The Chronicles Of Jack Primus

The Chronicles Of Jack Primus

The Chronicles Of Jack Primus is the first book Michael D. Griffiths has gotten published. Evil is not a concept for philosophical
debate, but real.

The Chronicles of Jack Primus are set in a contemporary world,
but one far different than ours.

Yig Fight For It 09/01/2024

For when you need to fight for your goals... Yig Fight for it.

Yig Fight For It I start with a goal in Mind Then use every tool I can Find . . Chaos can Create many a Line As I follow the path into the Devine . The lines lead to multiple Objectives Prioritize my Perspectives .…

Long Past Midnight by Jonathan Maberry 28/12/2023

Now that X-mess is over I can review the last of my Halloween novels. Long Past Midnight by Jonathan Maberry

Long Past Midnight by Jonathan Maberry Long Past Midnight by Jonathan Maberry is the last Pine Deep book I have gotten to read. It is the last one period unless Maberry writes up some more and since he did write Ink recently, here’s to …

Episode 6 - UAP Part 1 - Dream of Fields 08/11/2023

Episode 6 - UAP Part 1 - Dream of Fields Listen to this episode from Monster Lore Tour on Spotify. This ain't your granddad's UFO! Welcome to the new age of UAPs! This is Part one of a two-part series covering the history of the UAP Era of Ufology and leading into our first ever

Yig Alone 06/11/2023

To help you through the rough times... Yig Alone

Yig Alone Obstacles stand before Me And I must become a one man Army . . Allies can fall Away But my goals will always Stay . In the end I must count on Myself And into work and hardship I must Delve . Enemi…

Table Talk 28/10/2023

What is mightier, the sword or the spell? Sometimes it ends up being the tongue. Jump into more of my Dungeons and Dragons fiction in... Table Talk

Table Talk Pain had replaced the blood in her veins. In pulsed through her like a hungry living thing. It devoured her. Both her mind and body were hollowed, and nothing moved to replace the void. Even her an…

Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry 26/10/2023

Reading this series before Halloween was one of the best Halloween choices I ever made besides that time I dressed up like John Carpenter's The Thing... Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry

Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry is the third, last, and longest of the original Pine Deep trilogy. As I have stated before, reading Maberry’s Pine deep series has been perhaps the best Hallowee…

Yig Jump Start 23/10/2023

To get your brain up, before you catch up....Yig Jump Start

Yig Jump Start At times you can get Behind And soon you will be lucky to get a Rind . . It is then you never to get Smart For your life you have to Jumpstart . Think about what you can Do Before things slip more …

WildernessPunk – Restless 22/10/2023

I pull back and get a little more personal as I explore challenges in... WildernessPunk - Restless

WildernessPunk – Restless I know I’m a lucky guy, an extremely happy guy. Sure, I’ve tasted defeat, drama, and trauma but I’ve pulled through, triumphed, and moved past obstacles which had once seemed one degree below insur…

Yig Up to Speed 16/10/2023

Sometimes we start to lag and need some motivating to... Yig Up to Speed

Yig Up to Speed There are things that each of us Need In order to get up to Speed . . Sometimes it is something to do with your Body For that should never be Shoddy . Maybe it is your Place It should be something …

Too Many Devils 30/09/2023

I gotta another Vista versus Amethyst, Experience the battle between Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil in... Too Many Devils

Too Many Devils Trying to kill Princess Amethyst, in the region she controlled, had proved more than difficult enough to crush her spirit again and again. Vista felt she should smash all the mirrors in her keep so…

Yig Perseverance 18/09/2023

For when you have to get all Jack Primus and get the job done... Yig Perseverance

Yig Perseverance Things can drag you Down Smash your face into the Ground . . People of Yig fight Back Mess with us and we will go on the Attack . Yet sometimes it is three steps forward a two steps in Reverse The …

WildernessPunk- Homeless 16/09/2023

I'm not talking about my homeless experiences this time. Instead I'm looking into American's perceptions of the homeless. Please follow while I take the dive into... WildernessPunk Homeless.

WildernessPunk- Homeless I’ve written about homelessness before, but mostly in regard to myself. People without traditional housing have been in the news more lately. If you don’t like it, too bad, you had better get used …

Ill Meetings 14/08/2023

Just a D&D fan fiction I wrote for my wife, but it is funny and Vista is a dangerous pycho. Some of you have been to Bak Dannis. If you want a laugh check out... Ill Meeting

Ill Meetings (Author’s Note: This is fan fiction or a sort and mostly writen for my wife’s enjoyment and perhaqps yours. Vista remains her character, Amethyst’ chief adversary and has been hun…

WildernessPunk- Heroes 05/08/2023

One person's Hero could be another's Villain. What does being a Hero mean for you. Join me as I try to define a Hero in...Wildernesspunk Hero.

WildernessPunk- Heroes Here I sit, writing in Whole Foods. By choice, no, but this is the last of my children’s tutorial sessions this summer which happen to take place near a Whole Foods, so I’ll soak it in one last tim…

WildernessPunk- Important 30/07/2023

How do you measure yours or another person's Self-Worth? I grab a few yardsticks with.... WildernessPunk- Important

WildernessPunk- Important Before I start, I’m not coming out and saying this article is important, but it could be. Instead, I want to poke a sharp stick at what is important for you, me, and the other they. However, I’m lo…

WildernessPunk- Drinking Games 15/07/2023

Now that we're in the doggy days of Summer, WildernessPunk has lightened up and brought you all, not 1 but 3 drinking games all free of charge. Is there anything you think we should have added to these lists?

WildernessPunk- Drinking Games I’ve made a few drinking games in my time, but for WildernessPunk, I’m going for the extra six-pack and designing three drinking games for the price of none. But hey, perhaps you can buy me a pint …

WildernessPunk- Communication Breakdown 08/07/2023

This week WildernessPunk dives into how easier communication has caused less communication in... WildernessPunk- Communication Breakdown

WildernessPunk- Communication Breakdown It’s always the same. You try to organize a project, gathering, or event and sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get certain people to just reply to a simple text. Should I be buying four corn on …

WildernessPunk- In the Lap 02/07/2023

What would a road trip be without a new WildernessPunk post? This time I look into what we might deserve and why.

WildernessPunk- In the Lap As I stand with my little family at the side of the Roaring Fork River in Aspen Colorado, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by the power of the beauty which flows over the landscapes surrounding me. …

WildernessPunk- Friends 17/06/2023

It's almost summer which means I'm going to jumpstart WildernessPunk for a while. I'm starting with the subject of Friendship and what it really means. As always thoughts and feedback or encouraged... WildernessPunk- Friends

WildernessPunk- Friends Despite our friendships being some of the most enjoyable parts of our lives, what a friend is might be hard to define. How do you know you have a great friend? When does someone who was once a tigh…

Yig Everything Day 12/06/2023

For when you need to get motivated to accomplish a variety of actions...

Yig Everything Day Normal considerations will be pushed out of the Way Once I start my Everything Day Fun but also Dealing Could find an average person Reeling . Physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual And I haven…

Apollo Injured 30/05/2023

or when an injured threatens to hold you back. Apollo Injury.

Apollo Injured It is hard to keep things Tight When I am not feeling Alright Difficult to Gain When moving is Pain . Still the battle rages through each Day And part of life is the damage of the Frey I duck, prep…

Yig Finale 09/05/2023

Because sometime you reach the end of one of your life's novel and got to kick some ass before your start the new one.Yig Finale

Yig Finale I am ready to flip the Switch As this builds to a fever Pitch I have planned and Plot To better our Lot . The end before a new Beginning Make sure our side is Winning . We might get a break Soon Bu…

Yig Calendar 17/04/2023

Because the more days you have to prepare the better it can be... Yig Calendar

Yig Calendar . If I wish to keep obstacles out of my Way I have to plan out beyond a Day I need to know when I will be Where If I wish to have any hope to Prepare , A longer Arc Ensures you hit every Mark . Tim…

Yig Everything Day 27/09/2022

A little diddy to help you get going when you know you are about to take a big bite out of life... Yig Everything Day

Yig Everything Day Normal considerations will be pushed out of the Way Once I start my Everything Day Fun but also Dealing Could find an average person Reeling . Physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual And I haven…

WildernessPunk Positivity/Negativity 05/07/2022

When it comes to being a warriors for the Earth is is better to focus on the positive of the negative? Find out my take in... WildernessPunk- Positivity/Negativity

WildernessPunk Positivity/Negativity Hello and welcome to this week’s WildernessPunk. I’m going to endeavor to get a new one of these out every weekend this summer. Aren’t you excited? Is doing this a positive accomplishment, or do yo…

WildernessPunk- The Last War 02/07/2022

I'm making my big prediction about the future. You guys can all give me a hard time in 20 years if I'm wrong.

WildernessPunk- The Last War Long before I owned a computer or there was even a hint of there being an internet, I published a small underground Zine called C.H.A.O.S Collected Humans Against Outdated Systems. The year was 199…

Apollo Year 05/04/2022

2022 is the year of the Warrior of Weal. Embrace this with... Apollo Year

Apollo Year The path of the Righteous Warrior you Affix When you enter a year of Six Time to be noble and True And embrace the good around You . No matter what you Face Seek to improve the human Race . But thi…

Yig Day Birth 17/01/2022

Get in the right headspace for you Birthday with... Yig Day Birth

Yig Day Birth When it is the day of your Birth You should celebrate with everything you are Worth Since we all have just a limited number of spins around the Sun It is important some just for ‘You’ time is Done …

The Wife Thief 18/12/2021

And here is my Christmas present to everyone. You can thank me later.

The Wife Thief As Alex Bone's wedding nears, his supernatural adversaries had gathered to oppose his plans and steal his bride.