Yoga with Missy

Yoga with Missy

Creating mindful moments within through yoga and meditation. Keep the joy in your daily life! Always Every moment of my yoga life is an enjoyable adventure!

I offer private classes as well as currently teach yoga at the Portsmouth Public Library (Main Library). Coming soon: donation based group classes!


Healthy eating is achieved by adding a variety of nutritious foods to your daily diet. It is important to choose a variety of foods from each of the 5 major food groups to provide the body with a range of different nutrients needed, promote good health, and reduce the risk of disease. As a bonus choosing a variety helps make your meals interesting and less boring!

The 5 food groups are: (1) vegetables, legumes or beans, (2) fruit, (3) lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes or beans, (4) grains (mostly whole grain or high fiber varieties of cereals), (5) milk, yogurt, cheese or alternatives

The occasional “junk” food is not discouraged! Life would certainly be dull without the occasional potato chip, bowl of ice cream, or slice of cake! A key thing to remember – do not deprive yourself of these indulgences otherwise you are sabotaging your goal of eating healthy. The key to our indulgences is moderation.

It does not matter where you begin or with which food group you begin. What matters is that you begin!

How to Use Yoga to Ease Pain — Prevention 18/12/2021

How to Use Yoga to Ease Pain — Prevention Pain-relieving medication can have serious side effects, doesn’t work for everyone, and some people just prefer to go a more natural route. Finding the right poses may help.


A beautiful way to start your day! Join Harmony Health and me!

We can't wait to start sharing meditations with you.
Wednesday Dec. 1 we will offer a 5 minute meditation practice on IG Live at 7:00am
27 Meditations daily Mondays - Saturdays all month long.
Join us!


Gratitude Jars and guided meditation yesterday at Harmony Health. Come join me for Treat Me Saturdays - the 4th Saturday of each month during 2022!

Photos from Yoga with Missy's post 28/11/2021

All sorts of fun happening at Harmony Health during December. Go with me! It’s a terrific studio; I promise you’ll have a blast!


TIME CHANGE for remaining 2 Tuesday night Yoga in the Park! With sunset coming earlier and earlier Yoga in the Park will be from 5:30pm to 6:15pm the remaining 2 Tuesday nights.


NOTE: Yoga at Portsmouth City Park is CANCELLED tonight due to the weather. See everyone next week!


Bring your mat! Bring any props you like! Bring your smile and your willingness to try! Yoga is for everyone - all ages, all bodies!


Last weeks practice in the park was wonderful! It was a perfect evening. So far this week’s Tuesday evening looks magnificent!


Beautiful evening for yoga in the park! Temperature was perfect, a gentle breeze, and sounds of life all around. Join me next week! Place the date and time on your calendar now!
Tuesday, September 28, at 6pm.


Come join me!


Super Saturday at Harmony Health was AMAZING!

Today will be just as AMAZING! Come to the Sound Bath! I will be there and look forward to seeing you!


I am an "in the head, out the mouth" individual.
Are you?

This is something I know I need to practice.
Do you?


Come join my friends as Harmony Health! It will be a FANTASTIC day! I will be there around 1pm!


Join me for yoga at the Portsmouth Public Library (601 Court St) each Wednesday at 11:30am! I will be there again on Wednesday, 9/15!


The most asked question someone new to yoga asks is, "what do I need?" In my opinion all you really need is a smile and a willingness to try!

The most common items needed are:

Mat: Inexpensive yoga mats can be purchased at WalMart, Target, TJMaxx, etc. If you prefer not to invest in a mat early on in your practice, use a beach towel! You want something to deter you from slipping during your practice. A towel placed over carpet is ideal.

Blocks: These are fantastic for adding support, bringing the floor closer to your hangs/fingertips, or assisting with balance! Hard cover books make great substitutes for blocks. Avoid paperbacks, however, as they are too soft and could collapse in the middle of your pose. When choosing blocks, make sure they are the same size otherwise your balance can be toppled.

Strap: Use a bathrobe sash or scarf or tie. The strap assists the arms in reaching the toes when needed or desired.


Follow me on Instagram!


Choose one day each week and declare that day to be your Sabbath. On this day you schedule nothing that has to be accomplished. You do only those activities you want. Let your spontaneity shine on your Sabbath. You can do this!


OK! There are happenings in the makings! Stay tuned to this page for exciting things to come!
