Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

To those who find Neville Goddard's teaching inspirational and enlightening.

Rapid Revision Secrets – How To Instantly Stop Unlovely Things in Your Life! – Instant Manifesting 11/01/2024

Rapid Revision Secrets – How To Instantly Stop Unlovely Things in Your Life! – Instant Manifesting “If you don’t want unlovely things to happen in your world then you must watch what you are thinking in the course of a day. You need not wait until the day’s end to change a thought to fulfilll a desire.”


Read this now - Remember it when you realize you've made ANY mistake.

Neville kept it so simple, just pure GENIUS.


Victoria just loves when Neville does this, when he shares PERSONAL success stories, of his family or his friends. And this one is in Hawaii.... Which for some reason, just makes it a bit cooler for us.

Get how POWERFUL this is?


Envy could help you manifest faster? The first time Victoria saw this teaching of Neville's, well it was an eye opener. This is why we love Neville, pure and simple. -

Secret Stuff – The Aha Moments Recordings | 10/01/2024

So what do you while rising up to 30,000 feet... when the baby 2 rows in front of you starts crying and screaming like crazy?

Side note: Here's the thing.... WHY is THAT baby crying?

That baby is crying because of something YOU imagined. Let's call it a....


You gave yourself a gift. You get to BE BLESSED and BE THE BLESSING. But we've got to COVER THIS first....

You don't have to imagine THAT BABY CRYING to have THAT BABY start crying.

All you have to do is notice....

YOU have a DESIRE to NAIL this....
YOU have a DESIRE to get RAPID EASY results....
YOU have a DESIRE to be the BLESSING....

And you GAVE YOURSELF this situation.....

To NAIL this....
To get RAPID EASY results...

And so you IMAGINE lovingly.....

You imagine what implies - baby happy - Mom happy - you happy.....

And booom.....

If you had an Aha Moment.....


Secret Stuff – The Aha Moments Recordings | AHA is the combination of... AMAZEMENT and UNDERSTANDING. Here's why this is IMPORTANT.... Because if you go through life having AMAZEMENT without understanding…. it's like you just saw a magic trick… but you don’t have a clue. You live a life where you are BLOWN AWAY but powerless.... On the ...

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast 09/01/2024

Do YOU know...
The 3 Kinds of Manifesting Space?

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast The Neville Goddard Quote and Lesson Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty


Stop Drowning Your Dreams with Data!
Manifesting Neville Goddard Style!
Inbox me at [email protected]

Money is Speed - End Money Frustrations Today - The Neville Goddard Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty 08/01/2024

Make this your money mantra...
It's these little seeming things....
Why didn't they teach you this at school?

Money is Speed - End Money Frustrations Today - The Neville Goddard Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty Get the Secret of Money for $7 today here: is speed.“One day a friend told me that when s...

How To Feel It Real For Money Make It Easy | 08/01/2024

"How" are you imagining - not having enough money?
That's what I asked Juliet....
She didn't get it - at first....
But when she did....
"I cringe when I get a bill, when I am opening the envelope - I hold my breath and HOPE I have enough to pay it - on time."
Notice - THAT is a HELLISH imaginal act....
On the other hand....
I suggested BEING CURIOUS....
(DDD KIDS, notice how cool this is.)
I told her that when I get a bill, I would be curious - how many more MONTHS do I have paid - in advance - because I pay my utilities ONE YEAR at a time....
So I am - always CURIOUS about how many more months CREDIT I HAVE....
And making it a guessing game.....
Makes it even more fun....
How could YOU play with THIS today?
Leave a comment - I'd love to DDDance with you...

How To Feel It Real For Money Make It Easy | Neville said to imagine money, as a boundless forest. Why would he say that? Read the rest of the story here.

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast 08/01/2024

Doubting Debby...
Sniveling Sarah...
Leave a comment - what did YOU learn from them?

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast The Neville Goddard Quote and Lesson Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast 07/01/2024

Is HOPE Blocking Your Blessing?
(Give this a quick listen!)

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast The Neville Goddard Quote and Lesson Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty


You've got a choice to make...
Today... Right now... In this moment...
Dive Deeper!


Do you know the TRUE story of Neville's brother Victor - who was an amazing manifestor himself?

We're talking MILLIONS of dollars an the economy of NATIONS - blessed by his imaginal act - his persistence - and his willingness to...


Your Dreams Matter!
Neville Goddard's Fig Tree Lesson!
The Dawn of a NEW Day!


If you can't figure out what you want...
Or if you want HEAPS of things....
Here is another method of Neville's that makes everything EASY.


All day long, you are surrendering to something. We all are, because surrendering is EASY to do.

So surrender to what you want. And don't surrender to what you don't want. Let this be EASY.

As i was typing this, Victoria and I started talking about Emmett. He's such a small little fella, and when he looks at you, it's like looking into eternity. Eternal love. Pure joy.

That's how easy it is - to surrender to being - a lovely puppy parent.

No "talking yourself into it". No WILLPOWER required. We could have surrendered to ANYTHING in that moment, and we surrendered into THAT - easily - because that is our habit.

Imagining LOVINGLY is our MAIN habit.

Bonus Bit: Get why I built LOVING into my 3 main states - my primary purposes?

So... Today, odds are you are going to take a walk. Surrender to something lovely while you do that. And listen to Neville - let it be lovely....


"I struggle because I am an artist."

"I am an artist, so I struggle."

"I am a man, so I have one thing on my mind."

"I have one thing on my mind, so I am a man."


That last one might SOUND FUNNY and appear illogical... But I remember THE MOMENT, when I realized to be a man, i needed to have ONE THING on my mind.....

(It's the difference between the men and the boys.... And I wanted to be a man.... So.....)

How many of these - can you find - in your life - that aren't useful?

My guess is.... more than one. :)

And that's where the FUN begins.

I remember when I chose to be a "spiritual teacher and healer"....

I learned pretty darn quick.....

"I give so much - that's why I am poor."
"I am poor - because I give so much."

In other words, "look at me, I'm a giver....."

What do you want? Peek at your beliefs....

Enjoy what you discover being God Having The Adventure of A Lifetime!


When you change your state - you change your life.

Here's a secret....

Changing your state isn't just about changing "how you feel"...

Changing your state is about changing WHO you are....

As a little boy I was told that I should be happy with who I was, because I was a smart kid.

The problem was, I didn't want to be known as "the smart kid". Smart kids got picked on. I wanted friends. Real friends. I wanted to be athletic. I wanted to be MORE....

So I became more... I became a teenage blackbelt... I dated some pretty girls... And I somehow along the way - became "cool".

What is it - you want to BE in your world?

Imagine what implies that.....

And don't settle for changing "how you feel", about who you are... CHANGE who you are - be who you've chosen to be.

Do this, and you'll discover YOU are God Having The Adventure Of A Lifetime


You will find this SO MUCH EASIER, when you don't need proof - you exist.

When you NEED proof you exist - you waste heaps of time and energy. One you people do this is "inner arguments". If you find yourself being an argument - on the inside - or in Echoville....

You are proving you exist - by having to prove "you are right".

On the other hand....

"I am wronged" is another way people prove they exist. They prove they exist by holding themselves and others hostage - spellbound - - by their victim stories.

Having to prove you are right, having to prove you are wronged - - both of those can keep you busy for LIFETIMES.

On the other other hand..... :) :)

YOU ARE - what gives - life.

You give life to EVERYTHING, including TIME.

And you will discover this more and more, the less and less you need proof that you are.... because you are living I AM....


For what it's worth... I never thought I would be skipping rope everyday.... And loving it.... I'm only about 30 days into it, but I just love what it brings out of me, and how it gives to my body.

Here's why I mention it.....

I've been imagining another kind of "fit feeling" in my body. Something both "cardio and core". My daily kung fu and wujifa (chi kung) practice, wasn't giving it to me and....

I kept living with "that feeling"...

But everything I could "think of" that would give that to me, just wasn't appealing at all. Running, to hard on the legs.... Swimming, I really don't like chlorine... Group exercise... nah.

NOTHING was appealing. Then my buddy Steve, my acupuncturist mentioned skipping rope one day when he was here.... (And then I remembered my friend Peter began skipping rope too and loves it...)

Instantly, I was hooked on that idea. When he left I looked online for a good skip rope, and couldn't find what I wanted here (I knew exactly the kind of jump rope I wanted) in Australia at a reasonable price, so I ordered one on ebay from Houston, Texas for $21 bucks.

It's sweet...

And when I first touched it, I knew, this is GOOD. This is exactly what "fits" me like a glove.

So here I am, 30 days later almost... Feeling great, enjoying heaps of benefits in just 3 to 5 days, and having a great story to tell....

Because once you REALLY AND FULLY imagine something as REAL - like how I imagined (intensely felt) another kind of "fit feeling" in my body - one that I had in my early 20s.... If you remain faithful to it (I could have let it die, when I couldn't "figure out" what to do)....

It will show up in your life, in ways that you couldn't possibly figure out, and in the most natural ways too.

Have fun!


Neville - had success within 3 hours - after imagining what he wanted - as a done deal - using Feel It Real - while shaving.

Read the rest of the story - here:


There are rules to every game...

And MANIFESTING is the best game we've found so far...

Here's how to WIN - EVERY - SINGLE - TIME!


Neville says, "Play the game THIS WAY." (And he tells us how to PLAY.)

But notice...

If manifesting FEELS LIKE A WAR to you, you aren't PLAYING THE GAME.

If it feel like war (or doesn't FEEL REAL), you aren't actually Following The Formula.

So let's PLAY THE GAME, starting - right - now! :)

Neville Goddard – Seventy Times Seven – Neville Goddard Quotes 01/01/2024

Nailed it!
"How long do I feel it real for?"
You IMAGINALLY EXPERIENCE what implies - your wish fulfilled - until YOU'VE NAILED it.
How will you know?
You'll know - because YOU will be different.
You'll know - because YOU will either be MOVED - or you will be STILL.
YOU KNOW - what it's like - to order pizza.
After you place your order - you no longer wonder or worry, "what's for dinner". YOU nailed it.....
That got you to ORDER it....
And here we are.....
Oh yeah, all this and 70 x 7 - give this a spin!

Neville Goddard – Seventy Times Seven – Neville Goddard Quotes “Peter asked the question: ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him, seven times?’ and the Lord answered: ‘I did not say seven, but seventy times seven.’ This does not mean four hundred and ninety times. Seventy is the numerical value of the Hebrew letter ayin, wh...


Just for fun..... Use the search box here - and search for the word CONFUSED.

You will find, a few lovely folks - really LOVE that state. If you are one of them - I'm sharing this because - you need to know....

"I'm confused....." - - is just a state.

Staying there - letting THAT become your dwelling place - sucks.

The way out - is very simple.

Can you imagine what it could be?

Manifesting Mastery – Make Easy Manifesting Your Way of Life 31/12/2023

"I know why you aren't DIVING DEEPER. I know - why you aren't DOING THIS...."

That's how my LETTER FROM THE OUTBOX to him began.

Really, there is only ONE REASON why....

The ONE REASON why people try to go so fu***ng slow with this stuff - is because of SOMETHING THEY IMAGINE AS TRUE.


Some people - many people from what I can tell - imagine SUFFERING IS SPIRITUAL. Now....

They won't TELL YOU THAT....
They might even LAUGH when that's mentioned....
But I watch their behavior.
I listen to their stories.

And they tell me EVERYTHING.....

It's not spiritual.
It's an option.


Some people - many people - imagine this is hard.
Well, it just might be.....
Or maybe it's not.

But I can tell you - it's not if you take a tiny bite of the buffalo every day....

We've got HUNDREDS of Success Stories on FreeNeville from Manifesting Mastery Members. People who took ONE SYSTEMATIC BITE from THE BUFFALO - every single day and who changed their ENTIRE LIFE IS just 90 days......

Or less....
Or a little more....

We've got a few folks here - HEAVY HITTERS - who KEEP DOING the course..... again and again....

I wonder why....

But in the end....

You are gonna to either KEEP IMAGINING THE ONE THING that gets in your way.....

Or you are gonna DIVE DEEPER.

That's it.....

Today I'm being super up front. Take the course. Imagine where you can be - where you WILL BE in 90 days - if you don't - and if you do.

And imagine us sharing your success stories too.....

Manifesting Mastery – Make Easy Manifesting Your Way of Life If want to make easy manifesting your lifestyle and you are tired of all the weird, silly, time consuming, confusing manifesting methods taught out there, you’ve come to the right place.


You want to know what's stupid?

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that distracts you - from discovering you.


Let me say it this way....

What if "manifesting" was total BS.

(Thinking THAT way, just might change your mind about all the SILLY THINGS that everyone else seems to be teaching out there.....)

Just ponder this....

What if THE TRUTH was - IT IS ALL FINISHED, everything was already "created" - - and your only JOB was to give what you DESIRE - LIFE.

Somebody - gets to give LIFE to being WEALTHY. Might as well be you.

BTW, used to give life to being POOR, because I thought "poor was spiritual". I'm so THANKFUL I got to do that, so I could realize a few things....

1. Being poor isn't spiritual. (Neither is being rich.)
2. I am what gives life. I am a LIFE GIVING SPIRIT.


What if....

You got....

(That's what Neville said. That's what I say to.)

That's my experience. I want it to be yours.

So go have some fun...
And notice - you really do - give life.

This GOES SO DEEP, that once you start exploring - everything - changes....


Feel It Real Fun Episode 242 - Manifesting Love What Do I Do When They 31/12/2023

"You've got 30 seconds." - That's what a mentor of mine told me. If you want to get your point across - convince someone of something - or teach effectively - - you've got 30 seconds.

In FEEL IT REAL - I'll say you've got THREE.

THREE SECONDS, that's it.

Really, that's all you NEED.....

It might take you MINUTES right now - to get into the STATE AKIN TO SLEEP, but I promise you - the more you play there - the faster you'll find yourself able to GO THERE - INSTANTLY.

And "your scene" - or the FEELING - that implies your WISH HAS BEEN FULFILLED....

That takes up the REST of your THREE SECONDS.

Now, I know I've suggested taking 5 to 15 minutes to do a session - and I still do - if that's how long it takes - and if you want to explore both SATS and just "fall asleep" in the state of your wish fulfilled....

But keep "your scene" or "your surrender into the feeling of the wish fulfilled - SHORT AND SWEET.

Victoria's favorite - the CLICK of the COTTAGE DOOR, that only takes a second or two....

Now go watch this - and see how SUPER FAST this can be....

Feel It Real Fun Episode 242 - Manifesting Love What Do I Do When They Join us for - FEEL IT REAL FUN LIVE Episode # 242 - - Manifesting Love and NAILING THE END so you MANIFEST FASTER! Join us NOW!

Manifesting Mastery – Make Easy Manifesting Your Way of Life 29/12/2023

From today's INBOX AND OUTBOX:

Hey TT,

What are your thoughts on listening to music while doing your visualizations? Especially on music that has binaural beats that help put you into meditative state. Can you recommend any music.

Ps. I've been reading your daily emails and am loving it, I look forward to it everyday.


TT's 100% SERIOUS REPLY :) :)

Hi Clarley!

I'd suggest either heavy metal or rap, whichever bothers you more.....

That way you'll be able to FEEL IT REAL anytime - anywhere, without any need for crutches! How's that?


Manifesting Mastery – Make Easy Manifesting Your Way of Life If want to make easy manifesting your lifestyle and you are tired of all the weird, silly, time consuming, confusing manifesting methods taught out there, you’ve come to the right place.

You Are God – Neville Goddard – Neville Goddard Quotes 29/12/2023

In case you haven't noticed....

I don't take drugs....
I'm not a drunk....

I did carry a loaded handgun for 20 plus years, but never shot anyone.... yes there were times I SHOULD have and COULD have..... But for "some reason" things worked out...

I also don't worry about "the bills" or "what the government" or what "the bad guys" are up to....

And i don't bother watching 95% of the videos people send me... Because all they are is a distraction.....

Think about this.....

When you are BUSY BUILDING your DREAM LIFE.... by FEELING IT REAL, and by playing your part.....

Keyword: Playing

You probably won't feel the need to destroy your body or anyone else's - to distract you from the crap around you.....

Because if you NOTICE CRAP, you'll have a giggle, and CHANGE THINGS.... IF.... you know.....

1. Who you are....
2. and HOW this works.....

But if you don't....

You'll keep busy watching silly s**t monkey videos.... to distract you from your worries about the government.... you'll do what it takes to KEEP BUSY so you don't engage in destructive or destractive behaviors......

So I invite you.....
To notice FROM....
Who you TRULY ARE......


You Are God – Neville Goddard – Neville Goddard Quotes “Do not be embarrassed when I tell you that you are God. Instead, walk believing you are that important. You don’t have to become arrogant, but you must assume you are God. Think about it! Stop believing in God and start believing as God. Do this and the visions will come to confirm your assumpt...

Videos (show all)

Stop Drowning Your Dreams with Data!Manifesting Neville Goddard Style!Inbox me at
Your Dreams Matter!Neville Goddard's Fig Tree Lesson!The Dawn of a NEW Day!
Today we take a deep dive into..."The Event Must IMPLY..."Be blessed!
3 Instant Keys to Speedy Manifesting in 60 seconds!(Watch to the end!)
Excuses or Excellence...What do you want a pile of at the end of the day?
I really want to know....
I just love this little fella...
I just love this little fella....
"You are WORTHY!"(Let Lisa's share give to your soul!)
Join us today in Neville Goddard quotes:Step One:“The event must always imply fulfil...
Join us here:“You change your future best when you are i...