station before, but I lacked help and self-esteem to go forward. I have always wanted to try again. Since I moved to the UK and started volunteering at CSV Media Clubhouse, which helps promote music, art and creativity. It inspired me to try again." So far the station is under construction with getting more hosts and show ideas. If you are interested, please contact us. No experience necessary, just a passion! The shows:
Mojo Live! - Sundays 10pm EST / 3am GMT
The Twisted Blockhead Hour - Tuesdays 5pm EST / 10pm GMT
Faithfully - TBA
NEWave - TBA
Totally 80's - TBA
UK Top 10 - TBA
US Top 10 - TBA
Kids Clubhouse - TBA
Just Press Play - TBA