Celia Faye Meisel

Celia Faye Meisel

We fix sales problems for Entrepreneur CEOs. // Are Your Virtual Events & Launches Pulling in MULTIPLE-6 & 7 Figures? increased conversion rates by 43%.

Over 10.5 Million $ Sold in Events & Launches. Our 4-Step "MORE Method" helps you have More Money, More Sales with Ease, More Buzz, and More Growth. Book a call with me to explore how you can increase your launch and virtual event sales @ www.moremethod.info //

In a perfect world of virtual events & launches everything goes according to plan. Sales goals are exceeded without a problem and everyon


In the last few years very influential people have taken notice of my work. I’ve had the opportunity to work with celebrity clients. Some even bigger deals are in the works for 2024 and 2025.

One of my offer partners sent this over in a recent introduction. We’ve been on sales teams together, led teams together, and sold millions of dollars together. Hearing these words touched my heart.

My business has grown because of the people in my life. My offer partners bring me clients. My referral partners introduce me to clients. There are angels out there who have played matchmaker and connected me with some of my best clients.

My business has a very high success rate, retention rate, and all of my clients return.

If you know someone who is ready to uplevel their sales game in 2024, make an introduction. What I offer may just be the thing that skyrockets their business.


In this episode, sales growth strategist Celia Faye Meisel dives into the essential topic of prospecting with Jennifer Frye, founder of Appreciated Asset. Gain valuable knowledge and strategies on effectively maximizing prospecting activities and transforming cold outreach into meaningful conversations. Whether you're a business owner, sales professional, or entrepreneur, this episode offers practical advice to enhance your approach to sales and lead generation.


Several entrepreneurs have told me recently that they feel alone in their business.

They told me they wanted a partner, someone to partner in the vision alongside them.

They wanted accountability and for someone invested in their goals like they are.

They’ve joined big high-end group programs, hoping that being part of a community would fill the void. But they ended up feeling frustrated because they couldn’t keep up with the pace of the group program. They created a new problem for themselves to solve another problem that didn’t get resolved.
They’ve hired high-touch, high-ticket coaches who said they would be there for them. Only to find generic advice and that lingering feeling of aloneness still present.
These are the frustrations. The people I connect with are RESILIENT. They will squeeze every last drop of value out of a coaching experience and make the absolute most out of it.
When there is a deep yearning for partnership, for connection, for someone to care about your business in a similar way that you do, group coaching, high-touch coaches, accountability partners and peer-led masterminds don't to fill that gap.

That’s because you are seeking partnership.

As part of the campaign Sell More In 2024, I have decided to adopt a Partnership model as the core of my business and am now accepting applications for a handful of private mentorship clients for the next 6 months.
What is amazing is that I am charging my 2018 monthly coaching prices with a twist. Clients will pay a monthly base rate plus a percent of all new revenue that comes in during our work together.
With coaching fees backed by true results, it keeps a container where both are stepping up to a whole new level. I’m ready to bring my A game. Are you?
This opportunity is for a certain type of business owner. I am looking for 2-3 that are at the multi-6 figure mark and want to leap to 7+ figures in the next 12 months.
I’m looking for a few 6-figure earners who want to leap to $300-500K.
If you are one of these people, reach out and let’s talk. If you know someone who is one of these people please share this message. My best clients have all come through introductions through other people.


Tune in to "More Influence and Impact" for an enlightening conversation with Julia Robinson, an expert in leveraging VIP days for business growth. Discover how VIP days can generate quick cash injections, replace traditional launches, and create a foundation for recurring revenue. Gain insights into creating unique experiences for clients and transforming businesses. Learn how to streamline marketing, simplify selling, and lead seamlessly into longer-term offers using VIP days. Don't miss out on the valuable strategies and ideas shared in this episode!


Doing things in a way that creates sustainability for ourselves and our businesses.

Having access to so many viewpoints, ideas and perspectives is a blessing. It comes with challenges too.

We see possibilities of how things can be done and think, because this person has done X, Y, and Z I should try and model them and do what they do.

But if their way of doing things is out of alignment with our natural way of being it ends up causing problems.

Another thing I’ve seen happen is that we create an invisible standard for ourselves. Not based on a specific person but through our brain’s ability to gather information and ideas, pull them together, and create a belief structure.

The key here is to give ourselves grace by pausing and reflecting.

Recently I bumped into this with my marketing system.

I’ve been doing marketing for a long time and as I’ve grown as a businesswoman my desire for things to be systemized has increased. Systems support me and my business with accountability and focus to achieve goals.

It took 4-6 weeks of planning and research for me to come up with my ideal marketing system. Once that was set I created a weekly content calendar that we rolled out in October. I was super proud to be so consistent. Well, my ego was proud.

On the other side it felt like a churn. I was working for the system, staying up late writing to make sure the content was pumped out for the week. I knew this wasn’t sustainable.

If there were no interruptions, sure I could keep churning it out. That was not sustainable. I got busy with a client project. Then the November holidays rolled around and I missed several days of posting.

I was able to repurpose videos and posts via automation to keep content going, but even that felt like a churn.

I used this experience to open up a dialogue in myself. I gave myself grace, paused and reflected.

I took these reflections to a meeting with my assistant. We audited the marketing calendar, created more whitespace, and made a new plan for going forward.

Now it feels doable and sustainable. It’s Friday afternoon and I am writing this post for Sunday. I have a lot of spaciousness around it to be real and honest too.

An important lesson here is that there is good to be had from our challenges. Having built the marketing system and the rigorous content calendar gave me the insight and awareness that it was off. It gave me a reason to write and connect with you and share, because I know there are people that will benefit from this lesson.

These invisible standards and attempts to be like other people can wreak havoc on our lives and our businesses.

Remember to give yourself the grace to pause and reflect.

There is no one-size-fits all approach to business. I am here for you, cheering you on to create the most aligned and sustainable business of your dreams. A lot of times we find what is sustainable through what isn’t. It’s the journey of being alive and being human.


Podcast Drop! I was just interviewed by Stacy Reed on her podcast Roadmap to $1 Million, where we discussed strategies for increasing leads and sales.

We explored common sales problems and the importance of tailoring a sales process to individual needs. We also provided valuable lead generation and sales conversation strategies.

Listen to the episode to learn:
> How to determine if you have a Sales or Marketing problem
> Ways to generate leads for your high ticket offers
> How to close more of your existing leads
> Action steps for closing more high-ticket sales

Listen here:


Torn between sales tactics, strategies, mindset, and self development work?
And still not seeing a significant shift in your results?

Tune in to this week’s Friday Live where Celia will reveal “The Root Cause of Ongoing Sales Challenges” and what is required to get out of the rut now.


"More Sales with Ease" is the foundational level of my offer, The More Method.

When you get to the point that you (or your sales reps) are making More Sales with Ease, you are closing deals you would have otherwise lost.

Your sales process tightens up.

Your sales conversation skills are more persuasive.

It happens in a very streamlined, calm manner.

When my clients work with me, they are craving someone to partner with them so that they can grow and thrive.

Are you ready to make "More Sales with Ease?"

Book a sales Growth Strategy Call ➡️ https://vist.ly/m99u

On the call, we will find where hidden money and opportunities are sitting in your business right now! Without exhaustion, without overwhelm.


Tune in to More Influence and Impact for expert insights and strategies to elevate your business's marketing and sales game. In this episode, marketing expert Stacy Reed shares firsthand experiences and practical advice on navigating the complexities of ads, customer behavior, and business growth. Discover how to balance short-term wins with long-term success, understand the evolving sales funnel, and harness the power of personalized messaging. Gain valuable tips for leveraging social media effectively, learning to run ads correctly, and the significance of in-house marketing expertise. If you want to scale your business, align your marketing efforts, and dare to reach $1,000,000 and beyond, this episode is a must-listen!


Surprise 😮 There isn’t a one-size fits all approach to Selling!
Shocking … right?

Over the last few years I’ve been part of sales initiatives that have sold well over $12.6 Million and here’s what I’ve found:

> The more cookie cutter, one-size-fits all, generic a sales process is … the less it converts

>> The more on-brand, customized and well executed a sales process is … the BETTER it converts

The more on-brand and aligned your sales process is, the more FUN it is.

Aren’t you over boring, bland, stressful and stale sales experiences?

You want to lead your sales calls from a tuned-in and focused place. Not worried and stressed about saying the wrong thing.

Between now and the end of 2023 I am helping 3 coaches and experts make More Sales with Ease. We're going to level up their marketing and sales to get more qualified leads and more closed sales.

If you grab one of these spots I’m going to help you step into a new money making reality. You will also have a proven process to achieve your sales goals in 2024 (and beyond).

How it works:

The More Sales with Ease 30 day intensive is a journey into your: Mind, Marketing and Money (Sales).

My expert brain will comb through your entire funnel and sales process. I will find where money is being lost.

We will level-up your CEO mindset that is at the root cause of your sales and marketing challenges.

Then, we'll get to work on making the repairs that are costing you the most in lost opportunity right now.

Will everything get done in 30-days?

We will make major headway in our time together. If you love working with me we have options for ongoing support.

30 days with me is like 3+ months with a “regular” coach. My approach is laser focused and we dial in on the most important issues to address NOW.

How soon will you see results?

I’ve had clients close a high-ticket sale within 24 hours to 2-weeks of our first coaching call. This more than paid for the investment to work together. I’ve had clients hit six-figures with me within 2-weeks to 90-days. Time frame depending on what they already had in motion when we started working together.

Who will best get results?

You have a high-ticket offer. You have an audience online + an email list. You have a pipeline of prospects you’ve already had sales calls with, have sales calls booked with, or both. Your sales process is not where you want it to be and it’s causing you stress. You have a willingness to step outside of the box and try new approaches. Your desire for new results outweighs staying in your current situation.

The investment for this intensive is $5,800. It includes a copywritten “how to work with me” post. You can pin this post your feeds, timeline, website, and send via email. Your ideal clients will understand what you do and how to work with you.

If this resonates with you, send a DM. We'll trade messages to see if we're a possible fit. If so, we will hop on a quick call to get started together. When DM me, tell me what you are currently selling, what has you stuck right now and where you want your sales to be in the next 90-days.


When you are ready to "get off the phones," a great place to start is outsourcing parts of your sales process.

You can bring on a sales assistant, a sales operations person, or a sales rep. These roles don't have to be full-time, year-round in your company, either!

Many of my clients bring on sales support for their launches and events. This allows them to focus their attention on enrolling from the "front of the room."

With a sales rep closing the sales my client was able to focus on warming up leads, great copy and engaging events!

A BIG advantage to this approach of "getting off the phones" is that your sales process gets written down.

Most business owners will never be able to outsource the selling.

Do you want to "get off the phones?"

Do you want to host an event and have someone do the selling FOR you (and still have a high conversion rate)?

Do you want to delegate the administrative side of the sales process?

These are the types of things I help my clients with!

Want to explore what this can look like for your business?

Book a sales Growth Strategy Call ➡️ https://vist.ly/ku8m

Together we'll uncover what the best next move is for you to free up time AND bring in more sales!


Join host Celia Faye Meisel on the podcast More Influence and Impact as she engages in a captivating conversation with business coach and author, Kim Nagle. In this episode, Kim emphasizes the power of earning revenue to create a meaningful social impact. She guides us through the DAMN Plan, sharing strategies to overcome challenges and make determined decisions. Learn about aligning financial statements with your goals, charging the right fees, and achieving sustainable revenue. Gain insights on the importance of mentorship and hear inspiring stories of success and transformation. Don't miss this episode filled with practical advice and motivation to take your business to the next level.


Wishing you a happy holiday!


In this episode of More Influence and Impact, virtual event expert Ericka Bates shares her expertise on hosting engaging and profitable virtual summits. Discover how virtual events can help you grow your email list, establish yourself as an expert, and connect with fellow industry leaders. Ericka also dives into the power of repurposing event content and shares tips on eliminating tech overwhelm. If you're ready to take your business to the next level and make a lasting impact, this episode is a must-listen. Don't miss out on the valuable insights that will transform your business.


"Every year my clients sell 6-figures+ in high-end masterminds!

They sell into them through sales calls, virtual events, in person events, and upsells.

A high-end mastermind is a lucrative way to add recurring revenue to your business.

You can position a mastermind many different ways. The secret sauce is in how you position the transformation and the community!

Do you need help enrolling into your high-end mastermind? Or do you want to launch a high-end mastermind to your warmed-up community of buyers?

If yes to either, schedule a no-obligation Sales Growth Strategy Call. We'll explore all the ways you can scale or launch your high-end mastermind. This is for you if you want to bring in another $100K before the end of 2023!

Book your call ➡️ https://vist.ly/jm62


Tired of feeling stuck in your business? Looking for ways to attract your ideal clients and stand out from the competition? On this episode of More Influence and Impact, host Celia Faye Meisel sits down with Martha Cristina Garza, a leading expert in luxury branding. From helping international brands adapt to the US market to guiding entrepreneurs in repositioning their businesses, Martha shares her wealth of knowledge and insights. Discover the power of building brands from the inside out, learn how to effectively communicate your values and beliefs, and find out how branding can transform your business. Don't miss this episode packed with actionable strategies and real-life success stories.


Most business owners are putting money in the wrong places that slows growth! Tune in to find out these costly mistakes & shift your thinking.


My client has been focused on using persuasion in their sales conversations.

The use of persuasion makes it so much easier for the person on the other end to buy.

They GET what you are selling.

They KNOW it will solve their problem.

What would you do with another $15K, cash collected?

Let me help you make More Sales with Ease. Book a Sales Growth Strategy Call to find all of the $ you are leaving on the table, right now.

Book your call ➡️ https://vist.ly/iuph


Looking to build a successful business while avoiding common pitfalls? Join us on More Influence and Impact as we dive into the crucial topic of setting up your business for long-term success. In this episode, we sit down with hiring expert Kimone Napier who shares key insights on transitioning from being the implementer to having a more focused role. Discover the importance of building a dedicated team, overcoming mindset challenges, and seeking expert guidance in HR and recruitment. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, this episode will provide invaluable strategies to help you drive more influence and impact in your business.


Living the CEO's dream!

Imagine going on vacation for 2 weeks while your sales team handles all the sales calls.

My client has built a world class sales department and it is paying off.

The payoff is in reclaimed time AND consistent sales.

Do you want time back while sales still are coming in? Book a Sales Growth Strategy Call where we will find the fastest path your next sales goal! We are here to make sure you don't leave any money on the table! Book your call ➡️ https://vist.ly/ii89


Tune in to the latest episode of More Influence and Impact as host Celia Faye Meisel sits down with Narelle Gorman, an expert in sales and the art of enrollment. Learn valuable insights on listening, asking the right questions, and showing genuine interest in prospects. Explore the importance of aligning message and delivery for impactful presentations, making offers to keep audience engagement, and the role of energy and enthusiasm in successful conversions. Don't miss this episode packed with expert advice on scaling, ethics, and building a powerful network.


Are you convinced you that you have issues in your business when you don’t have those issues at all?

Are you seeing your business and people through this lens? (see column left)

Consider this as a possibility.

I've found that a perspective shift can have a greater impact on sales results before a new tactic will.


Last weekend we ventured up from Milwaukee to Green Bay for our annual Packers game.

We got to see a win too!

Ryan’s grandpa purchased 4 Packers tickets when the stadium opened in 1957. That’s 66 straight seasons of football for our family!

Did you know that Lambeau Field is the oldest continually operating NFL stadium?

While there we ventured to the Atrium and the pro shop. At the pro shop I came across a $10K Swarovski studded football helmet. The case is included for the $10K, btw.

One thing I love about living in Wisconsin is forming traditions with our family.

There is always something fun to do and something to celebrate.

Go Pack, go!


Regardless of your sales process: 1 call close, 2 call close, multi-call or proposals this one simple action is guaranteed to help you close more sales.

book a sales growth Strategy Call with Celia @ https://www.moremethod.com/strategy-call


This client was going into their webinar unprepared and ready to “wing it.”

There was no clear content plan or strategy for how the webinar would convert.

The sales approach was going to be: “here is the offer, buy our thing!”

That is until we stepped in!

A full case study has been written on HOW we helped our client get this result.

Type “case study” in the comments for a copy (no opt-in required).


In this episode of More Influence and Impact, host Celia Faye Meisel sits down with special guest Jennifer Hart, founder of the Connected Soul Network. Together, they dive deep into the power of bucket lists and how they can act as a catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. Jennifer shares her own transformative journey, from feeling stuck and stagnant to becoming a world traveler and successful entrepreneur. Tune in to discover how embracing fun and authenticity can unlock your own magnetism and attract the life you truly desire.


I’m looking for 5 Entrepreneur CEOs who want to rapidly boost their sales and put more money in their bank account without spending more on ads.

(Note) You must already have marketing in place and have high-end offers that you sell via zoom or phone.

Comment below (or DM me) the word “boost” and I’ll get you the juicy details.


Having record breaking months comes down to finding the opportunity that is sitting in your business right now.

Then, making a plan to go after the opportunity.

And most importantly, taking action to grab the opportunity.

That’s what my client and I did together to achieve this record-breaking month!

There are 3 key areas I look at first for my clients to have a sales boost in a business.

Schedule a Sales Growth Strategy Call and let’s find where the money is sitting in your business right now. https://vist.ly/hghh


Tune in to the latest episode of "More Influence and Impact" as host Celia Faye Meisel dives deep into the world of entrepreneurship and wealth with guest Emily Wilcox. Discover the transformative power of coaching, the importance of mindset shifts, and the healing journey towards financial abundance. Gain valuable insights on creating impact while building a successful business, and learn how entrepreneurs can rewrite the narrative around wealth. With candid stories and actionable advice, this episode will inspire you to take aligned action.


In a shifting world and shifting economy it’s imperative that you and your business shifts too.

It’s not a single shift either, it’s ongoing, you want to always prepare for change.

Staying the same while the outside world changes drives your business into stagnancy.

I had a client who resisted change.

They wanted to fix something that never worked in their business.

Instead of changing what didn't work they kept chasing shiny objects, praying for one to be the fix.

It was expensive to do this. They burned through money and different hires.

Instead of moving forward, they spun and spun around, staying in the same place.

At the same time, hires that could help them and get them onto a new trajectory kept showing up to assist them. But they kept going back to the comfortable way of doing things.

The comfortable way of doing things wasn’t comfortable though. This client was unhappy because of their external circumstances.

They tried to hide it but it came through.

This repelled prospective clients too.

As business owners we have to choose to break out of stagnancy. We have to step into something different without waiting too long to change.

Look at your current circumstances to see where you've resisted change. Look to see how that resistance is causing results to dwindle.

There is always fear of the unknown in front of us, the future is not 100% predictable.

Though, we can look to our past success markers and see the trends to help guide our futures.

Take what you need from this lesson and let this client's lesson save you from burning up time and money.

If it's time to change and you are ready to move with the times in your sales, reach out.


Last week we launched the first of a new weekly newsletter to my email list.

I shared that the focus for Q4 has been around consistent marketing + visibility. Plus the processes to make it all work.

It took brainstorming sessions and meetings with my assistant to pull it together.

Being a processes person, my brain likes to jump right to the most complicated solution. That is super-overwhelming.

So, we developed a spreadsheet so I could have visibility on what was being posted where and when. So easy.

In October I missed 1 post. That’s it.

There were a few days that I posted late in the day, but instead of skipping I honored the commitment to show up.

Organic marketing is important even when you are running paid media. Your prospects will come and verify that you have a business by your social media accounts.

Building brand awareness and educating your audience is key to building credibility.

In the same way that I say be authentic in your sales, be authentic in your marketing.

People get to know you and your brand when you show up and you're real.

To get on the list to receive the new weekly Sales Growth Society newsletter, the link is in the comments below.


Saturdays are for reflecting on the previous week’s adventures!

In business, this week was my week.

Every month I take a week off from all calls, except sales calls or special circumstances. This week I onboarded a new client so we had a kickoff call with their sales team on Thursday.

I went to two Bikram yoga classes this week. I’m new to this, my sister introduced me to the practice and I am hooked. I’m 100% in it for the sweat IYKYK.

Last weekend we finished our birthday celebrations with a getaway to Spring Green, WI.

We went out for a romantic dinner at a little farm to table place that was closing up for the season.

We stayed at a resort and enjoyed time in the hot tub and spa services.

We went for a hike at a little state park and enjoyed a trail lunch on top of the hill overlooking the trees.

We went for a hike on the Ice Age Trail.

I gotta be real, Mondays are HARD after these magical weekends with my love.

He goes to work and it’s super-quiet at home, me and my laptop.

One of my new goals for 2024/2025 is to hire local team members to be able to co-work and connect.

Cheers to another week. Looking forward to what the next one brings!


In the final stretch of the year you are focusing on hitting your targets & goals. You are also setting the stage for a strong start to 2024. You want to put the odds in your favor as much as possible. Tune into this week’s livestream to discover “A Golden Key for MORE SALES Opportunity.”


My favorite part of supporting client events is developing custom sales processes. (I do this with client's inside sales departments as well.)

We create sales processes that are on brand: in alignment with the brand essence and values.

We create sales processes that align with the potential client, so they want to engage.

This makes the sales experience natural and easy for all involved.

We don't do hard selling or pushy tactics.

For this client we were able to support in person and virtual attendees at a high level and it showed.

Their conversion % surpassed their previous event and they brought in $870K in sales!


Tune into More Influence and Impact for an eye-opening discussion on branding with Lisa Noble, an executive brand artisan. Discover the secrets of scaling your business and effectively connecting with high-level clients. Get expert insights on how to create a consistent brand message and experience, and learn how to elevate your brand to represent your future goals. With over 20 years of experience in the digital space, Lisa shares her expertise gained from working with major corporations like Coca-Cola and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Don't miss this episode to unlock the power of branding and take your business to new heights.


People Pleasing Harms Sales Results

Do you struggle with people-pleasing tendencies?

You can hit 6, multi-6 & even 7-figures in revenues, be a people pleaser, and have sales struggles.

Whether it’s you or a sales rep doing the sales, the likelihood of struggling with authenticity in sales is HIGH. Especially in today’s marketplace.

Sensitive buyers.
Sensitive sellers.
Post-pandemic marketplace.
Global crisis.

You don’t want to be pushy.

You don’t want to follow-up too many times.

You don’t want to say the wrong thing.

In your mind, you want to say the “right” thing .. so they will buy.

Hello, people pleasing!

This is costing you BIG MONEY.

It’s preventing you from doing the follow-ups and outreach you could be doing to grow your business.

It’s preventing you from having persuasive sales conversations.

There's a wall up between you and your sales process and it’s time to tear it down.

When you (or your sales team) sell with authenticity you are magnetic.

Follow-up is no longer weird. (What do I say???)

Making offers is easy and natural.

Re-engaging leads from the past who didn’t buy is comfortable.

You warm up new prospects and prepare them for your sales process.

Piling clever sales tactics on top of people pleasing tendencies repels opportunities.

This is a dose of necessary truth.

To get out of ruts and plateaus the unconscious needs to become conscious.

When you mix authenticity, presence and sales skill you've got a business owner who is a force of nature. You are unstoppable and unshakable.

Videos (show all)

Enhancing Sales Potential: Insights on Effective Prospecting Practices
Master the art of making customized pitches for your transformational offers. Your pitch should be focused around solvin...
The Power of VIP Days: Creating Cash Injections and Recurring Revenue
The Root Cause of Ongoing Sales Challenges
Mastering Ads and Marketing for Business Growth in the Modern Landscape
Money, Mindset, and More: Building a Profitable and Impactful Business
Virtual Summit Success: Shortcuts and Strategies for Busy Business Owners
Luxury Branding: The Game-Changing Ingredient that Sets Your Business Apart
Where to Invest $ When Scaling to 7-Figures & Beyond
The Power of Hiring: Filling the Gaps in Your Business to Amplify Success
Selling with Integrity: Expert Tips for Ethical and Effective Sales
One Simple Action to Close More Sales