Urban Independents

Urban Independents

We're a fluid group of Atlantans connected by the drive to elect progressive leaders to represent us Admittedly, this process is not particularly precise.

Urban Independents is a fluid group of motivated Atlanta voters connected by the drive to elect progressive leaders who will fight for civil rights, take care of our state's resources, and bring courageous, fresh thinking to our government. For each special, primary, run-off, and general election we research and produce a guide to help metro Atlanta voters choose the more progressive candidate in


Primary run-off is today, July 24. VOTE!

Endorsed Candidates | LGBT Advocacy | Georgia Equality 21/05/2018

And Georgia Equality’s endorsements:

Endorsed Candidates | LGBT Advocacy | Georgia Equality Georgia Equality highlights the importance of having openly gay and le***an elected officials representing our community in the Georgia General Assembly.

Endorsements for 2018 21/05/2018

More helpful endorsements for May 22:

Endorsements for 2018 In advance of the May 22nd Democratic Primary Election, Georgia Stonewall is proud to announce additional endorsements for these fair-minded candidates.

2018 Endorsed Candidates | Georgia's WIN List 21/05/2018

Wondering who to vote for in the primaries tomorrow May 22? Here are some endorsement lists that might help.

2018 Endorsed Candidates | Georgia's WIN List

Georgia Online Voter Registration 10/10/2017

Today is the last day to register to vote in Georgia for this November’s election: https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcome.do -back-button

Georgia Online Voter Registration

Timeline photos 20/06/2017
Vote - Jon Ossoff for Congress 01/06/2017

Early voting is underway for the 6th district. Get out there and Vote Your Ossoff, people. https://electjon.com/Vote/

Vote - Jon Ossoff for Congress Tues – Fri May 30 – June 2 (8 AM – 5PM) Mon – Fri June 5 – 9 (8 AM – 5PM) Saturday June 10 (9 AM – 4PM) Mon – Fri June 12 – 16 (8 AM – 5PM)

Timeline photos 16/05/2017

If you live in the footprint of any of these Cobb & Fulton high schools -- Walton, Kell, Pope, Wheeler, Sprayberry, Lassiter, Riverwood -- you may get to vote in an important special election TODAY for the 32nd senate district seat. Please vote today at your regular polling place for progressive Christine Triebsch, and tell your friends.

If you don't live in the 32nd district, but want to help end the Republican supermajority in Georgia, change your profile pic for the day and help spread the word. Note: the 6th district race, for which early voting starts May 30, has gotten much more attention, but we can win today's race if voters just show up.

Vote Christine May 16 | Georgia State Senate 15/05/2017

Do you live in one of these zip codes: 30062, 30066, 30067, 30068, 30075, 30144, 30188, 30327, 30328, 30338, 30339, 30350? If so, did you know you have a run off election tomorrow/Tuesday. If Christine Triebsch wins, it would break the Republican supermajority in Georgia.

Vote Christine May 16 | Georgia State Senate Fair and balanced solutions for Georgia. Special election runoff against Republican Kay Kirkpatrick is May 16 to replace Judson Hill. Vote Christine!


Vote your OSSOFF 6th district! Today is the day.


The voter registration deadline is February 21 for the special election (to replace Tom Price) in April, based on the Secretary of State website. If you have contacts with the 6th district, they only have a couple of weeks to register new voters in the district.


Based on the Tea Party's wildly successful tactics for taking over the government in a census (as in map redrawing year) and then shutting down all compromise, here's a good guide for actively resisting the Trump/Pence agenda.

Indivisible: A Practical Guide For Resisting the Trump Agenda Donald Trump is the biggest popular vote loser in history to ever to call himself President-Elect. In spite of the fact that he has no mandate, he will attempt to use his congressional majority to reshape America in his own racist, authoritarian, and corrupt image. If progressives are going to stop…

District Map 30/11/2016

Tom Price of GA has just been tapped to be Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the upside is that his seat will be open and ripe for a progressive takeover. Take a look at his district map. Do you know anyone who has some pull in this area that would be a good, progressive candidate to win that seat?

District Map


Interested in reaching further than GA? Call House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Jason Chaffetz directly (801) 851-2500 or the House Oversight Committee (202-225-5074) to support the call for a bipartisan review of Trump's financials and apparent conflicts of interest.

It took two minutes & the woman on the phone said that they are absolutely tallying calls - the more they get, the more likely the Committee is to demand ALL of Trump’s financial information. She said that there’s not much time left, as they are out of the office next week for Thanksgiving. And after that, they’re going to make a decision.


Georgians, get these numbers in your phone and get ready to wear them out over the next two years. These are our representatives, whether we voted for them or not, and it is their duty to hear our concerns.

Sen Johnny Isakson
770-661-0999 - local office
202-224-3643 - DC

Sen David Perdue
404-865-0067 - local
202-223-3521 - DC

Always note that you are a constituent, be polite, and clearly state the reason for your call. You don't have to say much because really the yays and naes on a particular issue are just tallied each day. More info in the comment below.

A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support 10/11/2016

Don't know what to do in the face of this disaster out election? Here's a great place to start.

A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism. Early Wednesday morning, America voted to elect him our president.

Why Are Ballot Measures So Confusing? 03/11/2016

Many people question why I have a baseline NO vote on all amendments unless I have a clear understanding and compelling reason for a YES. This is part of it - the intentionally misleading language of the amendments themselves. Amendments are designed for a yes vote and voters have to search hard to find all of the information. So each time I have to go back to the full Amendment text and ask, what are the legislators trying to hide?

Why Are Ballot Measures So Confusing? Voters are often mixed up by the opaque language they face in the polling booth.

Election 2016: When and where to early vote in DeKalb County 31/10/2016

More early voting locations opened today and will be open through Friday.

Election 2016: When and where to early vote in DeKalb County DeKalb County has a variety of locations and times during the Oct. 17-Nov. 4 period this election season.

Closer Look: Fulton Ballot Issues; Golf Courses; And More 29/10/2016

Here's some good back and forth on both sides of Amendment 2, worth considering. Starts at the 2:20 mark.

Closer Look: Fulton Ballot Issues; Golf Courses; And More Monday on "Closer Look with Rose Scott and Jim Burress": 0:00: Rose Scott and Jim Burress give a news brief about the expiration of American Golf’s lease


Even This American Life is delving into Amendment 3. Check out the second act: Judges with Grudges.

Vote NO on Amendment 3, to preserve our independent judicial board.

Transcript: 599: Seriously? Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard, not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and…


I have progressive friends who will be voting yes on amendments 2 and 4, but here's a good perspective and argument on voting NO on all 4 amendments. I do tend to think amending the constitution should only be for issues which couldn't be handled by other means (like budget allocation by the legislature). Before voting on amendments, at least thoroughly understand all of the repercussions.

GEORGIA NAACP SAYS VOTE NO ON ALL 4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Dear Freedom Fighters, The Georgia NAACP formally opposes all the statewide constitutional amendment questions. We are encouraging Units, members and the broader community to vote NO on all 4 ! AMENDMENT 1 Creates the so-called Opportunity School District, which allows the Governor to take over stru...

Early Voting 17/10/2016

Early voting starts today! Here's info for Fulton County.

Early Voting Fulton County Online - Rapid and Complete Access for all

Election 2016: Early In-Person Voting Opportunities Throughout DeKalb 17/10/2016

Early voting starts today. More info about DeKalb here.

Election 2016: Early In-Person Voting Opportunities Throughout DeKalb DeKalb County, GA, October 14, 2016 – The Post Reports – Voters in DeKalb County have several options beginning Monday, October 17th, for advance in-person voting for the November 8th General Elect…


Urging a NO vote on Amendment 3, to preserve the independent commission that looks into complaints of judges' unethical actions. Read more here.

Save the Judicial Qualifications Commission | Georgians for Judicial Integrity This November, Georgians can cast their vote against judicial abuses and in support of a group that works every day to preserve the integrity of our State's judges. Georgia's Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC), for over forty years, has successfully fulfilled its role as judicial watchdog, for...

NPR Battleground Map: Trump In Crisis 10/10/2016

NPR puts Georgia back in the Toss-Up column, so Georgians' votes really will have an impact this election. Make it count.

NPR Battleground Map: Trump In Crisis After audio surfaced of the GOP nominee bragging about groping and kissing women, dozens of Republicans have called on Trump to drop out — and it's all shaken up the electoral map.


To vote in the Nov 2016 election, Georgians must be registered by tomorrow (Tues. 10/11.)

Georgia Online Voter Registration https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcome.do -back-button


Georgians, are you ready to vote tomorrow in the run-off?

Endorsed Candidates | LGBT Advocacy | Georgia Equality 23/05/2016

Here are Georgia Equality's endorsements. Be informed about your vote tomorrow May 24th!

Endorsed Candidates | LGBT Advocacy | Georgia Equality Georgia Equality highlights the importance of having openly gay and le***an elected officials representing our community in the Georgia General Assembly.
