Mrs. Tanis' First and Second Grade Class

Mrs. Tanis' First and Second Grade Class

This page is to help keep you informed of the fun learning and events of Mrs. Anna Tanis' first and


Checklist for Christmas Party tomorrow: 1) One gift for your secret gift exchange buddy. 2) PJ's to Change into for movie 3) Any pillows/blankets with which to watch the movie. 4)Regular lunch and snack 5) *Optional* Bag to put all snow gear into.


Students may wear jeans every day this week! Don't forget about caroling on Tuesday; be sure to wear a fun Christmas shirt or sweater! Happy 3-Day Week!


November’s Show-and-Tell is tomorrow, December 1st!


Don't forget! Today is picture day at SFCS!


Today is SFCS's Grandparents Day! We are looking forward to performing in a short program, as well as having our grandparents visit our classroom!


September's Homework Calendar's are due this Monday, October 2nd. They are located in Take-Home notebooks, but also posted here, just in case.


Our field trip was awesome! If you came, feel free to post pics here to share with other parents. Tomorrow, Friday, 11:30 dismissal, which is Before Lunch.


Field Trip is Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 26th!


Apple Orchard Field Trip this Wednesday! Check out the handout for more information.


Welcome back everybody! It was a great, crazy day, and I'm so glad everyone is back! Don't forget to look for info about the year in Take-Home Notebooks.

Photos from Saint Francis Christian School's post 25/08/2017

Only a little more than a week until school starts! I'm excited; hope you are too!


To celebrate the ending of our testing week tomorrow, we're taking a spontaneous trip to McDonald's tomorrow! If you are able, please send along $1-2 for a treat. Mr. Tanis is going to join us as we walk across the parking lot to our local McDonald's!


Thus far this year, we have read the following novels aloud in class: "The BFG" "The Christmas Carol" "The Magician's Nephew" and several children's versions of the works of Shakespeare. What do all of these have in common? They all take place in London! Well in less than 12 hours, that's where I will be! I will miss you guys, being apart for a whole week. Praying we all have a safe and educational Spring Break!


Due to the large amount of sickness spreading at school, school is cancelled for tomorrow, Friday, March 10. Please rest and take some vitamin C. Looking forward to seeing a healthy class on Monday!

Photos from Saint Francis Christian School's post 28/02/2017

Day 1: Pajama Day!

Photos from Mrs. Tanis' First and Second Grade Class's post 28/02/2017

Had a great Day 1 of Spirit Week! Can't wait to see where we'll all be tourists to on Tuesday!

2016-2017 Fun Learning! 28/02/2017

Learning is fun in first and second grade! Here are some various photos, showing just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on inside our classroom. I'll try my best keep this one current and updated with new ways we're learning!

Timeline photos 27/02/2017

Spirit Week starts tomorrow! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to wear my pajamas to school!

100th Day and Valentine's Day 2017 21/02/2017

We not only dressed up like we were 100 years old, but we had some fun with an app that made our faces seem so as well!

Christmas 2016 18/02/2017

Tomorrow we're celebrating our 100th day of learning! Come dressed as an 100 year old and bring 100 of anything!

Timeline photos 27/01/2017

Tonight at 8:30 is the Usborne book party for our classroom, if you or any family and friends would like an invitation, please let me know!


Tonight's the Night! I'm hosting a Usborne book party for our class! Tonight at 8:30, right here on Facebook, you'll have the opportunity to order some great quality books for our classroom! (Many right on our reading level!) You can even order books for your home as well. Any books purchased for the classroom will be FREE SHIPPING! And, on top of all that, any FREE books I earn tonight will also be for the classroom! Can't make it tonight, or didn't get an invite from me, please message me or comment below! The party will stay open until Saturday. Thanks for making our classroom a place where kids learn to read and Love it too!

Thanksgiving 2016 26/11/2016

Photo booth at our annual SFCS Thanksgiving dinner and our classroom STEM craft out of food

Videos (show all)

Firetruck Demo today! Some were a little scared, some loved it!
Luke 10:25-28
A fun way to memorize the names of the 12 disciples. This was recorded near the end of January; sorry for the delay.
"A Thank You Prayer" recited by the very excited second grade class.
"A Thank You Prayer" recited by the excited second graders!
"The Elephant" A fun poem made even better when first graders recite it.

