Soaring Spirit Soul Counseling

Soaring Spirit Soul Counseling

Soaring Spirit Soul Counseling offers different methods of coming to peace with your self and finding more joy in daily life.

Blog: Listening to Grief 11/02/2024

I’ve had a number of people discussing grief and loss with me this season. Here’s a good blog post from Isa Gucciardi on the topic 💖🙏

Blog: Listening to Grief Grief is an uncompromising teacher, but it can take you to depths within yourself and teach you things nothing else can.

Neuroscientist Explains How Overexplaining Is a Sign of Childhood Trauma 15/02/2023

Neuroscientist Explains How Overexplaining Is a Sign of Childhood Trauma Do you often find yourself overexplaining every little detail? One neuroscientist explains why this is actually a sign of childhood trauma.


It’s that time of year again. As daylight wanes, the eternal night engulfs many.

Be kind.

We know that the wildest and most moving dramas are played not in the theatre but in the hearts of ordinary men and women who pass by without exciting attention, and who betray to the world nothing of the conflicts that rage within them except possibly by a nervous breakdown.

C. G. Jung, Collected Works, vol. 7

Art: John Everett Millais - Ophelia
