News about Home Education in Northern Ireland

News about Home Education in Northern Ireland

HEdNI News- supporting Home Education in Northern Ireland. Providing news and info to the public, hom

This is your window to the wealth of information, fun, and support available from the network of home educating families in Northern Ireland. HEdNI is an inclusive group, welcoming those of all backgrounds, religious beliefs, races and cultures. We do not promote any one method of home-educating; rather we support the right of families to choose for themselves what suits them best. HEdNI's faceboo


A team of very dedicated home educated children and their parents attended the Lego league today hosted at w5 this year in competition with schools. We were very kindly sponsored by W5 Belfast & Options IT.

For months the kids have been meeting to build the robot and all of its buildings, coding it to complete sustainable missions (with a lot of rules involved) and creating and researching a presentation based around sustainability backed up by interviewing people in tech.

Its been a long but very enjoyable project and the kids picked up so much on the day too!

We are looking forward to next years entry, armed with a lot more experience!